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Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw

Ironside  50 | 12916
27 Oct 2020   #421
For the first time in Polish history people walked into churches disturbing masses

Were have you been hiding? How is that first time? tsk If they were doing that while I would have been they would be carried out on stretcher. Scummy soviet rabble.

Seems you Soviet mixing stuff up as usual. There are two protests - one of some lefties scum about abortion, supported by a small fraction of the population.

Second against covid-19 restriction plus farmers are rightly mad at PiS for banning this or that and generally F with them.

Those people have nothing in common but one PiS pissed them off.
amiga500  5 | 1505
27 Oct 2020   #422
Looks like there these protests are going global, I am attending one tommorow in Australia organised by Polish women. They have been smart and have framed the protest well. "We understand that the topic is causing a heated reaction from both sides, so we strongly encouraging positive language during the protest. We want to support dialog, not further division and haterism."

At the very least will be a good place to get to know some hot Polkas, feminists always want to **** when they are angry ;)
pawian  224 | 27236
27 Oct 2020   #423
hey were doing that while I would have been they would be carried out on stretcher.

And then you would take a break from the forum for a few years. You are so brave - beating up women - do you normally do it at your home, too? `Ladies` boxer. Tfuu, you svoloch.

There are two protests - about abortion, Second against covid-19 restriction plus farmers

It seems you have a problem with basic math - you mentioned 3 protests now. But as a non-Pole, you certainly don`t realise, they intertwine and cooperate with each other. E.g., a few posts above I mentioned farmers supporting women on an evening demo.
Lenka  5 | 3531
27 Oct 2020   #424
For those who don't speak Polish
-Saint Mary, Queen of Poland, please pray for us!
-She can't hear, she is out on the Women's protest!

  • IMG20201027WA0000..jpg
pawian  224 | 27236
27 Oct 2020   #425
Yes, dear Iron, Holy Mother is at the protest. So, the woman you are dreaming of beating up and being taken to hospital, might be God`s Mother. You are not a Catholic. You are not even a Christian. You are a brainless fascist. So why are you so worried about abortion?
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
27 Oct 2020   #426
Thankfully though it looks PIS has finally over played their hand. This is perhaps the dumbest group of wannabe politicians in history. They are on the verge of completely loosing control over the country. When police join protests like they are in Krakow, you have a problem with enforcement not just enacting rules and laws.
pawian  224 | 27236
27 Oct 2020   #427
When police join protests like they are in Krakow, you have a problem with enforcement not just enacting rules and laws.

Yes, hopefully, when PiS orders to shoot at people like communists used to do, the police or the army will refuse to obey such crazy orders.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
27 Oct 2020   #428
Watching live on TV this government is a joke. PIS is the biggest group of pu$$ies in history. Calling in police to protect the potato? Kicking people out because they object and protest the dark ages politics. They need to be very careful or Poland will explode on them.
pawian  224 | 27236
27 Oct 2020   #429
supported by a small fraction of the population.

As a non-Pole, you know nothing of Polish preferences. The 2019 poll on free abortion on demand: 58% for, 35% against, 7% - no opinion. Read and learn more about Poland, darling, coz you certainly need it if you want to share your views without passing for an idiot.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
27 Oct 2020   #430
took this pic

  • they put bikes.scooters and cars to stop traffic this one was on krucha and jerozolimski
amiga500  5 | 1505
27 Oct 2020   #431
The 2019 poll on free abortion on demand: 58% for, 35% against, 7% - no opinion

LOL what? Source please, who conducted this poll? Lewica nieRazem?
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
27 Oct 2020   #432
Polish people should be embarrassed. This is how they want the world to see Poland? Shocking. I would not believe this is possible if I wasn't actually watching it live.
Atch  22 | 4299
27 Oct 2020   #433
the police or the army will refuse to obey such crazy orders.

Not sure about that. Why do you think they did a purge of the military when they first came to power?
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
27 Oct 2020   #434
We were taking a walk to the park yesterday evening,there were thousands of people of all ages with funny(not so) signs.I saw a girl holding a sign saying"I dont need sex because my govt fuGs* me everyday" written in explicit words.
RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495
27 Oct 2020   #435
Forcing women to birth defected children that will die in pain in few hours is a disgusting type of barbarity.

If someone supports such ban on "religious reasons" than its another reason to tell that religion to gtfo
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
27 Oct 2020   #436
What next a civil war?
pawian  224 | 27236
27 Oct 2020   #437
Yes, it is very funny, fascists and soccer hooligans- the scummiest dregs of the Polish society, vow to defend churches and religion. In Polish saying - what religion, such defenders.

