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The ruling party in Poland tries to take American owned TV news station off the air

amiga500  5 | 1505
31 Jul 2021   #241
a correlation between poor educational attainment and PiS voting.

Using the soviet traitors tricks to chop parts of quotes to make a facetious point? the discussion was that a sizable portion of the electorate was apathetic and disillusioned with the state of polish politics thanks to the disastrous polices of shock therapy and post communism. I pointed out that voters turned out in record numbers in the last elections , the biggest since 89 because they have hope again, and this is the best you can reply? bit grumpy on friday night jon , what happened were you refused entry to blok bar for being such an old curmudgeon?
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
31 Jul 2021   #242
You make some good points here. Numbers for the elections are a very good thing regardless of which side wins. Active participation in democracy is a great thing.

That said, PiS themselves have admitted that their wheelhouse is in the poor, under educated, and religious fanatics.

What is interesting is that it is the core of PiS voters in those demographics who are either refusing or slow to get vaccinated. It is those demographics experiencing the most deaths when you look at the mortalities and where they are coming from.

Now though, PiS will slowly back away from this attempt to kill off the license from TVN. The US has made it clear that additional investment will not be coming to Poland should this policy be put in place. This is not the only item PiS is caving on lately. Big tough politicians basically getting bi7ch slapped when it it comes time to really fight for something. All bark and no bite unless it is against their own citizens.
Novichok  4 | 8748
31 Jul 2021   #243
All bark and no bite unless it is against their own citizens.

= RINOs.
amiga500  5 | 1505
2 Aug 2021   #244
have admitted that their wheelhouse is in

And? The same could be said about the Repubs in USA and you vote for them? As your previous comment in covidthread that the majority of people are morons well that is democracy, it sucks but no one has come up with a better system yet. I know there are some proposals for citizen panels and what not to evolve participatory democracy.

It is those demographics experiencing the most deaths w

But their children in the villages and small towns are having a lot more PiS voting kids than the feminised godless metrosexuals in the cities that support the post-communists ;)
jon357  72 | 23361
2 Aug 2021   #245
a sizable portion of the electorate was apathetic and disillusioned

And poorly educated, economically deprived and with a fundamentalist religious outlook. They are open about that.

What is interesting is that it is the core of PiS voters in those demographics who are either refusing or slow to get vaccinated.

Slowly killing their own voter base.

PiS will slowly back away from this attempt to kill off the license from TVN.

If PiS can do it in a way where they can credibly back down without losing face they will do it. Even if they can't credibly do it without losing face, they'll do it anyway and claim that black is white and white is black.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
2 Aug 2021   #246
poorly educated, economically deprived and with a fundamentalist religious

poorly, deprived, religious all in one sentence. lol
Salvation is victory and that is what it is all about jon.
jon357  72 | 23361
2 Aug 2021   #247
Poorly educated rather than just poorly, however yes, poorer health outcomes and shorter life expectancy are also characteristic of that demographic.
Ironside  50 | 12916
2 Aug 2021   #248
of that demographic.

Well, why don't you chip in for a statue of M Thatcher. I think you both share that same sniffy attitude towards that demographic or is your attitude directed exclusively towards Polish demographic?
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
3 Aug 2021   #249
Birth rates are continuing to trend down across the country. Since you haven't been to these areas recently, I see a whole lot more new babies in the cities than in the countryside in my daily travels.

I vote for the lesser evil in elections. I never have been a "party" person. Towing the "party line" is for sheep. I voted for Bill Clinton because he had real plans for the economy. I voted for Bush because I felt he was better for the safety of the country. Those Presidents had real plans, and real smart advisers around them. Neither fell into the far left or right in policy. In Poland, the same is not true. It is extreme left or right, and they divide the country like Trump and Biden. The difference in Poland is that the PiS demographic is shrinking not only in number due to death, but due to massive numbers of people leaving the church. They have even admitted as much on TVPiS.

