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What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus?

Velund  1 | 493
24 May 2021   #271
because Armen was released by the Ukrainian authorities after being questioned.

I'm sure that Protasevich will be released as well. Sometime...
Ironside  50 | 12959
24 May 2021   #272
Decide first, was current POTUS rightfully elected,

Still US system is better that Russian one that one is obvious...IF Russian system were attractive at all and effective you wouldn't need to use the army all the time as you have no much else to offer..
Velund  1 | 493
24 May 2021   #273
The plane was closer to Vilnius when it was diverted so obviously concern about a bomb is a big lie....

While a plane is in BY airspace, it is in zone of BY responsibility. We still heard no confirmation or denial of information about refusal to land in Vilnius for a plane that allegedly have a bomb on board.

Belavia plane also was in 50 km of BY airspace, in 2016, but was diverted back to Kiev without a single word.

Still US system is better that Russian one that one is obvious..

Can you describe in details, why US system is better than Russian one. This is not so obvious anymore in another parts of the world.
mafketis  38 | 11178
24 May 2021   #274
why US system is better than Russian one

Which direction do people move in? Do people from Russia move more to the US or do more people from the US move to Russia?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
24 May 2021   #275
Clear case of State sponsored air piracy.
"It was intercepted, there was effectively warning given to the pilots and crew that there was a security risk on board, and then the plane was escorted by military jet to the Minsk airport, which was not the closest airport," Irish Foreign Minister Simon Coveney told Ireland's RTE radio on Monday.

Some airlines are already refusing to fly in Belarus airspace now.
If it is determined sanctions are necessary to hold the rulers of Belarus accountable for this outrage it may just collapse the already fragile economy of Belarus.

Putin's puppets should be jailed for downing the jet because of "said security risk".
Could not have such a security risk be detained at the airport the plane was destined for ........ well unless someone claimed the security risk was a bomb that is.
Tacitus  2 | 1255
24 May 2021   #276
This was really a stupid move from the regime of Belarus. The giy was a nobody outside of Belarus and now the world knows his name.
Velund  1 | 493
24 May 2021   #277
Which direction do people move in?

In 1990's, during madness of "democracy" and "free market economy" anyone and their stepmother thinked about fleeing from Russia. In 2020's a lot of people is returning, mostly due to better understanding of their "practical ceiling" in US, and strong feeling that "this is not the country I emigrated to, anymore".

But what really cause us a bit ill, it is hordes of "gastarbeiters" from Middle Asia (UZ, TJ, etc...). Fortunately, they started to assimilate last years, and their kids speak Russian without an accent at all and usually write without mistakes.
Novichok  4 | 8596
24 May 2021   #278
While a plane is in BY airspace, it is in zone of BY responsibility.

At least that Mig was at home. The US planes in Syria were there illegally and actually killing people.
mafketis  38 | 11178
24 May 2021   #279
anyone and their stepmother thinked about fleeing from Russia.

So, how many US people without a Soviet background are moving to Russia?
Velund  1 | 493
24 May 2021   #280
From those emigrated to US and Canada I know personally (school, university, amateur radio fellows), 6 out of 15 is already back. Two more is planning. 5 more is trying to convince yourself that emigrating from Russia is the best decision they made in their life (one of them is effectively homeless and live "on the road", driving long haul trucks without vacations).
mafketis  38 | 11178
24 May 2021   #281
How many US people with no connection to Russian speaking culture emigrate to Russia? How many Russian speakers with no connection to English speaking culture emigrate to the US?
Velund  1 | 493
24 May 2021   #282
PS: I lost contact with one of my school friends, who emigrated after receiving MD degree in Moscow. Know that he worked as a nurse somewhere on Bay Area, but now silent for more than a year...
Novichok  4 | 8596
24 May 2021   #283
From those emigrated to US and Canada I know personally

Don't let them drag you into that idiotic discussion. It's irrelevant who migrates where.

The relevant facts are if Belarus had the legal authority over its airspace. That's one way.

The other way is if Belarus operated in a gray zone - legally and morally - by diverting that plane off its original course. This, in comparison to other events, is a slamdunk for Belarus. For starters, you can ask under what rule did Poland have the right to send its military to Iraq. I would like to hear that bs.

If they give you some static about the WMD, ask them to account for the millions who died in Korea and Vietnam. For the extra fun, why is the US still in Cuba.

Perspective is an amazing thing...
Tacitus  2 | 1255
24 May 2021   #284
Russias' brain drain of highly skilled expert to Western countries has in fact accelerated in the las few years.
Novichok  4 | 8596
24 May 2021   #285
Russias' brain drain of highly skilled expert to Western countries has in fact accelerated

Who gives a crap about that? The question is if Belarus was within its rights on the basis of international laws or prior precedence. If the US can bomb a pharmaceutical factory in Sudan on a hunch and later say oops, everything is on the table for others to choose from.

