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mochadot18  18 | 245
13 Oct 2024   #781
Yeah well this post is about me eh lol hahah JKJKJKJKJKJKJKJK
Paulina  19 | 4505
13 Oct 2024   #782


I have longer hair, different face, I don't have such veiny arms and I dress better than this ;D And that's not a pocketknife! lol Also, the body proportions are wrong/unnatural, but that's on AI.

Paulina likes white blouses and dark skirts.

Not really...

Already paid - totally worth it! :)

You're paying to greedy thieves and liars with no morals or human decency.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
13 Oct 2024   #783
Torn between indeed!
How it made the facial expression, incredible. Did not expect it from AI!

Really humorous tool
Lenka  5 | 3542
13 Oct 2024   #784
I have longer hair, different face, I don't have such veiny arms and I dress better than this

That's a shame, I like how the AI Pailina looks like :)

As to me I'm definitely not as business like. My usual attire is much more sporty. I do like to dress smarter for work but usually skirts.
I'm shorter and not as slim. Shorter hair.

Either Kania or AI have been generally very kind to PF posters. I wonder if the amount of material on the Internet tainted with plastic surgeries,photoshop and filters have an impact on how the AI did their images.
Paulina  19 | 4505
13 Oct 2024   #785
Either Kania or AI have been generally very kind to PF posters.

AI beautifies/idealises people's looks by default, (unless you'll specifically tell it not to, I guess):

I wonder if the amount of material on the Internet tainted with plastic surgeries,photoshop and filters have an impact on how the AI did their images.

Could be, but I also think it was programmed to create aesthetically pleasing images and that's probably the by-product of this. 🤔

That's a shame, I like how the AI Pailina looks like :)

Well, at least Kania got the hair colour right :) And I do live in a block of flats ;)
jon357  72 | 23528
13 Oct 2024   #786
Not really...

It was just that you remind me a bit of a friend who does. She's very arts and crafts too.

I'm shorter and not as slim. Shorter hair.

I guessed the shorter part, never comment on ladies' figures, but would have had you as longish black hair, tied back

Could be, but I also think it was programmed to create aesthetically pleasing images and that's probably the by-product of this.

Try the Skype AI; it's free and really unflattering.
Paulina  19 | 4505
13 Oct 2024   #787
@jon357, what's that "Skype AI"? I've never heard of it... I'm not touching any unethical AI software.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
13 Oct 2024   #788
It's the most fun we've had on the forum in a long time :)

Sure, it's all in good fun; we don't have avatars here, so at least AI produced something for us to be able to link the screen name to a face. ;)

As for the appearance, stop complaining, people! What I wrote inside ChatGPT shall remain my secret, and perhaps I didn't quite get the looks right, but I bet the essence of each of the posters soul/character was captured quite accurately. :)

greedy thieves and liars with no morals or human decency

??? :-/
Lenka  5 | 3542
13 Oct 2024   #789
but would have had you as longish black hair, tied back

Brown (quite mousy in nature, died sometimes to give it deeper, reddish tone) and short. Almost always untied and curly
jon357  72 | 23528
13 Oct 2024   #790

It's the AI assistant on Skype. Belongs to Microsoft.

Nothing unethical (unless you count the capitalism)

Almost always untied

Ah well. Again, I was thinking of a friend who's Polish and lives in the UK.
Paulina  19 | 4505
13 Oct 2024   #791
??? :-/

Have you been living in a cave?:

Nothing unethical

That depends on how it was "trained" (on what material).
jon357  72 | 23528
13 Oct 2024   #792
That depends on how it was "trained" (on what material).

Given that it's Microsoft, I'd guess it's probably among the better ones.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
13 Oct 2024   #793
Have you been living a cave?

I work a lot (and I mean a lot). Ask me about recent TV series or cinema hits and I won't know anything either.

Hmm... I can understand why the artists are upset.
Paulina  19 | 4505
13 Oct 2024   #794
Given that it's Microsoft, I'd guess it's probably among the better ones.

I'm not sure what you mean... The better the quality of images AI produces the more likely it is that it was trained on copyrighted material. One of the creators/owners of those AI art generators admitted that AI wouldn't be able to create such good-looking/high quality images without the copyrighted material.

Hmm... I can understand why the artists are upset.

Then you have some human decency... That's good...
jon357  72 | 23528
13 Oct 2024   #795
The better the quality of images AI produces the more likely it is that it was trained on copyrighted material.

