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Bobko  27 | 2128
20 Sep 2022   #331

I fear you are imparting more meaning to Johnny's antics than they actually deserve. His attempts at creating intrigue and playing people off each other, is reminiscent of what I may have witnessed in elementary school. When I was nominally aligned with him, he showered me with praise, and then when I left for a few months he was one of the lone voices expressing regret over my departure. Then, of course, everything went to sh!t.

I suspect Johnny may have learned this maneuver sometime in his youth. He sucks up to someone new (new user or new mod), to gain himself a credit of goodwill. Whenever the person inevitably realizes that Johnny is a sack of sh!t, he begins to diversify his game by claiming things like "we all agree here that you are a nuisance", or "Pawian is my dear friend", relying on people's ignorance, politeness, or sense of tact to not correct him.
pawian  226 | 27585
20 Sep 2022   #332
You begged Rich to PM me to join your silly little protest

Yes, you were doing it several times in history here. To no avail.

"Pawian is my dear friend"

Coz it is true. I am a friend of everybody who doesn`t support Putler and his RuSSist gang. That is why I bicker with johhny but still like his decent stance on the invasion and RuSSist matters. At the same time I bicker with Novi and refuse to accept his rabid pro-RuSSist obsession.
Miloslaw  20 | 5141
20 Sep 2022   #333

A brilliant summary of JR and your comments are shared by my own experience of him to a tee.
He befriends all the newcomers by PM, says he will back up their posts and support them, but as soon as they work out what a duplicitous,useless jerk he is, he attacks them.

Which is why he is now Johnny "no friends" Rebel.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
21 Sep 2022   #334
he's the only one to attack and pretend to defend at the same time.

The words you are looking for Atch are, "passive aggressive".
Well thank good ness that I have never attacked you undeservingly because of my love for sweet little innocent snow-white princes you. :-/
Have I ever told you how I love sparring with the snobbish females from high school built like the lunch lady now ?
Miloslaw  20 | 5141
21 Sep 2022   #335
I have never attacked you undeservingly

Oh really, so you think that when you attacked her it was deserved?
You really are a dumb old country bumpkin!

I love sparring with the snobbish females

Again you show your bias and ignorance.
There is nothing snobbish about Atch at all, she is a perfectly normal, spirited Irish woman.
Joker  2 | 2390
22 Sep 2022   #336
He's a very duplicitous individual - lovely word, isn't it? :)

Yes, Indeed. And your post was spot on as usual:)

Yes, you were doing it several times in history here

It was Jimmy not me. I dont got around PMing other posters with childish drama. Have I ever PMed you?

There is nothing snobbish about Atch at all

She is a nice lady who is far more intelligent than Jimmy could ever imagine and so she is a threat to him. All women for that matter. There isnt a female poster than he hasnt started an argument or insulted.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
22 Sep 2022   #337
It was Jimmy not me.

Oh here we go with the blame game again.

She is a nice lady who is far more intelligent than Jimmy

Or for you for that matter. (Jimmy snickers out loud)

There isnt a female poster

I do seem to attract them don't I, whereas they never mention, 'The Joke', you.
You remind me of one of my old college roommates after we went to the bar and hooked up with a couple of women.
The next morning, he would always use to say, "Why do I always end up with the ugly fat one and you always get the good-looking racehorse ?" lmao !

I told him that maybe he was trying too hard like poor you and pitiful Milo.
Joker  2 | 2390
22 Sep 2022   #338
It was worth the price of admission to see Mrs. Atch put you in you place again! Hahahaha

And it shut your big mouth up for a few days as well. How does it fell to have your dupa kicked so much?

Why do I always end up with the ugly fat one and you always get the good-looking racehorse ?

It sounds like another one of you personal problems.

Why do you attach your childish lies and stories upon other ppl? You have an imagination of a 5 year old bully, so sad!

my old college roommates

Surrrrrre, I was your roommate of course. LOL
jon357  72 | 23528
22 Sep 2022   #339
old college roommates

Cellmates, more like...

after we went to the bar and hooked up with a couple of women.

After he went to the showers and bent down to pick up a bar of soap.
pawian  226 | 27585
22 Sep 2022   #340
Have I ever PMed you?