No, it is not funny really, it is sad what we have got to since the glorious times of JPII.

Why do you think they did a purge of the military when they first came to power?

We can only hope they will keep common sense, knowing that in free Poland they will be put on trial with life sentences possible, and with their names tarnished for ever in the Polish history.
OP jon357  72 | 23361
27 Oct 2020   #438
Last night's news on TVPropaganda

  • Screenshot2020102.png
pawian  224 | 27236
27 Oct 2020   #439
If protesters get really angry, I won`t be surprised when they demolish that neobolshevik propaganda source.
OP jon357  72 | 23361
27 Oct 2020   #440
If protesters get really angry,

It's as if the government are raising the stakes by their response.

I won`t be surprised when they demolish

Something bad will happen sooner or later.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
27 Oct 2020   #441
Suddenly,I am not getting any updates from the US embassy on these protests.Usually they always send a email for any protest going on and advice to avoid the area,but not a single email about these protests,I wonder if that has a meaning to it?
amiga500  5 | 1505
27 Oct 2020   #442
Jesus, I though we could avoid it, but the extremes in Poland have gone mad. In the middle of a pandemic!
The court decision was stupid, and even more stupid to make it during the pandemic !
Protesting in Poland during the Pandemic is stupid, and even more stupid to attack churches! ,
These Catholic Jihadists and Hooligans wanting to beat up the protesters are stupid, and even more stupid to try and do it during the pandemic!
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
27 Oct 2020   #443
This is PIS, they cant even get their BS puppet court rulings timed right. They claim victory over COVID and it rages in Warsaw and other places. Where they underestimated every educated persons hate of absolute power. They make a mockery of democracy. I can not believe I am actually watching this. They keep pushing and the people will push back. Overnight, they passed the USA as the most politically F'd country in the world.
pawian  224 | 27236
27 Oct 2020   #444
They keep pushing and the people will push back.

That is typical of rightards. They believe they got power from God and as such, they can do anything. The street is proving they are wrong.
Ironside  50 | 12916
27 Oct 2020   #445
. Tfuu, you svoloch.

back at you soviet, u are a big hero hiding behind your keyboard, you wouldn't dare to talk back to my face and you know it.


Are you not for equality? You mean you only yapp but you don't understand what you are yapping about? It would be a good lesson for the soviet rabble that finally learns about consequences of her actions.

they intertwine and cooperate with each other

So what, they are protesting against PiS but they have nothing else in common.
Thank you for admitting you lied to this forum talking as if it was a one big leftie protest against PiS and it was all about abortions'. Just a tiny reminder who we are dealing with - brazen lairs


I understand that soviet rabble find that funny. Small wonder as their mental age is about eight. Plus they never learned how to think properly.
amiga500  5 | 1505
27 Oct 2020   #446
Having watched tvp info for 20 minutes, I'm afraid that PiS will once again win this battle. The messaging is very effective for instance Lenin and Hitler were the first two leaders to legalise abortion , and Hitler with Eugenic based abortion, linking the pro abortion protests with a worldwide bolshevik revolution against western christian values. that combined with reports of the far left attacking churches and parishoners, will lead to wider society turning against the protesting fringe. Sorry but that's how i see it. Propaganda works, and i didin't even mention the pandemic.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
27 Oct 2020   #447
amiga500 PiS already said they will not compromise on the law. Of course they are in control. Demonstrations wont stop and strikes will do deeper damage to the economy than these idiots have already done with nonsensical closures. The people they are making laws for many of them were not able to vote in the last election when you look at the protestor demographics. PiS supporters are dying and becoming outnumbered. PiS did not win by much in the last election. This is their death march. Seriously I have never seen a a group so lacking in basic intelligence and political strategy in power. Anyone who voted for them needs to look in the mirror and understand that laws today can be repealed tomorrow, and then everything that happened was for nothing. Compromise is what lasts.
cms neuf  1 | 1846
27 Oct 2020   #448
I wouldn't be surprised to see a staff walkout at TVP this week. It's been getting worse for a few years but it's never been this bad - real Chemical Ali stuff. Surely the technicians, editors etc must have some self respect and will find work elsewhere
pawian  224 | 27236
27 Oct 2020   #449
back at you

Oh, our dear Iron felt offended. hahaha Shall I repeat the treatment???
mafketis  38 | 11137
27 Oct 2020   #450
Has anyone seen JK's public statement? It seemed by turns to be completely out of touch (he looked sick and old) and vaguely threatening seeming to call for violence against protestors.... a disgraceful performance.

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