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Lenka  5 | 3548
13 Apr 2023   #511
I try to practice my Russian so I occasionaly watch russian series/ movies, read book in Russian, I even speak Russian with my two Latwian friends but I never write. Last time was 10 years ago 😮

Would you agree with my spelling of Atch?
Bobko  27 | 2215
13 Apr 2023   #512
Why is it so?

Because to write in Russian you have to write cursive. Only children and people suffering from mental retardation are allowed to use print in Russian. I'm no calligrapher, so that's why?

If I wrote cursive English it would be similarly atrocious.

Would you agree with my spelling of Atch?

I think so. Атч is better than Ач.
Lenka  5 | 3548
13 Apr 2023   #513
I just noticed I wrote the wrong e in этого.
Bobko  27 | 2215
13 Apr 2023   #514

Also we don't capitalize «мне».
Lenka  5 | 3548
13 Apr 2023   #515
Also we don't capitalize «мне».

It wasn't supposed to be, it's just my hand went out of control :D Tried to make a nice m and that is the effect
Bobko  27 | 2215
13 Apr 2023   #516
Where is this Atch? I have to go back to work soon. So typically Irish.
Paulina  19 | 4558
13 Apr 2023   #517
Oh, this is fun! :D I'll probably post my handwriting too, but I think I'll wait for daylight to take a photo.

I'm no handwriting expert (so don't take it too seriously lol), but based on what I read on the internet:

Bobko (based on the handwriting in English) - optimistic (or in a good mood at the moment), expressive, intense, impulsive, possibly somewhat impatient, rather outgoing, needs attention and human company, looks more to the future than holds on to the past, loyal or cautious or organized and methodical, pays attention to detail, may have (sometimes?) low self-esteem.

Lenka - optimistic (or in a good mood atm), open, balanced, rational, independent, logical, somewhat introverted/needs personal space, rather relaxed, laid-back, not a perfectionist, doesn't need attention, fairly imaginative/creative or dreams big, may have (sometimes?) low self-esteem.

Personal observation - I like your handwriting, Lenka, it looks fun, especially the exclamation marks :)))
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
13 Apr 2023   #518
Best posters?
On this forum?????
You must be joking!
Overa!l,I think the girls are far more sensible than the guys on here.
And some of the most sensible ones have done the sensible thing and left......
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
13 Apr 2023   #519
Best Drama Award goes to Harry he brought spice to the forum , best newcomer has to be Milo.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Apr 2023   #520
Hairy was a spasm alright.
When he called the F.B.I. on Cargo Pants I thought I would die laughing as the tears rolled down my face.
Cargo had him so wound up that I thought he was going to have the big one.
Atch  22 | 4299
14 Apr 2023   #521
Here's my contribution :)

  • IMG_1543.jpg
Bobko  27 | 2215
14 Apr 2023   #522

Your "to" is absolutely atrocious. Looks like an ancient Egyptian hieroglyph for a scarab.

Based on this handwriting, I can conclude that you are:

1) A Virgo
2) Prefer to have your first meal after 11 AM
3) Struggle to complete Sudoku puzzles
4) Could benefit from some yoga
Lenka  5 | 3548
14 Apr 2023   #523
- I like your handwriting, Lenka,

Thank you very much. And as your character description is very flattering I completely agree with it 😂

Here's my contribution :)

Somehow your handwriting is exactly how I would have imagined it.

I would say it shows artistic flare and putting estetics above convenience. Definitely 100% feminine. I like your l very much.

Btw, I used to write the botom of my y,g and j the way you write f.
Paulina  19 | 4558
14 Apr 2023   #524
@Atch, I just ate dinner and can't bring myself to analyse your handwriting, but it shows you have an artistic soul, imho :)))

@Bobko lol

Thank you very much. And as your character description is very flattering I completely agree with it 😂


You are most welcome, Lenka! lol

Bobko, how about you? What do you think about my analysis of your handwriting?? ;D
Bobko  27 | 2215
14 Apr 2023   #525
I'm sorry Paulina, I missed your analysis!

optimistic (or in a good mood at the moment),

I'm always optimistic, and always in a good mood. So this is correct.

rather outgoing, needs attention and human company

Yes, I enjoy a good drink.

pays attention to detail

I try. My parents and gf would however be very surprised to read this.

Please cut down on your quotes

low self-esteem

Only thing which is flat out wrong. If anything, I have an overly heightened sense of self importance.
Atch  22 | 4299
14 Apr 2023   #526
I just ate dinner and can't bring myself to analyse your handwriting

I'm sorry to hear that I induce either nausea or indigestion :)

I like your l very much.

