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Ryszard Czarnecki - Poland's politician and Member of the European Parliament

NoToForeigners  6 | 948
7 Feb 2018   #1
So there's no rule in EU to punish a MEP for the stuff he said OUTSIDE of European Parliament. The EU nazis try and will punish Czarnecki anyway.

There's a rule in EU to punish a MEP for badmouthing others WITHIN European Parliament yet the Hitler-looking Verhofstadt will not be punished for saying (during EU parliament meeting!) that on the 11th of November 60 thousand of nazists marched on the Polish Independence Day therefore badmouthing Polish patriots.

Double standards much?
EU is about equality? ROFLED
WielkiPolak  54 | 988
7 Feb 2018   #2
More info please. What is this about? What is Ryszard Czarnecki being punished for saying? Do you have a link?
OP NoToForeigners  6 | 948
7 Feb 2018   #3
He called other MEP (on Twitter) Róża Thun von something a "szmalcownik".
Szmalcownik was a term to describe a person that betrays Jews for money.

Today (12 o'clock poolish time) there's a voting to dismiss Czarnecki from his function in the EU.

OP NoToForeigners  6 | 948
7 Feb 2018   #4


WielkiPolak  54 | 988
7 Feb 2018   #5
Oh yeah, this was because she was going to foreign [German] media and telling nasty tails about Poland, so he made the comparison to the szmalcownicy who betrayed Jews.

That's stupid if the EU parliament is indeed going to vote to dismiss him. How can you lose your position because of something you say? It wasn't even that bad. I mean, Korwin has said way worse things in the EU parliament and nothing has happened to him. Why? Because he isn't part of PiS, and the EU despises the current government so they will take any opportunity to hit them.
mafketis  38 | 11277
7 Feb 2018   #6
He called other MEP (on Twitter) Róża Thun von something a "szmalcownik".

It's a classic case of projection, accusing others of one's own moral failings.
OP NoToForeigners  6 | 948
7 Feb 2018   #7


All that stuff just clearly show that EU isn't about equality but about cliques and bussiness of elites who run that abomination of an UNION.

**** EU

France, Slovakia, Norway all collaborated with Germans. POLAND NEVER!

How many german genociders did the USA give shelter to?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
7 Feb 2018   #8
He wasn't punished, he was merely sacked as a Vice President of the European Parliament.
Atch  22 | 4299
8 Feb 2018   #9
The important thing to note is that, just as with the Rule of Law issue last year, the decision to remove Czarnecki from his post of responsibility was taken by his fellow MEPs who voted to do so.
pawian  226 | 27817
8 May 2021   #10
The guy, PiS member, is involved in a fraud scandal right now. It was proven he had illegally claimed the reimbursement of travel expenses from Brussels to Poland for trips which didn `t take place in fact. It is about 100.000 PLN.

Not bad. PiS politicians in action, as usual. Coz we deserved that money!

Old article in English

New article in Polish
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
9 May 2021   #11
It is about 100.000 PLN.

It's actually 100k euro.

It is always a mystery to me -- the level of greed of some people. He was the vice-president of the European Parliament, he was raking it in (he was a European MP for 16 years!). And still he felt it necessary to cheat and steal the European taxpayers' money (and the travel expenses were peanuts compared to his official earnings). If it happened during PO's reign it would be a scandal on a national scale, and today--nothing--Czarnecki is still a PiS member and he is still writing articles for PiS-controlled newspapers and magazines. A moral authority, one might say.

Mind boggles.
Ironside  51 | 13109
9 May 2021   #12
Why? Do you naively believe that those politicians and that system set in Brussels is for them to actually do something useful? Its all there to corrupt people, in other words to give them an ample opportunity to take as much money they can. I bet rules are ambiguous as to traveling expenses on purpose so they can if someone is not careful enough use it to pull on his string whilst others with the same or worse attitude towards traveling expenses won't even get mention. That of course doesn't excuse that poor excuse of a man.

That is where all those European funds go.


By the way it says list of politicians that might ...... so just a guess,.
jon357  72 | 23666
9 May 2021   #13
PiS member, is involved in a fraud scandal right now. It was proven he had illegally claimed

No surprises here, alas.

Ironside  51 | 13109
9 May 2021   #14
It was proven he had illegally claimed

Where was proven in Wyborcza? Lol! Try again!
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
9 May 2021   #15
He was asked by the Commission to submit evidence for his travels. I think he produced some strange receipts, but don't remember details of this fraud of his.

Anyway, it wasn't a Wyborcza-only issue. The PiS-controlled media obviously did not pay any attention (in case this is your only source of information on Poland).
gumishu  15 | 6228
9 May 2021   #16
to submit evidence for his travels
or here,1,

Radosław Sikorski was not much better if you ask me (if the reports on Czarnecki are true - I'm not in the position to judge - however if they are true he should resign if you ask me)
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
9 May 2021   #17
Radosław Sikorski was not much better

Well, he wasn't as his fraud is claimed to be at 80k zloty whereas that of Czarnrcki stands at 100k euro.
Ironside  51 | 13109
9 May 2021   #18
he wasn't as his fraud

All our political system is build on a fraud. It encourage and enables fraud. Talking about so called liberal democracy.
For a real democracy to exist there should be strong middle class that outnumbers both those enormously rich and those who are poor or a hired help.

