The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Joker  2 | 2390
24 Sep 2022   #361

The deal was its your turn now and I will post more pics as well documented in the past. Where are your pics to back up all your stories that never happened? Show me where I said " I promised" anything to your sorry ass? Once again, you wont be able to back up this fake claims just like you tried to blame Milo and I for attacking Atch. The whole forum knows everything you say is BS. This is just a fact youre too stupid to comprehend:)

You will never produce any evidence of you imaginary feats because its just a bunch of BS and its totally obvious.

I feel sad for you bc you dont have a normal life, was it women rejecting you that made you this bitter?

Or is it....

For monetary reasons... You just cant afford to do anything else but hangout on this forum all day, everyday? Nothing against the forum, but you're obsessed with it and a real creep.

If I ever promised anything it was after you reciprocated after my last pic which never happened or ever will bc they dont exist.
johnny reb  49 | 7995
24 Sep 2022   #362
Come on, tell us why you won't be going to Poland for Christmas again this year.
(This ought to be a doozy)
The dog ate your plane ticket, right ? Hahahahaha !
Oh that's right, you don't like Poland because it's boring and the people don't smile at you. lol
You come by your name honestly, "The Joke." Hoot !

For monetary reasons... You just cant afford to do anything else

Yes, we see that the hillbilly castle you live in with the railroad track running thru your back yard, the cobbled crooked smokestack and the detached t.v. antenna with two junked cars sitting in the driveway that you are just rolling in the loot.

You are a real chick magnet alright except I just can't see Atch with her arm around you.
She is twice as smart as you are and much more refined.
You are way out of your class trying to impress her as in LOSER !
Notice how she ignores your trolling ? Hoot !
jon357  72 | 23526
24 Sep 2022   #363
It's more believable than his fakecations

And the marlin! Do they swim in his cattle ranch.

And Deepak still doesn't know where anyone lives.
johnny reb  49 | 7995
24 Sep 2022   #364
And the marlin! Do they swim in his cattle ranch.

And the Skate, do they swim in his bathtub with him ?

Deepak still doesn't know where anyone lives.

I don't think anyone cares where you and your husband live joun.
Maybe give it a rest today, what do ya say ?
jon357  72 | 23526
24 Sep 2022   #365
And the Skate,

Ask your lodger.

don't think anyone

Nobody knows, or ever will.

Maybe give it a rest today

Stop trolling and I'll stop spanking you, fat boy.
johnny reb  49 | 7995
24 Sep 2022   #366
Ask your lodger.

I don't have a lodger living here, never have, besides, you are the one that first gagged us about the Skates so we ask you for your personal experience about invading their back sides with your little wrinkled up old smelly pud.

Nobody knows, or ever will.

Never say never joun as you said the same about your real name.

Stop trolling and I'll stop spanking you,

Do you really think a fem with a small dick and a caved in chest is really any threat to me ?
Bring your threats on, Sissy.
jon357  72 | 23526
24 Sep 2022   #367
Meltdown par excellence.

I'll give Jim a few hours to recover and for Marge to mop up the yellow puddle under his reinforced chair before spanking the nutter again.
pawian  226 | 27572
24 Sep 2022   #368
The dog ate your plane ticket, right ?

No, my cat peed through it while it was lying on the suitcase on layers of clothes. I had to print a new one and leave some wet clothes behind. I didn`t have to change the suitcase, though.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
24 Sep 2022   #369
anyone cares where you and your husband live

But they have to brag that have something,remember delph buying bricks for a fireplace in his house and left that flat in Poznan(lol fireplace in a flat building lololol) lol,then was Blank Shooter harry with his flat,and that used carpet seller dreaming of a detached house in Poland lol then that superior lovely diaper stealing nanny with a rich husband,who dont TEACH anymore and now this Homo #1 lives in a house(a rented flat in a old commi building in a ghetto suburb of Warsaw).LOL remember last time he bragged about OWNING a car,living in a posh neighborhood,staying in a 5 star and claiming there are no middle seats in business class.LOL

I tell ya when we Americans talk normally about life some of these low life euros think its a high life and we are bragging when its all normal for us,just like when Mazur claimed to take a long drive,which is perfectly normal here and for these migrants its a luxury.Most of them are not native Poles but are the economic migrants to Poland.There jealousy drips like an egg and then they tend to correct you by bragging
pawian  226 | 27572
24 Sep 2022   #370
we are bragging when its all normal for us

yes, it is normal for you to pay through the nose for your kids` uni education in the US, while in Europe it is for free, so Europeans are bragging instead. hahahahaha.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
24 Sep 2022   #371
Europeans are bragging instead

We dont care what you brag for and you seriously think we are jealous?We pay,so what,BTW we also pay for over 30 mil illegals too close to Polonias population.We bi.tch about it but we pay still.
pawian  226 | 27572
24 Sep 2022   #372
we are jealous?

It seems so. :):)

We pay,so what,

Not so what, actually. I remember reading Ams complaining about it. :):)
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
24 Sep 2022   #373
It seems so.

Time to make an appointment at 'Vision Express Super Optyk"
I remember reading Ams complaining about it. :):)
My answer was 'We bi.tch' so what.
jon357  72 | 23526
24 Sep 2022   #374
It seems so. :):)

He is.

