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Best posters

Lenka  5 | 3548
14 Apr 2023   #541
I think I like your Russian handwriting the most :)

Your handwriting is very youthful! Not a lot of rebelion in it, a lot of it kept the form of the handwriting you were taught in school. Brings to my mind order and that kind of quiet confidence.

Unlike with Atch your handwriting surprised me a bit.
Paulina  19 | 4558
14 Apr 2023   #542
@Lenka, I was writing in Russian more carefully, because the last time I wrote in cyrillic was years ago, so it doesn't come naturally to me :)

Your handwriting is very youthful! Not a lot of rebelion in it, a lot of it kept the form of the handwriting you were taught in school.

That's an interesting observation! I don't think I'm much of a rebel (unless it is necessary, I guess), I've always been a good girl lol :))) Of course, if I have to write faster, take some notes or sth, my handwriting looks different, not so neat and proper, but I was trying to make it intelligible, so it would be easier to analyse :)

Unlike with Atch your handwriting surprised me a bit.

What did you think it would look like? 👀
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
14 Apr 2023   #543
What's wrong with Johnny Reb?
He's a sociopath. One of the biggest bullies and liars on this forum

On this we agree.

There ya go!
One of the worst posters on PF.

As to the best, they still seem to be the women on here for me.....
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
14 Apr 2023   #544
Interesting that many of the supposed best posters on here seem to no longer post.
I wonder why?
We have fairly recently lost Rozumiemnic, Chemikiem and Crow too.
But I can't say that I miss Crow.....the first two just left.
Crow may have become Ill or even died.
Novichok  4 | 8682
14 Apr 2023   #545
Milo, no man should ever admit that he misses women on a political forum or as friends. God created them for an entirely different reason. It has to do with math...not discussions.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
14 Apr 2023   #546
Milo, no man should ever admit that he misses women on a political forum

Sorry Rich, totally disagree.
Your wife may not be interested in politics and that is your life experience.
Mine is not the same.
Novichok  4 | 8682
14 Apr 2023   #547
Did you notice "forum"?
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
14 Apr 2023   #548
I did and ignored it as it was irrelevant.
Novichok  4 | 8682
15 Apr 2023   #549
It was relevant since it excluded all the women who do not post on this and other forums. Like your wife.
You didn't marry her because you wanted a friend or a forum buddy. That's a statement of fact that does not require an answer.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
15 Apr 2023   #550
It was relevant since it excluded all the women who do not post on this and other forums

Lenka  5 | 3548
16 Apr 2023   #551
What did you think it would look like? 👀

I guess a bit more like Atch, more elaborate and artistic

Do you mean the capital 'L'?

I meant the small 'l', especially in Paulina.
Bobko  27 | 2215
27 Aug 2023   #552
Once again, I must produce an updated list of best posters:

1) Still Crow (I miss him so)
2) Gefreiter Kania
3) AntV
4) Barney
5) Ironside (depends on day of week, cycle of the moon, atmospheric pressure)

Worst Posters:

1) Always Sralec35
2) Amiga500
3) Cargo Pants
4) Lyzko
5) Michael2 (stupid hohol b!tch)

Until next time, friends!
Alien  26 | 6528
28 Aug 2023   #553
) Michael2 (stupid hohol b!tch)

I wonder why you don't like him so much?
pawian  226 | 27817
28 Aug 2023   #554
5) Michael2 (stupid hohol b!tch)

If you put Micheal in the worst section, put me next to him coz I have very similar views. :):):)
Lyzko  44 | 9723
28 Aug 2023   #555
All so subjective, isn't it.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
28 Aug 2023   #556
Here's my TOP 12 Best Posters

1. Bratwurst Boy - cultured, well-informed and kind; besides, we are alte Kameraden since I don't even remember when ;)
2. Bobko - even zoological Russophobes must admit that the guy is charming :)
3. AntV - the best America has to offer in forum users department!
4. Paulina - because she is a proud local patriot and an interesting hybrid of a charming lady and a fire-breathing dragon :)
5. Ironside - a first-rate patriot and I really enjoy the way he uses the English language (no respect, even contempt for the rules, but still gets his strong message across).