Not a whole lot of news now about TV licensing. But the US has banned some high profile Hungarian political officials from entering the US in the last few weeks in order to show Orban who is in charge. Message being sent to Poland? Imagine what happens to PiS if the US pulls the Visa waiver for Poles?
jon357  72 | 23361
3 Aug 2021   #250
the PiS number due to death, but due to massive numbers of people leaving the church. They have even admitted as much on TVPiS.

This is something they haven't really addressed. Either they haven't got a strategy or there isn't one for them to have. The more they try and push religion on the next generation in increasingly unsubtle ways, the more young people they drive away from it. Trying to take TV stations off the air just makes them look extreme in the eyes of the public.

Demographically, things aren't looking good for them.

I think you both share that same sniffy attitude towards that demographic

Really? Facts are facts, and it seems you know very little at all about Thatcher.
Ironside  50 | 12916
3 Aug 2021   #251
very little at all about Thatcher.

good for you were so close ...

The more they try and push religion

Oh F off! Who is pushing anything? You are simply an obsessed commie who is lying to push his dark ideology onto people.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
3 Aug 2021   #252
" Imagine what happens to PiS if the US pulls the Visa waiver for Poles?"

nothing would happen. who gives a fuk or wants to go to that country with so many homeless now bums people with records who cant get jobs poverty gangs crime etc. only morons or retards not educated who were not discriminated against or treated like i was and realised how they punish young men there for simple mistakes and how they imprison entire generation there compared to Poland where they forgive you after ten yrs automatically and expunge your record.

Just look up the three strikes law of California where I lived my entire life and am glad to never step my foot there again.
amiga500  5 | 1505
4 Aug 2021   #253
in order to show Orban who is in charge

i bet he's shaking in his boots. Hungary is so entertwined with Russia and China, that USA actions are like an annoying fly buzzing.

It was intersting to note that TVN24, after years of slandering konfederacja as anti semitic and Russian tools, are now hosting them respectfully on Fakty and other shows as they need their votes in the parliament.. hahahaha. Or it could be sign of impending deal with Tusk. Like CNN, TVN24 turns on a dime and will say night is day to serve their post communist backers
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
5 Aug 2021   #254
LOL yes, and TVPiS is now advocating for JK sainthood upon his death.

And Orban who is in bed with Putin, wants to bring Poland along for the threesome. The fly buzzing Hungary is not an insect, it may be a drone though.
jon357  72 | 23361
5 Aug 2021   #255
Oh F off! Who is pushing anything?

In the case of religion, do you really need to ask?

TVPiS is now advocating for JK sainthood upon his death.

Please say you're joking.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
5 Aug 2021   #256
Sorry I should have used my sarcasm font
jon357  72 | 23361
5 Aug 2021   #257
This could even happen. Some of the crazier PiSflappers wanted to get his twin beatified....
Crow  154 | 9463
5 Aug 2021   #258
And Orban who is in bed with Putin

Don`t speak bad about Hungarian Viktor Orban, dobri brate. He is among those politicians which giving hope from Baltic to Balkan. Here you can see him, on his knees, in prayer for European values. He prays with famous Serbian Nick Vujicic who was born without limbs but grown up in succesfull man full of positive spirit >

amiga500  5 | 1505
5 Aug 2021   #259
Sorry I should have used my sarcasm font

I thought you were serious, as a response to TVN24 turning on a dime regarding Konfederacja.
Satire is the lowest form of wit, especially delivered by a sneering yank. (it sounds a lot better in an australian or british accent)
You can join the grownups politic table when you receive your polish passport/citizenship. Oh wait you do know there is a language proficiency test involved? As for Comrade Jon you don't even live in Poland anymore so worry more about Starmer kicking out your ilk out of the labour party. .

it may be a drone though.

