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The Fur is Flying! Animal Rights in Poland

mafketis  38 | 11276
14 Sep 2020   #1
The most interesting political recent events in Poland and no one's started a thread?

There was a Polish fur farm expose and now PiS is putting forth an animal rights bill that would outlaw fur production (among other things).

It didn't take long for fur enthusiast Father Tadeusz "They give me free cars!" Rydzyk to turn on PiS claiming it's stabbing its rural base in the back.

Who ever thought that tension between Rydzyk and PiS would be caused by one of the (very) few times that PiS has a good idea?
Lenka  5 | 3548
14 Sep 2020   #2
His attitude towards animals is one of his very few good points. How on earth did he agreed to Szyszko as Environment Minister is beyond me.

Kaczyński already tried once but had to back down. Hopefully this time he will see it through.
Joker  2 | 2458
14 Sep 2020   #3

Ive heard from Poles in Chicago that Rydzk is the biggest crook in Poland. There was this Polish family that opened a Polish deli and wanted Rydick to come and bless the restaurant. The had to pay for his expensive hotel and had to buy him a Rolex for the blessing. Unfortunately, the place closed down after 6 months. Bad location imo.

Ive also heard Ryzdyk flies around Poland in his own helicopter?

Does anyone believe hes really a man of God?
Lenka  5 | 3548
14 Sep 2020   #4
Plenty love him. He has his devoted followers who would take his word over the bible anyday.
My friend has a roommate at Uni who was laying to her parents the rent is higher so she can send the excess to Rydzyk.

That is why PiS sucks up to him so much.
Joker  2 | 2458
14 Sep 2020   #5
He has his devoted followers who would take his word over the bible anyday.

Apparently so, after he fooled many ppl at the beginning of the China pandemic, by selling his magical crosses with the claim of immunity against the virus.

This guy is nothing but a charlatan, a thief using the name of God to rip ppl off.

I would hate to be him on the day of reckoning!
johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Sep 2020   #6
he fooled many ppl

You know how superstitious people are there so it's no surprise.
Ironside  51 | 13109
14 Sep 2020   #7
Ive heard from Poles in Chicago that Rydzk is the biggest crook in Poland.

People are talking rubbish. Those Poles most likely are just some random a-holes and jealous at that. So far none found anything on him that credible, lots of BS and malicious rumors.

w PiS is putting forth an animal rights bill that would outlaw fur production

PiS are morons, how can they kill people's livelihood just like that with some dumb bill!
OP mafketis  38 | 11276
15 Sep 2020   #8
So far none found anything on him that credible

I believe you and agree - people that examine him and his.... philosophy certainly don't find anything that's credible....

kill people's livelihood

I'm not opposed to commercial fur production in principle but how many operators could afford to run operations that meet even minimal humane standards?
Ironside  51 | 13109
15 Sep 2020   #9
people that examine him and his....

They may like him or not. Feel free to chose either.
Making up stories or spreading BS is just an another level of being a malicious jerk. Giving it some aura of righteousness as you do must be American thing, it is how you people set up a stage for the civil war.

minimal humane standards?

Hmm, do you eat meat? If you do you are a hypocrite. Anyway as far as I know those standards are fine, at least in Poland.
Lenka  5 | 3548
15 Sep 2020   #10
If you do you are a hypocrite.

I don't know about you but I definitely make a distinction between food which is necessary for humans and unnecessary item of clothing that only feeds vanity.

Anyway as far as I know those standards are fine, at least in Poland.

Are you not aware that this whole issue reemerged after an undercover report o one of such forms?
OP mafketis  38 | 11276
15 Sep 2020   #11
do you eat meat? If you do you are a hypocrite

There's a difference between humane treatment of animals before slaughter and inhumane treatment.

Are you not aware that this whole issue reemerged after an undercover report o one of such forms?

I'm assuming he's not aware... he doesn't seem to up to date on goings on here.
Ironside  51 | 13109
16 Sep 2020   #12
after an undercover report o one of such forms?

