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Good news: Poland's PiS to rule at least 12 years -- Morawiecki

17 Jul 2022   #61
I would be far more concerned if he had bought bonds that were not inflation linked, that would have been stupidity of the highest order. And are they suggesting that Morawiecki has a crystal ball in PiS HQ that can predict the future with 100% accuracy? Rabid lunatics.
pawian  226 | 27509
17 Jul 2022   #62
And are they suggesting

Well, I wrote that there are regular scandals with his property so that`s why the media and the opposition are looking on all his deals so closely.

E.g, check this one:

He and his wife bought some land from the Church much below its market value in 2002.

"Gazeta Wyborcza" wrote that the land, worth 4 million zlotys at the time of purchase, was bought by the Morawieckis from the Church for 700,000 zlotys.
17 Jul 2022   #63
Morawiecki is a devout Catholic, this is no secret, he is part of the family, would you expect a family member to sell you something at market value? There is no scandal here.
pawian  226 | 27509
17 Jul 2022   #64
Morawiecki is a devout Catholic,

Not really. His views on abortion aren`t as strict as the Church requires.
17 Jul 2022   #65
Nobody is perfect, that's why we go to church.
amiga500  5 | 1492
18 Jul 2022   #66 Gazeta Wyborcza"

No one cares what your post communist oligarch media writes.
pawian  226 | 27509
18 Jul 2022   #67
No one cares

Rightists don`t care, indeed. However,decent people do.
Besides, you shouldn`t mention communist. After all, you had communist affiliations in your youth. And till today you remained an economics leftist . So, our commie darling, careful with commies, your gurus. hahahaha
amiga500  5 | 1492
19 Jul 2022   #68
After all, you had communist affiliations in your youth.

Shut your stinking lying mouth, I said anarchists, which hated the communista, as for economic leftist, there is no left and right anymore, there is only populist and establishment, nationalist and globalist. get with the times and stop teaching your school children obsolete rubbbish theories, but yes you POrk teachers will try to brainwash the kids and tell them there is no gender and men can have periods and get pregnant and etc etc.

besides you admitted your family were nobles, who collaborated with both the nazis and communists to get by, so be quiet baboon. Pity you were the runt of the family and ended up with the scraps, being a teacher in a PiS village, like Novi you have to keep your trap shut in real life, and only reveal another identity on PF ;)
Kashub1410  6 | 580
19 Jul 2022   #69
besides you admitted your family were nobles, who collaborated with both the nazis and communists to get by,

I am sorry, what?
pawian  226 | 27509
19 Jul 2022   #70
I said anarchists,

Who had the same objective as communists, namely abolish the capitalist system. You had a nice alliance and even were sponsored by the USSR which supported all movements and groups which sowed ferment and frictions in Western societies. You were Soviet puppets, so to say. hahahaha


It was your parents who worked as agents for communist services while still in Poland. They denounced underground Solidarity activists, informing on them to the communist police during the martial law in 1980s. When communism collapsed, they emigrated to Australia, taking you along. Ha!

So, that is why I suggested you be careful with commies coz they are your gurus.

being a teacher

Which is the best job I can imagine. I do what I like. Simple. HA!
amiga500  5 | 1492
20 Jul 2022   #71
even were sponsored by the USSR which supported all movements

the only 3 serious anarchist ideology movements were the Spaniards in the civl war (and we all know your nobelese family was on the side of franco and the fascists) the zapatistas in a province of Mexico, that subsequently got autonomy, and the various Kurdish groups that are getting bombed by both syria, turkey, russia and etc, but operate under anarchist principles. ie women are equal with men in war. and a lot of other organising principles that have nothing to do with communism.

Please explain how the kurds being bombed by assad and edrogran and putin is 'being sponsored by the ussr' Please stop deflecting your own family betrayal, oh so noble, no noble u have to spit at the czechs! well confess your sins traitor, what did your noble family do, have to be traitors, with the german occupiers and five years later?!
pawian  226 | 27509
20 Jul 2022   #72
and we all know your nobelese family was on the side of franco and the fascists)

hahaha You are amaSSing. :):)
Do your parents still live? Can you ask them how much they profited from snitching on anticommunist Solidarity activists during the martial law in Poland? Probably it was good money coz they could afford emigrating to Australia when communism collapsed. I am asking out of sheer curiosity.
pawian  226 | 27509
11 Dec 2023   #73
Good news: Poland's PiS to rule at least 12 years -- Morawiecki

This dream was shattered into pieces by millions of patriotic Poles and Polesses who voted for ousting PiS gangsters from power. One of the main gangsters was that notorious liar Morawiecki called Pinocchio. He has been lying for 8 years like he breathed. Certainly he will be assigned a top place in the Guiness Book of Records.

