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Should we think about joining part of Ukraine to Poland?

Aurelioo  2 | 2
28 Sep 2022   #1
Should we think about joining part of Ukraine to Poland?

Photos from the Lviv administration.
Is it time to go to Poland? Here it is "integration of territories by expanding the rights of Poles in Ukraine."

  • photo_20220928_13.jpg
OP Aurelioo  2 | 2
28 Sep 2022   #3
Interested in your opinion
Lenka  5 | 3549
28 Sep 2022   #4
Don't think it's a good idea. Especially atm
Paulina  19 | 4558
28 Sep 2022   #5
Photos from the Lviv administration.

Fake lol 🤦

Should we think about joining part of Ukraine to Poland?


Here it is "integration of territories by expanding the rights of Poles in Ukraine."

There's no such thing. Stop lying, ruSSki troll.

Btw, I see why would RuSSian propaganda spread such brazen lies in territories occupied by RuSSia where Ukrainians don't know what's going on in the outside world (and from what I've read RuSSians are doing exactly that), but what's the point of spreading such misinformation on a forum about Poland where Poles and Westerners are writing and can debunk such bullsh1t easily? I don't understand... Or maybe this troll is paid simply for the number of sites he's posting these RuSSist lies on, no matter whether it will have any effect or not?
OP Aurelioo  2 | 2
28 Sep 2022   #6
I just wanted to hear your opinion. And I've already been accused of all the sins
Alien  26 | 6551
28 Sep 2022   #7
Very lazy troll with only 4 posts in a week. Novi ( and others) can much more.
Paulina  19 | 4558
28 Sep 2022   #8
I just wanted to hear your opinion.

You wanted to know our opinion about what exactly? About RuSSian misinformation? lol

And I've already been accused of all the sins

Not of all the sins, but of spreading lies of RuSSian propaganda - it's pretty obvious that this is the only reason why you're here.

Where did you get that photo?
Lenka  5 | 3549
28 Sep 2022   #9
Here is some more info about it. Seems it's all part of the referendum scam,79cfc278
jon357  72 | 23666
28 Sep 2022   #10
Should we think about joining part of Ukraine to Poland?

No. What would Poland do with it and why would they want it. Poland isn't r*SSia.

This sounds like a particularly weak bit of orc propaganda.



And I've already been accused of all the sins

With reason.
Paulina  19 | 4558
28 Sep 2022   #11
Here is some more info about it. Seems it's all part of the referendum scam

Wow... lol Thanks for the link, Lenka :)

@Aurelioo, if you want to know opinions of Poles (and others) about joining Lviv to Poland then you can read comments under this tweet:

Barbara Zebra
The audacity those russkie wh0res have...

That's not audacity, it's stupidity.
Who will believe in their crap?

Illiterate russkies who will go to war.

What good it will do to them? They'll end up as prisoners or six feet under anyway.

Yes, but they will die eagerly :)

It won't change much.

Are you kidding?! Self-complacent fertilizer makes for a better soil. :)

We can take Kaliningrad

Przemo Ebebem
But without ruSSians


Hahaha. Sick.

Timothy Ka...
Seriously, what drugs are these Russian propagndists taking?
Atch  22 | 4299
28 Sep 2022   #12
Should we

Who's 'we'?
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
28 Sep 2022   #13
Sure, Podlaskie is enough. I don't think we would want another such kind in Poland. Maybe if Casimir III the Great were still alive, we would have gone for it ...
Lyzko  44 | 9730
28 Sep 2022   #14
Poland in fact was at one time adjoined to the present Ukraine,
witness "Lwow" became "L'viv", "Kharkov" < "Kharkiv" etc..
The name changes are not reversable!
pawian  226 | 27817
28 Sep 2022   #15
I just wanted to hear your opinion

Most Poles` opinion is no.


Poland isn't r*SSia.

Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
29 Sep 2022   #16
What is your issue with podlaskie? It is a nice place. there is something wrong with you degnerates.