Are you not aware that such reports are just propaganda pieces for all kind of ideological crazies'?

There is no excuse for ideologically motivated action that ignorant do-gooders endorse without knowing much .... bless their tender hearts - about animals, farming and making a living.
jon357  72 | 23663
16 Sep 2020   #13
PiS is putting forth an animal rights bill that would outlaw fur production (among other things).

One of the (very) few issues on which I agree 100% with Jarosław Kaczyński.

BTW, I'm not against hunting per se (and have done it), providing it's for either environmental management or ideally for food. A free and happy life in a forest and death by a swift, clean bullet seems far less vile than life in a hellish indoor factory farm ending with a lorry journey to a conveyor belt at an abattoir.

propaganda pieces for all kind of ideological crazies'?

There's nothing wrong with propaganda and those who highlight the issues with fur farms are certainly not 'ideological crazies'. They're people who dislike animals being killed using a red-hot poker.

This guy is nothing but a charlatan, a thief using the name of God to rip ppl off.

St. John Paul II refused to meet or even appear at the window for Rydzyk's followers, the so-called 'Family of Radio Maryja' during His last visit to Kraków. This speaks volumes.
OP mafketis  38 | 11276
16 Sep 2020   #14
people who dislike animals being killed using a red-hot poker.

A few years ago in Cohenhagen I was in a museum where they had a big exhibit on fur including film from (reasonably well run) fur farms. The animals were harvested by a person with insulated gloves who picked them up and dropped them in a kind of rolling gas chamber.... which knocks them out pretty quickly.
jon357  72 | 23663
16 Sep 2020   #15
which knocks them out pretty quickly.

Better than the red hot poker, I suppose. No real need to wear fur nowadays; there are plenty of warmer and more comfortable alternatives. I've noticed that over the past few decades that there's less and less here in Poland.
pawian  226 | 27817
16 Sep 2020   #16
Mostly by elderly ladies who stick to the tradition, claiming natural firs are warmer than artificial ones.

and no one's started a thread?

maf, why are you so insecure? We did wait for you to start it - we give everybody a chance. Don`t be so shy. Don`t delay - I want it today!
jon357  72 | 23663
16 Sep 2020   #17
artificial ones.

Just an ordinary coat is better if it's made with modern fabrics.

Where I come from, fur coats have never been completely respectable. They were seen as asking the question "what did she have to do to him to get that present?" Single/divorced/widowed women tended to avoid them for that reason.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
16 Sep 2020   #18
claiming natural firs are warmer than artificial ones.

Not true plus fur is heavier and cost much more to take care of as in cleaning.

"what did she have to do to him to get that present?"

They are just jealous that they don't have a sugar daddy spoiling them.
Ironside  51 | 13109
17 Sep 2020   #19
animals being killed using a red-hot poker.

If that is a main issue they should bring forward an alterative that would be more 'humane'. Nah, that fact that choose to go for all industry shows they are ideological crazies' or even paid agitators (paid by the foreign competitors). Whilst do-gooders in their ignorance are so supportive of 'animals'. What about families that will lose their livelihood? They can stuff themslefses on a red=hot poker for what they care, big caring hearths my ass.

For exmaple in China they don't have laws protecting animals, you can kick your dog or a cat to dead on a street and all you can do is fined for 'littering'.
jon357  72 | 23663
17 Sep 2020   #20
If that is a main issue they should bring forward an alterative that would be more 'humane'

Do follow the thread. Jarosław Kaczyński has brought forward such an alternative; banning fur farms.

"hilst do-gooders in their ignorance are so supportive of 'animals'.

