johnny reb 49 | 7974
5 Jun 2018 #61
unlikely they would have such strong effect on a healthy person.
More likely then not son.
Many people complain about the flu like side effects after they get one.
And did you catch the part about not even being 10% effective last flu season !
Oh yeah buddy, don't try to B.S. with that propaganda here with me.
Many people get deathly sick from them.
I don't know who or where you have been brainwashed but they sure did a good job on you.
From 2009 through 2015, a total of 16 deaths from tetanus were reported in the United States.
WoW ! a whopping TWO per year. BFD !
As I stated, when was the last time you heard of anyone getting tetanus. NILL !
you are aware that many vaccines are worked on by non-commercial entities?
AND who buys the patent, who manufactures them, who promotes them, who sells them, who administers them ?
The Medical Industry is the correct answer Cha Ching Cha Ching $$$$$ at the expense of the useful idiot guinea pigs.
Remember how hard they pushed the Human papilloma virus vaccines ?
Boy did that one backfire on them.
No, you keep your vaccines with the tiny weeny amounts of mercury in each vaccine.
I think it is something like 65 vaccines recommended for children by the time they are five years old !!!!!!!
How much mercury does that add up to ?????
How did my great grandparents ever make it to their 90's with only ONE vaccine in their lives for just polio.
Save it, you lost.