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New American Ambassador to Poland?

mafketis  38 | 11277
14 Jul 2021   #1
It looks like the inimitable and awesome Georgette Mosbacher will _finally_ be replaced, although true to form, the Polish government is trying to make it as difficult as possible....

Mark Brzezizski (son of Zbiegniew)

The problem is that Poland wants him to renounce his Polish citizenship - while Brzezinski claims he can't renounce something he doesn't have....,173236,27328163,poland-is-blocking-the-arrival-of-the-new-us-ambassador.html?disableRedirects=true

This is seen as Poland, once more, being an unreliable and hostile ally - anxious to humiliate the US....

Other reports today suggest that a workaround has been found...
Novichok  4 | 8735
14 Jul 2021   #2
anxious to humiliate the US....

Seriously, why would they do it?
OP mafketis  38 | 11277
14 Jul 2021   #3
It's what they do to each other.... why wouldn't they do it to outsiders?
pawian  226 | 27817
14 Jul 2021   #4
Yes, I read that PIS wants to take revenge on US administration after they gave a green light to Nord Stream 2 project.

Besides, once Zbigniew Brzeziński suggested that Smolensk air crash wasn`t an act of terrorism, PiS` favourite narration.. So his son is paying for that now.
Novichok  4 | 8735
14 Jul 2021   #5
why wouldn't they do it to outsiders?

How about because the outsiders keep them safer?
OP mafketis  38 | 11277
14 Jul 2021   #6
If, as many believe, PiS wants to return to the Russian sphere of influence then ticking off the US can only help....
Novichok  4 | 8735
14 Jul 2021   #7
Sticking it to the US may look like a smart move today, but Russians are not stupid and know that unreliable friends are often worse than declared enemies.
OP mafketis  38 | 11277
30 Jul 2021   #8
And everything is sort of solved....

True to their neo-PRL mindset, the conflict over Mark Brzezinki's citizenship was resolved by an old law in the 1960s aimed at preventing dual citizenship in Eastern Bloc countries....

By applying this, they've determined he's not a Polish citizen at all.... he's a Czech citizen (no word from Czech authorities whether they regard him as such).

It will be interesting to see how he reacts to PiS's PRL approach to foreign diplomats and unreliable status as an ally....
Ironside  51 | 13109
30 Jul 2021   #9
How about because the outsiders keep them safer?

Do they? when? You mean they promise to do that...

and unreliable status as an ally....

oh stop it. USA is an unreliable ally if there was any...
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
30 Jul 2021   #10
Within diplomacy, when it comes to military matters they are rather fond of helping out. Especially in the middle-east, south-america and in east asia (Afganistan, Vietnam, Korea). While helping out anti-communist elements pre 1989, past 2000 it has changed a bit due to the twin towers terrorism. The needle that hit the heart of America, kind of like the Doolitle raid in ww2.

The difference is that the twin tower attack was the peak of terrorist achievements from the anti-U.S terrorists, while the Doolitle raid was a show of force and a warning of the upcoming bombardment coming towards mainland Japan, which only increased until the two atomic bombs right before the end of ww2
OP mafketis  38 | 11277
30 Jul 2021   #11
. USA is an unreliable ally if there was any...

Agreed. So two unreliable allies spitting at each other - a partnership made in heaven!
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
30 Jul 2021   #13
New American Ambassador to Poland... not needed.

They can send him to Moscow instead, to help with licking Russian butts as Biden just did with NS2.
amiga500  5 | 1544
30 Jul 2021   #14
Since Zbig brought down Afghanistan by arming the Jihadis loons, is Mark going to sic tranny terrorists on Poland?
Novichok  4 | 8735
30 Jul 2021   #15
USA is an unreliable

I disagree. The US is very reliable in losing wars, spending money it does not have, and then, after the loss, bringing a bunch of locals home to form another foreign gang since we don't have enough of our own.

The US latest achievement: Afghanistan, 20 years, trillion bucks, 43,000 Afghanis killed, 7000 dead, and 50,000 wounded Americans, and a take-home souvenir - 18,000 Afghanis who were our "allies".
pawian  226 | 27817
30 Jul 2021   #16
they've determined he's not a Polish citizen at all.... he's a Czech citizen

All that PiS rightards are doing can be called a Czech film - it`s a traditional Polish idiom suggesting nobody knows anything. It originated after a Czech film entitled: Nobody knows anything was released in 1970s.
Ironside  51 | 13109
31 Jul 2021   #17
nobody knows anything.

well so if they are so bad how come your genius an angels from PO are unable to outset them with ease, would that be because even bigger dunces and nobodies?
pawian  226 | 27817
31 Jul 2021   #18
PO are unable to outset them

The case is very simple. PO is supported by well educated and intelligent people who have always been a minority in this country.
However, PO combined with Hołownia and other opposition parties outrun PIS hugely, so just you wait.
Ironside  51 | 13109
31 Jul 2021   #19
PO is supported by well educated and intelligent people

Dude PO are supported by people like you, so if we take you as a prime example of those people we can deduce that even if they are educated they obviously aren't that intelligent, when it comes to statehood, civic values and national interest they don't know first thing about it. Even more they think it is a bad thing..

All they know are platitudes and mindless aping of superficial neo-Marxist trends in the west.
People like you are clueless as to the fact that LGBT propaganda is supported by about 400 biggest corporations. Even modest estimation put their jointed value at about 6 000000000000 $.

Who do you think ousted Trump? - Pelosi and Biden or Zuckerberg and Gates!?
Novichok  4 | 8735
31 Jul 2021   #20
Pelosi and Biden or Zuckerberg and Gates!?

Z, G, LGBT, BLM, immigrants, and suburban women.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
21 Jan 2022   #21
Now to get back on topic.
Mark Brzezinski, son of former US national security advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski, has been sworn in as US ambassador to Poland.
He has a very interesting background.
Son of infamous Cold War hawk takes up new role amid growing tensions with Russia.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
22 Jan 2022   #22
Son of infamous Cold War hawk takes up new role amid growing tensions with Russia.

His main role spreading LEGBT cult in Poland. That telling what Biden's America is all about.
Novichok  4 | 8735
22 Jan 2022   #23
His main role spreading LEGBT cult in Poland.

Hey, hater, what's wrong with LGBTs? They are people created by the same God who created you and your mom. I am not sure who your dad is, though.
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
22 Jan 2022   #24
Any group of people siding with the forces of evil with the goal of overturning the society and bringing chaos, ruin and destruction of the common man, laws and civilization are not to be trusted nor suitable for any office.

Those groups are a threat as they paralyze and destabilize nations + creates division to the advantage of said nations adverseries.

One word for that: "treason"
Crow  155 | 9722
23 Jan 2022   #25
New American Ambassador to Poland?

New? They are all crazy
Novichok  4 | 8735
24 Jan 2022   #26
Your the type of person that wishes to spread hate and destruction,

You are the type who immediately gets personal and ignores what's in the post. Instead, you and your kind get preachy. If I say that God does not exist and didn't create anything I am Satan's special messenger and destined to meet him in Hell. When I agree that God created everything - LGBTs, Hell, Satan, killers, and rapists - that's just as bad. What's up with that?

Or is that that your favorite fruit is cherries and the activity is cherry-picking.

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