This gem of logic "brings forward" two interesting points:
- since you're ranting about what you amusingly describe as do-gooders, does that mean you're more sympathetic to do-badders?
- why did you write the word animal as 'animal'?

in China they don't have laws protecting animals, you can kick your dog or a cat to dead on a street

Is Chinese practice relevant to Poland?
gumishu  15 | 6228
17 Sep 2020   #21
Where I come from, fur coats have never been completely respectable

and you approved of that?
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
17 Sep 2020   #22
There is absolutely no need for natural fur coats. Artificial fur does look nice, so no need to satisfy the vanity of morons and certain celebrities.

Do Donald and Melania wear faux fur?
jgrabner  1 | 73
17 Sep 2020   #23
Fantastic timing. Last week, the president and prime minister were touring thanksgiving festivities thanking polish farmers in lofty words for their hard work and promising continued support for the development of rural areas. This week, the same party introduces a bill eliminiating the export of halal meat worth more than one billion Euro per year ( ) and the market is growing with Poland having a competitive advantage and the importers like Israel and UAE are known for paying top dollar.

The fur export market is not so big, but an additional 200 Million Euro would be lost and probably more if there is local production.
Sure, in total, these products account for only close to 1% of the whole export market but how wealthy is this country really to forgoe such lucrative markets? It will also negatively affect the core constituents of PiS disproportionally heavy. Are they tired of ruling or what? Aid to Lithuania (where the fur producers will likely go) and Ukraine/Belarus (halal meat- since the export markets are mostly outside of the EU, EU membership means zilch to these producers)?
Crow  155 | 9721
17 Sep 2020   #24
Artificial fur does look nice, so no need to satisfy the vanity of morons and certain celebrities.

I concur.

Let us here remind ourselves of madman archduke Ferdinand who, as he himself wrote in his own diary and many others confirmed, killed almost 300.000 animals just for sport, fur, bone and corpses. Can you even imagine. He loved to kill and kill and kill. Fortunately for the world he was stooped back in 1914.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
17 Sep 2020   #25
Fortunately for the world he was stooped back in 1914.

Thank God the Austrian-Hungarian Empire collapsed and the Habsburgs themselves were even denied entry to Austria for many many years after this infamous collapse.

killed almost 300.000 animals just for sport, fur, bone and corpses. He loved to kill and kill and kill.

I don't think this fact is widely known in the so-called "rotten West" or even in Austria itself. Instead, they all naively believe that Gavrilo Princip was the sole factor behind the outbreak of the WW I. Hahahaha.
jon357  72 | 23663
17 Sep 2020   #26
There is absolutely no need for natural fur coats. Artificial fur does look nice

Agreed. Though even artificial fur is less good than a decent fabric coat. In countries like Poland that have colder winters, coats in the shops tend to be very warm.
Crow  155 | 9721
17 Sep 2020   #27
I don't think this fact is widely known in the so-called "rotten West" or even in Austria itself.

Of course it isn`t known there. If people know this many would give blessings to Gavrilo just for avenging animals (actually, some story about `curse of white deer` existed in connection to Ferdinand prior to his death). Politics would be even absolutely ignored if people know more of this Ferdinand`s side. Who could have any empathy for madman Ferdinand that truly enjoyed killing. They used to gather animals for him (in some fence or tied to a trees) and to prepare hundreds of rifles and ammunition to him, so he can enjoy. Its all described in Ferdinand`s own diaries. One just needs to google on that. No sport there. Just killing of totally restless madman. Deer, dogs, wolves, cats of all kinds, elephants, birds, etc.

BDW, during his trip to Australia, Ferdinand, among other species, killed some of last platypus. Today extinct species on Earth.

Gavrilo Princip was the sole factor behind the outbreak of the WW I. Hahahaha.

True. I can`t even imagine that anyone sane can believe this.

Stick to the topic please
jon357  72 | 23663
17 Sep 2020   #28
and you approved of that?

Before my time. Wearing fur has been unfashionable for decades.
Crow  155 | 9721
17 Sep 2020   #29
Yes, here, too.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
17 Sep 2020   #30
Nothing like a good old buck skin jacket though.
I wouldn't trade mine for plastic one no matter what.

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