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Referendum to decide about exotic immigrants in Poland

Ironside  50 | 12941
8 Jul 2024   #511
This is what happens when someone underestimates the power of democracy.

That is what happens if someone is brainwashed by liberal media propaganda. Communists that succeeded in France are anti-NATO, pro-Putin, and so on.
Alien  25 | 6392
8 Jul 2024   #512

I am convinced that they will not be in the government.
OP pawian  226 | 27453
8 Jul 2024   #513
Communists that succeeded in France are anti-NATO, pro-Putin

Worse or better than far right and nationalists who hold similar views???
Ironside  50 | 12941
8 Jul 2024   #514
far right

Does that even mean anything? It is only a political slur used by lefties for those they don't like - hardly a democratic feature.
Novichok  4 | 8478
8 Jul 2024   #515
It is only a political slur

...and a way to avoid getting into specifics of what "far-right" stands for.

Leftist scum never does it because they know most people would agree with those bad far-rightists.

BTW, why the French stayed left is a mystery to me.
OP pawian  226 | 27453
8 Jul 2024   #516
It is only a political slur

I see. So calling you far right and nationalist is a slur. hahahaha

for those they don't like

While you like or even love lefties. :):)
Ironside  50 | 12941
8 Jul 2024   #517
While you like or even love lefties. :):)

What is it too like? they are mostly with few exceptions ethical and moral zeros and the only thing they can add to a debate is personal attacks, slogans, and political slurrs.
OP pawian  226 | 27453
8 Jul 2024   #518
What is it too like?

So, hypo, you complain that leftists don`t like your sort of far right and nationalists but you give yourself full right to dislike them and consider it fair?? AmaSSing!
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
8 Jul 2024   #519
BTW, why the French stayed left is a mystery to me.

Me too, but Far Left would be a better description.... these people are Communists......

I see. So calling you far right and nationalist is a slur.

Of course it is you Socialist moron!

Ironside talking about lefties.

they are mostly with few exceptions ethical and moral zeros and the only thing they can add to a debate is personal attacks, slogans, and political slurs.

OP pawian  226 | 27453
4 Aug 2024   #520
Certain immigrant from Uzbekistan said in an interview that the emergence of an Uzbek district in Warsaw, a Central Asian Chinatown, is only a matter of time.

Of course it is a nonsense, says an expert on immigration.

The expert notes, however, that although more and more migrants from Central Asia are coming to Poland, their numbers are still not large. Considering other factors, the expert has no illusions about immigrant districts in Poland.

- I doubt that any immigrant districts will be created in Poland. It is politicians who repeat the mantra of "immigrant districts", citing British or French experiences. Let's remember that Polish cities and our housing market are shaped completely differently - he points out.

- If we look at the districts in London, they have always been class districts. It was known that in a given place the richer lived, and in another the less richer. You can easily determine who has what financial status by the district code. But this is not the case in Poland. After the war, there are practically no districts in our country that would be inhabited only by one social group - he adds.

Miloslaw  20 | 5121
4 Aug 2024   #521
the emergence of an Uzbek district in Warsaw, a Central Asian Chinatown, is only a matter of time.

He was right, it is only a matter of time.

If we look at the districts in London, they have always been class districts.

The same is true of Warsaw and you will see immigrants flooding to the supposed poorer parts of Warsaw.
mafketis  38 | 11137
5 Aug 2024   #522
The late 1990s early 2000s old commie built blocks close to Pałac Kultury had a _lot_ of Vietnamese residents. I was by the door of one waiting for someone once and there were 6 or 7 Veitnamese for each Polish person. Ul Grzybowska was the heaviest concentration... A Vietnamese friend said the border guard at the airport commented on her address "Grzybowska again!"

These apartments in the buildings were pretty small and very unpopular with Polish people which facilitated Vietnamese renting/buying them. I have no idea what the area looks like now...

And while the PRL had only the barest minimum of economic segregation it has drastically increased over the last 20 years or so not to the extent of western Europe but a lot more than there was so the professor might be engaging in wishful thinking...

For the record I think the lack of economic segregation was one of the few good things about the PRL... when the very poor or very rich only have each other around.... it's not good for them.
Novichok  4 | 8478
5 Aug 2024   #523
a _lot_ of Vietnamese residents

I just had my breakfast. I am ready to vomit...
OP pawian  226 | 27453
5 Aug 2024   #524
You aren`t able to go out onto American street without vomit reflex, it seems...... :):):) Do you also get it when you look in the mirror??? hahaha
Alien  25 | 6392
5 Aug 2024   #525
go out onto American street without vomit reflex

They have no Vietnamese, they are very hard-working people, but also more isolated from others than, for example, Turks in Germany.
OP pawian  226 | 27453
5 Oct 2024   #526
Poland needs exotic immigrants coz some Poles/Polesses dream of having such a partner, also for life.
Hence my proposition: the state controlled influx of 5000 migrants from Africa per year.
We can discuss if it is too few or too many. I am open to your suggestions and opinions.

Here is a story of a Zimbabwesian woman who came to Poland and married a white guy:,07640b54

  • w1lk9kpTURBXy81MTQ4M.jpg

  • Bdkk9kpTURBXy9jZTk4O.jpg
Novichok  4 | 8478
5 Oct 2024   #527
Referendum to decide about exotic immigrants in Poland.
Anyone who needs a referendum like this should be shot as an existential enemy of Poland.