Today, he again lied in his expose for the provisional 2 week gov. He said:

"We must end the Polish-Polish war. I call on all of us to do so, including myself and you, MPs. Let's end this war, let's choose dialogue. Let's look for what unites us. Only by rejecting such an extreme conflict can we pave new paths of development "

This lie was exposed by PIS party Chairman who called the new Prime Minister a German agent. AmaSSing liars are those PiS bolsheviks!
pawian  226 | 27509
11 Dec 2023   #74
The strategy of respnsible devleopment is the road map of a more just economy and society. That is its masterplan," Morawiecki explained.

Morawiecki lied ignobly, as usual. Responsible development. Fekk them! 8 years ago those bolsheviks promised to build a factory which would produce 1 million cheap electric cars yearly.

After 8 years, there is still empty field instead of the factory but bolsheviks wasted 0.5 billion PLN on their salaries and failed plans.
Alien  25 | 6399
27 Dec 2023   #75
After 8 years, there is still empty field instead of the factory but bolsheviks wasted 0.5 billion PLN on their salaries and failed plans.

We are left with Melex, a Polish export hit....and electric Solaris buses.
pawian  226 | 27509
28 Dec 2023   #76
Fekk those useless bolsheviks. They can only waste money, but building sth new is beyond them.
Ironside  50 | 12946
29 Dec 2023   #77
but building sth new is beyond them.

As if you ever build anything lol Rafciu.
pawian  226 | 27509
27 Apr 2024   #78
Rightist ex Prime Minister Morawiecki is a bad Pole. He has taken part in the anti European pro Putinist conference organised in Hungarian Budapest by pro Russian Prime Minister Orban. Morawiecki praised Orban for his attitude. What a shame!

No wonder that Mr Honourable Donald Reverend Tusk commented: Is it stupidity or treason??? Holy words....

Morawiecki, shame on you. Why don`t you move to Russia and settle there if you hate Poland and Europe so much???

Why are PiS rightists such antiPolish scum???
pawian  226 | 27509
12 Jan 2025   #79
The Polish government's economic tsar has predicetd that PiS will govern Poland for at least 12 years.

Hitler also predicted his Reich`s existence for 1000 years. And what??? hahaha

PiS rightists were toppled in 2023.

But Morawiecki has a plan for his personal come back to big politics.

As it was already predicted, the former prime minister has just launched an operation calculated to sink the PiS presidential candidate Karol Nawrocki. Morawiecki and his ego have one goal - they want to replace Nawrocki in the presidential race.
Alien  25 | 6399
14 Jan 2025   #80
But Morawiecki has a plan for his personal come back to big politics

He has no charisma.
Ironside  50 | 12946
14 Jan 2025   #81
He has no charisma.

He can buy some in Lidl.
Alien  25 | 6399
14 Jan 2025   #82
buy some in Lidl.

What you are thinking about is gorgonzola.
mafketis  38 | 11149
14 Jan 2025   #83
What you are thinking about is gorgonzola.

The stinky queen of blue cheeses!

Morawiecki isn't worthy of gorgonzola.....
jon357  72 | 23483
14 Jan 2025   #84
blue cheeses

I don't think much of Polish blue cheeses.

They all smell fresher than PiS policies though, and are as bland and characterless as Platforms.
Alien  25 | 6399
14 Jan 2025   #85
Polish blue cheeses

Gorgonzola is Italian.
jon357  72 | 23483
14 Jan 2025   #86
Get away! Who knew!

Cambozola is German though. Both are better and more flavoursome than the blue cheeses that Biedronka etc sell.

There used to be a Polish-made one similar to the Danish one Danablu called I think Rokpol which did have a little flavour however like Danablu and Cambozola it was factory stuff.
Alien  25 | 6399
17 Jan 2025   #87
blue cheeses

About these cheeses.
The best is the original Roquefort, unfortunately I haven't seen it in our stores lately.
jon357  72 | 23483
17 Jan 2025   #88
A good Stilton, made in one of the six villages that make it, is hard to beat.
Ironside  50 | 12946
17 Jan 2025   #89
What you are thinking about is gorgonzola.

Would gorgonzola enrich Morawiecki with charisma? I smell something fishy here.
pawian  226 | 27509
18 Jan 2025   #90
I smell something fishy

That`s the carp you left on your keyboard during Christmas. It is already rotting.

Home / News / Good news: Poland's PiS to rule at least 12 years -- Morawiecki

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