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Best posters

Miloslaw  22 | 5208
30 Aug 2023   #601
How many genders are there where you live?

Two, always have been and always will be.These propagandists will never change that, because they can't change a fundamental fact.
Novichok  4 | 8682
30 Aug 2023   #602
You are critical of her coz she cleverly debunks your playful games here.

Bootlickers like her and Tacitus can only "debunk". They are safe because they offer no opinions of their own - only history lessons and official propaganda. Remember "we should trust science and the experts"?

Atch, the debunker, remained happily silent when amiga (my new best friend) posted how the Swedish ruling mob jumped on the researchers trying to compile migrant crime data.

The PF debunker didn't even try to debunk THAT because this is what bootlickers never do - call out their "democratically-elected" rulers, even when they commit peace crimes against their own citizens as they did in Sweden by letting Somali scum pour in.
Atch  22 | 4299
31 Aug 2023   #603
amiga (my new best friend)

That shows your level. He's fairly ignorant, not very well read and spouts a certain kind of rhetoric, without ever expressing an original thought, much like yourself.
Novichok  4 | 8682
31 Aug 2023   #604
not very well read and spouts a certain kind of rhetoric,

The only thing worse than a bootlicker is an evasive and slippery bootlicker like you.

How about simply saying that amiga was right andthat the Swedish globalist scum doesn't give a sh*it how Swedes feel about Somalis? Huh? The thing is that bootlickers hate simple declarative statements that are critical of all governments - not just their own. A permanent bow must be bad for your back...

Instead, the PF debunker makes disparaging comments about a poster, rather than debunking what he said.

BTW, I asked your male bootlicking equivalent three times already what he would sentence German war criminals to and, predictably, he is unable to express his opinion without first getting an OK from his "democratically elected representatives", much like yourself.
Atch  22 | 4299
31 Aug 2023   #605
an evasive and slippery bootlicker like you.

For fourteen years, every day, for forty minutes, from the age of four until eighteen, I took part in discussions with my thirty or so classmates on the subjects that you seem to have ignored all your life. You didn't have that privilege. Therefore you don't know how to engage in a discussion or debate on a moral question - which is what these issues are. More significantly, you are not interested in doing so. You have an agenda and you want to thrust it onto others and force them to agree with it. You are not interested in genuine debate or discussion. You frequently use that term 'to debate someone' but you don't actually know how.

Let me explain what debating is. To be able to say that you can debate, you must have experience of debating both sides of the argument. That's what you're trained to do in debating societies. You learn how to present an argument regardless of whether you agree with it or not. Then when you DO have something you want to convince people of, you know how to go about it. Your methods don't work because you show no genuine understanding of the topics you're trying to discuss. You're a child really Novi, trying to talk to an adult here.
Novichok  4 | 8682
31 Aug 2023   #606
Cut the crap. Was amiga right?
Atch  22 | 4299
31 Aug 2023   #607
Cut the crap.

A child ......... and a very ill-mannered, poorly educated one.
Novichok  4 | 8682
31 Aug 2023   #608
What's the answer? Was amiga right?
Atch  22 | 4299
31 Aug 2023   #609
I'll answer that when you tell me in what way your life history demonstrates that you're not the conformist that you accuse others of being.
Novichok  4 | 8682
31 Aug 2023   #610
when you tell me in what way your life history demonstrates that you're not the conformist

1. I rooted for the US T&F team in Warsaw in 196x. I don't remember the exact year. I was the only one.
2. I applied for a passport to get the fu*ck out and lied that I would be back in three months.
3. I didn't belong to any Polish org - including ZHP - that could be a red flag when applying for immigration to the US. Most did.

4. I don't trust anyone. Most people do.
5. I don't donate to charities. Most people do.
6. I don't drive faster than the speed limit plus 5. Most go plus 20.
7. I never watch sports. The majority of guys do, grow fat, and die early.
8. I gained 3 pounds in the last 60 years. At 80, most guys are fat pigs or dead. I have a six-pack instead of an ugly gut.
9. I speak only English everywhere - including at home with my Polish-born wife. Most immigrants cling to their native languages. I intensely dislike Polish.
10. My kids don't speak a word in Polish. Most do.
11. I don't vote. Most do.
12. I have three guns. All loaded and within easy reach. Most store them without ammo in them for "safety".
13. I routinely talk to cops and tell them how much I appreciate their presence. When did you do that?
14. I drive to Vegas. Most fly.
15. I have been married for 53 years and would kill anyone who would threaten her without any hesitation. Most are unarmed.
16. I trust my government the way Hitler trusted Gypsies.

Want more?
Alien  26 | 6528
1 Sep 2023   #611
I don't

I never

Novichok, sweetie, I thought you would describe to us your life achievements, not failures.
Atch  22 | 4299
1 Sep 2023   #612
Oh Novi ........ the fact you consider those things to be an example of non-conformity speaks volumes. However, you compiled the list so I'll honour my arrangement with you.

