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Flood in Lower Silesia in Poland - looks catastrophic

gumishu  15 | 6163
15 Sep 2024 #1
It looks catastrophic..

  • Poland Flood 2024
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11762
15 Sep 2024 #2
Severe storms in Europe:

Dam in Poland broken

Dramatic flood situation in Austria, Poland and the Czech Republic ++ Streets and villages flooded, rescue by helicopter

The dam in Stronie Slaskie breaks, huge masses of water make their way
Crow  154 | 9179
15 Sep 2024 #3
Europe Floods: Eastern and Central Europe | N18G

cms neuf  1 | 1766
15 Sep 2024 #4
Worst since 1997 but thankfully much better prepared and better equipment compared to 25 years ago.

Some really dramatic storm surges - mini tsunamis in some towns
Crow  154 | 9179
15 Sep 2024 #5
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. As Serbian proverb says - Misfortune doesn't come alone.

In Serbia we have heavy rain in most of the country and snow in regions, while we prepare for the incoming flood. Cruel Balkan winter coming too soon.
Vesko Vukovic  - | 110
16 Sep 2024 #6

The flood disaster in Ladek-Zdroj, Poland, is considered the worst disaster in 100 years.

Cataclysmic scenes
amiga500  5 | 1479
16 Sep 2024 #7
How common and affordable is home and contents insurance in Poland? Is there an insurance ombudsmen to keep the bastards in line?
Paulina  15 | 4325
16 Sep 2024 #8
It looks catastrophic..

It does :(((

The first country to offer help to Poland was Ukraine by proposing to send 100 rescue workers:

...and then followed by Lithuania.
Paulina  15 | 4325
16 Sep 2024 #9
People are being evacuated by the military with the use of helicopters:
Vesko Vukovic  - | 110
16 Sep 2024 #10

Chaos in Europe and the worst is yet to come!

Reports from Romania, Czech Republic, Austria, the segment about floods in Poland starts at 1:50.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11762
16 Sep 2024 #11
15 dead ++ Thousands of households evacuated ++ Many missing

It's gonna get worse!

Flood drama in Europe! At least 15 people died in the floods in Romania, Austria, the Czech Republic and Poland. There are also numerous missing people in all four countries. While the situation in Germany is only tense so far, a state of emergency has been declared there.

The situation will remain dramatic over the next few hours. Heavy, persistent rain will further exacerbate the situation. Dams are threatening to overflow, rivers are flooding their banks, and villages and cars have already been swallowed up.

In Germany, and especially in Saxony, people are looking at the cities on the Elbe. The water levels are rising. But when will the flood wave reach us?

16 Sep 2024 #12
I survived the 1997 flood in Poland, it was surreal at some places. Close to my neighborhood, the municipality decided to dig out a very deep hole to create an artificial lake (probably about 80 acres) which stored excess water and it's been working very well since then. Today, due to almost all land being private or owned by corporations, it's not that easy due to political and economic reasons, but it is possible through the eminent domain laws. They should do something about that because all these small and weak dams clearly aren't working with big floods.
Bobko  26 | 2174
16 Sep 2024 #13
an artificial lake which stored excess water and it's been working very well

Climatologists say that large parts of the world will have major issues sourcing drinking water in the next decades.

You Europeans should use this flooding as an opportunity to replenish your underground aquifers and create some new lakes.

Later you can use it for yourself, or sell to the Arabs at great profit.

Thank me later!
16 Sep 2024 #14
That's an excellent idea. But there must be a vision for that not when the big flood comes. Poland wants to be Eco-friendly, so this would be excellent and free source of drinking water if used correctly.
Bobko  26 | 2174
16 Sep 2024 #15
That's an excellent idea.


I am popular here on this forum, for having many great ideas about how to improve life in Poland.

Do not hesitate to reach out to me for more advice in the future.

Faithfully yours,

pawian  219 | 24576
16 Sep 2024 #16
It looks catastrophic..

You can thank your fave PIS rightist gangsters for wasting all the money on stupidities instead of on building flood banks aka levees. Previous gov of Mr Honourable Prime Minister Reverend Donald Holy Tusk built many of them, while PiS not.
Ironside  50 | 12384
16 Sep 2024 #17
You can thank your fave PIS

BS, all consecutive governments from 1997 onwards build flood banks and reservoirs. Maybe they should do it on a bigger scale or differently than all previous governments are guilty including Tusk. So stop spreading your stupid divisive toxic crap!
pawian  219 | 24576
16 Sep 2024 #18
all consecutive governments

Darling, stop lying as usual. Nearly 10 times less levees were built under PIS gov than before.,79cfc278
Crow  154 | 9179
16 Sep 2024 #19
The flood disaster in Ladek-Zdroj, Poland, is considered the worst disaster in 100 years.

