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Poland's Krab Howitzer (the 155mm gun) Has Passed the Test!

sobieski  106 | 2111
15 Jun 2011   #31
We sold tanks, trucks, APCs, engineering vehicles, towed artillery, AA guns, radars, radios, minelying and medevec vehicles etc... Currently we have deals with Iraq, Egypt, some South American countries, Turkey and India.

I think it is sad to be proud over arms sales.
wildrover  98 | 4430
15 Jun 2011   #32
Impressive truck....

would make a great off road camper truck....
scottie1113  6 | 896
15 Jun 2011   #33
Only if you can afford its thirst, but true, it will go almost anywhere.
wildrover  98 | 4430
15 Jun 2011   #34
Fuel should not be too bad....its an Iveco diesal engine...

Certainly no worse than the fuel consumption of the Ural 375d i was going to buy in Russia....
OP Torq
16 Jun 2011   #35
You can download Polish Defence Yearbook 2010 for more information on Polish Army
and the development plans of our armed forces.
Sokrates  8 | 3335
16 Jun 2011   #36
I think it is sad to be proud over arms sales.

Why? Armies exist to defend national interests or exert them in an agressive way and they need hardware, its a good sign that polish arms industry is advanced and developed to a point where we export our juice to other countries.
Nathan  18 | 1349
17 Jun 2011   #37
I think it is sad to be proud over arms sales.

I agree. Especially, if one looks at some of the countries to which they are sold. Most of them have current military conflicts or a dictatorial regime. On the other hand, it is nice when a state develops its own weapons for the purposes of defense or counter-attack.
pawian  226 | 27817
2 Jun 2022   #38
Poles presented Ukrainians with 18 self propelled howitzers. For free. Grateful Ukrainians have ordered the next 60.
I hope you remember that aiding Ukraine with military technique is refunded by the EU - currently, the agreed fund amounts to 1.5 billion euro.

  • 51b4046813ad6a5768bd.jpg
Bobko  27 | 2251
2 Jun 2022   #39

The next 60 came out costing $700M. That's one expensive self propelled artillery you Poles made! $12M a pop! Making good money on Ukrainian war, are you?
Novichok  4 | 8803
2 Jun 2022   #40
Making good money on Ukrainian war, are you?

Anything to keep it going and look good.
Hey, dear pawian, Poland is fu*cked big time with 7 million guests that will never leave and Z-P still a round fat zero...hahahahahaha...
Just ask the Crimeans - even those poor guys rotting in Russia's meanest gulags ...hahahahahahaha...
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
2 Jun 2022   #41
7 million guests that will never leave

7 million white, Slavic, mostly Christian immigrants, overwhelming majority of them being law abiding and hard-working people. Yes, a tragedy indeed. :)
pawian  226 | 27817
2 Jun 2022   #42
Poland is fu*cked

No, it isn`t. If it was, I would be thinking of moving like you did in communist times. But I am not. :):)

7 million

Not so many.

Ukrainian war,

RuSSists started it, darling, not Poles. Remember about it and don`t confuse us with savages.
Miloslaw  22 | 5263
2 Jun 2022   #43
RuSSists started it

This is what these pathetic Russian apologists always ignore.


And that is what Russians have proven to be.
History shows us a long trail of insane Russian savagery.
What is wrong with these people?
pawian  226 | 27817
3 Jun 2022   #44
That handing of howitzers over to Ukrainians was a good move. Now they will be tested in battle conditions and after feedback from Ukr operators, improved by the Polish producer. The same with Piorun/ Thunder MANPAD systems which have already shot down a dozen RuSSists heavy aircraft and many drones. Thunders are excellent but still can be better. :):)

What is wrong with these people?

Too much Mongol blood in them. Simple. All their contacts with the West since the times of the tsar Peter the Great who even worked in Western countries to learn about their technology, life style and general functioning haven`t been enough to civilise them. They still need 200 more years. Sad.
pawian  226 | 27817
2 Sep 2022   #45
Ukrainians soldiers praise excellent Krab howitzers. They are fast, precise and lethal. Also, very user friendly inside - air conditioning, room etc.

Good luck, Ukrainian heroes. Give orcs hell with those Krabs!
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
2 Sep 2022   #46
Making good money on Ukrainian war, are you?

I wish we were!
Do you need some food? Grain? Good price for you!
pawian  226 | 27817
2 Sep 2022   #47
excellent Krab howitzers

Some comments under the video:

I know that the Ukrainian soldiers are doing their best and they will be victorious! Thank you Poland for everything you have done to help Ukraine!

It looks like a wonderful machine everybody should have one in their garage it shoots accurately and makes coffee too! Just wonderful.

Alien  26 | 6567
3 Sep 2022   #48
If they are so good why is Poland buying Korean howitzers?
pawian  226 | 27817
3 Sep 2022   #49
Because Polish industry can produce only up to 100 yearly right now while we need them for yesterday.

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