Yes, it's immeasurable. However, what we have glimpsed through revelation is enough for us to experience God here on Earth and live according to His will...but, it's no doubt a preeminent struggle. Human pride is the most obstinate thing on Earth. To get to the point to where we can emulate John the Baptist's "not my will, but His will be done," is the work of one's life. It's such a struggle, because it's preeminently important and ineffably meaningful. Not to mention very interesting. Self-knowledge is as interesting and beautiful as it is frightening sometimes. If you are inclined or have an interest in such a topic, read St. Teresa of Avila, especially her "Interior Castle" and "Way of Perfection."
Best posters
However, what we have glimpsed through revelation is
And so many revelations in different religions. Doubtless humanity will continue to glimpse the ineffable.
"not my will, but His will be done
A very profound statement. Echoed also in the Quran, many times over. John the Baptist is a significant figure for Muslims as the prophet Yahya.
St. Teresa of Avila
It's a long time since I read that. Right now I'm revisiting St Julian of Norwich's Cloud of Unknowing. Everyone knows the famous quote "All shall be well and all shall be well and all manner of things shall be well" however the book is so much more than just that. Next on list is probably Margery Kempe.
Are you familiar with Evelyn Underhill?
How about you P, how's your garden doing ?
Time to change the topic. :) It is fine but I am extremely busy tending it.
The ineffable is foreverly (I just made that a with it :) ) glimpseable and inexhaustible.
Yes, ithere's overlaps in many religions--I've seen that as a validation of its truth. What sets Christianity apart from non-Christian religions is the ressurection. Without it, Christianity can go fly a kite. But, with it, I'd die for it.
This is a quibbling splitting of hairs tha's not important, really...but: we don't know who wrote Cloud of Unknowing. But, it'sa spiritual masterpiece.
I'm not familiar with Underhill. I've heard of Kempe, but never read her writings--wasn't she from the middle ages or am I mixing her up with someone else?
Yes, ithere's overlaps in many religions--I've seen that as a validation of its truth. What sets Christianity apart from non-Christian religions is the ressurection. Without it, Christianity can go fly a kite. But, with it, I'd die for it.
This is a quibbling splitting of hairs tha's not important, really...but: we don't know who wrote Cloud of Unknowing. But, it'sa spiritual masterpiece.
I'm not familiar with Underhill. I've heard of Kempe, but never read her writings--wasn't she from the middle ages or am I mixing her up with someone else?
It's the USP of Christianity.
Oddly enough, the most spiritual and holy place, somewhere that you really feel it that I've experienced was Saudi Arabia. All those millions praying 5 times daily does have its effect.
Here in the Africa, the way of life and culture is probably the closest that exists today to the environment that Jesus lived in. When i was in a particularly undeveloped place in the Sahara, where food is short and are hungry, the way meals and scant resources are shared and the joy with wich they share them gave a perspective on the meaning of the last supper and its macro relevance today in terms of socialised health are, welfare, education, housing etc.
I'm not familiar with Underhill
Very worth reading. An Anglican writer popular in the 1920s. She has quite an esoteric slant and is usually spot on.
wasn't she from the middle
Probably Europe's best seller in the decades before printing appeared together with her mentor, Richard Rolle. A little out of fashion but very readable.
he meaning of the last supper and its macro relevance today in terms of socialised health are, welfare, education, housing etc.
I would disagree that was the meaning of the last Supper, though. I believe to understand the Last Supper you must view in within the context of the Passover and Good Friday, it's a sacrifice that saves us from death, that is to say a separation from God. It's meaning is that it established a sacrament, the Holy Eucharist.
Certainly from that works of charity and mercy flow, but I don't think that's the meaning of the Last Supper.
But, I do get what you mean. I'm just very guarded in politicizing it--not saying you necessarily are.
I'll have to give Underhill a look-see. The Anglican church has produced some really great spiritual and theological thinkers, and some great converts to Roman Catholicism, John Henry Newman and Chesterton never get old.
I would disagree that was the meaning of the last Supper, though
It's certainly a pretty big part of its timeless meaning. The passover relevance was more then than now.
To see it as part of kenosis as you mention is valid, however you can of course see all events in Jesus' life in that way and of course theologically it is or was normal.
It's significant that they sat down for sustainance, to make sure they all had enough, that they had everything they needed.
Perhaps we're both reading to much into it and it was just the context for some drama.
He was a very political person, and in a very political time. Issues like universal healthcare, welfare, public ownership of key infrastructure should not of course be a matter of politics. They should be the norm.
johnny reb 49 | 8003
12 Jun 2022 #278
They should be the norm.
The norm will never come back but Jesus will.
It is time for an updated Top 5 list:
1) Still Crow - a favored son of Svetovid
2) Cargo Pants - first pig to master human language
3) Johnny Reb - world class detective, sage-like day trader, and just a good Christian
4) PolAmKrakow - titan of business, and also a very good shot with sniper rifle
5) Pawian - he is the king of baboons
1) Still Crow - a favored son of Svetovid
2) Cargo Pants - first pig to master human language
3) Johnny Reb - world class detective, sage-like day trader, and just a good Christian
4) PolAmKrakow - titan of business, and also a very good shot with sniper rifle
5) Pawian - he is the king of baboons
It is time for an updated Top 5 list:
Wow, you remember a lot of detailed info about some posters which they revealed a long time ago. Is it required in your job? Do you need to send such detailed reports to your headquarters???
