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Poles march against Mandatory poisoning by vaccines

johnny reb  49 | 7974
5 Jun 2018   #61
unlikely they would have such strong effect on a healthy person.

More likely then not son.
Many people complain about the flu like side effects after they get one.
And did you catch the part about not even being 10% effective last flu season !
Oh yeah buddy, don't try to B.S. with that propaganda here with me.
Many people get deathly sick from them.
I don't know who or where you have been brainwashed but they sure did a good job on you.

From 2009 through 2015, a total of 16 deaths from tetanus were reported in the United States.

WoW ! a whopping TWO per year. BFD !
As I stated, when was the last time you heard of anyone getting tetanus. NILL !

you are aware that many vaccines are worked on by non-commercial entities?

AND who buys the patent, who manufactures them, who promotes them, who sells them, who administers them ?
The Medical Industry is the correct answer Cha Ching Cha Ching $$$$$ at the expense of the useful idiot guinea pigs.
Remember how hard they pushed the Human papilloma virus vaccines ?
Boy did that one backfire on them.
No, you keep your vaccines with the tiny weeny amounts of mercury in each vaccine.
I think it is something like 65 vaccines recommended for children by the time they are five years old !!!!!!!
How much mercury does that add up to ?????
How did my great grandparents ever make it to their 90's with only ONE vaccine in their lives for just polio.
Save it, you lost.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
5 Jun 2018   #62
And did you catch the part about not even being 10% effective last flu season !

Imagine buying a car with the brakes that are 10% effective. How many of those would they sell?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
6 Jun 2018   #63
As I stated, when was the last time you heard of anyone getting tetanus. NILL !

You have a better chance of winning the jackpot or being hit by lightning than catching half the **** they vaxx for, with the vax or without. Imo its a scam giving people people a false sense of security. What's worse is they try to brainwash people into hating those who don't want to get them and saying that theyre a threat to society. That's dangerous. That's out of the commie playbook - saying dirt poor peasants are a danger to society because they own a few acres (kulaks), even though they're no better off than anyone else - except of course the wealthy person/group who is issuing the condemnation and doing the brainwashing - same as in commie times, same as today with the fda, pharma lobby, etc.

Let's not even consider the health impact for a second... look at just the business end of it. A few companies sell a medicine thats supposed to prevent diseases. It is not effective and has many side effects that aren't written on the med packet as common with drugs. Yet even if someone dies from my product i have total immunity. Whether my product doesnt work as advertised or kills you i don't get in any trouble at all. Not only that, my buddies help me promote this product, offer government funds to spread it around and even try to convince people they NEED it. Even better they convince people who don't buy it are fools, evil, selfish, ignorant, dont care about society, etc.

Would you buy such a dubious product? I wouldnt... And here you all are saying trump is the con artist lol...

If I did the same thing id probably be doing life right now - fraud, conspiracy and racketeering - that's RICO aka 20 to life...

Man I should've gotten into the vaccine business. Maybe one day I'll have enough to buy a new vax patent for Ebola and convince 300.million people they and their kids must have it...

What a racket! Literally....
TheOther  6 | 3596
6 Jun 2018   #64
when was the last time anyone got tetanus ?

See, vaccines work. QED.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
6 Jun 2018   #65
Listen to this one...............
If health care workers such as nurses that work in hospital's in the U.S refuse to get booted up with a flu shot they can legally be fired.

The government has the authority to poison me by telling me what I must put in my body or starve to death.
I love my country but can't say as much for my government.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
6 Jun 2018   #66
See, vaccines work. QED.

Well the industry claims only supposedly for people who get them and even that case is dubious. Those 17 or so cases of polio were mostly limited to Afghanistan and I believe syria and one other me country.