Was Amiga right? No.
Novichok  4 | 8682
1 Sep 2023   #613
Was Amiga right? No.

You are lying. Amiga was right since he had no reason to lie. You do now. You don't even know English.

Conformist (def.) - a person who avoids doing things that could be considered different or unusual.

I don't avoid doing things that could be considered different or unusual therefore I am not a conformist.

The above list shows clearly that I do things that are different and unusual, including that one sunny I just got up and with 14 bucks and no English left Poland and my family, my buddies, my job, and a fairly comfortable life forever. Then I emigrated to a country where I knew nobody. Not a fu*king soul. How many people do you know did that? Zero. So take your conformism and shove it where it's very dark.

You see, darling, you have a reason to lie now. and, on top of that, childishly since you cannot support your lie with evidence as it is impossible to prove the negative. Duh! But you are a woman and, therefore, dumb like a rock. Being a Euro makes it so much worse.

In conclusion, this proves that you are a stupid lying bootlicker who will stupidly lie to make a bunch of Swedish globalist morons look good - even when said globalist morons admit now that they were stupid globalist morons. Such is the mental disorder you suffer from.

Say hi to Tacitus...
jon357  72 | 23654
1 Sep 2023   #614
many people do you know did that? Zero

Probably quite a few people on here.

Some more than once.
Atch  22 | 4299
1 Sep 2023   #615
Probably quite a few people on here.

His ignorance is hilarious, isn't it? Especially addressing an Irish person. We invented emigration :))

You don't even know English.

Goodness me, you're very upset. My command of the English language is in the superlative class. It'll be the frosty Friday when you meet anybody with my level of eloquence, as I'm sure you'll know, having had the misfortune to live in America for so long.

But to return to our muttons as the French would say (I'm making an hilarious play on the phrase 'revenons à nos moutons'), was Amiga right?

amiga was right andthat the Swedish globalist scum doesn't give a sh*it how Swedes feel about Somalis?

I wouldn't agree with that statement. By scum, I assume you mean the government. Sweden is a far fairer, more peaceful and better run country to live in than the USA. Successive Swedish governments have demonstrated that they care very much about their country and its people.

In view of your concerns about what's happening in Sweden, I think you (and Amiga) should contact Kristina Sundquist, the academic who co-authored the research referred to by Amiga. Her contact details are:

Tel: +4640391376
Novichok  4 | 8682
1 Sep 2023   #616
Almost forgot these ...

17. I am the record holder with the highest number of violations here. 19!
18. I am the rudest one, too.
19. I transitioned to a woman and currently looking for a wig and lipstick. 5-inch shoes after that.
20. I asked a hospital receptionist if I could have my ovaries tested for cancer. See #19.
20. I never, ever do that stupid Polish "Prosze Pana" or "Prosze Pani" crap in the US and in Poland. It's "ty" from the first moment and forever. Don't like it? Tough sh*it.

Novichok, sweetie, I thought you would describe to us your life achievements,

You English sucks, darling....Non-conformism and achiements live in different parts of trown. Driving on the wrong side is non-conformism but it sure ain't no achievement unless your suicide is the obejctive.

We invented emigration :))

You invented famine and starvation. Leaving hell is no achievement.

As a favor to you and me, I will no longer read your posts. You lie and your debating method is the same as the faggot's. Bye...
pawian  226 | 27817
1 Sep 2023   #617
5-inch shoes after that.

How long vagina are you planning???
Second question: which forum member will you invite to test your new vagina as first??? Bobko or Velund??? hahahaha buhahahaha
Novichok  4 | 8682
1 Sep 2023   #618
Long enough to be classified as non-conforming. How long is yours?
I will buy a dildo. Being a woman is not easy...Those damn batteries don't last.
Atch  22 | 4299
1 Sep 2023   #619
You invented famine and starvation.

Is that the best you can come up with?

You lie

It is absolutely true to say that Sweden is one of the best countries to live in if you want a peaceful, prosperous and civilised life.
Alien  26 | 6528
1 Sep 2023   #620
....Non-conformism and achiements live in different parts of trown

Not necessarily, especially if you want to present being a non-conformist as a life achievement. However, you are right about one thing, my English is poor and I know it.
Novichok  4 | 8682
1 Sep 2023   #621
It is absolutely true to say that Sweden is one of the best countries to live in

That was not the subject. Somali scum raping white Swedish women was and still is.
Even the Swedish globalist morons agree with me by now so enjoy the solitude of being alone as a stupid Euro bootlicker who always loves her "democratically elected legal representatives".

Amiga, I really like you, my dear friend...From now on, you can post whatever you want and I will happily support it. Even if it annoys Bobko...

if you want to present being a non-conformist as a life achievement.