Svetovid and ancestors are angry at the state of Poland because Poland betrayed Serbians and, Poles love Serbians but are lazy to go on streets and fu*k Polish speaking government!

Being lazy is even among biggest Christian sins. That is disrespect on Christ and His beautiful Mother!
Ironside  50 | 12384
16 Sep 2024 #20
Darling, stop lying as usual.

Sure Alex Springer will tell you the truth. Listen to German propaganda and feel all that toxic waste you are accumulating to spray on people.

19th-century historians make it up. lol!
Crow  154 | 9179
16 Sep 2024 #21
Don`t joke with this brate. Energy of ancestors is disturbed and surround all of us. Poland never in history fought against Serbian interests. Never. But now fights to make possible genocide on Serbs. No matter Poland isn`t even aware of this. Serbians are last bearers of Sarmatian name and energy of ancestors flow with us.

Return to us brothers! Return to ancestors!

Svetovid is angry and sad. Rain on Poland are his tears.
Lenka  5 | 3454
16 Sep 2024 #22
Climatologists say that large parts of the world will have major issues sourcing drinking water in the next decades.

And Oland doesn't have a lot of it already.

My hometown was heavily flooded in 1997. But thankfully the retention reservoir that was built there ( originally planned by Nazi Germany but built only recently) is doing it's job.
16 Sep 2024 #23
Media in Poland start propaganda blaming 'climate change' for the floods. Who is not surprised. It will be followed by hours of discussions on how green energy would stop the floods (physics doesn't matter to them).
Crow  154 | 9179
16 Sep 2024 #24
Nikola Tesla announced era of increased importance of psychic energy. All is energy. Souls of ancestors are also energy. One of reasons why Vatican exterminated all Tesla`s cousins and almost entire clan, 91 of them, in Serbian Krajina.

jon357  73 | 22638
16 Sep 2024 #25
blaming 'climate change' for the floods

It's certainly a very serious problem, and will get worse.
Paulina  15 | 4325
16 Sep 2024 #26
Media in Poland start propaganda blaming 'climate change' for the floods.

You mean citing Polish scientists from PAN (The Polish Academy of Sciences) who warned already in 2020 about what we're experiencing right now?:

This summer there was barely any rain where I live (Kielce). And then suddenly this weekend - a downpour. It was raining all Saturday night and on Sunday in the morning.

Summers are getting hotter, drier and longer here (I already wrote about this on this forum some time ago). The climate is definitely changing in Poland :(
Miloslaw  21 | 4900
16 Sep 2024 #27
Summers are getting hotter, drier and longer here. The climate is definitely changing in Poland :(

Yeah, but it's "Climate Change" and not "Global Warming" even all the main news networks have worked that out.
So what is the cause?I think that humans have very little to do with it and that there is not much we can do to reverse it.
We need to find the REAL cause.
Paulina  15 | 4325
16 Sep 2024 #28
I survived the 1997 flood in Poland

My family from Wrocław went through that flood and it looks like the flood that will hit Wrocław this time will be similar :( People are already buying out water from supermarkets there.

Two years ago (what a timing...) there were Polish TV series made about the 1997 flood titled "Wielka woda" ("High Water"). I haven't seen it yet, but it's apparently very good. You can watch it on Netflix:

Yeah, but it's "Climate Change" and not "Global Warming"

What's the difference? lol The temperature is getting higher, not lower...

I think that humans have very little to do with it

And you came to that conclusion based on what exactly?
jon357  73 | 22638
16 Sep 2024 #29
"Climate Change" and not "Global Warming"

It's both. Like the price of gold, there are peaks and troughs in temperature, especially since global warming can cause harsh winters as well as heatwaves, however the gold price always goes up long term.

The harm caused to the earth since the days of large scale industrialisation and especially the automobile has barely started.
Miloslaw  21 | 4900
16 Sep 2024 #30
global warming

A lie.It is Climate Change, please get it right.

Temperatures are not rising everywhere and in some places they are dropping and more importantly getting wetter or drier......this is NOT global warming but climate change which has happened on earth for millenia, even before humans.

Home / News / Flood in Lower Silesia in Poland - looks catastrophic

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