6. Crnogorac3 - in the absence of Crow southern Slavia (the mother of all Slavic people) must be represented here; also, Crno started interacting with us more recently, instead of just posting various links;

7. Novi - his NKVD nonsense is a bit annoying lately but apart from that the old-timer can still impress with his consistency and lovely venom;

8. Lenka - because she's not one of those emigrants who forget their native tongue, or develop a foreign accent, after 6 months abroad;
9. Jon357 - it's funny how you can disagree with a poster on almost everything and still like him; if only he could find some place in his heart for Eastern Slavs other than Ukrainians ;)

10. Alien - proudly representing German Polonia and never really falling out with anybody (which is an achievement on PF :))
11. Velund - down to earth, sensible, with a sense of humour; if it wasn't for the war his reception among PFers would be more than positive;

12. Atch - educated, well-mannered and Irish - do I have to say more? :)

My TOP 3 Worst Posters (why 12 best and only 3 worst? because Good is always stronger than Evil - at least 4 times)

1. Pawian - because he starts threads that destroy my nerves and he completely lost touch with his Slavic soul;
2. Amiga500 - the combination of worst Australian and Polish qualities; also - he insulted my Mum :(
3. Strzelec35 - self explanatory
Novichok  4 | 8682
28 Aug 2023   #557
his NKVD nonsense is a bit annoying

It will stop when the SS morons stop SSing Russia.
When a guy calls you an a-hole, do you say, Hi, my friend?
Bobko  27 | 2215
28 Aug 2023   #558

If I knew I could make a list of 12, my list would look almost identical to yours.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
28 Aug 2023   #559
If I knew I could make a list of 12

Of course, you could. There are no rules on this board - look, I am extending my best posters list to 13...

13. Tacitus - well ordered and thorough; tries not to make wild claims and supports his posts with links; rather Teutonic in his approach to all things Polish but with a visible undertone of sympathy;

... and my worst posters list to 4...

4. Espana - so easy to hate that it almost makes him lovable... almost;

See? No rules, just fun - that's PF. :)
pawian  226 | 27817
28 Aug 2023   #560
It will stop

Like a child in a kindergarten... :):):) Amasing! ):):) On the other hand, it is good you feel so young at heart. :):):)

1. Pawian - because he starts threads that destroy my nerves

:):):) Am I a pawian for nought??? I adopted this nick fully on purpose - as a mad patriot, I dreamt of destroying the nerves of people who are harmful to Poland`s national interests. hahahaha
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
28 Aug 2023   #561
people who are harmful to Poland`s national interests

History will judge who those people were. Meanwhile, try to curb your pawianism to a generally accepted level. :)
Novichok  4 | 8682
28 Aug 2023   #562
Like a child in a kindergarten...

Nothing wrong with that. A good temper tantrum is often a hands-down winner...
pawian  226 | 27817
28 Aug 2023   #563
try to

Nope. I can`t resist coz pawianism is my nature.

History will judge who those people were

Not only History but also Goddess will judge you !!!!
Bobko  27 | 2215
28 Aug 2023   #564
No rules, just fun - that's PF

Poles are truly a free people...

In regards to Pawian - he can call me an orc for another ten years, but my tongue would never turn to call him a bad poster. He provides an important counter-balance, along with Paulina, to what would otherwise be utter domination by the conservative + Russian brigade.

Without him, it could be a rather boring amen chorus, where sooner or later we would get tired of discussing the various ways the Ukrainians ought to be punished.

Also, who knows so much about gardening, batalion parasol, Polish film posters of the 1970s, and life in rural Poland?

Except that one time he told me to "fekk" my grandpa - he's alright.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
28 Aug 2023   #565
He provides an important counter-balance

Hm... a balance of nature, as he says!

that one time he told me to "fekk" my grandpa

Yes, that was a low blow. :-/
pawian  226 | 27817
28 Aug 2023   #566
blow. :-/

If you need, I can fekk your grandpa, too. :):):)
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
28 Aug 2023   #567
I can fekk your grandpa, too.

My paternal grandpa would have inhaled you through one nostril and snorted you our through the other. My maternal dziadunio, on the other hand, used pawians like you as step-up stools to mount his horse, so I'm afraid you wouldn't have had much chance of any closer intercourse with either of them. :)
Bobko  27 | 2215
28 Aug 2023   #568
used pawians like you as step-up stools to mount his horse

pawian  226 | 27817
28 Aug 2023   #569
My paternal grandpa would have inhaled you

Stop bragging like Samochwała in the poem....... :):):) or like pupils in Petite Nicolai stories..... or like boys in Tom Sawyer`s Adventures.... :):):)

I see you are also kindergartenly young at heart like Novi. :):):)
Bobko  27 | 2215
28 Aug 2023   #570
Stop bragging

From this conversation it is clear who comes from noble blood, and who has been a peasant for last 1,000 years.

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