I have more if you wish. In the meantime, quit your weasel bs diversions.
Velund  1 | 493
24 May 2021   #286
everything is on the table for others to choose from.

As I quoted earlier, anathema for Lukashenko is not because he does something wrong, but because he operated as a "big boy", without looking at opinions of major world powers. Just like Israel do. ;)
Velund  1 | 493
24 May 2021   #287
how often do you wipe the s**t dripping on your face

Do you wish co compare with your own experience?
Spike31  3 | 1485
24 May 2021   #288
Nothing. Belarus, just like Ukraine, should be kept independent as a buffer zone between Poland and Russia. Poland shouldn't care about its internal politics or the quality of the lives of its citizens. It's not our business.

Poland has a great opportunity to used former soviet republics to block each other's expansion in a continuous clinch. Of course in order to do that we need bolder politicians to be in charge.
mafketis  38 | 11178
24 May 2021   #289
anathema for Lukashenko is not because he does something wrong, but because he operated as a "big boy"

This kind of presupposes that Lukashenka (and probably Putin and most Belarussian and Russian citizens) have no free will, agency or moral compass and simply copy what the West models for them.

I'm happy to denounce overreach by western countries (the Morales plane episode was terrible the flight from Kiev not nearly the same thing). Because I don't take my moral compass from what governments do or some local bigshot says.

But Russians and Belarussians are the Western Man's Burden.... slow and primitive and only capable of aping outward appearances.... how very, very sad.
Novichok  4 | 8596
24 May 2021   #290

Nothing is good. Or nuke them. Easy choice.
amiga500  5 | 1506
24 May 2021   #291
or the quality of the lives of its citizens. It's not our business.

Except debil, there are a million Polish or of Polish descent living in Belarus. And Lukashenko is especially being brutal towards anyone who identifies as polish or seeks to uphold polish language and ways, as he sees them as a threat that can be influenced by the west. We owe it to our brothers in the kresy to advocate for a goverment in belarus that treats them fairly.
Novichok  4 | 8596
24 May 2021   #292
are the Western Man's Burden.... slow and primitive and only capable of aping outward appearances...

You have it in reverse. It's the Western Man - woke, limp-wristed, and afraid - that is a threat to Europe and the white race. I hope Russia never becomes that.

This is why my favorite youtube videos are their May 9 parades. I only wish Poland and the US were there.
For the record, I still celebrate Crimea, that magnificent bridge, and the big middle finger to NATO and their dreams of having a naval base at Russia's doorstep.

And Lukashenko is especially being brutal towards anyone who identifies as polish

Good. Tell them to get the fu*ck out and back to Poland. Belarus needs them like Poland needs Germans or Mexicans.
Spike31  3 | 1485
24 May 2021   #293
@amiga500, calm down. Turn off emotional rants and start thinking. It may do wonders for you, trust me.

Lukashenko did that because Belarusian Polonia was used instrumentally, and which is more important: clumsily, against him by the current Polish government. They've made one stupid decision after another. And for PiS government a concept of real politik is as abstract as flying to a pig.

I wouldn't mind using the political strength of Belarussian Polaonia in a constructive way but using it in a stupid way by inadequate politicians and with no real attainable goals in mind is a crime.
mafketis  38 | 11178
24 May 2021   #294
Good. Tell them to get the fu*ck out and back to Poland.

These are people who are from the area (which was Polish before Stalin carved up the country like a roast chicken).
24 May 2021   #295
Poland should scream loud but do nothing. Why? Because it is much better to have Belarus as neighbour then Russia as neighbour. Belarus is wicked but harmless for Poland. Russia as neighbour is always nightmare.
pawian  226 | 27585
24 May 2021   #296
Because it is much better to have Belarus as neighbour then Russia as neighbour

We won`t avoid it - Lukashenka`s regime is gradually ruining the economy, they depend on Russian loans more and more. Obviously, Russians don`t offer credit for free, they set their conditions. Sooner or later, there will be a Russian controlled Belarus as Poland`s neighbour.
mafketis  38 | 11178
24 May 2021   #297
The Belarusan government has released this video... which would only fool a fool....

His girlfriend was also removed from the flight so things are probably going pretty badly for her.... (some here might be happy about that).
Strzelec35  19 | 830
24 May 2021   #298
why cant the belarussians just act like theyre portugese or the portugese the way they acted to topple the fascists like 40 yrs ago? thwt **** would never fly in portugal would it?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
24 May 2021   #299
Do you have any evidence that false bomb threat was made by anyone working for state of Belarus?

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko scrambled the fighter, which forced the Ryanair commercial aircraft to land.
Plus there were Belarus secret service aboard.
Do you need more evidence then that or do you know something I don't.
Novichok  4 | 8596
24 May 2021   #300
Victims = 0. Nobody died, nobody got hurt.
The WMD evidence = 0. Many died, many got hurts. 5 trillion bucks gone.

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