Yes, many times but my box is permanently full so all your messages bounced back.
Miloslaw  20 | 5141
22 Sep 2022   #341
I do seem to attract them don't I, whereas they never mention, 'The Joker

They never mention The Joker because he is not offensive.
They only mention you because you are.....You are a slimeball and women will always comment on people like you.
The only attention you get, from.either sex, is negative.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
23 Sep 2022   #342
Mrs. Atch put you in you place again! How does it fell to have your dupa kicked so much?

You place ? How does it fell ?
You're back on the sauce again ain't sha little buddy ? (BURP ! BELTSH !)
To answer your no win BAITING question however to get me to involve lovely Atch into your trap just ain't gonna happen.
Yes, I let Atch make diminishing remarks about me because she is a frail little spotless virgin.
If I were to put her in her place, I would be accused immediately of attacking her. (a no win)
That is why I let Atch diminish me, light heartedly occasionally, and why I diminish her light heartedly occasionally.
Is there anything else you two nerds need explaining to ?
Joker  2 | 2390
23 Sep 2022   #343
What a total incoherent Meltdown!

When are you going to learn how to create a coherent and cohesive post? All I can see are the scribblings of a demented psycho that spends far too much time on this forum. Dont you have anything ever to do besides hang out here day after day, year after year?

That is why I let Atch diminish me,

You let her! ROFTL!!!

Now, thats funny!
johnny reb  49 | 8003
23 Sep 2022   #344
Dont you have anything ever to do besides hang out here day after day, year after year?

Why this bothers you so much to make it your business only shows your insecurities that I steal your thunder here.
Notice in this thread of "Best Posters" how my name has come up in almost every post, by everyone, yet no one brings your name up.

That shows how popular I am and how you are nothing but a little biatch whiner with your toxic inferiority complex posts.
You only have one follower here to support you and he is even catching on to your immature rants.

All I can see are the scribblings of a demented psycho

And look who is talking. lol
You really need to learn to mind your own business and quit attacking people here before you get even more warnings than you already have.

You let her! Now, thats funny!

No, it is actually sad that when the feminists here attack a man with a nasty post it is acceptable by the Eurons but when the favor is returned by a man then we are accused of "attacking" them. Boo Hoo Hoo !

That's why I "LET" the girls attack me occasionally, especially little lilly white do nothing wrong Ms. Atchly.
And you love to play on it (kiss kiss) for your brownie points like a little pussy.
Now THAT is what is funny ! HooT !
Joker  2 | 2390
23 Sep 2022   #345
There he goes again! Meltdown after meltdown.

..You are a slimeball and women will always comment on people like you.

Its always the same diatribe over and over again. All his posts are basically the same the only difference is where he uses his limited vocabulary of words like "diminish", "inferiority complex" and the classic "shame".

Have you noticed all his lies and stories that he blames others for doing is what he is actually doing himself? What a hypocrite! HooT!!

That shows how popular

Hahahaha This is the funniest thing ever to be posted on PF! ROFTL!! The most hated poster in PF history actually thinks hes popular and ppl like him! Hahahahahahaaaa
jon357  72 | 23528
23 Sep 2022   #346

A weird shape, isn't he.

You should see his wife; she's about a foot and a half taller than him.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
23 Sep 2022   #347
@Poker the Provoker
Another of his unprovoked attacks proving that I live in his head rent free.
Its always the same diatribe over and over again.
You need help son and I am really not kidding.

You should see his wife;

Tell us joun, is your husband really shorter than you are ?
Miloslaw  20 | 5141
23 Sep 2022   #348
, I let Atch make diminishing remarks about me because she is a frail little spotless virgin.

That is not my impression of her at all.
I think she knocked your teeth out!

What a total incoherent Meltdown!

We have become used to his total meltdowns on here, they are so regular.

That shows how popular I am

Blimey!I didn't realise that you were THAT dilusional!

Jim, you are a total loser and we all know ir.
The only person's head you have got into is your own and you have messed it up big time!
jon357  72 | 23528
23 Sep 2022   #349
We have become used to his total meltdowns on here, they are so regular.

They're funny to watch, until it sinks in that mental illness is no joke.

is your husband

Head and shoulders above you in every sense.

