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Poland's News sources

dolnoslask  5 | 2805
2 Jan 2019   #31
does give a very good analysis of events in PL

Thats ok but if you read the article the guy not exactly impartial is he ?

Look Jon who cares about Pis and PO , we are living in this country in reasonable comfort whoever is in power, its just like supporting chelsea or man united.

The real problems lie elsewhere with people with too much money and power who are happy that half the world starves in poverty, you are wasting precious time and falling into the hands of those people if you support this money grabbers construct called politics.

The time of real political hero's who's interest were for the benefit of the people are long gone .
jon357  72 | 23665
2 Jan 2019   #32

He certainly seems neutral and isn't advancing any dogma.

people with too much money and power who are happy that half the world starves in poverty

capitalism basically.

Compared with most of the English-language news sites, NfP is moderate, objective and unaligned to any party or tendency.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
2 Jan 2019   #33
He certainly seems neutral and isn't advancing any dogma.

He Is not neutral and he should be if his news site was impartial.

His own words

"My Perspective: What I argued in my recent article "

He should remain impartial, its obvious that he is not.

A fool and a very inexperienced fool at that.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
2 Jan 2019   #34
capitalism basically.

You got it!!!, America, Russia, China and most of the rest of the world.

Every little Marxist that has tried to build their idea of utopia has been bought out to eat at the trough of the money men .

A different solution is needed .......
OP bolek_tusk  3 | 156
2 Jan 2019   #35
sure jon - we just have different feeling of what is neutral and what is not

Neutral (and objective) means someone who shares my worldview..... :)
jon357  72 | 23665
2 Jan 2019   #36
A different solution is needed .......

Yes, though certainly not populism.

We know 'capitalism' doesn't work, we know that Communism is constantly undermined by the avaricious, and we know that the forces of evil (including the so-called 'independent media') constantly try to undermine Social Democracy.

One reason that it's so refreshing to find news sources in Poland that aren't sponsored by PiS or that exist solelt to advance a 'capitalist' or religious agenda.
OP bolek_tusk  3 | 156
2 Jan 2019   #37
Compared with most of the English-language news sites, NfP is moderate, objective and unaligned to any party or tendency.

I took a look but it looks to geared towards Facebook/Twitter users neither of which I spend much time in.

But there hardly any content - one article every two months....

Seems to be written for Guardian readers....
jon357  72 | 23665
2 Jan 2019   #38
geared towards Facebook/Twitter users neither of which I spend much time in.

Nor me (I don't even have an account on the first and rarely use the latter) though you can look without joining. There's usually some content every day.

Seems to be written for Guardian readers....

More for broadsheet readers in general.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
2 Jan 2019   #39
We know 'capitalism' doesn't work, we know that Communism is constantly undermined by the avaricious, and we know that the forces of evil

Oh you are so close to the truth , but sadly like me not empowered to make any kind of difference like millions of others, solution is not capital or commie, a nowy ruch is growing from inside the corridors of money and power. but keep doing your good work , don't waste your breath on political drivel, its only a construct to keep you occupied/ distracted.
gumishu  15 | 6228
2 Jan 2019   #40

everyone knows populism is evil - especially those who benefit from 500+

and well we all know that VAT mafias were fairy tales - and that there is no money to cover for 500+ expenses - and that budget deficit is exorbitant as of november 2018 - a staggering minus 6 billion PLN - I hope you know what deficit in negative numbers means

But there hardly any content - one article every two months....

you must have read the website - the Notes from Poland facebook profile is much more lively but there is an obvious bias to it
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
2 Jan 2019   #41
Populism literally means supporting popular, or majority opinions. Seeing as the left has now made populism seem like an evil thing it's clear they don't care much for the majority opinion let alone a significant minorities beliefs.

Same with nationalism. It means patriotism. Now having love for your motherland and being a patriot are bad things. But destroying the local culture and replacing the native populations are good.

Thank goodness majority of Poles see this lunacy for what it is
jon357  72 | 23665
3 Jan 2019   #42
but sadly like me not empowered to make any kind of difference like millions of others

Yes. Online news is simply binary data on the web; it's how it's used and by/for whom that makes the difference.

We can all do our bit; and have to. I think you've had a varied life and career that's valuable to society and has shown you things that most people never see; as have I. This is important, otherwise people just end up like the two nomarks above, ranting lowest common denominator 'politics' that they don't quite believe but like the idea of without understanding anything outside their own constrained lives.

This is relevant to the thread topic since such people are fed by what they read online. A news source needs to be credible and not pushing contemptible views to the gullible and mentally unhealthy.

And with online news, it's almost as if every opinion carries equal weight. Pre-internet, something needed merit (either intellectual or sensational) to be worth the printing costs. Poland has no dearth of online news, however as with any user-generated content, a very large pinch of salt is needed.

its only a construct to keep you occupied/ distracted.

It works very well sometimes, as we see from the drivel here. Nevertheless, Poland does still have some quality news sources; at least it does when yo've sifted through all the slush.
TheOther  6 | 3596
3 Jan 2019   #43
You really need to read up on the definitions, Dirk.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
3 Jan 2019   #44
Google search, populism definition, nationalism definition and this is the first thing that pops up:


Populism -support for the concerns of ordinary people. the quality of appealing to or being aimed at ordinary people.

Yup. Populism sure soon sounds bad. God forbid we have leaders that support ordinary people or appeal to ordinary people.

