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Poland says no to flood of Immigrants

Novichok  4 | 8478
27 Nov 2023   #331
Depends on what you mean by trust.

Another PF bootlicker's evasive move...

Yes, dear, it all depends on what is is...

Use your own definition, weasel...If you don't know what "trust" means, look it up...

In the meantime, an example from the land of the First Amendment:

I don't trust that pos Biden because he lies about our border being "secure".

Now read Bobko's post. Oh, what a difference...An honest Russian vs. an evasive Irish bootlicker...
Novichok  4 | 8478
28 Nov 2023   #332
Never been more proud of Poland...

Culture over cheap labor...This is how nations survive and that is how they perish when like Lyzko have it in reverse.
Atch  22 | 4299
28 Nov 2023   #333
evasive move...

You asked for names. I gave you three. Now bog off.
Novichok  4 | 8478
28 Nov 2023   #334
You asked for names. I gave you three.

BS. You gave me the names you don't like.

I asked for the names of the scum you don't trust because the bastards lie. I gave you Biden and why I don't trust him.
Novichok  4 | 8478
28 Nov 2023   #335
Now Finland...Those damn racists ignored all the econ benefits and closed their border to migrants. Not nice, guys...Talk to Lyzko and maybe he will convince you to open it again...This way, you will get cheaper labor and a humming economy. Quoting:

Finland has taken the decision to close its borders with Russia as an unprecedented wave of migrants from the Middle East and Africa seeks entry into the Nordic nation.

These asylum-seekers, originating from countries such as Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Iraq, and Afghanistan, have reached Finland without proper documentation, a departure from the past where such arrivals were sporadic.

Hey, racists, humans don't need documents. They should be free to live where welfare benefits are the highest and sentences for rape are the lowest - if any.
Atch  22 | 4299
28 Nov 2023   #336
You gave me the names you don't like.

Because ............ you didn't look up gombeen man obviously. But as I say, Charlie Haughey wasn't a gombeen man - but he was an inveterate liar.
Novichok  4 | 8478
28 Nov 2023   #337
But as I say, Charlie Haughey wasn't a gombeen man - but he was an inveterate liar.

But as I say, once a weasel, always a weasel...

Criticizing a man who conveniently died 17 years ago must be an act of extreme bravery in Europe. So my congratulations...Your balls are so impressive.

BTW, how do you trust or not trust a dead man? Does he speak to you from the grave?

You see, dear Atch, we are not afraid to say that we don't trust our scum that is currently in charge and for specific reasons, including those that would land you, trembling Euros, in prison for being offensive to minorities and foreign garbage people - including Muslims.
Atch  22 | 4299
28 Nov 2023   #338
how do you trust or not trust a dead man?

Name a British or Irish PM you don't or didn'ttrust.

You gave me the option of past tense so I don't know what you're banging on about.

trembling Euros

Been over to yet? Here's a quote from a discussion there - it struck me that they could be talking about you :) you might need to look up what a poltroon is. We have great terms of abuse in Ireland.

"now after years of mealy-mouthed dissembling he's gone Full Fascist and wants to rip down all democratic structures and the rule of law and replace it with open dictatorship. There is no possible way to "play nice" with complete nutters, the only thing to do is tell them to sit down and STFU. There is no possible way to rationally convince someone as divorced from reality as that poltroon that their insane views are wrong. This is the kind of person that in olden times would send in weekly letters to the local red crayon..."
mafketis  38 | 11137
28 Nov 2023   #339
Meanwhile the Irish PM is worried that people might connect the identity of the Dublin child stabber (a migrant from Algeria in the country since 2003) with.... migration and says people should just accept that some migrants will stab children just as some native Irish might....

I don't think it's outrageous to expect _less_ crime from migrants (in your country as a courtesy) than from home grown scumballs....

I'm really interested in what this person has been doing in Ireland since he avoided deportation due to the intervention of a bunch of do-gooder activists...

How many years has he been involved in gainful employment, how many years has he paid taxes, how many state resources have been expended upon him......

I somehow doubt that the Irish government wants to look into issues like that....
Novichok  4 | 8478
28 Nov 2023   #340
Migrants are like rats...They move in but never move out.

A simple test of how idiotic Western idiots are...

Would you let them in again?

