The BEST Guide to POLAND
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GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
13 Oct 2024   #811
Talking about self-portraits - this is what the silly AI thinks I look like...

... so I suppose this thing is not quite ready to conquer the world yet. :)
Poloniusz  5 | 969
13 Oct 2024   #813
I'm obviously not eligible

For parole.

  • Untitled50.jpg
jon357  72 | 23526
13 Oct 2024   #814
For parole

You'll have to try a bit harder, however you were very lucky indeed on the last two occasions and I doubt the police and DA would give you a third chance. You're very lucky the family in question are thoroughly decent and kind people and didn't press charges as the police recommended them to.

Here's a tip. If you're going to do shamefully embarrassing things like that, Sweet Cherry Pie, do try to cover your tracks a bit more carefully. It didn't take the Polish police long to track you down via the borrowed/stolen credit card.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
13 Oct 2024   #815
do try to cover your tracks a bit more carefully

So, what takes you to places like Tripoli so often? It is a location notorious for trafficking in human misery.

Word has it you're involved in smuggling African and Middle Eastern men into Europe for cheap labor and welfare fraud. And apparently, you also focus on kidnapping Polish minors and selling them in North Africa for child slavery and sexual exploitation.

How much longer before Interpol closes in on you?
jon357  72 | 23526
13 Oct 2024   #816
So, whbat takes you to places like Tripoli so often?

Nothing at all. I've been there a few times amd liked it though not recently. It's a nice place, very safe to walk about in and less touristy than most of the region. I was there a few times years ago and visited just after Covid though sadly only a flying visit. It's always struck me as a place where good manners and grace are appreciated so you'd not do well there. Or in Poland.

How much longer before Interpol closes in on you?

Given that I travel a lot for work, if they or anyone elsewanted to "close in" for any reason, they'd not have to try hard.

You're trying to distract though aren't you, Sweet Cherry Pie, by making stuff up to attempt to distract from me pointing out something very bad (and as I said before, shamefully embarrassing) that you did to a PF poster, his wife and children. As I said before, you were very lucky they chose not to press charges; it wasn't your first offence of that type and if there had been charges, you'd have gone straight to what Americans call "Juvenile Hall".

Shall I post the full story, Sweet Cherry Pie? Including the bit about the attempted apology? People here can make their own minds up.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
13 Oct 2024   #817
you also focus on kidnapping Polish minors and selling them in North Africa for child slavery and sexual exploitation

Dude... I mean really...
Poloniusz  5 | 969
13 Oct 2024   #818
Nothing at all. I've been there a few times...though not recently.

You're lying, as usual.

It's a nice place, very safe

It's a lawless place and a magnet for international criminals.

People here can make their own minds up.

Indeed. And isn't it telling how you completely skipped over the allegations swirling around you about human trafficking and child sexual exploitation?

An innocent person would have outright condemned such heinous crimes and declared they would never be involved.

But not you. Not you.

Shall I post the full story

Go ahead, Roastie. Don't paraphrase either.
jon357  72 | 23526
13 Oct 2024   #819
You're lying, as usual

You are quaint. Have you been there?

On my last visit three years ago, it was as safe as houses. There are some very good restaurants and you won't find anywhere better for fresh strawberries.

An innocent person would have outright condemned such heinous crimes and declared they would never be involved.

Anyone who was involved in either probably wouldn't be posting here, would they fat boy...

Now run along and play on the highway.
johnny reb  49 | 8000
13 Oct 2024   #820
Word has it you're involved in smuggling African and Middle Eastern men into Europe for cheap labor and welfare fraud. And apparently, you also focus on kidnapping Polish minors and selling them in North Africa for child slavery and sexual exploitation.

When Cargo Pants was in Poland, he heard the same rumor on the streets of Warsaw a few years back.
Maybe its not a rumor. :-/
Poloniusz  5 | 969
13 Oct 2024   #821
Have you been there?

Of course not. I already said it is a lawless place and it is in a failed state.

On my last visit three years ago,

You're still lying.

fresh strawberries

No one travels over 2,000 km from Warsaw to Tripoli for fresh fruit.

It sounds like a euphemism used in criminal circles, akin to the Pizzagate scandal.

Anyone who was involved in either probably wouldn't be posting here

Probably? The likes of your fellow dysfunctional, sociopathic, criminal Brits - Jimmy Savile, Rolf Harris, and Gary Glitter - thought nothing of standing up on stage before millions, even as an act of contempt, while everyone in Britain at the time was duped into believing they were perfectly normal. Just the average blokes next door who made good.

Maybe its not a rumor.

He's not convincing when giving answers to even straightforward questions put to him. He is way too evasive and untruthful for such a serious matter.
jon357  72 | 23526
13 Oct 2024   #822
the Pizzagate scandal.

And I bet you probably believe that conspiracy woo. Angry little incels so often do.

Rolf Harris

Did you think he was British? How strange. And his most famous song didn't even give you a clue. The other two names are people you've only ever read about online (normal for you) whose fame was in the past when you were still trying to fit into outsize short trousers, Sweet Cherry Pie.

You're still lying

Actually closer to four years ago now. COVID restrictions for travel hadn't been fully lifted back then and every stage of the journey there and back from Poland was hassle. All for a week of meetings. Nice to get out of the house after all that lockdown though. Not that you get outdoors much yourself for obvious reasons..
johnny reb  49 | 8000
13 Oct 2024   #823
He's not convincing when giving answers to even straightforward questions put to him. He is way too evasive

That is how/why he earned the nickname, Mr. Twister
jon357  72 | 23526
13 Oct 2024   #824

Rumour. And if I was kidnapping Polish miners and selling them into slavery in the developing world or anywhere else, both the Ogólnopolski Związek Zawodowy Górnictwa and Solidarność Górnicza might have something to say about it...