Africa, c and s America arent vaxxing for polio yet they didn't have huge polio outbreaks....ditto with tetanus and especially diptheria. And its not because africans or indians or Yemenis or Haitians are all up to date on their vaxxs...
Tacitus  2 | 1264
6 Jun 2018   #67
Many people keep underestimating "child diseases". Measles is a potentially deadly disease, and the worst thing about it, it doesn't kill quickly. After symptomes of the complications emerge, it takes several years until the child dies. Parents have to watch as their child becomes unsreponsive, eventually falls into a coma and dies, all the while knowing that a simple vaccination could have prevented it.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
6 Jun 2018   #68
Measles is a potentially deadly disease

I had the measles 55 years ago and I haven't died yet.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
6 Jun 2018   #69
I love my country but can't say as much for my government.

Couldn't of said it better... I love the us in a lot of ways and what it stands for. I still do believe this is the land of opportunity. There's very few countries where a driven person can go from basically broke to go a millionaire. Same with the heart and perseverance of patriots. But our government and the system? Probably the worst most corrupt anti human bs in the world...
TheOther  6 | 3596
6 Jun 2018   #70
Those 17 or so cases of polio

You really need to read up on polio epidemics in the 1950s and how the victims ended up in iron lungs paralized from head to toe. Polio has almost been eradicated in the west, and the reason for that success is the vaccine. There no use debating simple facts, Adrian.

flu shot

That's a totally different beast because the virus strains change every year and it's a gamble whether the vaccine produced targets the virulent strain of the saison or not.
6 Jun 2018   #71
He could also read up about smallpox which was eradicated in 1979 thanks to a global vaccination programme.
This disease killed 30% of it's victims and those lucky enough to survive were often left blind and horribly disfigured.
It killed millions of people worldwide.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
6 Jun 2018   #72
300 million until it was eradicated. nature will now have to find another solution to the human population problem before the planet becomes a toxic wasteland.

Ebola maybe ?
6 Jun 2018   #73
You could be right Dolno, it's a scary disease with a very high mortality rate.

I had the measles 55 years ago and I haven't died yet.

But in 2016, 89, 780 people did. Thanks to the vaccine, millions of deaths have been prevented. Before the vaccine was available there were millions of deaths a year. Have a read:

Here is some info on smallpox too, as undoubtedly, you would have been vaccinated against it.
Ironside  50 | 12916
6 Jun 2018   #74
Dudes and Dudesess, you are not addressing the issue here. The main point people are making here is government omnipotence.

It doesn't say those people are against vaccinations in principle (if they are kudos to them) but they are against MANDATORY vaccinations.

I don't see any compelling reasons why government should be given the power to do that?
People can decide whether or not and they want they children vaccinated more power to them.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
6 Jun 2018   #75
People can decide whether or not and they want they children vaccinated

That fair enough but they should sign a disclaimer that any future medical care or incidental costs of isolation, burial fees related to said disease will be covered by them.
Ironside  50 | 12916
6 Jun 2018   #76
Sure but then they shouldn't be forced to pay taxes on the national heath service and ZUS. That would be a fair deal.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
6 Jun 2018   #77
Fair point , just like the old days, you got sick then sold the cow to see the doctor.
Ironside  50 | 12916
6 Jun 2018   #78
You can do that. I would have just got a private insurance.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
6 Jun 2018   #79
Not much of that in the II republic, anyway its always good to have a spare cow knocking around for a rainy day.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
6 Jun 2018   #80
they are against MANDATORY vaccinations.

No one has the right to force you to put poisoning vaccines into your body unless they are tried and true which many of these vaccines are not.

They use us for their experiments.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
6 Jun 2018   #81
I don't see any compelling reasons why government should be given the power to do that?

Replace "government" with "neighbors" or "friends" and it instantly will be clear why they should have the power to make you do things.

It's because when your kid gets sick, you are going to take him to a hospital your "friends" built and are operating right now and say: fix him. At your "friends" expense, if you are broke.

Unless, of course, you are consistent and decide to let the kid die as a result of your "don't tell me what to do" position.

Except for the fact that we just don't like watching kids die needlessly. Not that much fun. That's why we have that concept of "social contract" and its cousin, "social safety net" to help every moron who went out for motorcycle ride without the mandatory helmet when said moron is brought to an ER barely clinging to life after a spill.
jon357  72 | 23361
6 Jun 2018   #82
If i remember a few years ago when i lived in Britain Blair himself was refusing to confirm that he vaccinated his kids

He was actually refusing to discuss his family, an admirable quality among public figures; theres a key difference between that and unscientific/reckless anti-vaxxer stuff.

