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Will Poland as a NATO member be drawn into the Israel/Iran war ?

OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
18 Apr 2024   #91
He actively goes out of his way to post really nasty sh1t,

I'm glad you never do that, jon357. lmao. especially your posts about how you enjoy having sex with fish that turned our stomachs.

I said most, not all.

Joker and Milo were the ones that refused to get off his ass.

wouldn't change what a scumbag he is.

Are you still having your wet dreams, Love ?
jon357  72 | 23706
19 Apr 2024   #92
fish that turned our stomachs.

If the fish turned our stomachs I wouldn't fancy it for carnal joy.

You'll have to ask

OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
19 Apr 2024   #93
An explosion was heard in Iran, CNN reported, citing Iranian state media outlet FARS.
Stay tuned
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
23 Apr 2024   #94
The Israeli/Iran war involves the United States so the United States should support Israel.
The Russian/Ukraine war involves Europe so Europe should be supporting Ukraine 100%. (It's far from doing that)
It is as simple as that.
And in a 196 days the United States will finally have a President again.
Ukraine will be cut off from military aid $$$$ which will force Europe to get off their complacent asses.
Alien  26 | 6565
23 Apr 2024   #95
have a President again

Are you an optimist or a pessimist?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
23 Apr 2024   #96
Both, why do you ask ?
Ironside  51 | 13124
23 Apr 2024   #97
The Israeli/Iran war involves the United States so the United States should support Israel.

In what way?

The Russian/Ukraine war involves Europe

and the US.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
23 Apr 2024   #98
In what way?

We have the same enemy!

Those who want to kill Israelis want also to kill Europeans, USians...Westerners!

They dance on the streets whenever they kill us....9/11....7/'s all the same big party for them....Israel is fighting OUR war!
Novichok  4 | 8788
23 Apr 2024   #99
and the US.

Because the US involved itself in what is none of its damn business.
Ukraine used to be the USSR and "America" was fine. We will be fine with neutral Ukraine just the way it was before that NGO-CIA-Soros revolution.

My question is: Why the fvck am I wasting time on another imbecile here?

Those who want to kill Israelis want also to kill Europeans, USians...Westerners!

No, they don't. Who is going to be paying taxes and their welfare?
These m-fers want to refugee themselves to Europe
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
23 Apr 2024   #100
These m-fers want to refugee themselves to Europe

Even these refugees hate us!

They showed that so clearly the moment the first images of the October massacres run over the TV screens of the didn't took long for them to run down to the street and starting to party, bringing baklava for the kids....

Nobody said these people are sane or rational....but this "oh we poor victims"-mask has fallen that day!
Ironside  51 | 13124
23 Apr 2024   #101
Those who want to kill Israelis want also to kill Europeans, USians...Westerners!

I'm not so sure that is the case. And if that is the case is that not an effect of the west supporting Israel?

If you take people's land there is always going to be a resistance.
It is hard to tell if the US is supporting I or I is ruling over the US by compromising its voting system with money.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
23 Apr 2024   #102
If you take people's land there is always going to be a resistance.

Well....the Jews fighted how long since their diaspora? Roundabout 2000 years more or less? The Arabs have some decades to go still...

I is ruling over the US by compromising its voting system with money.

My...if the Jews are so incredible influential I wonder why there is still a war going on there in the first place....with all their money they should have won long ago!
Ironside  51 | 13124
23 Apr 2024   #103
Well....the Jews fighted how long since their diaspora?

Really? That is not a serious argument. Such righs are time-barred.

My...if the Jews are so incredible influential

You don't know? Check it up, money, and elections apax and so on, I mean ask anyone who knows anything about the US internal stuff.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
23 Apr 2024   #104
That is not a serious argument.

If there is always only talk about the land the Arabs lost then yes, it's an argument. There is a reason for the rebuilding of Israel there, never forget who lost his homeland first. And after their return there was a partition planned, the arabs had had the possibility to build something worthwhile with their half...but noooo....they preferred to keep on killings Jews, dreaming of destroying Israel, driving them back to the sea and what their half gets smaller and smaller, whose fault is that?

