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Polish universities for Polish students (only?)

mafketis  38 | 11275
21 Jul 2021   #1
In Poznań, the Młodzież Wszechpolska (MW - All-Polish Youth) hung a banner on a fence by an administrative building of Adam Mickiewicz University (AMU, one of the three leading universities in the country).


Apparently it's upset that so many of the leading candidates for the next academic year (starting in early October) aren't Polish - Ukrainian and Belarusian students are said to predominate among foreign candidates (though the final selection is yet to be made).

MW claims (among other things) that the foreign students don't have the same senior year tests (Matura) as Polish students but university officials have no legal grounds to question the results of tests in other countries. MW also claims that the university receives more money from the central government for foreign rather than domestic students.

Bogumiła Kaniewska (the first female rector of the university) released a statement rejecting MW's attitude and claiming that AMU is a university for everyone (an English version of her statement follows the Polish)
Lyzko  44 | 9730
21 Jul 2021   #2
Yep, Poland (as well as Hungary) looks as though she does indeed require some EU supervision-:)
Bruxelles needn't be the bad guy, but when xenophobia and anti-democratic tendencies are still allowed to run amok,
something needs to be done....FAST!! Had there been such safeguards way back when, maybe Hitler could have been nipped
in the bud.
Novichok  4 | 8732
21 Jul 2021   #3
What a load bs. Looks, some, something, such,... Pathetic.
Lyzko  44 | 9730
21 Jul 2021   #4
What's more pathetic than indifference?
OP mafketis  38 | 11275
21 Jul 2021   #5
What indifference? Did you even read the statement from the rector?
Lyzko  44 | 9730
21 Jul 2021   #6
That statement by the rector was not what I was referring to. I'm not exactly Rosanna Rosanna Damma here, Rich!
Strzelec35  19 | 830
21 Jul 2021   #7
id really like to see blacks how theyd react to this if they were here or allowed from Africa instead of the pola-s taking Ukrainians in. wed see how tough those cowards would be then against guns. or against sucker punches in behind from the head without care for landing or repercussions like blacks are always known to do in u.s. just like the Turks punk them in Germany or Berlin due to always using knives.

Inhooen those polaks are treated the same by the British and Germans and the whole EU.
Ironside  51 | 13109
24 Jul 2021   #8
Apparently it's upset that so many

Rightly so! Why would they take on foreigners from a foreign country that is not even a part of the EU. Why>? There is no reason or sense in that!

Those places are paid by the Polish taxpayers.....
All those universities in Poland should introduce tuitions fees... that would solve the problem..

Bogumiła Kaniewska

Should fess up who is going to pat for it? Including her pay. Is she gonna teach for free ? If not she should shut up her beak..
Novichok  4 | 8732
24 Jul 2021   #9

Extending this revolutionary idea: POLSKA DLA POLAKOW!

The same in English: Foreigners, go to hell!
Ironside  51 | 13109
24 Jul 2021   #10
Foreigners, go to hell!

Dude that is not the point. The problem is in a fact that those foreigners are going to study for free in Polish universities that are paid by the Polish taxpayers. IF they would have to pay a tuition fee I don't see a problem. I doubt anybody would...

If they however are to study for free and on the top of it Polish taxpayers are to pay for their accommodation there is something wrong with that don't you think?
Novichok  4 | 8732
24 Jul 2021   #11
IF they would have to pay a tuition fee I don't see a problem.

I see a big problem. Every department can have only so many students. Polish students will lose in the competition with the tuition-paying foreigners and the schools will be doing everything they can to have more full-tuition foreigners and fewer Poles paying less or nothing. This is exactly what is happening in the US. In summer, college towns here look like China.
OP mafketis  38 | 11275
24 Jul 2021   #12
Why would they take on foreigners from a foreign country that is not even a part of the EU. Why>?

One source I've read suggests that most/all of these prospective students have the 'karta Polaka' (I don't know how legitimately...)

Also this is maybe part of a long term strategy going back to the 1990s of successive Polish governments... wooing (for lack of a better word) Ukrainians and Belarusians.

Young, smart Belarusians are surely eager to escape the pile o' crap known as Lukashenka and the more who look to Poland (rather than Russia) the better.

I'm starting to notice more Ukrainians again on public transport or walking around as the "pandemic" slowly winds down (was asked for directions yesterday by an obvious new arrival).

Biden is effecting objectively pro-Putin policies which are not good for Ukraine and which ensure that Russian aggression against Ukraine will continue/escalate which means Poland will still be an attractive destination.

