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Best posters

pawian  226 | 27817
28 Aug 2023   #571
r like boys in Tom Sawyer`s Adventures.... :):):)

"You're a coward and a pup. I'll tell my big brother on you, and he can thrash you with his little finger, and I'll make him do it, too."

"What do I care for your big brother? I've got a brother that's bigger than he is-and what's more, he can throw him over that fence, too." [Both brothers were imaginary.]

"That's a lie."

"YOUR saying so don't make it so."

Kania, your bragging about grandpa is quite similar... :):):)
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
28 Aug 2023   #572
"You're a coward and a pup. I'll tell my big brother on you

I'm afraid I can't think of any appropriate literary equivalent of your telling people that you would gladly f*ck their dead grandpas. You are descending to ever new lows, unexplored even by fiction writers. :)
pawian  226 | 27817
28 Aug 2023   #573
You are descending

You descend first, and then soar high in the sky. It is a known technique in pilotage. That is my fave style, too. Ha!
pawian  226 | 27817
29 Aug 2023   #574
he completely lost touch with his Slavic soul;

Really? You say so coz you are an incorrigible Russophile while I am not.
Also, you say so coz I am an incorrigible Ukrainophile while you are not.

Didn`t I already tell you we have achieved a perfect balance of nature???? Ha!
AntV  3 | 670
29 Aug 2023   #575

Post #567 is not only funny, but a clinic on how to humorously and artfully slam a guy without invective or churlishness. It's an insult without being insulting. A slap across the face with the accompanying sting but without bitterness. An eff you sans vulgarity.

Which leads me to piggy back off this thread and give my Top 5 humorous posters:

1. GefreiterKania (who will always be Torq to me)
2. Bobko (a very close second--#567 gave Torq the go-ahead--but dude is a riot)
3. BB (his humor comes best in the form of witticism)
4. Novi (an 80 yo that pissed off and cynical is primed to rattle off some funny sh!t)
5. Alien (his humor is subtle--subtle humor is good).
Novichok  4 | 8682
29 Aug 2023   #576
Best posters:
1. Bobko, Velund, Crn3
The first two are loyal to Russia without vomit-inducing bootlicking. Crn3's posts are priceless..Now that the American side is MIA, if they left, this forum wouldn't be worth a fart.

The worst vomit-inducing bootlickers:
1 Tacitus
2. Paulina

The unacceptables on my ignore list:
1. Faggot
2. Kutas.

Posters I can laugh along with:
1. Cargo
2. Cymes

Posters I miss dearly:
1. Dirk
2. Poloniusz

Posters who should spend more time away from the keyboard:
1. Novi
pawian  226 | 27817
29 Aug 2023   #577
Best posters:
1. Bobko, Velund, Crn3

Yuk! :):):)

1 Tacitus
2. Paulina

Intelligent, educated, logical.

1. Novi

You should have written Novicock, that`s how some posters view you. :):):)

How about Novidick, which nicely alludes to great literature and film. :):):)
Novichok  4 | 8682
29 Aug 2023   #578
Intelligent, educated, logical.

Obedient followers incapable of saying FU to their rulers...Or even "that was not very nice, my dear ruling mob".
Paulina  19 | 4558
29 Aug 2023   #579
Obedient followers incapable of saying FU to their rulers...

Well, you couldn't be more wrong than that. I'm going to say FU to rulers in my country in upcoming elections.
pawian  226 | 27817
29 Aug 2023   #580
The unacceptables on my ignore list:
1. Faggot
2. Kutas.

You see? That`s what I meant in Random yesterday. You intentionally fuel conflicts and when posters pay you with the same coin, you put them on Ignore. It is simply unfair and shows your insecure inconsistency. You claimed many times to be a tough forum warrior. Why are you going against your words???
Novichok  4 | 8682
29 Aug 2023   #581
Why are you going against your words???

Because the two on my ignore list don't debate.