Does the Pope sh!t in the woods?
Hmm, I am not sure what you mean. Once we suggested that the poster named Iron likes playing such a game as to shyt on the path and hide in nearby bushes to see the reaction of passing people who suddenly see turd. But you probably mean sth else.
You got the second one right!
Is this just more Russian Propaganda?
You got the second one right!
Is this just more Russian Propaganda?
you probably mean sth else.
It is a combination of two English responses to a question with an obvious answer. That is, it's a combination of "Does the bear **** in the woods?" and "Is the Pope Catholic?".
johnny reb 49 | 8003
15 Aug 2022 #285
t is a combination of two English responses to a question with an obvious answer.
Class dismissed...... ;-)
OP RussianAntiPutin 6 | 209
25 Aug 2022 #286
I can update.
1. Paulina.
3. mafketis.
4. Gefreiter Kania.
5.Novichok (when not acting like he knows everything) AND pawian (when not talking shi*t).
I can update.
1. Paulina.
3. mafketis.
4. Gefreiter Kania.
5.Novichok (when not acting like he knows everything) AND pawian (when not talking shi*t).
I don't know if Novi and Pawian are the best posters on PF but they are for sure the most active posters.
I don't know if Novi and Pawian are the best posters on PF but they are for sure the most active posters.
Cojestdocholery 2 | 986
6 Sep 2022 #288
to make sure they all had enough,
I don't agree that is a lesson we should learn from it. It spirtual significance cames first. Had enough is an afterthought, sharing or giving t o charity cames first, enough never enters equation.
You share as much as you want or as much as you can but it is not your duty to fulfill some 'had enough' quota.
Here enters pricks and try t o decide what is enough, who should get it and who much is much enough. That communist immoral utopia that makes things worse for everybody except those self-proclaimed 'good people' who impose their orders by a force.
they are for sure the most active posters.
Less and less in case of pawian. Soon he will be posting mostly at weekends.
johnny reb 49 | 8003
6 Sep 2022 #290
See, God does answer prayer. HooT !
See, God does answer prayer. HooT !
You are praying for such sillinness????? Are you mad????? That is taking Lord`s, thy God, attention in vain. HA! You are committing blasphemy! You are showing contempt for God asking Her for such banal favours. You shall be punished with pawian`s attention. Here and in Hel if you ever come to Hel in Polandl!!!!!!
johnny reb 49 | 8003
7 Sep 2022 #292
You are praying for such sillinness?
Silliness to you but not me.
Do you even know what 'conversational prayer' is ?
Every time you spew your ignorant ilk about God I smell Sulphur from the pits of Hell.
You are showing contempt for God asking Her for such banal favours.
Mabe in your church, if you had one, but not mine where we pray to God the Father so how could a father be a her ?
Didn't they teach you the Lord's prayer in Catholic school ?
Our Father who art in heaven.........
You are committing blasphemy!
Says the blasphemist himself.
It must really suck being a lost soul like you.
I don't agree
You you don't need to.
You share as much as you want
You're mistaking the Christians' holy book with some crap from Ayn Rand.
That communist immoral utopia
There you go again.
johnny reb 49 | 8003
7 Sep 2022 #294
the Christians' holy book
It's called the Holy Bible, joun.
Now say it with me, "Holly Bible".
(joun trembles violently and the words just can't come out of his sulpher smelling mouth)
I've read it a few times.
Most religions have holy books of some sort.
Most religions have holy books of some sort.
johnny reb 49 | 8003
7 Sep 2022 #296
I've read it a few times.
Come on joun, call it what it is.
Say, "Holy Bible" for us all to hear. :-)
The Bible?
A shame you never absorbed its teaching...
Or just the bs bits in the first part.
A shame you never absorbed its teaching...
Or just the bs bits in the first part.
not mine where we pray to God the Father
Father was for 2000 years and that`s enough. Now we have changed into Mother for the next 2000. And then we shall see.
It is one of the last steps symbolising the liberation of women from nasty males` domination.
johnny reb 49 | 8003
7 Sep 2022 #299
Father was for 2000 years and that`s enough.
Says who ?
And you actually teach this lie to Polish children.
Now we have changed
You must be referring 'we' to Satan's "Woke".
F them and the horse they rode in on.
God the Father is the Alfa and Omega.
from nasty males` domination.
Says the fem boy that suffers from lack of masculinity.
Have you had yourself neutered by any chance ?
The Bible?
No joun, the "HOLY BIBLE".
Now say, "Jesus Christ" for us.
Holy Bible and Jesus Christ, joun, all in one sentence.
to Satan's "Woke".
I don`t know what you are talking about. You, either.
Says the fem boy
Darling, it doesn`t matter who says it. It matters WHAT is said. HA!
Hundreds of generations of subjugated women speak through me now. Your chauvinist male rule over the world is slowly coming to an end.