So yes, people who criticize and are against populism which literally stems from the word popular, are against ordinary people. Seeing as Merkel and Micros policies go against popular desires, it's no wonder they dislike populism and

Have the gall to say that leaders hide behind 'the will of the people.' If they listened to ordinary people there wouldn't be a yellow vest movement or thousands upon thousands of women raped and nonstop terror and stabbings.

Nationalism - patriotic feeling, principles, or efforts. An extreme form of this, especially marked by a feeling of superiority over other countries. Advocacy of political independence for a particular country.

Also, nationalism is absolutely terrible can't have someone love their country that's a no no. God forbid someone puts love of their country over others. Can't have patriotic feelings either. Independence and sovereignty? Merkel, soros and the rest of the leftists pushing the globo homo agenda say fuhhgetaboutit... Gotta have open borders and work to support third worlders and their out of control breeding practices... Afterall can't have a country be for citizens first and foremost. It's gotta be for every person that illegally enters to suck the juicy welfare teet.

Those are the dictionary definitions. Only those who have been brainwashed by leftists and social marxists now believe they're evil things
TheOther  6 | 3596
3 Jan 2019   #45
"Populism is a range of political approaches that deliberately appeal to "the people," often juxtaposing this group against a so-called "elite."

Don't be silly, Dirk. You know the difference between patriotism/ nationalism and populism/ pluralism very well.
OP bolek_tusk  3 | 156
3 Jan 2019   #46
Populism literally means supporting popular, or majority opinions.

Can someone explain the difference between populism and democracy?

It seems that one is deemed bad and the other good, but don't both imply rule by the will of the majority?
mafketis  38 | 11277
3 Jan 2019   #47
populism and democracy?

Populism is democracy that progressives don't like.... the old definitions are invalid and whole swaths of political and social terms have been washed of meaning so much as to become shorthand for "I don't like it and I can't be bothered to explain or examine why!"

(fascist, socialist, racist, liberal and many other terms have become detached from their traditional meanings in this way)
Spike31  3 | 1485
3 Jan 2019   #48
Populism is democracy that progressives don't lik

True. Left side calls every political and social movement which they don't fully control a "populists" these days.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
3 Jan 2019   #49
Populism is democracy that progressives don't like.

I'd argue that populists aren't democratic at all. They might win power through democracy, but they consistently do things to erode democracy as soon as they gain power. Hungary, Russia, Poland, the USA - there's a very clear pattern of populists seeing electoral victory as giving them the right to do as they want without consulting others.
mafketis  38 | 11277
3 Jan 2019   #50
They might win power through democracy, but they consistently do things to erode democracy as soon as they gain power

The same is true of all politicians... that's a baby argument.
Technically populism has both right and left manifestations Trump is a more center right populist and Bernie Sanders are more distinctly left populist.

the real division now is between populists (right and left) and the technocrats who wish to render elections meaningless as summarized by Wolfgang Schäuble (quoted by Varufakis) "Elections cannot be allowed to change economic policy"
Tacitus  2 | 1272
3 Jan 2019   #51
and the technocrats

What you mean is decent politicians who do not exploit democracy and actually care about the well-being of their country.

Elections cannot be allowed to change economic policy"

Nicely quoted without context. Of course national elections can not be used as an excuse to change economical agreements that were agreed upon with other countries. You might use them to cancel them alltogether, but you can not expect other democratically elected governments to suddenly make concessions. Which is what Varoufakis demanded.

Varoufakis is also a textbook populist. Immediately after gaining power he tried to force through Grexit despite a clear majority being against it, with him later calling a referendum in which he told the people blatant lies (which were even more obviously wrong than the Brexit campaign).
jon357  72 | 23665
3 Jan 2019   #52
I'd argue that populists aren't democratic at all

It's essentially a technique, one that works well with the lowest common denominator and easily whipped up by news sources.
mafketis  38 | 11277
3 Jan 2019   #53
What you mean is decent politicians

No, I mean technocrats with no meaningful connection to the populations they are supposed to represent.

Of course national elections can not be used as an excuse to change economical agreements that were agreed upon with other countries

By this logic, Poland should still be in Comecon...

When was Varufakis prime minister?
cms neuf  2 | 1959
3 Jan 2019   #54
To me one difference is that a Populist will simply believe that what appeals to the majority of citizens is right , however small that majority is. He also disregards practical aspects and a common theme is that the resulting goodies are often paid for by the people who did not vote for them - normally people who are able to think logically that all govt actions have costs and consequences.

Today's example with the domestic violence law illlustrates that - it is possible that 51 percent of Poles agree with that but the 49 percent who do not are all the doctors, lawyers, police etc that have had to address the issue in the past and will be the ones tasked with its implementation
jon357  72 | 23665
3 Jan 2019   #55
51 percent of Poles agree with that but the 49 percent who do not are all the doctors, lawyers, police etc that have had to address the issue


There's only a very fine line between 'populism' and mob rule. Certain sections of the media use this very effectively for profit.
gumishu  15 | 6228
3 Jan 2019   #56

hahah technocrats decent - you are funny
pawian  226 | 27817
21 Apr 2021   #58
What do people use as their sources for news about current affairs in Poland?

Onet. pl,79cfc278

Two instructors were put on trial for organising a strenuous cross-country run at the Military Technical Academy which ended tragically for one student coz the day was extremely hot. Those instructors witnessed that and other students collapsing or giving up but they didn`t react.
pawian  226 | 27817
1 May 2021   #59
Ej, Jocker, a forum like ours isn`t a news outlet. Stop complaining that you can read nothing interesting about Poland here. We are not your journalists , Mr Murdoch. hahaha

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