So, in a way a bunch of students from these two countries (especially) could help increase Poland's soft power in the region ('could' being the operative word).
Lenka  5 | 3548
24 Jul 2021   #13
For this who yap befote finding out anything about the matter.
Let's start with the explanation as to why:
Zwiększenie liczby kandydatów z zagranicy jest wynikiem wieloletnich starań o umiędzynarodowienie Uniwersytetu, w tym naszej aktywności w ramach programu ERASMUS+, zwiększenia liczby umów bilateralnych, statusu uczelni badawczej i uniwersytetu europejskiego

Polish students benefit from Erasmus too and could benefit from those bilateral contracts.

For those who are so concerned about financial side (LMAO) they can rest assured it's not free as shown in the screenshot below

  • 20210724_071356.jpg
Lenka  5 | 3548
24 Jul 2021   #14
Btw, there are exceptions but mostly covered by Polish (not University) rules
Lyzko  44 | 9730
24 Jul 2021   #15
If a Polish-speaking foreigner is academically or financially qualified to study at a Polish university, there's zero issue, except in the mind of a bigot, PERIOD!
Novichok  4 | 8732
24 Jul 2021   #16
If a Polish-speaking foreigner is academically or financially qualified to study at a Polish university,

...and is admitted, a Polish student will not be because that spot was given to a foreigner.

This is what happens when resources are fewer than demand, except in the mind of an international stateless idiot, PERIOD!
Lyzko  44 | 9730
24 Jul 2021   #17
Novichok  4 | 8732
24 Jul 2021   #18
Hey, genius, universities are not rubber bags. Like buses and plains, they don't expand depending on how many are at the door.
Ironside  51 | 13109
24 Jul 2021   #19
Polish governments... wooing (for lack of a better word) Ukrainians and Belarusians.

Anther failed policy that never was assessed.
Lyzko  44 | 9730
24 Jul 2021   #20
Quotas are one thing, capricious exclusion quite another.
AntV  3 | 670
24 Jul 2021   #21
So, in a way a bunch of students from these two countries (especially) could help increase Poland's soft power in the region

Yeah, but it's more probable they are wooing Belorussians and Ukrainians for the same reason American authorities and universities woo Indian and Chinese students: infusion of cash money (not financed money) and the prospect of cheap white-collar labor.

and is admitted, a Polish student will not be because that spot was given to a foreigner.

Novichok has a good point. Should a deserving Polish student be denied admittance to accommodate foreign students (if, that, indeed, is actually happening)?
Novichok  4 | 8732
24 Jul 2021   #22
capricious exclusion quite another.

Poles first rule is capricious only in the mind of a person who doesn't know what the word means. There is nothing arbitrary or random in giving Polish citizens priority in Poland. Foreigners can drink Baltic and eat sand all they want.
jon357  72 | 23658
24 Jul 2021   #23
In Poznań, the Młodzież Wszechpolska (MW - All-Polish Youth) hung a banner on a fence

A pointless protest by a pointless group of silly students.
Lyzko  44 | 9730
24 Jul 2021   #24
But if Polish-speaking foreigners who are legally, scholastically, linguistically, and financially entitled to study are not permitted to do so purely on ideologícal grounds, that's discrimination!
Atch  22 | 4299
26 Jul 2021   #25
a deserving Polish student

Define a deserving Polish student .......... the entry requirements for undergraduate degrees in Poland are not very high. The Matura exam isn't especially demanding and the course content of a lot of degrees is fairly shallow. Cheating is still rife and a blind eye is turned to it by the authorities. Many Polish students are part time and the universities are not bothered about their academic standards, only about the fees they pay.
Lyzko  44 | 9730
26 Jul 2021   #26
Amen, Atch! Geezloueez, Nigerian medical students had almost carte blanche to study at leading East German universities during the '6O's-:)
AntV  3 | 670
26 Jul 2021   #27

A deserving student is one who meets the admission's requirements. It doesn't matter what one thinks about the quality of the standards, the standards are what they are and if a student meets those standards then he should get in.

I have no idea if Polish students are being denied admission to make room for foreign students or if foreign students are draining resources. If foreign student are doing the above, it's a good question to ask if this practice should continue, IMO.
Lyzko  44 | 9730
26 Jul 2021   #28
And that is exactly why Bruxelles should step in here. There must be accountability.
AntV  3 | 670
26 Jul 2021   #29
In English, it's Brussels.

What exactly needs accountability? And, why does Brussels need to hold it accountable?
Lyzko  44 | 9730
26 Jul 2021   #30
It's called the United States of Europe and her capital is the EU, deal with it!

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