They bicker, evade, and turn what they can't handle into a joke. Or are snippy with that "No, it's not." in response to a well-written, multi-paragraph post - meant to outlast and tire the opponent out without saying anything of substance - the Biden method. You (editorial) play that game a couple of times with me and you are history. The same with patronizing. That's how JR lost his best supporter here - me.

I actually like fact-based disagreements and debates.

I noticed that deafening silence from the Euro bootlickers like Atch after amiga (God bless him for this...) posted how the Swedish ruling mob bites back when they see any attempt to document the criminality of their black guests from Somalia. But I am digressing...

When posters pay you with the same coin,

I never complain about that. In fact, I like it as this gives me the right fire right back without fear of another A violation. So, go ahead, make my day...

What I don't like is when some Polish bi*tch or a-hole Brit insult Russia and PF Russians when they behave like angels and are guests on an American forum.

No, it's not a Polish forum. It's a forum where Poland is just one of the subjects. What matters is where it's located, who owns it, and the applicable jurisdiction.
pawian  226 | 27817
29 Aug 2023   #582
don't debate.

You don`t, either. You prey on inciting conflict and provoking animosities. That is not a debate. :):):)

What I don't like is when some Polish bi*tch or a-hole Brit insult Russia and PF Russians when they behave like angels .

You see? That`s what I am talking about. You provoke on purpose and then cry when they treat you like crap. It isn`t a too manly behaviour. :):):)

Leave anti Russian posters in peace. They have the right to act as they do.
Novichok  4 | 8682
29 Aug 2023   #583
They have the right to act as they do.

...and I have the right to react to these morons as I do.. Do you know why?
I react to these brainless Russia-hating idiots because the German SS killed members of my family and the "evil" Soviets closed down the places where millions were executed.

You see? That`s what I am talking about.

No, I don't. How many times can I ask these idiots to drop that SS and still argue the same points?

It offends me because I know the difference between the SS and Russia today. These a-holes pretend there isn't any to vent like retarded kids in the middle of a temper tantrum.
pawian  226 | 27817
29 Aug 2023   #584
.and I have the right to react to these morons as I do

Yes, and then you mute them when they retaliate. Where is the tough forum warrior?? :):):)

he German SS killed members of my family

It doesn`t matter. You praised Germans many more times for saving your life in 1944 than you accused them of atrocities towards your family. ... :):)

It offends me

No, it doesn`t. Nothing can offend you, you are too mature for that..:):):) You pretend to feel offended coz you need a pretext to act malicious towards certain posters in order to let some steam off. If you didn`t, it would blow you up. :):):
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
29 Aug 2023   #585
An eff you sans vulgarity.

Well, I suppose I have my moments. Thanks, Anti.

However, I would trade all my occasional comical skills and sense of humour for one tenth of my former faith in the hierarchical Church. Life used to be simpler in blissful ignorance.

Sorry. I'm a bit of a gloomy pill today. :-/
Bobko  27 | 2215
29 Aug 2023   #586
one tenth of my former faith in the hierarchical Church

I thought that is where you recently returned?

Sorry. I'm a bit of a gloomy pill today.

Ooof. It seems so. I hope you find the answer, soon, to whatever is vexing you.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
29 Aug 2023   #587
I thought that is where you recently returned?

That is correct. Luckily, the hierarchical Church can be corrupt or a large part of it can even be heretical (as it was in the times of Saint Athanasius) but the deposit of Catholic Faith remains intact.

I hope you find the answer, soon, to whatever is vexing you.

Cargo pants  3 | 1425
29 Aug 2023   #588
Best posters by my criteria currently are:
Faggot joun who lives in a rented flat in a commie building
Fat diabetic Vincent
Carpet seller Milo
Ovulating ovaries paulina
Brit arse licking lenka
Unstable fenniks
now after sex change lady ironside
Mama wanna be house cleaner Atch
ruski orc bobko who likes to defend people dancing like Mohammed Ali.
They get me free entertainment and sorry if I missed any.
Worse are:
And with regards who mourned my pal Dirk
They morally discourage me to have any entertainment out of them.
Novichok  4 | 8682
29 Aug 2023   #589
You pretend to feel offended

You have no right to judge if it's real or pretend. The only test is what they call "reasonable man rule". In this case, equating the German SS with ordinary Russians today may offend many. Just because you know me, does not lessen the offense looking from the offenders' pov.