If the answer is no, somebody is either evil or a moron.

Since we all already know what they did, my question is not speculation.
Bobko  27 | 2079
28 Nov 2023   #341
Migrants are like rats

Your language... is not very Christian.

We have problems with migrants in Russia too. I judge those that argue for extreme measures. I ask them to look at our demographic profile, and then ask them if they want us to go extinct as a country.

Unless you can come up with some way to get white Americans to start making large families again - how do you propose to keep up America's competitiveness?
Alien  25 | 6392
28 Nov 2023   #342
Migrants are like rats...They move in but never move out.

Apparently rats escape from a sinking ship.
OP Joker  2 | 2374
28 Nov 2023   #343
- how do you propose to keep up America's competitiveness?
@ Bobko

Mass deportations coming in 2025
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
28 Nov 2023   #344
I seriously fu.cking hope so.I was in Polish consulate yesterday in NYC and these migrants puffing away ciggs which are 15$ a pack there,now how can these people afford that,dressed better then most people and they are poor needy them.
Novichok  4 | 8478
28 Nov 2023   #345
Your language... is not very Christian.

Christian??? I want them all dead before they cross Rio, invade the US, and stick me with their medical and other bills.
Migrants always get more than they pay in taxes. This makes them parasites. Merit immigrants like me are assets. In this game, a few win, and the rest of us get shafted.

and then ask them if they want us to go extinct as a country.

Ban abortions and be selective in who you allow in.

how do you propose to keep up America's competitiveness?

America was able to compete when it had half the population it does now. Migrants and low-end immigrants make us less competitive since they remove the incentive to make robots.

Way back, 30% of Americans were farmers. Today, it's 3% because of the machines. My wife just bought three Roombas - one per floor - so we don't have to hire anyone to vacuum.

Unless you can come up with some way to get white Americans to start making large families again

So simple.
1. Bring factory jobs back from China and Mexico to keep well-paying jobs in.
2. Close the border to keep "cheap" labor out.
3. Ban abortions. See Poland.
These three moves would allow one person - typically the husband - to support the family of 4 or 5 on his own.
Working women are less likely to have 3 kids. Lucky if they manage to have one in their thirties.

BTW, the US, being as large as it is, does not need to be competitive. It can ban imports and not rely on exports at all. In this sense, the US is self-sustaining, save for rare metals.

A simple test: If North America was the only continent on Earth, would life be impossible and nobody would live here?

We don't trade with Saturn, Pluto, and other planets and somehow we manage...
Paulina  19 | 4458
28 Nov 2023   #346
1. Bring factory jobs back from China and Mexico to keep well-paying jobs in.

Factory jobs were moved there, because the labour was cheaper there. Cheaper labour = bigger profit for the company and cheaper products for consumers. Those consumers include you and your family.

3. Ban abortions. See Poland.

That is a funny one considering that a stricter abortion law in Poland resulted in lower birth rate lol

These three moves would allow one person - typically the husband - to support the family of 4 or 5 on his own.

That's unrealistic. You can't make private companies move production back to the US. You can't force women to stop working. And even if you did and if you you'd get rid of the immigrants then companies wouldn't have enough labour force.

Besides, the on-going AI revolution makes this discussion pretty pointless, because it's hard to predict what jobs and how many of them will be available in the future. In the long run I'd be more worried about this than about immigrants, etc...

And, btw, I don't know about the US, but it's normal for working women in Poland to have two kids.

It can ban imports and not rely on exports at all. In this sense, the US is self-sustaining, save for rare metals.

Ah, another utopia and unrealistic idea...
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
28 Nov 2023   #347
You can't make private companies move production back to the US

Yes we can just levy higher import duty.

You can't force women to stop working

Yes you can,pay them less called gender discrimination in modern world lol.
Paulina  19 | 4458
29 Nov 2023   #348
Yes we can just levy higher import duty.

Let us assume that would happen and all the production would come back to the US. That would mean higher cost of labour for companies - less profit, more expensive products for consumers and American companies being less competitive.

Yes you can,pay them less called gender discrimination in modern world lol.

Unrealistic. It won't happen. And I wouldn't want to live in such a country.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
29 Nov 2023   #349
Let us assume that would happen

It has happened in case of Japanese cars,now they are mostly made in the US.BTW we still have cheaper cars than Euorope.

