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Poles say a big YES to our European Union

OP jon357  72 | 23361
19 Oct 2021   #811
Morawiecki's really messed it up this time.

All he could attempt yesterday was sabre-rattling; likely to rebound on him very badly.
amiga500  5 | 1505
19 Oct 2021   #812
You obviously did not listen to the speech, he expressly specified why the polish tribunal ruling was valid, said the PO judge on the ECJ stated the same in 2005 and noted many other tribunals in european countries have decreed the same thing. (supremacy of national laws when it is outside the areas covered by the lisbon treaty) He also told the caviar quaffing paralmentarians that if they want to turn Europe into a suprastate where nation-states lose their sovereignty then they have to get consent of every country and society and not just push on in arrogant conceit.

This is a good article describing what the real battle is in the european union
OP jon357  72 | 23361
19 Oct 2021   #813
he expressly specified why the polish tribunal ruling was valid,

He claimed it; he didn't adequately justify anything.

many other tribunals

His PiS 'courts' however are politicised and compromised.
amiga500  5 | 1505
19 Oct 2021   #814
Sick burn by Mateusz at the end. To paraphrase "today is a symbolic day in poland , in 1984 the priest Jerzy Popiełuszko was murdered today by the communist authorities. Solidarity and Fighting Solidarity of who I was a member of were fighting for freedom and democracy. And some of the people here in the parlament were on a completely different side. That is also symbolic what side they are on now and what side we are on."

That begs the question which side were you on in 84 jon since you were part of the far left unions and militant faction of labour? There is a big chance you swallowed the lie that solidarity was a cia backed plot to destroy communism in poland

Nowa Lewica at their conference voted to abolish polish passports and have a single european passport, (wow such an important issue to poles) it seems they are all set for recreating another failed utopian state.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
19 Oct 2021   #815
I can see the EU having problems in their own court with this. The Polish ruling is not all encompassing. The ruling really just effects laws not covered by existing treaties. The EU can not retroactively or unilaterally make laws without unanimous consent. Merkel, from the sidelines now, is calling for compromise, I think because she is thinking these same things.
pawian  224 | 27236
19 Oct 2021   #816
since you were part of the far left unions

Hey, kettle, leave jon alone. You admitted that you were connected with anarchists in the past and we all know those are leftist groups. And it shows in your today`s posts too - you support neobolshevik PiS.
amiga500  5 | 1505
19 Oct 2021   #817
you were connected with anarchists in the past

If you weren't such a neo-liberal shill with virtue signalling characteristics you would know that anarchists are dead set against communism and state socialism. So pipe down and go back to dreaming about getting rid of 500+
pawian  224 | 27236
19 Oct 2021   #818
anarchists are dead set against communism

Of course not. Primarily, they were against capitalism. Communism was OK to most anarchists, they received huge sponsoring from the USSR in times of Cold War.
amiga500  5 | 1505
19 Oct 2021   #819
Communism was OK to most anarchists,

The hate goes deep, from the bolsheviks shutting down the soviet workers councils and murdering the anarchists to the spanish civil war, where the anarchists achieved autonomous units and localism, then the USSR funded communists took over the rebellion and murdered the anarchists once again. (and lost the civil war) It is detailed in George Orwells eyewitness book The Road to Catalonia which is one of the reasons he wrote Animal Farm.

You know the story of the new MP coming into the Brittish Parliament? His mentor points across the benches and says 'these are your opponents'. He then points to the people on his side of the benches and says 'And these are your enemies.'
pawian  224 | 27236
21 Oct 2021   #820
from the bolsheviks shutting down the soviet workers councils and murdering the anarchists

Why did you mention only Soviet repressions of anarchists? I was talking about anarchist movements in Western countries, including your Australia, which were sponsored by the Soviet Kremlin in order to help them undermine western democracies.
amiga500  5 | 1505
22 Oct 2021   #821
No I don't think so, there would be no organsations to sponsor, as anarchists are against heriachy and actually having a structure to support. The only time we had an organisational structure was for specific direct action which was then later dissolved as soon as the event was over. The USSR had many youth socialist organisations to support instead in australia , not give money to people that hate them.
Crow  154 | 9463
8 Dec 2021   #822
Forget that YES. Its just the matter of how Poland goes out of EU. Even children understand it now

An article

New rule of the European Union - do not use the word "Christmas" VIDEO

> b92/eng/news/world.php?yyyy=2021&mm=12&dd=06&nav_id=112461

Christmas or the European Union.

Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
12 Dec 2021   #823
there is call for Polexit in 2027, not big as yet but that is a start.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
12 Dec 2021   #824
New rule of the European Union - do not use the word "Christmas" VIDEO

Some braindead maltese official thought that a good idea....but she was taught that it was not!