I wonder what rented flat on a -cimmie' building he means? Maybe my old one that I rent to someone. It's a nice flat though and not in the ghetto (not that the former ghetto in Warsaw is a bad area at all) and he doesn't know where we live now. At all.

About owning a car, we've always leased. It's much better.

I wonder if he still has that 1970s kawalerka behind the supermarket. The one that someone posted the address of on here.

Europeans are bragging instead. hahahahaha.

We've got so much more to brag about, haven't w.
pawian  226 | 27572
24 Sep 2022   #375
We bi.tch' so what.

There is a grain of truth in every bitching. :):):0
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
24 Sep 2022   #376
tell us why you won't be going to Poland for Christmas again this year

No, you tell us why you have never, ever been to Poland and probably never will?
Short of cash or just short of love for Poland?

we see that the hillbilly castle you live in with the railroad track running thru your back yard

I have seen your wooden shack Jim and I have seen Jokers house.
He wins hands down and by miles!

And Deepak still doesn't know where anyone lives.

Deepak is a loud mouthed know nothing from NJ.
His house is much bigger than Jim's but it is still made of wood and is on a main road......must try harder Deepak!
Atch  22 | 4299
25 Sep 2022   #377
who dont TEACH anymore

You wouldn't be suggesting now that I'm not a teacher, would you?

diaper stealing nanny

Let me give you another English lesson - not just English either but a lesson in how to construct witticisms :) If you're creating an insult based around a nanny, then you should use the word 'nappy' instead of diaper, as it allows for alliteration which is so much more effective as a literary device. Then instead of 'stealing' you should use the British English slang term for stealing, to 'nick'. So, instead of the clumsy and pedestrian 'diaper stealing nanny' you have 'nappy nicking nanny' - and you say I'm not a teacher ...........
johnny reb  49 | 7995
25 Sep 2022   #378
'nappy nicking nanny'

'Catch all copping childminder' and I ain't no teacher !
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
26 Sep 2022   #379
Let me give you

NO,I will not let you.........................................................................Yeah you may BARK, Inferior DIAPER stealing nanny married to a RICH husband.LOL and no knowledge of buying land in Poland.

I'm not a teacher

No you are a INFERIOR diaper stealing nanny.
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
26 Sep 2022   #380
No you are a INFERIOR diaper stealing nanny.

Just pathetic as usual.

Your comments were lost on this moron.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
26 Sep 2022   #381
we own the house

lolololol that rented commi flat in the ghetto suburb of Warsaw lolol
Just like your bum chum Blank Shooter owned a flat but couldnt afford to pay his credit

  • IMG_0349.jpg
Atch  22 | 4299
27 Sep 2022   #382

That would be 'an'.

no knowledge of buying land in Poland.

How recently did you buy land? I bought land with my husband in April of this year. Was never asked to show a resident's permit probably because he's Polish. But then I'm a fair skinned, blue eyed European, not a bitter little brown faced man from Calcutta with the manners of a sewer rat, who can speak neither English nor Polish properly :)
johnny reb  49 | 7995
27 Sep 2022   #383
Polish properly

Are you saying that YOU can speak Polish fluently and properly, Atch ?
I know a while back you said that you were still working on it.
jon357  72 | 23526
27 Sep 2022   #384
rented commi flat in the ghetto suburb of Warsaw

Ok then troll, where do I live?

I didn't know the 1930s were 'commie' :-D

bitter little brown faced man from Calcutta

From the slums of India but actually runs a corner shop in one of those bits of New Jersey that the Lonely Planet guide says you shouldn't visit at night.

With a one room flat in Warsaw, above a strip club and Shisha bar.
Atch  22 | 4299
27 Sep 2022   #385
From the slums of India

I know, but I think Calcutta sounds better for comic purposes - a bit of poetic licence, you know? :) I like 'bitter little brown faced man' - has a nice cadence to it. Maybe I could work it into a poem or song? I'm thinking of re-working Little Brown Jug, much as Elton John reworked Candle in the Wind for Princess Diana. Of course - Little Brown Mug !! Mug, as in face. Perfect!

Ha, ha, ha, hee, hee, hee!
Little brown mug
From Noo JoyZEE

(has to be sung with the stress on the last syllable).

All together now!

And 'bitter little brown faced man' could be sung to the tune of Pretty Little Angel Eyes :) Pity we can't add an audio file here.

Mods, can we add audio??
jon357  72 | 23526
27 Sep 2022   #386
'bitter little brown faced man

He's certainly a weird character.
johnny reb  49 | 7995
27 Sep 2022   #387
I like 'bitter little brown faced man' -

Brown shopkeeper in the ring

You are both racists.
It's no wonder he mocks you two the way he does.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
27 Sep 2022   #388
I bought land with my husband in April of this year

Buying a burial plot dont count as buying a property for house.

I'm a fair skinned, blue eyed European

Just like the nannies we hired for close to 2 decades.LOL like you are also.

Ok then troll, where do I live?

In a rented commi flat in a ghetto suburb of Warsaw.
jon357  72 | 23526
27 Sep 2022   #389

Aren't they places in America where brown people live?
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
27 Sep 2022   #390
Dont know but there are places where homosexuals with Aids live.

Mods, can we add audio??

Oh God,another plot to make people listen to a fat cow moo.

he mocks you two the way he does.

lol I can imagine the homoiexual with Aids and the diaper stealing/sniffing nanny clinching and grinding there teeth lol.

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