The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Novichok  4 | 8682
27 Sep 2022   #391
places in America where brown people live?

Get with the program, It's Brown, not brown. Same with "Black" - even as an adjective. That's what the woke scum did to the English language.

There are no "ghettos" in the US. When whites move out because they don't want to die too early, the 'hood does not become "ghetto". It becomes Black.
jon357  72 | 23654
27 Sep 2022   #392

Don't you like them?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
27 Sep 2022   #393
Aren't they places in America where brown people live?

Many but by invitation only which excludes you.

Don't you like them?

We know that you don't.

Brown shopkeeper in the ring

What a racist remark, joun.
If you knew what shame was, you would be ashamed of yourself about many things.
jon357  72 | 23654
27 Sep 2022   #394
which excludes you.

How do you know? My heart could be as black as Jim's filthy reputation.
Novichok  4 | 8682
27 Sep 2022   #395
Don't you like them?

I like them as much as you like women and just like you and women, I find them useless.
jon357  72 | 23654
27 Sep 2022   #396
you like women

Now and again for a change.

Some of us can still manage it, y'know.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
28 Sep 2022   #397
Trim at my age has become way too much work.
A good ribeye steak done medium with hashbrown potatoes fried to a crisp with a cold coke cola is much more satisfying plus the mess is much easier to clean up too.
Atch  22 | 4299
28 Sep 2022   #398
nannies we hired for close to 2 decades

OMG! I've just realised you don't actually know what a nanny is! I'm sorry to break it to you Cargo but the people you hired were not nannies. Btw how is it that your children needed a childminder until they were in their twenties?? Maybe if you'd hired a nanny they would have made better progress.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
28 Sep 2022   #399
Atch, your trolling is getting as bad as Milopox's.
pawian  226 | 27817
28 Sep 2022   #400

You are very unstable if you say it. :):) A few days ago you attacked people who conversed with Atch. Now, you are attacking Atch for conversing with people. Amasing!
jon357  72 | 23654
28 Sep 2022   #401
your children needed a childminder until they were in their twenties??

Deepak is 60 and still wears nappies so the reason is clear.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
28 Sep 2022   #402
Now, you are attacking Atch

Oh, kiss my grits and your guilt trips dick wad.
I didn't attack Atch but you did attack me. Amazing !
pawian  226 | 27817
28 Sep 2022   #403
Oh, fuk you

Why so uncultural??? hahahaha

I didn't attack Atch

Really??? Apart from mental instability, you also suffer from amnesia??
I worry about you coz you are displaying regular symptoms of dementia. HA!


I only delicately suggested you should get a grip and decide who is who in Atch vs her interlocutors conversations.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
28 Sep 2022   #404
I only delicately suggested

Keep your delicate suggestions to yourself.
I want any sht out of you I will squeeze your head.
pawian  226 | 27817
29 Sep 2022   #405

Yes, you should keep away from Atch. Ha!
johnny reb  49 | 8003
29 Sep 2022   #406
@The Village Idiot
Atch  22 | 4299
29 Sep 2022   #407
you should keep away from Atch. Ha!

As a rule, ignorant people should avoid me as I'm quite merciless once I decide to engage :)) I have absolutely boundless energy for squashing such people with an absolute fount of knowledge to draw on while I'm doing it :) In real life, I'm mostly very kind in a patronizing and condescending way to the ignorant, unless they combine it with rudeness and arrogance. Then I go for the jugular :)
Alien  26 | 6528
29 Sep 2022   #408
Irish blood...🤺
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
29 Sep 2022   #409
children needed a childminder until they were in their twenties?

Again you immigrant brain is so small to come on conclusions without knowing the facts like in that land thread that the OP was a non EU/Schengen citizen IDIOT Yes cuz we grew up a relative from Poland who lost his both parents in an accident..


They didnt steal diapers like you INFERIOR one here who just bought a burial plot as a LAND lololololol

Then I go for the jugular :)

With a painful VULVA:)))

Deepak is 60 and still wears nappie

I see the homosexual with Aids is still sniffing.Habbits die hard.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
29 Sep 2022   #410
Irish blood..

