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The Mayor of Warsaw Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz cuts down 150,000 trees in the Poland's capital.

jon357  72 | 23361
4 Mar 2017   #31

Who? Better speak to members of those organisations that represent thousands of voters rather than get all riled up. VERY lazy of you, Wulky.


She isn't progressive at all, however she's popular here in Warsaw.
Wulkan  - | 3136
4 Mar 2017   #32
She isn't progressive at all

If Soros newspaper writes good things about her it means she is.
jon357  72 | 23361
4 Mar 2017   #33
If Soros newspaper

Oh dear. Is that the best you can try to do? VERY weak...

I doubt she's worried too much about what newspapers say. Some attack her and some praise her - yet her voter figures are larger than the Warsaw readership of any one publication.

Shame she cut the trees down though - she should have opposed that little bit of PiS nastiness.
Wulkan  - | 3136
4 Mar 2017   #34
Is that the best you can try to do?

Are you denying Soros paper? Why? I always thought you liked him and what he does.

Shame she cut the trees down though

Nothing to do with LGBT so you don't really care.
jon357  72 | 23361
4 Mar 2017   #35
George Soros? Nothing to do with Mrs Gronkiewicz-Waltz. A very weak point there.

And she's still popular enough to get elected twice, increasing her vote the second time. Most people in Warsaw like her.
Wulkan  - | 3136
4 Mar 2017   #36
George Soros? Nothing to do with Mrs Gronkiewicz-Waltz.

And when did I say he has?

A very weak point there.

Especially that I have never made it but it's good to have active fantasy jon.
mafketis  38 | 11137
4 Mar 2017   #37
Most people in Warsaw like her.

Not when the neo-Nomenklatura of PiS change the electoral boundaries to gerrymander her out of office... (another bit of PiS nastiness that Polly is oddly reluctant about publicizing).
jon357  72 | 23361
4 Mar 2017   #38
neo-Nomenklatura of PiS change the electoral boundaries to gerrymander

And end up with miles of hinterland yet not much more income...
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
5 Mar 2017   #39
larger than the Warsaw

Warsaw, better known in Polish as Warszawka (the "with-it" political salon), is a hotbed of the post-commie clique attracting every manner of opportunist and scamaster. If she can get away with such horrendous scams, then she's someone they should stay close to. That KOR-PZPR-based coterie, including loads of opportunists who jumped on the bandwagon, lost much of their perks, privileges and political clout when the good-change govt came to power. To them the mayorette is a guarantor that some day their undeserved benefits will somhow be restored, so they back her, deluded by that false hope.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
5 Mar 2017   #40
PiS's Neo-nomenklatura?

Except that the ex-noimnklatura all support PO and the oppsoiton. Kijowski, Petru and Schetyna marchign arm in arm with SB types was abotiu as outrageous a scene as can be imagined, and yet it was true. Kijowski even got up and said we shold be grateful to the SB for making us feel safe. That is neo-PRL if anything is!
mafketis  38 | 11137
5 Mar 2017   #41
Except that the ex-noimnklatura all support PO and the oppsoiton

neo-nomenklatura =/= ex-nomenklatura, PiS is adopting the old PRL style of nepotism and cooptation, how else can you explain the careers of non-entities (to be as kind as possible) like Misiewicz, Przyłębska or Muszyński?
jon357  72 | 23361
5 Mar 2017   #42
hotbed of the post-commie clique

Must be a pretty big clique, considering the number that vote for Mrs Gronkiewicz-Waltz...
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
5 Mar 2017   #43
the number that vote

Any capital is a bureacratic heartland and each white-collar type has friends and family. Many other opportunists jump on the bandwagon because it's most advantageous to side with those in power. Simple as that.
mafketis  38 | 11137
5 Mar 2017   #44
each white-collar type has friends and family. Many other opportunists

One of your clearer expressions of the base of PiS power: Hostility from losers against those who are successful.
jon357  72 | 23361
5 Mar 2017   #45
each white-collar type has friends and family.

Normal people

opportunists jump on the bandwagon

Voters choosing the best candidate for them.

Hostility from losers against those who are successful.

Exactly. Sums up the negativity of far-right populism.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
5 Mar 2017   #46
Hostility from losers against those who are successful.