Bottom line: This is war and will be happy to carry on until the SS a-holes give up or I get banned.
Novichok  4 | 8682
29 Aug 2023   #590
Best posters by my criteria currently are:

I read your post and actually like your perverse logic. As your inspiration, faggot sure beats JR.
I am still not clear what your beef is with Milo. I don't need to know so I am just asking...
Bobko  27 | 2215
29 Aug 2023   #591
bobko who likes to defend people dancing like Mohammed Ali

Cargo pants  3 | 1425
29 Aug 2023   #592
I am still not clear what your beef is with Milo

None whatsoever,I cloned him cuz he was arse licking vincent and he got upset and now he gives me orgasms jumping like a clown.


I never had anything to do with you until you came charging at me when I was playing with novi,hope you remember:))If not,who cares,its my version.
Bobko  27 | 2215
29 Aug 2023   #593
I never had anything to do with you until you came charging at me

Yeah... I've calmed down since)

PF has softened me, over time.
Novichok  4 | 8682
29 Aug 2023   #594
The fastest way to learn about posters is by asking a test question.

Over time, my favorites were "how many" or "how much" when I suspected I was dealing with just another leftist moron. That kind of question is very useful when discussing abortions, immigrants, LGBTs, and crap like this.

Today I would like to add a new one to separate intelligent people like me from the imbeciles who will never be able to conduct a semi-passable, fact-based conversation.

The question is: How many genders are there where you live?

Plus a backup question if the answer is more than 2: Name any five.

I already asked that question here not long ago but it still remains unanswered.

OK, pawian, how many genders are there in Poland according to you?
pawian  226 | 27817
30 Aug 2023   #595
You have no right to judge

But we are not in the court. We are in the free forum. :):) I am playing a psychologist which I am very good at, because of my job. So, you don`t feel offended by SS. You are only offended when people refuse to let you have them as you want. As the forum antiRuSSians clearly ignore your vain calls for giving up that SS and generally for loving Russia as it is, you are furious with them, because they dare to disobey such a genius as yourself. Simple. :):):)

Best posters:

What do you think of Atch??? She calls out your stupidity in practically each of her posts to you. :):P):)
pawian  226 | 27817
30 Aug 2023   #596
Kania is a miserable azhole coz he sides with confirmed putinists against patriotic Poles who reject imperial Russia. Fekk him and his grandpas! Tfu!
Novichok  4 | 8682
30 Aug 2023   #597
What do you think of Atch???

A typical Western bootlicker...and a woman...It doesn't get any worse...

She calls out your stupidity in practically each of her posts to you. :):P):)

...but never the stupidity of Western ruling mobs - aka "our legal representatives" ...See "bootlicker"... Tacitus with a vagina...
pawian  226 | 27817
30 Aug 2023   #598
and a woman.

who is reasonable, intelligent, educated, logical etc. And humanly decent first of all. Like all our female posters here. That is why I prefer women to males in general.

You are critical of her coz she cleverly debunks your playful games here. Be a man and admit it. Are you able to? Will you restore my lost hope in males?? hahahaha
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
30 Aug 2023   #599
Kania is a miserable azhole (...) Fekk him and his grandpas! Tfu!


So I suppose I cannot interest you in a gold membership card in my fan club? As a gold member you would be entitled to 25% discount for every jump on my pukiel. Hahaha xD
pawian  226 | 27817
30 Aug 2023   #600
25% discount

I wouldn`t be interested even if you offered a 100% discount. :):):)

Hahaha xD


Hey ,why am I laughing??? What you said wasn`t so funny after all.

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