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Joker  2 | 2390
30 Sep 2022   #421
Are you talking about your do-nothing, say-nothing queen?

Thats how she amass $80 Billion by playing both sides.

It should be called 'The Royal Scam"

If Charles were a true King he would have compassion and return all the money to feed the homeless and help the poor?
Novichok  4 | 8568
30 Sep 2022   #422
I wonder how much real estate the "royals" own. Must be at least 1000 sq ft per person.
jon357  72 | 23526
30 Sep 2022   #423
Just more American paranoia!

Insanity really. Most of the millions there would think these three as insane as we do.
Lenka  5 | 3542
30 Sep 2022   #424
Hey, I didn't realise that we have British royalty posting here. Cool... :D
jon357  72 | 23526
30 Sep 2022   #425
we have British royalty

Do we? I just see loony Americans, and a few others. And Lenka making a somewhat odd comment in slangy English with an emoticon.

As I say, most Americans are normal (after all they voted trumpet out) and most of them would think the ones here as insane as we do.
Lenka  5 | 3542
30 Sep 2022   #426
Lenka is having a laugh as this thread is supposed to be about posters and yet royalty seems to be discussed here. Connect those two and you have royalty posting here.
jon357  72 | 23526
30 Sep 2022   #427
Perhaps we do...

The Baronet of Bile, the Duke of it Dickheadery and the Count with no O.

I did wonder if you thought I was using the Royal We. I'm grand but not that grand. A different sort of Queen.


It seems to fascinate some people. If you've always been used to it, it's just something that exists. Some of them talk about it as if it's a soap operas or a season of game of thrones.

Nice if you get to actually meet then though. The Queen must have shaken so many people's hands that her actual right hand must have been nearly falling off.
Novichok  4 | 8568
30 Sep 2022   #428
Hey, joun, any good quotes from your queen?
Joker  2 | 2390
30 Sep 2022   #429
I wonder how much real estate the "royals" own

Ive heard they have owners rights the seabed as well so BP has to pay them to produce oil.

The Royals are a criminal type organization that rips off it subjects and gives nothing in return.

What do they actually do besides galavant across the globe? And we get stuck with the red headed idiot!

he Queen must have shaken so many people's hands that her actual right hand must have been nearly falling off.

She probably pulled off their watches and rings with that handshake.
Atch  22 | 4299
30 Sep 2022   #430
The Royals are a criminal type organization that rips off it subjects and gives nothing in return.

Actually that's not true. Basically, the 'organization' is the Crown Estate. The Crown Estate is not owned by any member of The Royal Family. The Crown Estate generates money and the money is collected by the Treasury and then a percentage (currently 15%) of it is given to the Royal Family to support themselves.

They also pay tax on their private income which is not part of the Crown Estate and they pay Capital Gains Tax. The Queen has paid tax for decades. So did Prince Charles and will continue to do so now that he's King.

They also give quite a lot with things like the Prince's Trust and the Royal patronages of charities raises the profiles of those charities and makes a huge difference to fund raising.
Joker  2 | 2390
30 Sep 2022   #431
the 'organization' is the Crown Estate

Its sounds like a huge rip off upon the British subjects. Im sure they could really use the money instead of blowing it on pompous royals. Total waste of money.
Atch  22 | 4299
30 Sep 2022   #432
Its sounds like a huge rip off

As they themselves say "Over the last 10 years we have generated more than £3 billion for the public purse." At least three quarters of the profits of the Crown Estate go to the nation, not the Royal Family and are spent on improving amenities, the environment etc. All their accounts are available for public inspection. You should take a look to get a better understanding of what they do.
jon357  72 | 23526
30 Sep 2022   #433
Actually that's not true.

Of course however that rarely discourages tripe from the three Stooges.
Paulina  19 | 4497
30 Sep 2022   #434
I don't know about you but people I hang out with don't tend to end arguments with a fist fight,no matter what sex they are.

Exactly. Good point, Lenka.

I see VULVA is still hurting.

Stupid lovely old ku.nt.

I think it's hilarious that every single link on this forum is being deactivated ASAP and people who use one or two quotes over a limit are getting scolded by the mods, but crap like this is often completely ignored on PF. What a joke this forum is... Or rather - the way it's being moderated.

The post was deleted minutes before your post, now you have put some of the quotes back into the thread
Paulina  19 | 4497
30 Sep 2022   #435
Mods, the post was still here when I was typing my comment. I don't put quotes back from the Off Topic to the main forum.

And this is still in this thread:

With a painful VULVA:)))

And my point still stands. It's especially bad in the Polish section which doesn't seem to be moderated at all.
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
30 Sep 2022   #436
Are you talking about your do-nothing, say-nothing queen?

Yet another example of American ignorance.
Or is it just Brit baiting?


Great post about The Royal Family.

Its sounds like a huge rip off upon the British subjects

Read Atch's post properly.
Atch  22 | 4299
1 Oct 2022   #437
Great post about The Royal Family.

