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Will Poland as a NATO member be drawn into the Israel/Iran war ?

call1n  2 | 192
18 Aug 2024   #151
We should build temples to Zoroaster in Poland. Then when Iran gets wasted, take refuges only if they abdicate their belief in their penis head relgieon and convert to Zoroaster. Poland should also allow Ukrainian refuges only if they also convert to Zoroaster and learn how to speak Farsi.
pawian  226 | 27817
25 Dec 2024   #152
No, Poland won`t support Nazi Israel cos they incessantly practise genocide on Arabs instead of negotiating the creation of a real Palestinian state.
And if Nazi Israelis try to damage our reputation in the world with false accusation, then the Polish gov will recognise the independence of Palestine, like Ireland did. We`ll see how Nazis hit the ceiling then. hahaha
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
25 Dec 2024   #153
And yet the genocide of " Arabs" and the totalitarian police state next door to Israel where numerous human right abuses have occurred goes unremarked. Why is that, do you think?
pawian  226 | 27817
25 Dec 2024   #154
Israel is also a totalitarian police state for its Arab citizens, especially those trying to live in occupied territories. Thanks for reminding us about it.
Novichok  4 | 8788
25 Dec 2024   #155
Yes, azhole, 6 million Israelis are trying to exterminate 500 million Arabs.

Looking for a pretext, they waited until 10/7...

In 2005, they removed all Israelis from Gaza ... often by force...those genocidal maniacs...

Now I know for sure that Polaks are world-class morons...
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
25 Dec 2024   #156
I am not supporting Israel as such, or maybe i am, but why does Israel defending itself upset you so much, while you ignore what's been happening in Syria?

How many Arab countries are there? 27.
How many Jewish countries are there? 1

And other countries? Why not get upset about the Uighurs ? Or human rights abuses in Hong Kong? I think you need to think hard about this, especially as a Pole.

You know that 20 per cent of Israeli citizens, that live in Israel, have Palestinian heritage right?
pawian  226 | 27817
25 Dec 2024   #157
Now I know for sure that Polaks

No, only two things in the world are for sure: taxes and death. Ha!!!

the Uighurs ? human rights abuses in Hong Kong?

In this way we can deviate from any subject and end up discussing the influence of Northern wind on the sex life of penguins living in the Arctic. hahaha buhahaha

I see Ironside educated you well how to obfuscate and distract from the main topic. Sorry, Brunner, these numbers not with me. ):):)
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
25 Dec 2024   #158
There's awful human rights abuses all over the world but you only focus on tiny Israel. Why does the idea of Israel defending itself upset you so much? Mmm? Have a think.

Almost to demonstrate your " correct" thinking. It's like a party line.

Ironside has not " educated " me thanks. Its all my own work! He is however, one of the more intelligent posters here, that is true.

Anyone who starts on about " Nazis" in relation to Israel has already shown themselves to be a bit hard of thinking.
pawian  226 | 27817
25 Dec 2024   #159
but you only focus on tiny Israel.

Tiny poor innocent Israel. hahaha buhahaha

I find it absolutely amasing you are trying to tell me what or who I should or shouldn`t focus on. This is very unBritish. You must be some local deviation. Where were you raised and educated ???? ):):)
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
25 Dec 2024   #160
I am not telling you what to think.

I am just questioning why the idea of Israel defending itself upsets you so. Why don't the actions of the Syrian dictator Assad bother you? If you are so concerned about " Arabs".

It's fine I think the answer is obvious.

And shouting " Nazis" over and over isn't really a credible argument is it?

I am from London, mate. North.
pawian  226 | 27817
25 Dec 2024   #161
I am from London,

Like Milo. I fear asking where you reside. hahaha buhahaha
Never mind. :):):)

Learn one thing coz it is obvious you visit us too rarely to know it: I am interested in anything which is happening in the world. Israel is just one option.
I saw a thread about it and am taking some time to voice my opinion on it.

When I see a thread about Syria, I will also speak. Have you seen one here????? Do you want to start it????

And shouting " Nazis"

I am a free ape and can shout anything what I feel. Who forbids me????? hahaha
Novichok  4 | 8788
25 Dec 2024   #162
I am just questioning why the idea of Israel defending itself upsets you so.

Euros have been brainwashed to retreat. At home, walking down the street...everywhere...A new white mental disorder.

Israel is unable to retreat and unwilling to commit suicide. Bad Israelis...
pawian  226 | 27817
25 Dec 2024   #163
Bad Israelis.