Check it up,

Oh I a history book! Seriously Iron, for all their money and presumed influence their history is a damn poor one, isn't it! All these massacres and expulsions, all that wretched misery during the centuries...they couldn't even stop their genocide....doesn't look very powerful to me!
Ironside  51 | 13124
23 Apr 2024   #105
whose fault is that?

The one who is in a position of power is at fault, and specifically 22% of the land should be Arab state but Natanyachu sabotaged it.

There is no Hamas in the west bank but people, die there too. How will you justify that?

in a history book!

no, look what is going on now. Geez I'm not talking out of my ass you should know it by now.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
23 Apr 2024   #106
Hamas ruled Gaza because the Israelis made the error and left the Arabs settlements, no IDF, nothing....the Arabs had all the chances and possibilities in the world, supported by the goody-two-shoes-idiots of the western world with lotsa money and support....and look what happened!

In the West Bank that error was avoided = less Hamas! They are getting killed there before they can massacre Israelis....

If it would truly help the Arabs would have their 22% for a long time already....but you see what happens. Instead of rebuilding their home they will further only concentrate on killing israeli homes! The terrorists are already waiting.

Do you really think the Israelis should go on being suicidal?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
19 May 2024   #107
President of Iran helicopter crashes today mysteriously with him in it.
jon357  72 | 23706
19 May 2024   #108

Not particularly' mysterious' given the extremely poor weather conditions and the difficult geography.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
19 May 2024   #109
You better call ABC News and straighten them out jon567.
jon357  72 | 23706
20 May 2024   #110
Never heard of them. Some foreign thing and no, there's nothing mysterious about bad weather.
Crow  155 | 9736
20 May 2024   #111
NATO is a deep sh**. Being in NATO Poland is just an abstract state, subject of will of others.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
20 May 2024   #112
Never heard of them.

Really, you responded to their news article in post #107. 🙄
All of the worlds major news media's carried the same story jon678 so if you claim to have never heard of ABC (American Broadcasting Company) it is really irrelevant as bias as they are.
Novichok  4 | 8788
20 May 2024   #113
NATO is a deep sh**.

Do you mean that peace-loving org that bombed Serbia, wreaked havoc with Libia, and is now trying to finish off Ukraine?
Ironside  51 | 13124
20 May 2024   #114
The Israelis made the error and left the Arabs alone

No, they didn't. You seem to be very ill-informed on the issue. I see that you Germans have a big ego but very crappy propaganda instead of news.


and is now trying to finish off Ukraine?

They should finish off Russia and build a parking lot there. Humanity won't lose anything in that exchange.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
20 May 2024   #115
I see that you Germans have a big ego

Now....I would call THAT propaganda, Iron!

It has been awhile since Germans showed a big ego.....and had reason to....
Ironside  51 | 13124
20 May 2024   #116
Germans showed a big ego.....and had reason to....

I don't think it works like that. You don't need a reason to show a big ego, it is rather an ego that demonstrates itself regardless of a cause.


.I would call THAT propaganda, Iron!

Well, you have facts, you have lies, if you are served facts you have news if you served lies you have propaganda. You seem to be served lies - what else would you call it? A piece of fake news?
mafketis  38 | 11284
20 May 2024   #117
russians and self-awareness don't really mix.... a heavily injured russian invader has a sad and cries like a baby because Ukrainians don't like them and call them murderers....

should have stayed home
Crow  155 | 9736
20 May 2024   #118
Do you mean that peace-loving org that bombed Serbia, wreaked havoc with Libia, and is now trying to finish off Ukraine?

Yes. And the same one that now goes round the globe and side by side with EU orchestrate assassinations on leaders of free world.

In fact, one can hardly say what is bigger sh**, NATO or EU.

You heard speech of Hungarian Orban today? Its epic. He warned of `EU War Hawks` >

Novichok  4 | 8788
20 May 2024   #119
They should finish off Russia and build a parking lot there.

You can start by going to Ukraine to beat the crap out of them. They are out of ammo or have no clue how to use it...
Miloslaw  22 | 5263
21 May 2024   #120
You can start by going to Ukraine to beat the crap out of them.

That would be a good idea, we need to squash the Russian bastards.

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