Listen to me growl, listen to me roar.......Pffffffft !
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
29 Sep 2022   #411
Then I go for the jugular :)

Have you been knocked down by a man's fist? I think you haven't, so all your might stance depend on social and cultural convections and cumstoms. In other words you are in a pretective bubble. In such a 'safe space' it is easy to be cheasy lol I mean opinionted and outspoken.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
29 Sep 2022   #412
In other words you are in a pretective bubble.

Spot on.
Atch is allowed to pick and poke without fear of getting spanked back.
Someone pokes back at Atch they suddenly get tagged with "ATTACKING her" and what a monster scum they are when it gets to hot in the kitchen for her from the fire she started.

All the men fems here have their heads way up her skirt.
Doesn't work that way in America, "You gonna run with the big dogs then you better learn how to pis s high and not cry to the Mods.

And we all know that the fems here are the biggest crybabies to the Mods. if the truth be known.
Atch  22 | 4299
29 Sep 2022   #413
a relative from Poland who lost his both parents in an accident..

Very commendable. I hope you found somebody to instill basic manners into him as you would clearly be incapable of doing it.

the OP was a non EU/Schengen citizen

Being an EU/Schengen citizen makes no difference when buying land in Poland. You're still subject to certain restrictions - but as the spouse of a Polish citizen they tend to blur the boundaries as you should know. In Poland everything is a lottery. It's always fifty-fifty as to how things turn out when you're dealing with officials. Would you disagree with that?

With a painful VULVA

"Vulgar language - always the first and last refuge of the man with nothing to say"

Have you been knocked down by a man's fist?

No, but I've come close to being knocked down by a woman more than once :))
pawian  226 | 27817
29 Sep 2022   #414
ignorant people should avoid me as I'm quite merciless once I decide to engage :

Amasing! It is exactly as me!

In real life, I'm mostly very kind

Just like me. Incredible.

Then I go for the jugular :)

Balls are a better target. Try them next time.
Lenka  5 | 3548
29 Sep 2022   #415
all your might stance depend on social and cultural convections and cumstoms.

I don't know about you but people I hang out with don't tend to end arguments with a fist fight, no matter what sex they are.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
29 Sep 2022   #416
with a cold coke cola

I can't think of a more disgusting drink to have with my meal.

your trolling is getting as bad as Milopox's.

You are the gift that just keeps giving.....firstly, Atch is a much more experienced poster than I am.
And secondly, neither of us are trolls.
We just kick the bad guys where it hurts.
With huge success so far.

ignorant people should avoid me as I'm quite merciless once I decide to engage

Please take a note all you ignoramuses.

Atch is allowed to pick and

Just more American paranoia!
You do know this is an American forum don't you?
jon357  72 | 23654
29 Sep 2022   #417
people I hang out with don't tend to end arguments with a fist fight,

Nor me. Then again, neither of us have spent a Saturday night in Kozia Górka or Ravenscraig..

I can't think of a more disgusting drink to have with my meal.

Same. I've had two months of that muck and am glad to be on my way back to Poland where there's nicer drinks with food.

We just kick the bad guys where it hurts.

Worth doing. All it takes for evil to triumph is for the good people to do nothing.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
29 Sep 2022   #418
. All it takes for evil to triumph is for the good people to do nothing

I could not agree more.
Novichok  4 | 8682
29 Sep 2022   #419
All it takes for evil to triumph is for the good people to do nothing.

Are you talking about your do-nothing, say-nothing queen?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
30 Sep 2022   #420
you would clearly be incapable of doing it.

Yeah, like you are a real pro at doing it. lol
Now now Atchy, you are trolling again to get things going.
Pipe down before someone responds, like me, and the fem boys call it attacking you and you call it vulgar language.

I've come close to being knocked down by a woman more than once

Now that surprises no one here knowing your provoking cute mouth.
I still like you though. ;-)

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