Don't ever if me. I can speak for myself. My English is blunt and direct enough to remove any and all doubts about what I mean.
jon357  72 | 23654
1 Sep 2023   #622
non-conformist as a life achievement

I'd say that happiness is the main life achievement. Whether that's achieved as being part of a "hefted" stable community with friends and family around you or it's achieved by straying away from mainstream and limited expectations is a matter for the individual. Neither is more or less valid than the other and human society has always had both.

You English sucks, darling

His English is very good. Especially for someone who neither comes from nor lives in an English-speaking country.
Novichok  4 | 8682
1 Sep 2023   #623
The biggest problem with this forum are the idiots who don't think like lawyers and make claims they cannot prove, with "so you admire Putin" leading the parade.

Memo to a-holes: claim what you can prove if your claim is about facts. If it's an opinion, make sure it is obvious that it is just your opinion. In the above example, "it seems" would make what is a statement of fact into an opinion. Problem solved.

There is at least one exception to this rule. We no longer have to prove what is already common knowledge and thus axiomatic. Like that Euros are obedient cowardly bootlicking weasels that feel excessively brave from behind America's skirt while in perpetual love with their own "democratically-elected legal representatives" and other wh*res for sale.

Another one that doesn't require any additional evidence is that Poles are romantic and reckless idiots. See Ukraine.
Atch  22 | 4299
1 Sep 2023   #624
the idiots who don't think like lawyers

That would be you. You don't deal in facts, just hysteria.

Now - back to the subject of Somalis in Sweden. Amiga made false statements about rapes by immigrants, not Somalis in particular. I checked the stats and posted the correct information.

"most of the rapes in Sweden take place within the immigrant community itself and are overwhelmingly perpetrated by teenage boys against teenage girls."

but you don't like that so you pretend that it's lies whilst in fact the liar is you:

That was not the subject. Somali scum raping white Swedish women was

he Swedish ruling mob jumped on the researchers trying to compile migrant crime data.

Btw those researchers were not researching immigrant crime. They were researching rape in Sweden. I've read the whole report. Very interesting. Have you read it? No, of course not. Too lazy and worried that it won't support your lies.
Alien  26 | 6528
3 Sep 2023   #625
Let's actually think about what "best poster" means. In my opinion, it's not about whether we like someone or share their worldview. I think other properties are more important. Let's start with availability. The "best poster" must always be available on the forum. If he is unavailable for a long time, he excludes himself. The second important property is predictability. If you can always predict what someone will write, it becomes boring. This means that the "best poster" cannot be too predictable, then his/her posts will be read with interest. The next important point is the way of expression and clarity of the text. Writing overloaded texts in complicated language discourages people from reading. And the last point that is important is to avoid aggravation that ends with a fight between two cocks in the ring, even though the viewers have long gone home. Does anyone have any ideas on how to be a "best poster?"
Bobko  27 | 2215
10 Sep 2023   #626
Does anyone have any ideas on how to be a "best poster?"

By your criteria, most of the posters on this forum are not good posters.

1) Availability - this criteria, many people would certainly be able to satisfy. However, it alone cannot make someone a good poster.

2) Predictability - everyone here is utterly predictable, probably including myself. We could all swap login information, and probably write posts for each other: that's how predictable everyone is.

3) Clarity of expression - oh boy, this is a big problem here... I will not point any fingers, but these people must know who they are. Sometimes I only understand a message after two or three attempts.

4) Creating aggravation - you really are on the wrong forum :)
Alien  26 | 6528
10 Sep 2023   #627
BOBKO - bei your criteria...
The one who meets 2 out of 4 points is already OK.
Bobko  27 | 2215
10 Sep 2023   #628
BOBKO - bei your criteria...

What is this German English?

My criteria would be not very different from what you provided. However, if I could add something, it might be this:

1) Good posters don't throw naked links, or videos without annotation. Instead, there should be some attempt to distill the contents of the link/video into some essential bullet points, which would be easier for people to digest. Not everyone has time to click on everything, especially when there is a suspicion that the content is trash.

2) Good posters refrain from using bad language unnecessarily, or insulting their conversation partner's religion, sexual orientation, age, health disabilities, etc (essentially things the other person does not have much control over).

3) Good posters are able to see things not only from their perspective, but can also appreciate - at least in part - what is being argued by the other.

4) Good posters try to bring new things to the attention of other members.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
10 Sep 2023   #629
insulting their conversation partner's religion, sexual orientation, age, health disabilities

So, hypothetically, if a forum user is a heathen, paedophile, coffin-dodging hunchback, then a good poster (bei deiner definition) shouldn't point it out to him nor wish him long and painful death by testicular cancer?

Geez, Bobi, you are setting standards a bit too high methinks.
Alien  26 | 6528
10 Sep 2023   #630
Good posters are able to see things not only from their perspective, but can also appreciate - at least in part - what is being argued by the other.

This point is currently out of the question. Due to the war in Ukraine, a strict division of roles must remain.

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