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Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
10 Sep 2023   #631
.....I'm never sure....are heathens and pagans the same?
Ironside  51 | 13086
10 Sep 2023   #632
lol you lot are so easy, desire to be listed here is so obviuos ...
Bobko well done.... you hold them by their balls.
I should name you as the best poster of this week!
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
10 Sep 2023   #633
heathens and pagans the same?

I'd say that pagan is more of a neutral term for someone who follows a non-Abrahamic religion whilst heathen has a definitely more negative connotation (like ungodly, idolator or infidel), as in: "My student has the impression that the Poles, a deeply religious nation, think of their Czech neighbors as a heathen lot".
jon357  72 | 23654
10 Sep 2023   #634

Heathens live on a heath, wild, open common land away from a church and outside a settled community. No religion, no values. A perjorattive word nowadays.

Good languages are of course never precise or orderly and it should be said that people (usually anti-Pagan) sometimes use them interchangeably.

paedophile, coffin-dodging hunchback

That's half the internet.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
10 Sep 2023   #635
....aha.....also a heathen is a kind of atheist, unbeliever....and a pagan just prefers Odin!
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
10 Sep 2023   #636
...and a pagan just prefers Odin!

...also very often likes wearing horned helmets, eating bratwurst and posting on Polish internet boards.
Ironside  51 | 13086
10 Sep 2023   #638
.are heathens and pagans the same?

In what way?
Convey contempt would be heathen, in the way it convey meaning it is basically the same.
Word orgin heathen English, pagan Latin both says the same dumb village dwellers, red neck. It hasn't change all that much if you think about it.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
10 Sep 2023   #639
....that's what I'm not sure about....for me as a german native heathen is just a word, not necessarily meaning contempt....the same with pagan...but I get that they mean non-christian/non-abrahamic as Torqi said.
Ironside  51 | 13086
10 Sep 2023   #640
for me as a german native heathen is just a word, not necessarily meaning contempt..

If you speak English, there is that, heathen is stronger and oft dipped in contempt. What is German word for it?
jon357  72 | 23654
10 Sep 2023   #641
not necessarily meaning contempt

That word isn't generally used nicely in English. Nowadays it's probably mostly ironic by the public at large or nastily by religious fundamentalists. Heath and the German word heide are related.


That's more a religion nowadays.

dumb village dwellers

More people outside villages who are a bit wild.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
10 Sep 2023   #642
What is German word for it?

Depends if you are a believer yourself....then "Ungläubiger" (unbeliever/non-believer?) would be meant demeaning....but the usual used term is "Atheist"....and that is quite neutral.

Heath and the German word heide are related.

Yeah....that makes sense! "Heide" is an older insult for non-Christians....but rarely used nowadays anymore.

Is it un-believer? Or non-believer???
jon357  72 | 23654
10 Sep 2023   #643

There's unbeliever (negative) and non-believer (neutral). There's also unchurched however that is rare nowadays.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
10 Sep 2023   #644
Thanks....that was interesting!

*backing out now of this thread...landing soon in Random anyhow* :)
Bobko  27 | 2215
10 Sep 2023   #645
you are setting standards a bit too high methinks.

Ehehehe... I didn't want to create the impression that I am without blame.

I have done my fair share of calling people on this forum: pigs, pigdogs, pedophiles, grandpa/grandma-fu*kers, diseased wh0res, unwashed peasants, clinical idiots, and so on.

However, I don't think I ever called anyone a kike, a faggot, a Jesus-freak, a n*gger, or some such thing.

With love for all mankind - forgive me, a sinner :)
pawian  226 | 27817
10 Sep 2023   #646

That was extremely rude of you, indeed. But it`s good you realise the atrocities you commit in the forum. There is still hope one day you might turn into a decent Russian, not such imperialist scum like now.
jon357  72 | 23654
10 Sep 2023   #647
forum. There is still hope

At least he's honest about it and doesn't post neo-nazi YouTube videos or other links like that other one,
pawian  226 | 27817
10 Sep 2023   #648
At least he's honest about it

Honest Russian imperialist. hahaha Yes, indeed, hats off! :):):)
Alien  26 | 6528
2 Oct 2023   #649
Honest Russian imperialist

It's like 2+2 is 5. Just impossible.
pawian  226 | 27817
12 Oct 2023   #650
After being betrayed and humiliated in such an ignoble way by a person whom I had trusted and supported for years, I hereby declare that I gave up my naive dreams of sticking to such outdated notions as trust, friendship, loyalty, mutual support etc. These ideals belong to the past which is long gone.

In simple English it means I don`t care about anybody or anything any more. Don`t mind when you spot this attitude in my posts.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
12 Oct 2023   #651
What a bunch of nonsense @pawian
You can trust yourself in providing drama, humour and smileys.
pawian  226 | 27817
12 Oct 2023   #652

I knew you would deny everything! Ha!
Be gone! I don`t care!
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
12 Oct 2023   #653
You do care, just too much. Calm down, rest and be back. That's my advice as your forum adversary,

Nicht ein befel
pawian  226 | 27817
12 Oct 2023   #654
Calm down,

Calm down after being betrayed so awfully???? Why are you such an insensitive uncaring brute who doesn`t care about my hurt feelings???

Nicht ein befel

Nein, Herr Obersturmbahnfuhrer!
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
12 Oct 2023   #655
Cause I expect you to be stronger then this, is that so bad for me to have such high expectations of you?
pawian  226 | 27817
12 Oct 2023   #656
to be stronger then this

Yes, good idea. I must be strong, I must be strong, I must be strong. Goddess, give me strength to make it through that betrayal.
Joker  2 | 2447
12 Oct 2023   #657
. I must be strong, I must be strong, I must be strong.

All the affirmations in the world wont help your mental issues! Go sit in front of the mirror and repeat it over and over

I found your YT video as well...
pawian  226 | 27817
12 Oct 2023   #658

You would have them too after being betrayed so trecherously!

Go sit in front of the mirror

I can`t, all my mirrors are above the sitting level. What shall I do???
Paulina  19 | 4558
12 Oct 2023   #659
I gave up my naive dreams of sticking to such outdated notions as trust, friendship, loyalty, mutual support etc.

On PF? You've come to such conclusions only now? lol I don't trust and don't count on anyone on this forum for quite some time now (including you) and never will...

But even here I don't cross certain lines... I didn't tell anyone who I think you are and never will. Also, I didn't tell anyone some stuff Ironside told me about himself, even though you tried to get it out of me, because he shared it in a private message. I act according to my principles... I'd call it what you claim I don't have - "basic decency".

So, you're going too far with those accusations. If you're serious with this, that is, because I never really know...
Novichok  4 | 8682
12 Oct 2023   #660
I can`t, all my mirrors are above the sitting level. What shall I do???

Grow up.

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