I doubt there will be any left after the inevitable humiliation over taiwan.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
6 Aug 2021   #260
Actually no language test for citizenship by decent. TVN24 is not the topic of discussion, and you are too smart to even suggest that the US wont slap Poland around if this license cancelation actually happens. PiS will back down, they will find an exception, or they will feel what it is like to be a red headed step child that just burnt down the house. Poland is the rebellious child screaming for attention and acting out, and now the United States (daddy) noticed and its time for a spanking. I think the child runs and hides before his @$$ gets beat.
jon357  72 | 23361
6 Aug 2021   #261
PiS will back down, they will find an exception,

Basically, they'll do their usual trick of claiming white is black and black is white; all in an attempt not to lose face, which some people in PL will half believe and a tinier number of people will take seriously. Nobody outside Poland however will believe them

screaming for attention and acting out,

And of course, in the end, it will basically polarise things. TVN will win; it is popular in Poland.

worry more about Starmer kicking out your ilk out of the labour party. .

What 'ilk'? And why do you imagine I would I kicked out of the Labour Party?
amiga500  5 | 1505
11 Aug 2021   #262
PiS will back down,

Doesn't look like they're backing down. Voting today. You and Jon might disagree with their aims and wisdom of their actions but one has to admire their stubborness in the face of all odds, they're not some beta cucks that's for sure. It's all up to Kukiz and Korwin-Mikke hahaha the fate of PRLN24 is in their hands
OP mafketis  38 | 11137
11 Aug 2021   #263
one has to admire their stubborness in the face of all odds

They're following their vision: A PRL style media that does not scrutinize or report anything negative about them.... In their vision different channels simply argue about how awesome they are...

And they're royally pissing off the US (supposedly a key ally)... so there's that.

Though there's apparently also talk about amendments being introduced to except the US from the provisions... which means it was a lot of time and effort expended into.... distracting the public from more of their theft and incompetence?
Paulina  17 | 4465
11 Aug 2021   #264
And they're royally pissing off the US (supposedly a key ally)...

PiS cares more about power=their asses, than they care about Poland.

Yesterday there were protests in many cities against the proposed law:
gumishu  15 | 6227
11 Aug 2021   #265
PiS cares more about power=their asses, than they care about Poland.

you precisely defined PO+PSL+Lewica - as far as I know they said there is no money for 500+ and there will be none
Paulina  17 | 4465
11 Aug 2021   #266
@gumishu, on the contrary, PiS buying voters with 500+ is just another example of how low they can go to get or retain power and how short-sighted they are. Those money could be spent on health care, for example. But that's not this thread is all about, so don't divert attention from the topic :) Now pluralism and freedom of media in Poland is at stake.
Paulina  17 | 4465
11 Aug 2021   #267
And they're royally pissing off the US (supposedly a key ally)...

Something occurred to me... Maybe this is one of the reasons why PiS wants Americans to sell their shares... Because if TVN is owned by an American company it's more difficult for the Polish government to mess with that TV station - the US would have to defend the interests of an American company... If TVN won't be American-owned, PiS won't receive such a backlash from the US for messing with TVN and won't estrange an important ally of Poland... Do you think this is possible?
amiga500  5 | 1505
11 Aug 2021   #268
PiS buying voters with 500+ is just another example of how low

Seems like you have been in the west just long enought to take it's comforts for granted, like child support which is a basic tenet of social democracies and was missing in Poland until PiS came along.
Paulina  17 | 4465
11 Aug 2021   #269
@amiga500, I've never lived in the West, unlike you I've lived my whole life in Poland (in one of Poland's poorest regions, btw) and still do. Maybe Western countries can afford generous and indiscriminate social benefits, but Poland can't, imho.

But that's not what this thread is about. There are other threads where we can discuss 500+. This thread is about "lex TVN" bill.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
11 Aug 2021   #270
And PiS cant even keep their group together on the eve of the vote. Gowin takes his group and leaves. JK and the amateur boys are pooping the bed every day. The old ways can not rule the future, they have already failed time and time again. PiS simply needs to be put to death.

Home / News / The ruling party in Poland tries to take American owned TV news station off the air

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