Quite. PiS scored a success at the polls and conitnue to enjoy growing public support. The PO poor losers' camp refuse to accept the verdict of the voters and beleive they have a divine right to rule forever. Thus they have committed history's biggest blunder -- the skewed belief that the status quo will never change. It has and will continue to, leaving the total(ly hare-braiined) opposition on the trash heap of history.
mafketis  38 | 11137
5 Mar 2017   #47
PiS scored a success at the polls and conitnue to enjoy growing public support

until their incompetence, PRL habits and fairytale economics crash the system
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
5 Mar 2017   #48
can you explain the careers

Other than their PRL-era ties how can you explain the careers of the Gerdorfs, Rzeplińskis, Kwaśniewskis, Belkas, Balcerowiczes, Millers, Kurońs, and SB informers Wałęsa, Tusk, Komprowski et al. Any day now, more files will be opened and more truth will see the light of day. Now you know why the total oppositon are so jittery these days. They've got a right to be.
jon357  72 | 23361
5 Mar 2017   #49
PRL habits and fairytale economics crash the system

Indeed. This is happening already - and the backlash will one day be huge.

How Po's usual rubbish relates to chopping down trees is very hard to say.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
5 Mar 2017   #50
crash the system

That's called wishful thinking. It's only a matter of time before your potlical friends and heroes are exposed and end up behind bars where they belong. The wheels of Ziobro's justice grind slowly but effectively, and utlimately the truth will trumph.
mafketis  38 | 11137
5 Mar 2017   #51
your potlical friends and heroes

Please, I'm an adult. I have no political friends or heroes. If I ever discover I have political heroes I'd probably through myself in front of a train...

The wheels of Ziobro's justice grind slowly

YEah, given his power, it's probably better that he's so incompetent.

utlimately the truth will trumph

didn't Stalin say something like that?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
5 Mar 2017   #52
didn't Stalin

No, it was Jesus: "...and the truth will set you free!"
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
5 Mar 2017   #53
backlash will one day

How your backlash relates to trees is also hard to understand. But dream on... As a blind follower of the PC dictatorship, you will believe most anything
mafketis  38 | 11137
5 Mar 2017   #54
No, it was Jesus:

I'm pretty sure it was Stalin....

Back on topic please
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
5 Mar 2017   #55

Stalin is very miuch back on topic becuase Big Hanna has decided to imitate his tactic of suppressing free speech. In this case POO-dominated city hall has removed an arranged-for spot for "Gazeta Polska" to be removed from Warsaw public transport. Apparently she wants to impose on all Warsovians her view that the "Kosher Courier" and TV Nonsense (TVN) proivde all the news anyone needs to know.

In anoherr sign of resurgent Stalinism, POO have kicked Jacek Saryusz-Wolski form their ranks for daring to give the Euro Council election some semblance of democracy. The EP brass also plan to dicipline him and for what? For not allowing a Stalinist-style single-candidate election. Stalin also ran unopposed and was incessantly re-elected. Is that the role model Poland should puruse? Hanna apparnetly thinks so.
mafketis  38 | 11137
5 Mar 2017   #56
PO have kicked Jacek Saryusz-Wolski form their ranks for daring to give the Euro Council election some semblance of democracy

Do you really want Tusk back in Poland? He's a very good organizer and could quickly unite those unhappy with the PRL bis policies of JK and company....
5 Mar 2017   #57
Rydzyk never had maybach

In the legal strict sense, he didn't possess a Maybach: the car in question was leased by a company controlled by him and designated for his exclusive use. I know this because at that time I was doing some work for DC, as it was then.

In the same way, the land in Torun that now can be cleared of trees is not personally owned by the controller of Radio Maybach, it's owned by a company controlled by him. Would you care to comment on his former employee passing legislation that so benefits him?
jon357  72 | 23361
5 Mar 2017   #58
How your backlash relates to trees is also hard to understand

Now, Po. You started a thread about the appalling tree-chopping frenzy that PiS have temporarily unleashed (cities are deserted at the weekend since the world and his wife have bought chainsaws to clear their dzialka of trees thinking it will be easier to sell, not that they have any concrete plans to sell it) and now you're blustering and trying to blame it on a very popular politician from a different party. VERY sad...
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
5 Mar 2017   #59
and conitnue to enjoy growing public support.

More ridiculous untruths from the Ministry of Truth, Polonia division. In fact, the last poll showed them to be on 33% support, which shows a decline in support.

careers of the Gerdorfs, Rzeplińskis, Kwaśniewskis, Belkas, Balcerowiczes, Millers, Kurońs, and SB informers Wałęsa, Tusk, Komprowski et al.

Interesting that you choose to bring up those people and not the issue of the fact Andrzej Przyłębski just so happens to be a snitch according to the IPN.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
6 Mar 2017   #60
bring up those people

Precisely becuase in your PiS-bashing frenzy you and your horse-blinkered ilk of POO-lovers never do. Balance is required for a more objectvie overview of things. The more so that POO is far more riddled with ex-PZPR types and SB snitches than PiS.

Home / News / The Mayor of Warsaw Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz cuts down 150,000 trees in the Poland's capital.

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