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Arts and crafts

Alien  22 | 5460
28 Sep 2024   #61
I forgot about 4 in the basement. 😄
Feniks  1 | 509
28 Sep 2024   #62
I like the fact that her painting is taller than her ;D

I can't imagine painting anything taller than me! Well, in my case it would be drawing. I think something of that scale would take me an age to complete.

I personally can't have colourful art on my walls

I get what you mean. I like light and plain walls because we had garish patterned wallpaper and carpets which I couldn't stand when I was growing up. I felt like everything clashed badly in our house and I found it quite depressing. I do have many paintings on the wall in my home now though and a lot of mirrors.

I'm clueless about art :)

I'm not far behind you Lenka. Other than what I learned in art classes at school and from reading books on art, I know little about any techniques. I just know what I like when I see it.

I am one of those people that likes to see real talent when I look at a painting. Abstract art leaves me cold. If it looks like a 5 year old child could have painted it, I'm not interested.

Lots of shiny Arab tat in our home

Moroccan in mine :)


I'm constantly amazed by the number of people that love Ikea!! One opened not far from me about 20 years ago. I went when it first opened, saw nothing I liked and haven't been back since.

Guess I must be the odd one out.

Alien  22 | 5460
29 Sep 2024   #63
I forgot

There was another one, a bouquet of flowers, a painting by Heta Kordt. Cheerful, colorful. The artist must have been going through hard times and the "cheerful" paintings helped her survive.
jon357  72 | 22778
1 Oct 2024   #64
People here mostly like representative art, even photo realism. This should fit well.

David Inshaw (born 1943)
The Raven 1971

  • IMG_0912.jpeg
OP Paulina  16 | 4384
2 days ago   #65
Big white walls, high ceilings, a big living room and no pictures at all

I like the sound of the first part (big white walls, high ceilings), but let's not go too far with that lack of paintings ;) I like paintings, drawings, posters, etc. on the walls and an occasional shelf here and there - just in moderation :)

there are paintings hanging on the walls of our house almost everywhere, even in the bathroom. There are 30 of them in total, mostly originals but also reproductions.

That's amazing! :D If I were to visit you, you'd have me staring at your walls ;D Btw, who's buying them? You or your wife? :)

I think something of that scale would take me an age to complete.

For me too - I paint/draw slowly (unless I'm pressed with time, but then I'm usually not entirely happy with the result). I didn't realise how big her paintings are until I saw that photo! I wonder how long does it take her to paint one, especially considering how detailed they are.

I found it quite depressing

I see you, me and jon357 have been traumatised by the decor of our childhood homes ;D
OP Paulina  16 | 4384
2 days ago   #66
(I like shiny things)

Me too! :D I like gold on stuff and even in paintings and drawings, so I try to add some golden accents here and there to those neutral colours that I like in interiors in order to liven them up a little, like a white mug with golden spots, etc.

calligraphic Quran verses

I actually like those, they look pretty (especially if they're golden :)).

It's ink on paper and called "waves". I'd happily have that on the wall too.

That's pretty cool and clever + decorative - I can easily see it hanging on a wall in a minimalist (but not only) flat/house :)
OP Paulina  16 | 4384
2 days ago   #67
I am one of those people that likes to see real talent when I look at a painting.

Me too.

Abstract art leaves me cold. If it looks like a 5 year old child could have painted it, I'm not interested.

It's pretty much the same for me, although as I wrote earlier I do think some abstract art do fit certain interiors. I myself wouldn't mind some pretty abstract art on my walls - purely for decorative purposes though :)

The artist must have been going through hard times and the "cheerful" paintings helped her survive.

That could be the case, but not necessarily - many people simply like painting colourful, cheerful stuff :)

I'm constantly amazed by the number of people that love Ikea!!

I wouldn't know, since we don't have Ikea in Kielce ;) Until not long ago you couldn't even order anything online from Ikea to our city - I guess we were too far away from civilisation ;D They finally opened up some storehouse in the vicinity of Kielce and you can order their stuff on the internet and pick it up over there.
OP Paulina  16 | 4384
2 days ago   #68
@Feniks, what type of interiors do you like, btw?

I myself wouldn't mind some pretty abstract art on my walls - purely for decorative purposes though :)

Something of this kind, for example:

  • IMG_20241003_180630_.jpg

  • IMG_20241003_180724_.jpg
Alien  22 | 5460
2 days ago   #69
who's buying them? You or your wife? :)

Actually, both. But in total it's only 1 or 2 per year. The last one in spring this year from Mario Hennings, a seaside landscape.
OP Paulina  16 | 4384
2 days ago   #70
@Alien, you're both good people then - I salute you! :D 👍
Alien  22 | 5460
1 day ago   #71
The problem is not to buy, the problem is to find the right place in the house to properly expose the painting. Each one presents itself differently depending on the place and surroundings.

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