Do you mean the capital 'L'? That's how we learned to write in Ireland in primary school. I've changed a few things over the years and my handwriting would never pass muster with the nuns now :) for example my 'f' loops backwards. The bottom loop should be on the right, but I've retained the rudiments. My writing is almost identical to my mother's and my grandfather's and my great grandfather's because we had the same teaching system for generations. I have examples of their handwriting somewhere. I could upload it so you can see what I mean.

Your writing looks very delikatne, you have a light touch when you write, very ladylike and the exclamations are a very individual touch. I would say that in real life you appear outwardly to be a conventional person but you have an unconventional streak and only a few close friends really know you well :)

@Bobko, the first thing I thought when I saw your writing was 'spiky'. An almost aggressive hand. Probably quite a decisive and energetic person who likes to get things done and expects the same from people around him.
Paulina  19 | 4558
14 Apr 2023   #527
I'm sorry to hear that I induce either nausea or indigestion :)

;D No, come on, I just got lazy after dinner ;))

@Bobko, the first thing I thought when I saw your writing was 'spiky'. An almost aggressive hand. Probably quite a decisive and energetic person

Yes, I thought the same!
Bobko  27 | 2215
14 Apr 2023   #528
Probably quite a decisive and energetic person who likes to get things done

This handwriting analysis business smells a bit like BS. Everyone gets super nice compliments, and nothing negative.
Atch  22 | 4299
14 Apr 2023   #529
Ah, would you ever bog off you old misery guts.
Lenka  5 | 3548
14 Apr 2023   #530
Everyone gets super nice compliments, and nothing negative.

Why we can't be nice sometimes? We have so many threads to be argumentative
Lenka  5 | 3548
14 Apr 2023   #531
Your writing looks very delikatne, you have a light touch when you write, very ladylike

I always thought of it as messy :)

That's how we learned to write in Ireland in primary school.

We also learn certain way but it changes quickly :)

I could upload it so you can see what I mean.

That would be really cool :)

  • 20230414_175225.jpg
Bobko  27 | 2215
14 Apr 2023   #532

Is it happening in Poland, like in Russia, that the current kids are completely useless at cursive? I think in Russia in some places they decided not to teach them cursive at all.
Lenka  5 | 3548
14 Apr 2023   #533
I haven't seen any samples for many years. Last time I saw it was about 15 years.
Bobko  27 | 2215
14 Apr 2023   #534
Last time I saw it was about 15 years.

This is simply disgusting. What is happening to our kids?
Atch  22 | 4299
14 Apr 2023   #535
What is happening to our kids?

Send them to Ireland. We still teach cursive. Pencils only until you're seven. Then fountain pens until you're twelve. After that you can use a biro.
Paulina  19 | 4558
14 Apr 2023   #536
Everyone gets super nice compliments, and nothing negative.

I wouldn't say so - in your case, for example, I mentioned "impulsive, possibly somewhat impatient". "Needs attention" could be also interpreted as "attention-seeker", but I'm no expert, so I decided not to go that far :)

@Atch, your handwriting looks a bit complicated, I'm not advanced enough to analyse your artistic esy-floresy, I'm afraid :))) So some basic, random stuff that I gathered from the internet for now:

Atch: balanced, fairly open, artistic, rational, independent, needs some personal space, discreet, imaginative/creative, setting high goals (not always?), high self-esteem (not always though?), active, initiative, passionate, decisive, curious, with ambition for progress and reaching goals, strong will, impatient, mentally quick with intuitive thinking, extraverted, affectionate, kind. On the negative side: vivacity without reflection, rationalization or previous planning.

Btw, based on their handwriting Bobko and Lenka are discreet too :)

My parents and gf would however be very surprised to read this.

That was one of the options - different articles would give different interpretations and I'm no expert on this, so I didn't know which to choose :)

The options were (as far as I remember):
1. loyal
2. cautious
3. organized and methodical, pays attention to detail

Only thing which is flat out wrong.

Yeah, I wasn't sure about that (the same with Lenka). I've only looked through basic info and I'd probably need a bigger handwriting sample :)

I have examples of their handwriting somewhere. I could upload it so you can see what I mean.

That would be interesting!

Please cut down on your quotes
Lenka  5 | 3548
14 Apr 2023   #537
What is happening to our kids?

I didn't say they don't anymore just that I haven't seen kids handwriting in a while. As I'm in UK I have only simple of that
Lenka  5 | 3548
14 Apr 2023   #538
Here is a sample of a British educated 6yo writing for himself (as similar in nature to diary I asked for permision and received it). School handwriting is much neater.

  • 20230414_191050.jpg
Bobko  27 | 2215
14 Apr 2023   #539
This is pretty damn good for a 6 year old.


Maybe these Brits are not so stupid as we thought.
Paulina  19 | 4558
14 Apr 2023   #540
Here's my handwriting sample (I was writing fast, so I think it came out spontaneous enough) :):

  • myhandwriting.jpg

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