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Let's protest censorship in Poland's mainstream media!

poganin  - | 58
28 Jan 2016   #31
I used to hate PiS party but now after what hostile parties have done here I am thankful for more nationally based and friendly to Poland party. This party is on our side, it wants to do things our way so thank God we have a Polish party in the government. It changed some of the media to make it more friendly to Polish people and Poland and a lot of people here appreciated it.
Borsukrates  5 | 129
28 Jan 2016   #32
we have a Polish party in the government

And other parties are what, Korean ?
Poland has exactly one national minority party - German Minority - and it has 1 (one) seat in Sejm. Technically Poland has 0% election treshold for national minority parties, which in spirit is meant to give all minorities a voice. In practice, the used workaround is that Poland doesn't acknowledge a nation has a minority (see - Silesians, Ślązacy, Kaszubi)
poganin  - | 58
28 Jan 2016   #33
Excuse me? Silesians, Slazacy and Kaszubi are all Polish, do not even try to separate us! I am Kaszub in background, I am Polish and proud of it! Mind your own country's business. PiS is the right party looking after Polish interests unlike many other parties.

PO party tried to sell parts of Poland to Germans including part of Slask (Silesia) and Kaszubs. NO WAY! Kaszuby sa polskie! Polish media of the time (2011) tried to hide this fact from the public. I am happy that now this media is being dismissed from work, good!
Borsukrates  5 | 129
28 Jan 2016   #34
PO party tried to sell parts of Poland to Germans including part of Slask (Silesia) and Kaszubs

Where's your proof ?

Excuse me? Silesians, Slazacy and Kaszubi are all Polish, do not even try to separate us!

There are many in those ethnic groups who think otherwise, and in any case who gives you right to speak in their name ?
poganin  - | 58
28 Jan 2016   #35
Who gives you right? Are you Polish? I think you are not Polish, if that is the case stay away from Polish groups, you have no right to speak, Poland is united and will stay united, just try to separate us and you will see what happens to people who try that.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
28 Jan 2016   #36
other parties are what

Parties such as PO and Petru are essentially lobbyists for foreign big business which is the equivalent of being pro-EU. The EU and foreign corporations want Poland to remain a cheap manpower and low-cost-investment-site country which foreign captial can exploit. PSL are more pro-Polish than the former two and share many points of the PiS agenda.
jon357  72 | 23361
28 Jan 2016   #37
And other parties are what, Korean ?


PO party tried to sell parts of Poland to Germans including part of Slask (Silesia) and Kaszubs.

A lie

Parties such as PO and Petru are essentially lobbyists for foreign big business which is the equivalent of being pro-EU

Utter nonsense.
Ironside  50 | 12916
28 Jan 2016   #38
And other parties are what, Korean ?

What others? PO or N are both Soviet parties.

Poland doesn't acknowledge a nation has a minority (see - Silesians, Ślązacy, Kaszubi)

Cause they are not a minority and never were.
jon357  72 | 23361
28 Jan 2016   #39
PO or N are both Soviet parties

Do expand on that....
Ironside  50 | 12916
28 Jan 2016   #40
Well, members of those parties are polish speaking soviets.
jon357  72 | 23361
28 Jan 2016   #41
Any sources for that, other than your own fevered imagination?
Ironside  50 | 12916
28 Jan 2016   #42
No need for sources for something that is a quite obvious. They are mentally and culturally soviets, a case of successful conversion by the PRL.
jon357  72 | 23361
28 Jan 2016   #43
They are mentally and culturally soviets

If anyone is like that, it's the PiSites. Yet you fail to provide one teensy weensy bit of evidence for your wild assertion.

Remind us, how long ago was it that you emigrated from Poland?
28 Jan 2016   #44
My guess would be that it was very shortly before the censorship of Poland's mainstream media by the PZPR ended.
Ironside  50 | 12916
28 Jan 2016   #45
Yet you fail to provide one teensy weensy bit of evidence for your wild assertion.

Hmm jon you are in no position to argue trust me. The proof of the pudding is in the eating.

My guess

You are the one that can be counted on to butt in rudely.
jon357  72 | 23361
28 Jan 2016   #46
The proof of the pudding is in the eating.

I-S, there's neither pudding nor proof. It's bizarre that you say people who vote for parties other than your favourite one are "Polish-speaking Soviets" and it's a throwaway remark about a lot of people which just doesn't make any sense.

And you still can't back it up with any evidence.

If however we want to talk about Soviet mentality in a thread about media censorship, you should be well aware of the severe criticism of the PiS regime for trying to stifle media that questions their economic programme and their attacks on the constitution

My guess would be that it was very shortly before the censorship of Poland's mainstream media by the PZPR ended

Nail. Head. Hit...
Felix_D  - | 3
29 Jan 2016   #47
The point that's being missed here is that private media is exactly that and the ownership can and does make editorial policies, if you own it you have the final word. But the public media in Poland is something altogether different, if you are payed by the tax payer you need to be neutral and professional. Radio Poland English service is not, by any stretch of the imagination they are neither profession or neutral, they have undertaken editorial policies following the narrative of the defeated PO acting as brazen propagandists. This is a breach of trust with respect to their employment and if action is taken against they should understand that they are the authors of their own predicament.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
29 Jan 2016   #48
How much are PiS paying you to write this?
gumishu  15 | 6227
29 Jan 2016   #49
you should be well aware of the severe criticism of the PiS regime for trying to stifle media that questions their economic programme and their attacks on the constitution

which media - are PiS closing the likes of Gazeta Wyborcza, Newsweek or TVN - how do they actuallly stiffle them? care to elaborate?
poganin  - | 58
30 Jan 2016   #50
Yes, those media outlets are doing what they like, some censorship. The media you listed above are mostly anti-Polish, it took some time before people realised it and now those media are loosing buyers and supporters, they will disappear hopefully and Poland will have its own media back.
jon357  72 | 23361
30 Jan 2016   #51
The media you listed above are mostly anti-Polish

They are all Polish.
jon357  72 | 23361
30 Jan 2016   #53
No poganin, they are all Polish and bought by many here. Outselling by a very long way those few publications that support the Kaczynskists.
gumishu  15 | 6227
30 Jan 2016   #54
yeah Gazeta Wyborcza's circulation is around 100 thousand daily - I wouldn't call it many in the scale of a 40 million country Newsweek is not better and it's weekly
jon357  72 | 23361
30 Jan 2016   #55
I suspect by 'circulation' (a pre-digital age term if ever there was one) you mean the print edition. Your trolling is conveniently ignoring the fact that GW is one of the country's most visited websites and by far its most popular news portal...
gumishu  15 | 6227
30 Jan 2016   #56
and by far its most popular news portal... portal is fourth among big news portas in Poland after , and - it has a good couple of million views less monthly than the three latter portals
jon357  72 | 23361
30 Jan 2016   #57 , and interia

For those sites, the 'news' function is secondary to the other things they do. Stop trying to mislead people.
gumishu  15 | 6227
30 Jan 2016   #58
it is all but secondary, my friend
jon357  72 | 23361
30 Jan 2016   #59
Clearly, you either don't read those sites or more likely expect that the people reading this won't bother to look.


I invite anyone to compare those things with Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland's main news site or their excellent iPad app.
gumishu  15 | 6227
30 Jan 2016   #60
I just had a look at - I rarely do as opposed to interia and onet (in my opinion is best) - and no it does not differ much from the portals mentioned in the previous sentence - their topic of the day was Where to eat pierogies today?

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