Not only public, but also private and charter. No vaccination, you home school. Simples.

Quite, however it's much more than that. No vaccination, you keep them away from crowded places where there may be innocent members of the public who have immune systems weakened by illness.

Really, all these anti-vaxxers, anti public health, anti-fluoride loons would do better to isolate themselves, perhaps on a desert island, where they can cure their ailments with 'homeopathic' magic water, infect each other's kids with illnesses that had been virtually eliminated in the developed world through vaccination and watch while their teeth fall out.
cms neuf  1 | 1846
6 Jun 2018   #83
I suppose so - though his wife did say the kids were vaccinated a few years later when she had a book to flog about her family.

Being unsure about compulsory vaccination is totally unrelated to supporting homeopathy. Its a cheap argument - I think homoeopathy is nonsense and of course it is not forced on anybody.

The argument about a small number of kids undermining supposed herd immunity is also overblown. At the risk of sounding like Dirk I bet there are probably 50,000 unvaccinated kids from Third World countries wandering around London Paris or Los Angeles. Are their parents also guilty of child abuse and wilful murder?

As IS says the argument is not simply anout vaccines, most of which work, but rather about free will and whether the states right supercedes the parents wishes.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
6 Jun 2018   #84
You really need to read up on polio epidemics in the 1950s

I'm aware of what polio did. There's been epidemics numerous times throughout history. The bubonic plague wiped out a quarter of europe yet no one is panicking about it today. And polio is totally eradicated in the western world with the only cases occurring in shi-- like Afghanistan

Ebola maybe ?

The fact is that most people, almost entirely africans, catch Ebola from eating bush meat namely monkeys and then others being exposed to their blood, urine, mucous, etc of infected people. Most western people will not eat monkeys caught in the jungle or handle the bodily fluids of an infected person. It makes sense yo be vaccinated against it if you're going to be in Africa esp as a healthcare worker but if you're not I dont see a point. The handful of Ebola cases that occurred in us were almost all healthcare workers and all traced back to africa.

Also the WHO and FDA are widely influenced by pharma corps and lobbyists. Just as former Goldman, chase, etc execs work for the treasury department, as lobbyists or in government such is the same with pharma and government orgs like FDA.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
6 Jun 2018   #85
The facts are as follows:

Almost all the diseases that are vaxxed against are all but totally eliminated like polio, tetanus, diphtheria, etc. Your chance of catching these diseases with or without a vax are slim to none. I don't see a point in vaxxing against a disease and sticking myself with dead bacteria or a small amount of a virus when only 2 people a year die from tetanus in the us, there were 17 cases of polio last year - all in super poor countries, and the fact that there's hundreds of millions if not billions of.people who also arent vaxxed especially in the third world.

Vaccines will not prevent you from getting a disease. In fact, many vaccines are ineffective due to mutations and new strains that come out with time. If you had a vaxx against some disease decades ago chances are theres already a new strain that will effect you. This is especially true with the flu vaccine.

Vaccines are the only medicine where you cannot sue if you have permanent damage or death as a result. There are no drugs that are like that - not otc drugs, not antibiotics, not medical devices even. If your family member dies or is permanently disabled thanks to having an adverse reaction to vaxx, which is entirely possible due to the fact that medicines affect each person differently, you are sh1t out of luck.

If vaccines are so effective then you shouldn't have any concern being around non vaxxed people - youre totally safe from catching those diseases. Furthermore, by vaxxers logic people who don't vaccinate against diseases should catch them. Yet theres tons of people who have been exposed to the flu, meningitis, etc yet did not catch them. While on the other hand theres people who have been vaxxed yet still catch the flu, meningitis, etc.

And fyi theres many scientists on both sides of the arguement. The difference is the scientists arguing for vaccinating are often paid by pharma corps and lobby groups so obviously they will have a bias and carefully manipulate their experiments and research to cone out with a favorable conclusion - the one that helps the company and industry. Even if a scientist concluded via the scientific method that a vaccine is bullshit, like with the flu vaccine which reportedly had 10% efficacy, they won't bite the hand that feeds them.

