8s it a follow up from the original Achaja trilogy? Is it any good? Especially compared to the original books?
I think it is better. Language is not so colorful, and while I don't mind swearing, I think it is a good thing Ziemański toned it down a bit in a sequel.
It happens one thousand years after the original trilogy, and... not to put too much spoilers, I just say that there are Poles who come to the Achaiaworld.
Poles from about 1930s, from some alternative Earth, where Partitions have never happened. If you have read Ziemniański's Bomba Heisenberga shorts story, you'll know what kind of Poland it is. It is hilarious.
After 5 books of Pomnik.... series Ziemiański started prequel series called "Virion", taking place before Achaia was born. About the youth of legendary swordsman Virion, once met by Achaia.