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johnny reb  49 | 8003
7 Sep 2022   #301
I don`t know what you are talking about.

Sure you do, Denial is not a river in Egypt.

Your chauvinist male rule over the world is slowly coming to an end.

Naw, even the women are starting to get tired of the feminist movement.
They like it the way it was before men were allowed in their bathrooms.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
17 Sep 2022   #302
Dolno is among the most respected and liked participants on PF.

I concur 100% !
pawian  226 | 27587
17 Sep 2022   #303
Dolno is among the most respected and liked

To his lot which is rightards.
While decent people abstain from dolno.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
17 Sep 2022   #304
So you are saying that a filthy lying mouth like yours is decent only to Leftard scum ?
dolno shames your limited abilities with his decency.
pawian  226 | 27587
17 Sep 2022   #305
with his decency.

You forgot inverted commas for "decency." hahahaha
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
18 Sep 2022   #306
@Pawian only has two braincells where one sits in a wheelchair and the other one pushes
johnny reb  49 | 8003
18 Sep 2022   #307
Take his bully suspension button away from him, and he would be even more worthless than he already is.
I have never met such an immature 'woke' grown fem man in my entire life.
pawian  226 | 27587
18 Sep 2022   #308
suspension button

No need to take anything, I have already given it up. Ha!

I have never met such an

Yes, I know. I am special. Like Neo - the chosen one. Ha!
johnny reb  49 | 8003
18 Sep 2022   #309
I have already given it up.

Cold day in hell for a Control Freak like you to do such a thing.
You know you would be a worse 'nothing clown' here without it.

I know. I am special.

Yes, we all know, just like your students at school do, "Village Idiot" that we tolerate without having any do recourse.
Miloslaw  20 | 5141
18 Sep 2022   #310
@johnny reb

Hey Jim, Pawian's English is better than yours.
What is your excuse?
Pawian is the village clown but you are the Village idiot.
Guess which one the villagers prefer?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
18 Sep 2022   #311
Don't stop to quick Pawian.
You would get goosed by Mr. Angry's brown nose.

Pawian is the village clown

And you are the village's brown noser.
You really should be suspended permanently for trying to bully people with your anger issues.
Are you having marital troubles at home again ?
Joker  2 | 2390
19 Sep 2022   #312
You really should be suspended permanently for trying to bully people with your anger issues.

Dont you ever stop crying and whining about the secret, stealth mods?

Seriously, you turn every thread into some grievance about imaginary mods. Who cares!! Cant you find anything else better to do with your time? Im just trying to help you man. Its not healthy, take a trip or go fishing with some buddies before old man winter frosts your ass.

Anyhow, you have no room to be calling for anyone else to be permanently banned. The only reason admin doesnt ban you is you would commit sucide and he doesn't want the guilt.

Tell us why you care so much, its mind boggling!
johnny reb  49 | 8003
19 Sep 2022   #313
Tell us why you care so much, its mind boggling!

I was just going to ask you the same thing.
Why do you insist on trying to tell me what to do and how to run my life.
Is that all you have to do is try to diminish and shame other people ?
Where does all your hate come from ?
Here I thought I had you all straightened out with all your faults and you go off on another meltdown ranting about stealth Mods again.

Did something happen at home that made you snap or did you get fired from your job again ?
Don't hold it in, Buddy, let it out so we can help you as we are all family here.
Joker  2 | 2390
19 Sep 2022   #314
Wow, Instant meltdown! So predictable and easy! LOL

Where does all your hate come from ?

What hate?

Making fun of you is called hate now? You better go hide in you safe room Nancy Boy.
Joker  2 | 2390
19 Sep 2022   #315
another meltdown ranting about stealth Mods again.

The only person on this forum that constantly whines about who is moderating is YOU!

What a pathetic attempt of deflection.

Whos the secret mod this week Mr. Paranoid!

Are you going to be here around the clock next week again? Hahaha

And you dont think ppl consider you a total loser? LOLOL

  • 471.jpg
johnny reb  49 | 8003
19 Sep 2022   #316
WOW ! another meltdown by the little bully.

Whos the secret mod this week

Don't be worrying about the secret Mod, little guy, worry about yourself.

Are you going to be here around the clock next week again?

Only if you give me permission and promise not to have another meltdown if I do with one of your none of your business rants.

And you dont think ppl consider you a total loser?

Only the Losers themselves as it takes one to know one.
Perhaps it's the alcohol that is creating all your hate.
You're back drinking and re-lapsing again aren't you.
And you were doing so good while you were in re-hab.
I will put you on my prayer list that you see the light again.
Good Luck in getting the monkey off your back.
Joker  2 | 2390
19 Sep 2022   #317
I really enjoy reading your fictitious and childish posts! Its too bad your thought process cant surpass the 4th grade level.

Im sure you will repeat that line and try too make it your own, just like everything else. I understand, you cant fix stupid and Im done trying.

Now, go start another argument with Mrs. Atch its too much fun watching her destroy your feeble mind! LOL

Who is the stealth/secret mod this week Mr. Paranoid?

Secret Mods! ROTFL!!!!!!!

You really need to find another hobby.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
19 Sep 2022   #318
I really enjoy reading your fictitious and childish posts!