As for smuggling men into Europe for cheap labour, plenty of men come anyway as some on here perpetually whine about however they don't get work permits, Jim.

Now tell us about Lil Stabby. Is he out of jail yet? We always thought it was gun crime that was the problem where you are, not knives...
Poloniusz  5 | 969
13 Oct 2024   #825
That is how/why he earned the nickname, Mr. Twister

Yes, very appropriate and well-deserved, especially today, since he has been ducking and diving, shucking and jiving, and outright lying.


Typical leftist deflection when confronted with the truth.

How strange.

Not at all. He spent most of his life in Blighty, where he worked, was showered with awards, and then died there. He was adored by millions of British dupes who regarded him lovingly as one of their own.

COVID restrictions for travel hadn't been fully lifted back then and every stage of the journey there and back from Poland was hassle

The whole world was in lockdown for years during COVID, and here you are admitting that, despite all that, you simply had to travel thousands of kilometers to a war-torn, failed state for 'a week of meetings.'

Sure, sure.

It's well known that during COVID, the EU did nothing to restrict illegal migration into Europe from highly infected, unvaccinated countries and was actually worried that the numbers of 'asylum seekers' coming in would fall.

And I'm sure your 'clients' in North Africa were thrilled you went out of your way to treat them to 'fresh strawberries' all the way from Poland.
jon357  72 | 23526
13 Oct 2024   #826
Poloniusz reminds me a bit of a guy I read about in the local paper.

He drove his car to a petrol station, went to the bit with the compressed air to inflate your tyres with, stuck the nozzle up his arse and literally exploded showering the whole place with gut and blubber.
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
13 Oct 2024   #827
A self portrait:

About right.Poor Russians even have to steal toilets to replace their buckets.....
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
13 Oct 2024   #828
Shall I post the full story, Sweet Cherry Pie?

Please do! Or if not at least PM me!
Novichok  4 | 8580
13 Oct 2024   #829
Hey, Bobko and Poloniusz, a word of warning...

Overexposure to morons may be hazardous to your health.
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
13 Oct 2024   #830
Overexposure to morons may be hazardous to your health.

No, overexposure to the truth will probably be hazardous to their health!
Paulina  19 | 4505
13 Oct 2024   #831
In which case, it almost certainly wasn't.

How do you know that?

Given that China's harvesting as much data as it can for AI

It's able to do that only because Westerners set the code free into the wild without any control. And I haven't heard about people using Chinese ones, the most popular AI software used is Western. It's the Western companies that set this thieving precedent, so don't blame it on China.

we can excuse the free world for not wanting to fall economically and technologically behind

"Excuse"? So you're OK with Western companies stealing from artists and putting them out of business?
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
13 Oct 2024   #832

Western companies

So, as a Polish woman, are you really saying that you are an Easterner?

I think most Poles will disagree with you on that one.

As an "Easterner" do you think Poland needs to have closer ties with Russia?
Paulina  19 | 4505
13 Oct 2024   #833
@Milo, no, I'm not saying that I'm an Easterner. Poland is a Central European country.

I think most Poles will disagree with you on that one.

They can't disagree with something I never claimed lol We (Poles living in Poland) were thaught at school that Poland is a Central European country (in case you didn't know that).
Paulina  19 | 4505
13 Oct 2024   #834
As an "Easterner" do you think Poland needs to have closer ties with Russia?

Are you suffering from some kind of amnesia or have you not read the posts I've been writing for the last two years on this forum?
johnny reb  49 | 8000
14 Oct 2024   #835
Are you suffering from some kind of amnesia

No, the little Yorkshire Yapper wants to run with the big dogs here in the game but his problem is that he doesn't have any game.
jon357  72 | 23526
14 Oct 2024   #836
How do you know that

As you said yourself, it's about the quality.

And I haven't heard about people using Chinese ones

You wouldn't have. Read what I wrote carefully about what China is doing right now with data
So you're OK with Western companies stealing from artists

Yes, under the circumstances. It's not ideal, however if you look carefully at what I wrote about China and technology you will understand. Artists come second to the economy and global security.

With the rise of AI and China, it's not about daft pictures that AI can draw, it's not about writing bad poetry in the style of historical poets. It's not even about bank chatbots or business letters. It's about military use and industrial technology.

It wouldn't only only be artists who are put out of business. It is about the well-being of millions of people and in any case. AI will put many of us, including people reading this, out of work within a couple of decades.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929
14 Oct 2024   #837
It's about military use and industrial technology.

Whats to fear about robots fighting each other instead of living, breathing humans? Well....and who knows if AI won't rescue us from deadly climate change with some new high tech or the other?

Frankly I believe in High Tech before I believe mankind will change that much for the better.....I guess we will need AI to solve our worst problems, we ourselves are unable to!
jon357  72 | 23526
14 Oct 2024   #838
and who knows if

Remember BB, the technology that civilians encounter is usually several steps behind what certain countries' military have. Do you trust China?

Especially in light of their large scale data harvesting.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929
14 Oct 2024   #839
Do you trust China?

Never! But I can't think of China being the lone user of AI.....we will very probably re-enter something like a new Cold War, which would of course include a new competition, militarily and scientific....a new great time for all our bright heads!

And I truly don't think about data harvesting when I think about the possibilities of AI...
jon357  72 | 23526
14 Oct 2024   #840
can't think of China being the lone user of AI

They aren't by any means. They are how ever by far the most dangerous and probably the most advanced.

If you've a spare hour or so, read up on cliodynamics.

truly don't think about data harvesting when I think about the possibilities of AI.

It's pretty well what it's all about right now. Not cartoons or poems but data (even the most seemingly banal data) and what AI and supercomputers can do with it.

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