Why are there no vaccines/cures for common diseases like cancer, various heart/lung diseases, etc. Now those are conditions that a lot of people die from. Pharma could.make cures for those but it wouldn't be profitable. Even now they just came out with a hep.c cure but it costs 60 to 80k to get. Way out of reach for most people who have hep c. But they won't make a vaxx against it

And most importantly its a personal choice. Its the same arguement as for abortion - your body, your rights and government should not dictate what you can or can't do to your body. People who dont vax have no problem with ones that do, but due to all the money spent on brainwashing people into not asking questions like how effective is a vaccine, can i sue if something goes wrong (hint you cant, vaccines are the only drug where you cannot), how common are the diseases that im vaxxing against and how likely is it that ill catch them, etc. Your body belongs to you, not society and certainly not government.
6 Jun 2018   #86
Almost all the diseases that are vaxxed against are all but totally eliminated like polio, tetanus, diphtheria,

You're talking garbage yet again. How about: measles, mumps, rubella, tuberculosis?

Measles has killed 22 people in Europe so far this year, and is increasing. There have been 50 confirmed casus in Poland in the past year. Poland has about 6000 cases per year.

Poland had a Rubella epidemic about 5 years ago, causing 26,000 infections, and the USA even issued a travel warning for pregnant women travelling to Poland. This epidemic was *predicted*, and then happened, because of falling immunisation rates.

TB is also rife in Poland, and antibiotic-resistant strains are spreading around the world. Immunised people are less likely to catch or spread TB, preventing resistant strains from emerging and killing people.

Why are there no vaccines/cures for common diseases like cancer, various heart/lung diseases, etc.

You can only vaccinate against INFECTIOUS diseases, caused by an organism. That's how vaccines work. Cancer and lung disease are not caused by bacteria or viruses.

Seriosuly, if you don't even know this basic level of information, which you should have got from High School, then you really should step out of the conversation and just read and learn.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
6 Jun 2018   #87
Measles has killed 22 people in Europe so far this year, and is increasing. There

Woooooow.... 22 people out of over 700 million in Europe, 500 mil in the eu... So so scary... more people die from bears lol

Like I said, bigger chances of winning the lottery than catching and dying from the sh1t they vaxx for... thanks for helping to prove my point

Immunised people are less likely to catch or spread TB,

Then you shouldn't have to worry about non vaxxed people.... you're safe because you're vacced remember??

Cancer and lung disease are not caused by bacteria or viruses.

Right yet hpv was linked to cervical cancer.... viruses And bacteria can cause enough damage to cells to the point of mutation and in turn tumors...

And I meant that theoretically... There's so much vaxxs against diseases that almost no one dies from yet the sh1t that millions of people die from like cancer lung disease heart disease or eben addiction youre sol with 'cures' and at best theres omly expensive treatments, not cures
Tacitus  2 | 1264
7 Jun 2018   #88
Almost no one dies from those diseases because of vaccines. And behind the number of deaths are several times more people who have lasting damage done to them by those diseases. Measles et al are not harmless.

This discussion really shows why vaccinations should be mandatory. There are no solid arguments against vaccination, and all its' opponents can do is making silly claims.
kondzior  11 | 1026
7 Jun 2018   #89
This discussion really shows why vaccinations should be mandatory

That is how leftists carry their dialogues, all the time, with almost no exception.
jon357  72 | 23361
7 Jun 2018   #90
the states right supercedes the parents wishes.

The health and survival of the wider community as a whole certainly trump the oddities of individuals. It's worth repeating that since the 'anti-vaxxer' movement started there have been outbreaks of diseases that had been virtually irradiated and children died in those outbreaks. It's also worth repeating that unvaccinated kids can also cause huge medical problems to people in their presence who have weakened immune systems.

The individual has a right of choice. That right of choice does not include the right to harm those around them.

Home / News / Poles march against Mandatory poisoning by vaccines

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