We really enjoy yours all the more like your lying projections like this one.

go start another argument with Mrs. Atch its too much fun watching her destroy your feeble mind!

Everyone knows you are lying because Atch and I have not sparred in years.
Or perhaps you could show us a post where we have ? lol
Why do you keep using Atch with your crutch of lies, did she pis s you off or something.
Leave her alone and bully someone your own size........wait. Atch is a little bit of a thing so scratch that idea. HOOT !

You really need to find another hobby.

Quit trying to run my life for me even though you don't have one of your own.
I'll be damned if you will make me share mine with you just because you have none, Loser. HooT !
Bobko  27 | 2128
19 Sep 2022   #319
You're not really a full member of PF, unless JR has accused you of being a secret mod or of being some resurrected enemy of the past! It didn't take Johnny long to identify me as an Aboriginal man who haunted him in the past. I have not yet been accused of being a secret mod, but I did have my sexual orientation questioned, which is half as good.

I am lobbying Pawian and Atch to make me the first Russian secret mod in PolishForums history. I have reason to think I may succeed!
johnny reb  49 | 8003
19 Sep 2022   #320
I am lobbying Pawian and Atch to make me the first Russian secret mod

Better you lobby Vincent as he is not all puffed up like Pawian is with his power control trip.
And I wish you guys would quit attacking Atch as she has done nothing to you, yet.
Joker  2 | 2390
19 Sep 2022   #321
JR has accused you of being a secret mod or of being some resurrected enemy of the past!

It really seems like he has a some type of paranoia complex. Whilst normal ppl couldnt care less at all, he freaks out on almost a daily basis.

I am lobbying Pawian and Atch to make me the first Russian secret mod

You can be a pretend secret mod just like Paw and Atch. Theyre only screwing with Johnny but hes too dumb to figure it out.LOL

And I wish you guys would quit attacking Atch

Sad deflection to take the focus off your stealth mod paranoia.

Nobody is attacking Atch around here except you, when get your paranoid panties in a bunch.

Why are you here every single day of your life? And its all day long too! LOL You've wasted yet again, another summer sitting around on your fat lazy ass doing nothing but posting BS on PF

Congratulations! Youre the biggest loser on the internet! Hahahahaha
pawian  226 | 27587
19 Sep 2022   #322
You know you would be a worse

No, I am still the same old good pawian, with or without the suspension button. :):):

just like your students at school do,

A very accurate remark. All my students kneel down in the morning before going to school and say prayers for me to remain their teacher till the final exams.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
19 Sep 2022   #323
Why are you here every single day of your life?

Just to annoy you to the point of you having another meltdown.
You are so easy to get ranting. lol

Nobody is attacking Atch around here

Then quit using her as your crutch by attacking her credibility.
I happen to like Ms. Atch and for scum like you to use her to tell your diminishing lies is as low as you can go.

And its all day long too!

Yes, we see that you have been here all day long trolling again.
You must have got "laid off" AGAIN.
Be honest, did you get fired from your job again ?
No wonder you have been here all day drinking beer and posting your hateful posts.
pawian  226 | 27587
19 Sep 2022   #324
he has a some type of paranoia complex

No, it is only casual horseplay. It is impossible that our forum`s member can be so paranoid.
Miloslaw  20 | 5141
19 Sep 2022   #325
. Theyre only screwing with Johnny but hes too dumb to figure it out.LOL

Of course, but our resident village idiot just doesn't get it.

Nobody is attacking Atch around here

Why would we?

Jim is a total troll who hates Brits, Poles, Europeans and anyone who is not a white, Christian American.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
20 Sep 2022   #326
No, it is only casual horseplay.

Pushing their buttons is like taking ice-cream from a toddler just to hear them cry.

It is impossible that our forum`s member can be so paranoid.

Not with those two pussies who attack everyone here.
They keep attacking Atch though and we may have to attack them to keep Atch safe.
Joker  2 | 2390
20 Sep 2022   #327
They keep attacking Atch though and we may have to attack them to keep Atch safe.

More lies and more gaslighting..... Show us where Milo and I were attacking Atch you idiot!

How come you went back on your word and started talking to Pawian again?

You begged Rich to PM me to join your silly little protest and you were the first one to pussy out! Hahahaha
johnny reb  49 | 8003
20 Sep 2022   #328
How come you went back on your word and started talking to Pawian again?

pawian is one of my British friends
And don't ever attack Atch again, Got it !
Joker  2 | 2390
20 Sep 2022   #329
And don't ever attack Atch again, Got it !

Again, with the lies, Jimbo?

Show us where Milo and I were attacking Atch you idiot!

Cat got your tongue????????????????????

Youre the only person to attack her and trying to blame me now..LOL Do you really want me to go through your demented posts and prove it bc my list will be miles longer than yours.. Not very bright are you?

Thats probably why you broke your own pact with Rich and I.

I see you keep dodging that question! Hahaha

Try and deny it so I can post it! LOL
Atch  22 | 4299
20 Sep 2022   #330
Youre the only person to attack her

Quite true - or rather he's the only one to attack and pretend to defend at the same time. He's a very duplicitous individual - lovely word, isn't it? :)

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