Nobody mentions even Gavrilo Princip. And that Serbian student literally killed for Poland.
Don't expect much from the ignorant crowd, love the Slavic spirit of Serbian people, best example is the Serbian basketball team, a relatively small country nearly won the gold, leading USA, the overwhelming favorite, for most of the game.Unbelievable.I also applaud your call for Slavic unity, just drop the Russians.
We won`t drop Russians. Even if we exclude emotions, we can`t ignore resources Russia have. Why would we ignore that? So, ALL resources of the Slavic world belong to ALL Slavs. That is Serbia`s stance. Plus, we Serbians seek to take part in control of it. In entire Slavic world. What are Jews globally, we Serbians are in a Slavic world.
We won`t drop Russians. Even if we exclude emotions, we can`t ignore resources Russia have
I don't ignore what Russia has. On the contrary, I want it for us. I disagree, but I understand Srbian view. When Slick Willy, to cover his own a*se was bombing you mercilessly. Russia was your only ally, so I get it, but they behave like barbariansI love Ukranians as much as Serbians, To me, both are my brothers,
Most Ukrainians are also Serbians in origin. Mentally dismantled.
Anyway, difference between Serbians and today`s Ukrainians is that Ukrainians seek to serve strangers, while Serbians want what is Slavic for Slavs. See, that is why they are mentally dismantled and turned into Ukrainians. But, its only temporary. Because there are not Ukrainians.
Sure, many are Russians in origin, too. Many are Polish, too. And that is about it.