Such a middle class imbedded in Christian values, strong with civic duties and having a stake in running a country i.e. taxes.
Once the balances are disturbed all that talk about democracy is just screen smoke and mirrors and the real deals goes behind the curtain.

Retargeting so called citizen to a role of populous (not even plebs) in the ancient Rome.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
9 May 2021   #19
so just a guess,.

Where was proven

According to the information by the European Parliament, Czarnecki has already begun returning the money. :)
jon357  72 | 23666
9 May 2021   #20
Czarnecki has already begun returning the money

Is he not being prosecuted for fraud?
Ironside  51 | 13109
9 May 2021   #21
Czarnecki has already begun returning the money. :)

Well, no friends in the high places then, anyway he always was an a-hole.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
9 May 2021   #22
Is he not being prosecuted for fraud?

A politician? Prosecuted for fraud? In Poland? Are you kidding me?

That would be a nightmare, thin edge of the wedge. We don't have nearly enough prosecutors, judges and prisons to open this Pandora's box.

he always was an a-hole

I am not a keen admirer of his political talents either.
Ironside  51 | 13109
9 May 2021   #23
In Poland?

while post-Soviet mentality rule that the way it rolls.
pawian  226 | 27817
9 May 2021   #24
PO's reign it would be a scandal on a national scale, and today--nothing--

Yes,. exactly. PIS are covering all their frauds and thievery and trying to sweep them under the carpet.

Where was proven in Wyborcza? Lol!

Darling, I see you act faster than you think. :):): It isn`t the best approach here - one might call you an imbecile for doing it. Be careful. :):)
jon357  72 | 23666
10 May 2021   #25
A politician? Prosecuted for fraud? In Poland? Are you kidding me?

Slightly kidding, however immunity can be stripped and once, just once, a Polish government might decide to do something decent that reflects well on their country at an international level rather than just causing distaste and inviting ridicule.

We don't have nearly enough prosecutors, judges and prisons to open this Pandora's box.

In Britain and a few other places there are special prison wings where they put naughty police, prosecutors, judges and politicians both local and national (for their own safety largely). I mentioned this once in Poland and the general consensus was that this was a good idea.

Of course Soviet-style immunity for politicians, prosecutors etc is a PRL hangover that subsequent administrations haven't got rid of. For the obvious reason.

I remember that several years ago the media outside Poland were publishing some fairly scathing articles about Czarnecki's character. AFAIK there was a photograph doing the rounds that was part of that. I suppose we'll see more media coverage if they've run out of Covid/BidenFootball stuff. Unless Russia invades Ukraine in which case it will all be forgotten.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
10 May 2021   #26
while post-Soviet mentality rule that the way it rolls.

What is the "dobra zmiana" then for if not for putting an end to it?

Why has Notty, the OP of this thread, been suspended for so long !!!?
pawian  226 | 27817
10 May 2021   #27
What is the "dobra zmiana" then for if not for putting an end to it?

Yes, we have repeated it here for years - PiS came into power to get rid of frauds by political class. They claimed it was enough to stop stealing. Today they steal more than all previous governments combined. Rightists, tfu!!

Dobra zmiana - good change is often mocked as podła zmiana - nasty change.
Ironside  51 | 13109
10 May 2021   #28
What is the "dobra zmiana"

What? After three years I knew they are not a good change but only a slightly better one, Right know they are agreeing on stuff with EU that makes them equal with all the previous post-Soviet rabble.

Today they steal more than all previous governments combined.

That is your claim which as always is BS.
Fact is that none even one lost money that had been stolen or went to jail from the previous set of politicians and their cronies.

They promises empty slogans.
pawian  226 | 27817
14 Sep 2024   #29
punish Czarnecki anyway.

Czarnecki was detained 2 days ago on charges of massive corruption at a university for PiS elites which granted MB degrees after 3 months course.
He is also accused of fraudulent acquisition of EU funds which covered his alleged travel expenses.
The rightist Law and Justice politician, during his term as an MEP, allegedly traveled to Brussels in such unusual vehicles as a tractor-trailer and a Chinese moped. According to investigators, Ryszard Czarnecki allegedly defrauded over PLN 854,000. The PiS politician tried to explain that everything was the fault of his assistants. Meanwhile, according to the latest data, it was, among other things, the explanations of the MEP's associates that gave the prosecutor's office the basis for bringing charges.

PIS rightists are not only maniacal liars but also thieves and frauds. Tfu!!!


That`s how Polish media are obliged to share the image of the accused PIS politician.

  • AA1qoN8s.jfif
cms neuf  2 | 1959
15 Sep 2024   #30
Should be prison for this dude. The fake degrees are proper 3rd world behavior and a terrible example to young people spending their own money to get real degrees.

Home / News / Ryszard Czarnecki - Poland's politician and Member of the European Parliament
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