Those Nazis......... Sigh
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
25 Dec 2024   #164
Pawian I appreciate you may have drink taken, but buahahaha or whatever isn't really rational discussion is it?

I am not " forbidding " you from bleating " Nazi Nazi" I am just pointing out that it makes you appear a bit thick.

Odd mentality tbh. " forbid" lol

I stay in Central London. Clogged up every Saturday by " Queers for Gaza" or whatever. I wonder how they would go down in Gaza.
pawian  226 | 27817
25 Dec 2024   #165
isn't really

Yes, a typical British style of discussion in the forum. Johhny made it clear to us hundreds of times before. ):):) Provoke - Attack -Diminish - Shame. hahaha buhahaha

a bit thick.

Good you stick to all the steps of the British conversation style. Do you have them written on a piece of paper stuck to your fridge??? hahahaha
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
25 Dec 2024   #166
Seems like you have no argument then.....

I do hope your hangover isn't too bad.

Have a quiet think about exactly why Israel defending itself bothers you so much. As you haven't answered my question.

There's a lot of history there isn't there? I suppose the drink helps you avoid thinking too hard.
pawian  226 | 27817
25 Dec 2024   #167
I suppose the drink

British conversation: Provoke - Attack -Diminish - Shame. :):):)
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
25 Dec 2024   #168
Admit it mate I wiped the floor with you. Wasn't hard mind.
pawian  226 | 27817
25 Dec 2024   #169
I wiped the floor

At last you will have a clean floor now coz you hadn`t mopped it before the holiday like a decent person should! hahaha
Better late than never, though. :):):)
pawian  226 | 27817
25 Dec 2024   #171
The problem is you lacked any sensible case. You asked my stupid questions like why I took interest in Israel instead of Syria or Hong Kong.
Similarly, I could ask you why you are coming to this forum at all instead of to the forum about the Inuit of Greenland.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
25 Dec 2024   #172
I asked you a question that was perfectly reasonable, and has obviously made you feel uncomfortable, judging by your reaction since.

You haven't answered.

It was the same with some Palestinian bescarved hipster at my college when I asked him why he was so bothered. There's never an answer just deflection and insults. Or when i simply asked some left winger to define Zionist.( he chased me down the Street screaming abuse)

It's OK we know the answer
Ironside  51 | 13124
25 Dec 2024   #173
The problem is you lacked any sensible case.

Indeed, problems are always with others, our baboon is always perfect and right.
The problem with you is that you are dumb and even if you are coincidentally on the right side of the argument you are unable to defend your position or maintain credibility with your ****-poor debating skills. Why did all your education go over your head - you are an embarrassment to the whole Polish educational system - you moron. lol!
pawian  226 | 27817
25 Dec 2024   #174
You haven't answered.

I don`t answer stupid questions in a serious manner coz I am above it. :):):)

It's OK we know the answer

You see???? I knew it from the very beginning that I didn`t need to say anything for serious coz you had already known it all. hahaha buhahaha

I was right about you. :):):)

Is there no one else to have an intelligent conversation with me???

dumb your ****-poor embarrassment moron. lol!

Iron, I said intelligent and I mean it!!! ):):)
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
25 Dec 2024   #175
You can't argue with stupid.

Why DOES Israel defending itself bother you Pawian?

Have you had a chance to reflect on that yet?
pawian  226 | 27817
25 Dec 2024   #176
I don`t answer questions based on untruth!

When you ask a question which pertains to reality, I can talk with you:

Why does Israel oppression of Palestinians for over half a century bothers you Pawian???

Ask me this question and we shall talk for serious.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
25 Dec 2024   #177
Well this " oppression " has led to 1 in 5 Israeli citizens having Arab heritage....and there never was a nation or state called "Palestine". Just an area of the Ottoman Empire

You do know that right? Right?

Why so.upset Pawian?
pawian  226 | 27817
25 Dec 2024   #178
:):):) Stop twisting and obfuscating. Why are you trying to wriggle out of a serious discussion with me??? Enough to ask a simple question and I am all eyes, ears and fingers at your disposal. )::):)
Those Brits............ sigh.
I mean some of them, of course. I know intelligent and decent ones in this forum ,too.
Ironside  51 | 13124
25 Dec 2024   #179
coz I am above it

Whether you are above or below doesn't matter. What matters you are always off target.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
25 Dec 2024   #180
The projection here is almost funny

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