Unrealistic. It won't happen

It is happening and in most of the developed world.

I wouldn't want to live in such a country.

Too bad,BTW you are living in one,and dont even realize it.
Novichok  4 | 8478
29 Nov 2023   #350
Cheaper labour = bigger profit for the company and cheaper products for consumers.

No, they are not, econ ignoramus.
Those consumers used to make 60 grand at the factory. Now they make 30 waiting tables. That's what happens when a factory closes and the only jobs in town are minimum wage.

Only naive bootlickers like you believe that moving jobs to China is good for those left behind.

No, Nike didn't move its production to China to make their shoes less expensive to me.

They moved to China to make their shoes less expensive to THEM. The difference is theirs to keep or they would not move.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
29 Nov 2023   #351
They moved to China to make their shoes less expensive to THEM

lol just like Apple phone says "Designed in California, assembled in China" and sell us for 1500$ they suddenly changed that logo from "Designed in Cupertino, assembled in China",I read somewhere it only costs them 250$ to make and now they opening a plant in India where it will cost them only 200$ to make lol but next year it will cost 100$ more.
Paulina  19 | 4458
29 Nov 2023   #352
It has happened in case of Japanese cars,now they are mostly made in the US.

It had to be profitable for them or they wouldn't have done that.

It is happening and in most of the developed world.

What is happening? Women earning less than men? And they are... still working? lol

BTW you are living in one,and dont even realize it.

The gender pay gap at median earnings in Poland is one of the lowest in the OECD.

Those consumers used to make 60 grand at the factory.

And that's why the production was moved to China, etc.

Only naive bootlickers like you believe that moving jobs to China is good for those left behind.

I don't claim that it's good. I'm saying what's the reality. People like stuff to be cheaper.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
29 Nov 2023   #353
It had to be profitable for them

Keyword is "Them"not the final consumer.

And they are... still working? lol

Time to say"Alexa" or "Hey siri"sing a lullaby,whatever you use.

The gender pay gap at median earnings in Poland is one of the lowes

So you do admit it is there?
Novichok  4 | 8478
29 Nov 2023   #354
Hey, Cargo, thanks for handling her so I don't have to. I owe one...
Novichok  4 | 8478
29 Nov 2023   #355
Hey, migrant-loving bootlickers, this video is for you...

"70% Crime Due To Illegal Immigrants" | Poland, Hungary Block EU Migration Pact Citing Security

100% of crime due to illegal garbage preventable...

Crnogorac3  3 | 659
29 Nov 2023   #356

In 20 years since joining the EU, Ireland has gone from an ethnically homogenous Irish country where there is no concern for the Irish to a country completely in the clutches of a globo homo regime that will stuff the Irish into prisons if they object to the invasion and colonization of their country.

Do you think Poland will be any different?
Atch  22 | 4299
29 Nov 2023   #357
gone from an ethnically homogenous Irish country where there is no concern for the Irish to a country

Let me finish the sentence for you:
to a country with a 97% white population :) Shocking, isn't it?

In 20 years since joining the EU,

Actually we've been in the EU more than 50 years. You're such an expert on Ireland :))
Crnogorac3  3 | 659
29 Nov 2023   #358
"We are restricting freedom for the common good": Irish Green Party Senator Pauline O'Reilly says that her government's hate speech bill is about "restricting freedom," and censoring views on gender identity if those views create "discomfort."

NEW - Ireland's Green Party Senator O'Rilley: "We are restricting freedom for the common good."

Odd telling people : new
Crnogorac3  3 | 659
29 Nov 2023   #359
The blabbering cvnt defending illegal migrants should be impaled in the middle of Dublin as an example of how traitors die

Cheers to this!

The centre of our capital today, a regional town tomorrow?
Stand up, take your country back!
Gerry Kinneavy discusses the very real threats to our country as a result of open borders mass immigration.

Irish Lives Matter - Immigration Can No Longer Be Ignored
Crnogorac3  3 | 659
29 Nov 2023   #360
Irish People confront the commie bags of $hit!! 😁😁

Sinn Fein confronted by the people tonight.
The Irish aren't taking it.
The world is watching.

Home / News / Poland says no to flood of Immigrants

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