Why would ukrainian papers have Polish stemp on them? It doesn't make sense and it means it is a lie.

Stop trying so hard. Your Stalin should take our land. Now you try to use it in your war with Ukrainie.
It not going to work.
The only land Poland wants to get from this war is Kalinigrad. How about that. Those who have issue with it should move back to their Russia.
Crow  155 | 9722
29 Sep 2022   #17
Ukraine was anyway artificial state. Yes, join Galicia to Poland.
pawian  226 | 27817
29 Sep 2022   #18
artificial state.

If you had any doubts about the character of their state, now you can be quite sure that Ukrainians do wish to live in their own country, independently of RuSSia. They have been proving it for months, repelling Mongols from their lands.
Miloslaw  22 | 5228
30 Sep 2022   #19
Ukraine was anyway artificial state. Yes, join Galicia to Poland.

Utter insanity!

If you had any doubts now you can be quite sure that Ukrainians do wish to live in their own country

Ukraine for Ukrainians.
Poland for Poles.

Crow needs to think again and shut up in the meantime.
Crow  155 | 9722
7 Oct 2022   #20
Read and learn

When Serbian says Galicia goes to Poland, Galicia is Poland.

Racowie to Serbowie! Sarmatia! Sarmatia! Sarmatia!

Don`t betray us Poland! Don`t betray itself!

They have been proving it for months, repelling Mongols from their lands.

Spare us of your fabricated nazi comments.

Crow needs to think again and shut up in the meantime.

Crow needs to stop think and start to fu*k.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
7 Oct 2022   #21
It's fairly obvious he is collecting information about general attitude in Polish society and those knowledgeable/interested in Poland on how it views situation in Ukraine and it's position compared to Kremlin accusations.

Futile to say the least, but it is what it is
Miloslaw  22 | 5228
7 Oct 2022   #22
Don`t betray us Poland! Don`t betray itself!


Crow needs to stop think and start to fu*k.

Yeah, good idea, your thinking is not great, maybe your fu**k*** is better....
Crow  155 | 9722
8 Oct 2022   #23
I am philosopher but I can go wild.
Miloslaw  22 | 5228
8 Oct 2022   #24
Spend more time on wild, your philosophy is pathetic.
Crow  155 | 9722
9 Oct 2022   #25
Don`t insist. Are you mentol?

Anyway, back to topic.

Yes, Poland will be rewarded by Russia after Special operation. Poland would be bigger.
Paulina  19 | 4558
9 Oct 2022   #26
@Crow, not only Poland will be bigger, but also the Czech Republic!:




This has been the most popular hashtag in Poland lately:


Poles are such generous people... 🥺 We like to share! :D

And Elon Musk approves!:


97.9% of Kaliningrad residents approve too!:

Královec is Czechia! :D
Paulina  19 | 4558
9 Oct 2022   #27

A comment written by a Pole in reaction to the news about plans concerning the building of Beer Stream 1:

"I will protect that pipe with my own body"

Poles are such faithful allies! 🥺
Paulina  19 | 4558
9 Oct 2022   #28
@Crow, rejoice! Our brothers Czechs will finally have access to the sea!:


Alien  26 | 6551
9 Oct 2022   #29
The Czechs still have Czech port in Hamburg, until 2028.
Crow  155 | 9722
9 Oct 2022   #30
@Crow, rejoice! Our brothers Czechs will finally have access to the sea!:

Beer must flow. See, I am sure Russians won`t complaint. Neither would Belgrade complaint.

The Czechs still have Czech port in Hamburg, until 2028.

After dissolution of Germany it may become reality that at least parts of Eastern Germany merge with Czech Republic and therefore Czechs really gets access to the Baltic sea. That if Lusatia don`t become independent state or if entire Eastern Germany don`t became state on its own in Slavic cultural sphere, like Hungary, Sweden, Finland and Baltic states and some other states, too. Albania, Greece, Romania, Moldavia, Austria.

Sure, its also quite possible that entire Eastern Germany merge with Poland.

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