In which case, it almost certainly wasn't. The images are funnier but cruder than the ChatGPT ones.
Barney  19 | 1749
13 Oct 2024   #796
You are correct, the results they all produce are predicated on copyright theft something the USA has been very vocal about when others use intellectual property without permission.
jon357  72 | 23528
13 Oct 2024   #798
predicated on copyright theft

Given that China's harvesting as much data as it can for AI (including all of your personal data and anything they can filch from familky trees, DNA tesst, medical records and Birth/Marriage/Death stats), we can excuse the free world for not wanting to fall economically and technologically behind.


He's actually about 200kg in real life and still pretty well a kid. Think Eric Cartman.
Ironside  50 | 12959
13 Oct 2024   #799
I can understand why the artists are upset.

hey don't be upset, you have done well enough, I have no issue even though I'm not that grey.
I'm not guessing what people look like in real life.
I know what Mr Grunwald, Delph, and mochadot18 look like.
So, it is an IA-generated image; it is close enough, even though you wouldn't recognize him with such an image, if you know what I mean.
How come you forgot about delph the greatest malice of the PF along with Harry before that degenerated nutter Crago pants came.
Barney  19 | 1749
13 Oct 2024   #800

That image looks exactly like me in my back garden. These pictures remind me of the Onion story "I wish I were like my online persona"

The soviet Jeep adventure never materialised, it was just the wrong time.

My mate's daughter was going to uni in London and he wanted to get her a car. He collects vintage sports cars and wanted something that would be eyecatching so we decided to buy a Russian jeep and drive it back to Ireland. It would have been a great trip but never happened...
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
13 Oct 2024   #801
How come you forgot

I haven't forgotten them :) Wonder where they hang around online these days.

the Onion story "I wish I were like my online persona"

OMG... no way! People's online personae are definitely more obnoxious than they are in the real life. For example, in the real life I would never tell anyone to eff off and die of cancer; somehow online it seems a less serious thing to do. I wouldn't want to live in a world where people behaved like they behave online :D

Sorry to hear about the trip, it would have been quite an adventure!
Poloniusz  5 | 969
13 Oct 2024   #802
He's actually about 200kg in real life

Projecting much?

Yes, you are, and we found a video of you from one of your embarrassing adventures in the Middle East and North Africa.

Talk about animal abuse! That poor camel! What is wrong with you?!
jon357  72 | 23528
13 Oct 2024   #803
Projecting much?

Only if there's a hall of mirrors that makes people look much shorter and considerably fatter and gives them a juvenile record for malicious phone calls, Little Cherry Pie.

we found a video of you

You didn't though, did you. There's only two or three videos of me online and they're a. not from the Middle East and b. on TV streaming services that are blocked in your country.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
13 Oct 2024   #804
There's only two or three videos of me online and they're a. not from the Middle East and b. on TV streaming services

Which episodes?

AntV  3 | 670
13 Oct 2024   #805

I'll have to email that to her! Although instead of knitting she'd be gardening. You should see the design of her front yard.

Yeah, they're great aren't they!

Yes they are! I keep laughing at Crow. I mean, that is what I expect him to look like!! Hahaha!!

Paulina's is hilarious.

Most Irish people have brown hair and blue eyes

I thought it was more black hair than brown. Learn something new everyday. 🙂
jon357  72 | 23528
13 Oct 2024   #806
Which episodes?

None in that show, since I'm obviously not eligible. Though if you continue on your course of action with PF posters and others you may find yourself in it.

  • IMG_0959_11zon.jpeg

  • IMG_0960_11zon2.jpe.jpeg
Bobko  27 | 2128
13 Oct 2024   #807

1) CMS Neuf fighting aboriginals from horseback is very good.

2) Ironside drinking "Roman Dmowski Vodka"... very nice

3) Konstantin in a pink suit on Red Square is very good too
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
13 Oct 2024   #808
Konstantin in a pink suit on Red Square

He was supposed to be stepping on a map of Poland, something went wrong there. :)

I tried to do a separate image of you but every time I was unhappy with the result. Apparently to capture the essence of a wild, slanted-eyed Asian/European hunter/businessman who is filthy rich, loves Poland, literature and international finances, supports Vladimir Putin and hates neo-nazis was a bit too much to ask of AI. I got ridiculous images.
Bobko  27 | 2128
13 Oct 2024   #809
A self portrait:

  • IMG_3850.jpeg
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
13 Oct 2024   #810
A self portrait

Not even close - this was the best I got...


... but still that's not it.

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