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Strange object over Poland's Silesia

Foreigner4  12 | 1768
4 Dec 2010   #1
About 10 minutes ago, my girlfriend called me over to take a look outside:
there was a strange light just sitting in the sky, it almost looked like it was aflame.
Now ten minutes later there are at least 6 planes criss-crossing over that area.
Anyone else notice this?
wildrover  98 | 4430
4 Dec 2010   #2
Has it been on the news...? tell us more if you hear anything...
Wroclaw  44 | 5359
4 Dec 2010   #3
nothing at
nothing on tvn24
convex  20 | 3928
4 Dec 2010   #4
Nothing on dlapilota, but it sounds like a flare. Are you close to a military base?
4 Dec 2010   #5
like this:

piorun kulisty

Seanus  15 | 19666
4 Dec 2010   #6
Which part of Silesia, For4? If it were Gliwice, I may be able to see it, esp given my 180x100 binoculars :)
wildrover  98 | 4430
4 Dec 2010   #7
It could be a jet fighter dumping fuel and igniting it...
OP Foreigner4  12 | 1768
4 Dec 2010   #8
it was all just finishing up as I was typing. I guess it was more around 15 min. prior to my typing it.
The initial light was odd, given the perceived distance from where I am it must have been quite large (comparing also to the jet that appeared later) but it didn't seem to move. I went back to cooking then when I went back to check it was gone but jets were criss crossing the area. The 2 that were closest to my location appeared to be the same and crossed very very close to eachother- there's no way, with the amount of available airspace that commercial pilots would do that.
4 Dec 2010   #9
Maybe the Russians attacked us! Let's turn on tv! ;DDDD

Did you record it? Maybe post it on YT and ask people whether they've seen it...
Wroclaw  44 | 5359
4 Dec 2010   #10
i've already checked youtube. nothing there
wildrover  98 | 4430
4 Dec 2010   #11
Maybe the Russians attacked us!

Don,t think so...they are too busy snow shovelling...
4 Dec 2010   #12
I know what it was:
wildrover  98 | 4430
4 Dec 2010   #13
Aha...the x37b... was it in Poland then....?
frd  7 | 1379
5 Dec 2010   #14
I was in Gliwice in the city centre at that time haven't seen anything unusual.. just drunk people and mental drivers ; o
Seanus  15 | 19666
5 Dec 2010   #15
Yup, I can confirm that, frd ;) ;)

If I saw a strange object, I would wonder if I was still high or hallucinating. Nope, all black tonight.
wildrover  98 | 4430
5 Dec 2010   #16
So was it this x37b thing then...or has it not been explained yet...?
Bobko  27 | 2128
29 Jun 2022   #17
High on my list of places to visit when I will be in Poland, is the monument to the Emilcin Abduction incident in Emilcin, Lublin Voivodeship.

It was there, that farmer Jan Wolski was famously abducted in May 1978 by two green men, and then forced to sit in a spaceship naked while being offered icicles to snack on.

Please share your own abduction stories here, but only if they happened in Poland.

  • 8F0107372F0B4A2D8.jpeg
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
29 Jun 2022   #18
High on my list of places to visit when I will be in Poland

Why? Is there anything else interesting there apart from that odd memorial? Booooring...

You better come to Gdańsk, so I'll abduct you to a good knajpa for a glass of something stronger :)
Bobko  27 | 2128
29 Jun 2022   #19

Oh sh!t. You told me you were a Pomeranian, but I did not think you were from Gdańsk. Nice man! I really want to visit Gdańsk - all my life been wanting to go there.

Rapidly moving on. It seems you have a somewhat dismissive attitude to Poland's history vis-à-vis unidentified flying objects. Is it so fantastic to you, that people would want to travel the galaxy only to abduct a Polish farmer? Some people already claim that Polish people are extraterrestrials - and if you follow the evidence you will begin to see that it is more than just rumor. Don't hate, if you don't understand.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
29 Jun 2022   #20
Some people already claim that Polish people are extraterrestrials

Look, we don't want you people know that. You would be pest asking for a hike. Better to keep it secret.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
29 Jun 2022   #21
I really want to visit Gdańsk - all my life been wanting to go there.

And rightly so! I was in Florence with my wife once, got a local newspaper on arriving and read an article in it encouraging people to visit "Danzica magica" lol So, I said to her that we had driven (my better half is not a fan of flying) so far only to be told to go back home to a magical city of Gdańsk.

Anyway, make sure to let me know when you're around.

Polish people are extraterrestrials

Of course we are. And we have secret weapons that make your nuclear bombs look like kindergarten toys, so keep that in mind.
Lyzko  44 | 9720
29 Jun 2022   #22
Probably just a Russian testing craft trying to scare people, you guys.
Alien  25 | 6438
29 Jun 2022   #23
What about ufo disaster in port of Gdynia 1959?
jon357  72 | 23528
29 Jun 2022   #24
ufo disaster in

There's a thread about UFOs in Poland.

Anyway, I think they're called UAPs nowadays.

What happened in Gdynia? Were there little green men?
Miloslaw  20 | 5141
29 Jun 2022   #25
Were there little green men?


These people.are.nuts.......
Bobko  27 | 2128
29 Jun 2022   #26
Were there little green men?

Delirium Tremens, known colloquially in some English-speaking countries as "the shakes", or "seeing pink elephants" - is often known to cause visual hallucinations of "little green men". However, we can safely rule out alcohol withdrawal as the reason for these absolutely factual events because as with the farmer and so with the people from Gdynia - all affirmed they were sober on that day.
jon357  72 | 23528
30 Jun 2022   #27
- all affirmed they were sober on that day.

Must be true then

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