And he doesn't play the online slots.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
23 Sep 2022   #350
Head and shoulders above you in every sense.

How sweet of you to say.

And he doesn't play the online slots.

He better not be playing with any slots if he really loves you.
Do you trust him ?
jon357  72 | 23528
23 Sep 2022   #351
Do you trust him ?

Of course.

He's not a felon, not mentally ill and we don't have any dodgy lodgers.
Joker  2 | 2390
24 Sep 2022   #352
I think she knocked your teeth out!

Hes such a fraud and Atch put him in his place, once again! LOL He actually shut his big trap for a whole day. Surely, from embarrassment after he accused us for doing exactly what he always does on a daily basis. Ive never seen a bigger hypocrite in my life. Im glad she doesnt put up with his BS as well.

total meltdowns on here, they are so regular.

Its always the same crap with limited vocabulary. Anything you say to him he parrots back or makes up some childish story about you.

Yeah, hes the best poster! Hahahahahahaa

mental illness is no joke.

He is totally obsessed with this forum and its users.. I hope he gets some professional help its not funny anymore.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
24 Sep 2022   #353

You mean that lovely superior diaper stealing nanny who married a rich man LOL?Who dont teach any more:)

He better not be playing with any slots if he really loves you.

Are you talking about HOMO #1 of the pf?

He better not be playing with any slots

What can people with AIDS do otherwise living in a rented flat in a ghetto of Warszawa nursing there sickness.lololol penny slots are also on online:))
johnny reb  49 | 8003
24 Sep 2022   #354
He's not a felon, not mentally ill and we don't have any dodgy lodgers.

Any man that does the perverted things that he boasts about like buggering another man IS a felon, mentally ill and dodgy.
@Poker the Provoker
Yet another unprovoked attack by the little guy.

Yeah, hes the best poster!

Not only the most popular but also the best too ?
Thank you Shrimp.
Didn't you say you were going to post some pictures of your clown car when you got it all fixed up ?
What ever happened with that or was it just another one of your lies ?
My bet is that you will say that you sold it and made thousands of dollars on it. Hoot !
jon357  72 | 23528
24 Sep 2022   #355
a felon, mentally ill and dodgy.

Yes you are.

Perhaps Jim's experience of it was soured by prison rape.

a rented flat

And now he claims to know where I live and whether or not we own the house.

* clue, he doesn't know...
Joker  2 | 2390
24 Sep 2022   #356
Didn't you say you were going to post some pictures of your clown car when you got it all fixed up

Its your turn remember? Ive posted many photos and you never posted any. I dont have to give into your demands FU! Were all still waiting for the pic of the "mystery Marlin" that you were boasting about from your "fakecation" that you were constantly posting from..Hahaha Nobody around here believes a single word you say. Your credibility is lower than a snakes belly.
jon357  72 | 23528
24 Sep 2022   #357
"mystery Marlin"

Probably a McDonalds filet-o-fish that he ate in the parking lot.


In Deepak's case, a defakecation.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
24 Sep 2022   #358
Yes you are.

No, you are.
I don't do those perverted disgusting things like you do.

Perhaps Jim's experience of it was soured by prison rape.

You must know something the rest of us don't.
Perhaps Jim just knows right from wrong.

* clue, he doesn't know...

You should know better to challenge Cargo.
Remember how he humiliated Ha Ha Hairy and his flat.
Joker  2 | 2390
24 Sep 2022   #359
Probably a McDonalds filet-o-fish that he ate in the parking lot.

It's more believable than his fakecations. Really, who takes a vacation and constantly continues to post on PF around the clock and then expects us to believe he went anywhere. Its either that or hes the worlds most boring person or flat broke or a combination of both.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
24 Sep 2022   #360
Its your turn remember?

No, you promised to post pictures of your clown car when you got it fixed.
I never promised to post any pictures.

I dont have to give into your demands

They were your promises, not my demands.
So what makes you think I have to stoop to your demands Howdy Doody Boy ?

you were boasting about from your "fakecation" t

No it was you that was boasting about going to Poland for Christmas that never developed AGAIN.
First your excuse was Covid, then it was the war and this year it will be because ? lol
You are a stitch to F with Temper Tantrum Boy. HooT !

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