Such a referendum, without limits, and how to stop N+1 is a ploy to open the floodgates to the scum that should never be allowed even in Europe.
OP pawian  226 | 27453
5 Oct 2024   #528
shot as an existential enemy of Poland.

I suppose the guy from the article above would shoot you if you tried to take away his black wife..... :):):)

You are so lucky that guns aren`t so widespread in Poland as in the US.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
5 Oct 2024   #529
Here is a story of a Zimbabwesian [sic] woman who came to Poland and married a white guy

Why didn't your article mention anything about 'the white guy' doing half of the housework while she is out building her career?

Isn't that the criteria we hear ad nauseam on PF regarding why marriages either never start or quickly fail in Poland?

Doesn't it concern you that if he isn't doing at least half of the chores, she would still choose to have a child with him?

Poland needs exotic immigrants coz...

As a communist, you dream of the day when everyone in Poland will proudly say:

PolAmKrakow  2 | 868
6 Oct 2024   #530
Poland has plenty of laws in place and a process for anyone wanting to come to Poland. There does not need to be any new laws or considerations made. Plenty of Ukraine women here now who are marrying Polish men or having their children. France and Germany are shining examples of how stupid the idea of importing exotics is.
Novichok  4 | 8478
6 Oct 2024   #531
France and Germany are shining examples of how stupid the idea of importing exotics is.

Personally, I wouldn't import a very unexotic wife from Poland. I would never know if she loves me or the green card.
Alien  25 | 6392
6 Oct 2024   #532
idea of importing exotics

This sounds like some import/export company.
OP pawian  226 | 27453
6 Oct 2024   #533
Ukraine women France and Germany importing exotics

That`s a little missed argument. I was talking about Polish dreams of having an exotic partner so why did you mention Ukraine??
Also, I suggested 5000 exotic migrants officially accepted each year so why did you mention Germany and France with millions of them?


Hey, it isn`t my fault that General Jaruzelski was my illegitimate father! Ha!!!!
Poloniusz  5 | 969
7 Oct 2024   #534
France and Germany are shining examples of how stupid the idea of importing exotics is.

Yes, but you can still expect to see a lot more feel-good, pro-immigrant stories like the one recently posted here, in an attempt to convince Poles that somehow it will be completely different from the disasters wrought upon the Western world thus far.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
7 Oct 2024   #535
I suggested 5000 exotic migrants officially accepted each year...

What?! That is so unsocialist of you!

Soros ordered no less than 1,000,000 every year, indefinitely.

So, for Poland, you're looking at at least 40,000 a year. Under the Tusk regime, you can expect that number to be easily doubled (along with your taxes).

Rebuilding the Asylum System

"First, the EU has to accept at least a million asylum-seekers annually for the foreseeable future. And, to do that, it must share the burden fairly...

Adequate financing is critical. The EU should provide €15,000 ($16,800) per asylum-seeker for each of the first two years to help cover housing, health care, and education costs - and to make accepting refugees more appealing to member states. It can raise these funds by issuing long-term bonds using its largely untapped AAA borrowing capacity..."
Poloniusz  5 | 969
7 Oct 2024   #536 why did you mention Germany and France with millions of them?

Well, he could have mentioned Sweden too.

Sweden Could Soon Have 1 Million Illiterates, Largely Due To Mass Immigration

"The most recent survey by Statistics Sweden shows there are currently around 780,000 people between the ages of 16 and 65 who are illiterate in Sweden, but this number is soaring.

However, Swedish ministers are failing to explain what the main cause behind the massive illiteracy problem is in the country, which is mass immigration of illiterate adults from the Third World, which the allegedly conservative ruling government is failing to stop."
Novichok  4 | 8478
7 Oct 2024   #537
Flooding a country with migrants is worse than being attacked by a hostile army.

Poland survived Germans. Germans will not survive Muslims.

Poland survived Swedes. Swedes wil not survive Somalis.

The reason: The scum - like rats - multiplies at the rate much higher than the natives and you can't kill them.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 868
7 Oct 2024   #538
The people who want more immigration from Africa and the Middle East have usually not spent any time in Stockholm, Paris, or Frankfurt. Some countries finally realizing that immigration that is not strictly controlled will lead to more problems. It doesnt help people. All they do is go to one area, take things over, and bring things down to the level they are accustomed to. These people dont care about anyone but themselves and have no intention of blending into society.
jon357  72 | 23482
7 Oct 2024   #539
The people who want more

Do you think there are people who "want more" or do you simply fail to uynderstand that as the world gets smaller, migration increases?
OP pawian  226 | 27453
7 Oct 2024   #540
Soros ordered

Soros is Soros while pawian is pawian. Don`t be stupid Am Pollack again. :):):)

immigration that is not strictly controlled

Yes, but again you missed. Let me repeat for the third time: I suggest 5000 yearly which means strictly controlled. What is wrong with you??? Are you sure you still control your account here??? I have had a case in my forum activity that my main adversary allowed her daughter to discuss with me. The difference was enormous. I feel the same about you.

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