...The massive outcry in international media led Dalli to withdraw the document saying it was a work in progress and that her office is taking note of the concerns and will address them in an updated version....

there is call for Polexit in 2027

By whom?
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
12 Dec 2021   #825
By whom?

by some people, you see it is a change in Poland, not long ago nobody was even talking about it. Now it becomes a debated subject. In newspapers too.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
12 Dec 2021   #826
....what a start!

Do you want the EU to end like the old Commonwealth? Was that good for Poland?
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
12 Dec 2021   #827
Was that good for Poland?

What good about EU? It has not even started yet and they have a lot of demands that makes people live diffcult and that is only a start.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
12 Dec 2021   #828
What good about EU?

It's yours too....make it better!

There had been no Germans in the old Commonwealth, you have only yourself to blame....maybe Poland ist not good for any Union? But to survive alone ist hard too...

So why not take what you have and make it work for you?
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
12 Dec 2021   #829
There had been no Germans in the old Commonwealth,

What do you mean? What about Prussia?

So why not take what you have and make it work for you?

If something is stack against you from the start it would be foolish to take part in it.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
12 Dec 2021   #830
....By the 18th century, destabilization of its political system brought the Commonwealth to the brink of civil war and the state became increasingly susceptible to foreign influence.[100]...

That's what you want for Europe?

...The remaining European powers perpetually meddled in the country's affairs.[101] Upon the death of a king, several royal houses actively intruded in the hope of securing votes for their desired candidates.[102] The practice was common and apparent, and the selection was often the result of hefty bribes directed at corrupt nobles.[103] ....

Just supplant the then "foreign powers" with the future global powers....and that will be our fate too....partitioned into other non-european powers spheres of influence, without any say in it anymore!

Can't you see that?

No, the EU is not the old Commonwealth wasn't perfect.....but Poland was better WITH IT, than without it.....the same applies to the European Union!
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
12 Dec 2021   #831
.make it better!

You make it better! You can easily. Why don't you?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
12 Dec 2021   #832
I was surely one of the mockers who laughed out loud about Helena Dalli, the braindead maltese EU official who truly thought to spit on european traditions would be a great way to make it easier for non-european foreigners to feel welcomed here...

We showed her how wrong she was....that Europe must not give up it's soul, it's culture, it's traditions to be a diverse Heimat....I felt better after she took it back! I think the EU is better now, keeping it's heritage openly and officially.... :)

(and I'm not even Christian or otherwise interested in those "book-religions")
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
12 Dec 2021   #833
european tradition

Is not only that.
I about asumption that current institutions will do the job for federal EU. They won't. Not only there is a need for new treaties but also for new EU institutions, I would model them on the USA.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
12 Dec 2021   #834
I would model them on the USA.

Totally agree! :)

But you see....the talk about a federal EU has also just started....that idea has to grow roots first before we can do any planning...

by some people, you see it is a change....not long ago nobody was even talking about it.....

....Now it becomes a debated subject. In newspapers too.

Alot like that....but which idea would be longterm better for our countries, for our people? Back to the beginning with empty hands? All alone in a globalized world?

Or a super strong USofE???
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
12 Dec 2021   #835
Totally agree! :)

Do that and we can talk.
There is need to stop that CO2 limits. Poland can ban coal in 2050. Not before that date. We need to build nucleral energy power stations by then.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
12 Dec 2021   #836
Do that and we can talk.

So....I do all the work for a cool USofE whereas you work for Poland leaving?
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
12 Dec 2021   #837
Nope, you make that federal EU apealing to all not only to German big firms and crazy green.
If that is a good project I will support it.

Meanwhile I will work on an exit startegy in case you will fail.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898
12 Dec 2021   #838
....and wait for someone else to bake you the perfect cookie? That you can enjoy then afterwards?

I don't think the EU works that way.....I don't think LIFE works that way....sorry....

If more Poles would had appreciated the old Commonwealth and fighted to keep the Union together Poland would never had suffered such a fate by it's neighbours!

...just saying!

*takes helmet, steps down from the soapbox and leaves for now*
Tacitus  2 | 1264
13 Dec 2021   #840
If more Poles would had appreciated the old Commonwealth

People often only appreciate what they have once it is gone. The Roman Empire is perhaps the oldest and best example. Yeah it was heavily flawed, but entire generations could live without direct threats of war to them, something we only experienced again after 1945.

No doubt many of those who now villify the EU would come to miss it, because they would realize that things they are just now imageing (like being dominated by a group or country) would feel much worse once it actually happens.

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