The monarchy is one of the reasons why Britain has managed to preserve so much of its magnificent natural beauty and architectural heritage. London wouldn't be the city it is without them. The Crown Estate has ensured that the most beautiful and historic parts of London have been preserved in all their glory. Just take Regent's Park as an example. There is nothing to compare with walking through The Regent's Park at this time of year, a glorious autumn morning, as the mists are lifting. I remember once as I was walking through on my way to work in Devonshire Place, an army officer on horseback loomed up out of the mist. He was wearing the old WW1 style uniform. I'm still not sure whether he was a soldier from the Regent's barracks or a visitor from past times :) Such a beautiful atmosphere in so many places in the UK wholly because of the continuing presence of the Royal Family.
pawian  226 | 27572
1 Oct 2022   #438
you're annoying and no one here likes you.

But we still make the PF family, sort of. And we need to keep together despite all differences and animosities. Coz we are unique in the world.

Guys, always remember it.

Did you read THAT,

Yes, we did. Coz we are PF family. Simple.
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
1 Oct 2022   #439

Another beautiful post.
I was wrong about you.
For some reason I expected you to be more republican and hate the monarchy.

I misjudged you.Sorry!
Novichok  4 | 8568
1 Oct 2022   #440
London wouldn't be the city it is without them.

London is a sh*ithole where white British citizens are now a minority and a clown called Khan is the mayor. Quoting:

Those identifying as White British accounted for 43.4% of London's population...

Great accomplishment, Liz ... hahahahahahaha...
pawian  226 | 27572
1 Oct 2022   #441
I expected you to be more republican and hate the monarchy.

I am republican for Poland. I dislike those monarchist clowns.
For Britain, I am a monarchist.

Do you think I am weird??????????????? Or just atypical????????????

London where white British citizens are now a minority

Where do you take all those lies of yours from??????????????????
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
1 Oct 2022   #442
I am republican for Poland

I was referring to Atch, not you, stop all this me,me,me stuff!

Where do you take all those lies of yours from???

Yeah, Rich is full to the brim with all those American lies about Britain.
Do I sense American insecurity here?
pawian  226 | 27572
1 Oct 2022   #443
stop all this me,me,me stuff!

Coz you only want you, you, you stuff?????? hahahaha Forget it, my dear darling Milo! Don`t you know we need a perfect balance of nature here????? Ha! :):):):)
Novichok  4 | 8568
2 Oct 2022   #444
Where do you take all those lies of yours from??????????????????

Do you know how to use google or do you need help?

It goes like this...Enter are whites a minority in London and press ENTER. Then you will get this as the first hit:

London was more ethnically diverse than other regions
Those identifying as White British accounted for 43.4% of London's population

johnny reb  49 | 7995
2 Oct 2022   #445
stop all this me,me,me stuff!

Oh the hypocrisy !
Go look at all your posts that are nothing but I, I, I , I's.
I this, I that, I said, I think, I am, I, I, I.
Boy did you stick your foot in your piehole again.
You sound like an American sailor, aye aye, swabbie LMMFAO !
What a crop failure you are.
Atch  22 | 4299
2 Oct 2022   #446
London is a sh*ithole

You've never been there.

For some reason I expected you to be more republican and hate the monarchy.

I'm worn out from saying that my family on both my mother's and father's side have a long history of service in the British armed forces. My uncle was a captain in the RAF, my grandfather a colour sergeant in the Royal Irish Regiment etc. Christmas telly was Papal Blessing in the morning, Queen's speech in the afternoon. It's very common for Irish families to have British military connections.
pawian  226 | 27572
2 Oct 2022   #447
White British accounted for 43.4% of London's population

Similarly, I could complain that European bison is in huge minority among all other creatures which live in the wild forests of Poland. However, I don`t, coz that would be moronic. :):):)

to use google or do you need help?

Have you ever heard the term suburban sprawl? Try to google it and learn why London proper has less whites today than before. hahahaha
OP RussianAntiPutin  6 | 209
2 Oct 2022   #448
What's the use of royalty? As far as I know it's a crazy 19th century thing that some countries still waste their money on.

Isn't it basically just a waste of tax money?
Joker  2 | 2390
2 Oct 2022   #449
Those identifying as White British accounted for 43.4% of London's population

The term LONDONISTAN couldnt be more fitting. Of course the PF peanut gallery will try and deny it but the video doesnt lie.

Can you imagine waking up to this crap? It wouldnt last more than 5 minutes before some redneck knocked him off that bridge. LOL

As far as I know it's a crazy 19th century thing

They should go by the way of the dinosaur. Im glad we dont have this stupid crap in the USA
Atch  22 | 4299
2 Oct 2022   #450
Can you imagine waking up to this crap?

That was a one-off evening event during Covid. It's not a regular thing.

we dont have this stupid crap in the USA

No, you have a parade of peanut farmers or bent businessmen and their ilk living in luxury in the White House, and no national health service for their 'subjects' ........

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