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First Coronavirus case in Poland?

mafketis  38 | 11260
30 Jan 2020   #1
The second suspected coronavirus case (the first apparently wasn't...) was admitted to a hospital in Wrocław, a Chinese person who arrived january 23(!!!!!!) from Wuhan(!!!!!)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
30 Jan 2020   #2

The cases in Germany had been Chinese too...they should think of quarantining them the moment they leave a plane...all of them!
Ironside  51 | 13083
30 Jan 2020   #3
WTF? Why Chinse always spreading diseases all over the world. Keep it for yourself people.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
30 Jan 2020   #4
Why Chinse always spreading diseases all over the world

Because they eat crap.
Almost anything.
And are unhygienic.
I hate Chinese food anyway.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
30 Jan 2020   #5
Prejudice is an even more pernicious malady, guys. At least for Coronavirus, there's a cure....if you catch it in time!
OP mafketis  38 | 11260
30 Jan 2020   #6
At least for Coronavirus, there's a cure

No there isn't..... but it's illuminating that some are more worried about bad thoughts than human lives....

China should have been quarantined at least a month ago....
Lyzko  44 | 9723
30 Jan 2020   #7
China though is not the root of the problem.
Historically, they have long been known for tricky and slipshod sanitary practices, they'd be the first to admit it!
OP mafketis  38 | 11260
30 Jan 2020   #8
China though is not the root of the problem.

In this case, yes it is.

That doesn't mean people should hate all Chinese people but traditional Chinese lack of hygene over-dependence on shady traditional 'medicine' and weird beliefs about eating weird animals and the communist imposed dysfunction (shooting the messenger is routine so bad news remains hidden until it reaches crisis levels)

Tha'ts all 100% on China and CCP. No one else.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
30 Jan 2020   #9
I've read though that a virus can "travel" from one site and then be picked up by someone, not necessarily
from the "source area", but who happened to be there by sheer coincidence, maybe a tourist....and not
a Chinaman either:-)

I'm not a scientist either and so what I'm saying is naturally speculation on my part.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
30 Jan 2020   #10
Tha'ts all 100% on China and CCP. No one else

Spot on.
OP mafketis  38 | 11260
30 Jan 2020   #11
not a Chinaman either:-)

The origin is China and its lack of hygene and dysfunctional system that punishes those that try to make problems known before they become crises.

Why are you more worried about prejudice than people's lives?
Lyzko  44 | 9723
30 Jan 2020   #12
Only that there is a tendency to demonize a group of people as a convenient target without bothering to scope out all the relevant evidence to support such a claim.

As you might recall, Jews were accused by the Nazis, among others, for bringing the Plague aka typhoid, to order to "infect" the Aryan Race!

That turned out to be a lie, filthy conditions in many of the ghettoes and shtetl notwithstanding.

China is known for questionable hygienic practices, granted. Nonetheless, does that mean that all Chinese are filthy?
OP mafketis  38 | 11260
30 Jan 2020   #13
As you might recall, Jews

Not everything is always about the Jews..... that is so narcissistic.

does that mean that all Chinese are filthy?

Stupid posters here post stupid things, there's no point engaging with them.

Engage with the issue - the catastrophic incompetence of the Chinese communist party which has the blood of _tens_ of millions of people on its hands already and the low education and bad hygene of traditional Chinese culture.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
30 Jan 2020   #14
I hate Chinese food anyway.

Yesterday, I had Chinese lunch. My last one. No, I am not dying.

China should have been quarantined at least a month ago....

....and forever.

was admitted to a hospital in Wrocław, a Chinese person who arrived january 23

Aren't foreigners fun?

China though is not the root of the problem.

Once a hand-wringing apologist, always...
You are right. It's not China. It's the Chinese human pigs with their sewers and filth.

Why are you more worried about prejudice than people's lives?

That's what apologists do to feel better. In their world, nobody who is not white is never responsible for nothing. That's also how they talk so nobody can understand them.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
30 Jan 2020   #15
Here is my humble take on it......
Coronavirus Patent Granted To Bill Gates Funded Institute In 2018.
Does that give it more credence to The Theory It Might Be A Bioweapon ?
Old Billy wants to cut the world population by a few billion people because of his fear of global warming.
The virus was created in the labs in Canada and smuggled out to China is what I heard.
Now ask yourself this......
The reports of China quarantining Wuhan City, population 10 plus million are official.
For reference NYC has a population of 8.4 million and London has about 9 million.
Something tells me China is downplaying the amount of those infected and the number of deaths related to it.
Shutting down a city of this size over 600 sick and 9 dead just doesn't make sense to me.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
31 Jan 2020   #16
then something good will come out of it.

You mean one billion Chinese dying? Before you have a heart attack, what would be better for the world: one billion more or one billion fewer Chinese?

Old Billy wants to cut the world population by a few billion people because of his fear of global warming.

So, my sick question ain't that sick, I guess.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
31 Jan 2020   #17
You and I know it is the truth Rich but if we went into details we would be OFF - TOPIC.
We must stay on topic which is about the virus in Poland.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
31 Jan 2020   #18
Let the mods worry about it. You mentioned Bill Gates, Canada, China, and New York in #15. I responded to it and now you are saying that we should stay on the virus in Poland.

Taken strictly as you requested, that subject is covered in just one sentence: A Chinese person brought coronavirus to Poland. End of the thread.
The second post was already about Germany and China and off-topic.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
31 Jan 2020   #19
You mentioned Bill Gates,

Yes Rich and here is the link.
OP mafketis  38 | 11260
31 Jan 2020   #20
Goodbye any chance of a reasonable discussion on coronavirus in Poland (or in general) or what could or should be done... the stupid brigade has shown up to derail conversation just like the mods apparently want.

what a hopeless forum this is with the stupid brigade in change....
kondzior  11 | 1026
31 Jan 2020   #21
was admitted to a hospital in Wrocław

or what could or should be done

Quarantine Wroclaw.
Nobody leaves once the virus has taken root. The same for Warsaw. All for security purposes of course.

Also we should quarantine China, India and Africa regardless of whether or not they have the coronavirus.

Overpopulated sh!tholes are nothing but trouble.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
31 Jan 2020   #22
what could or should be done...

They are saying to take the same precautions as you would for a cold or flu.
Get plenty of rest.
Eat a healthy diet.
Avoid excess sugar and alcohol.
Avoid crowds (malls, stadiums, airports, etc) and closed population (prisons, dormitories, nursing homes, any place with re-circled air).
You couldn't get me on an airplane right now for love nor money.
Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap.
Avoid touching your face.

... the stupid brigade has shown up to derail conversation

Actually the stupid brigade has contributed ten times the information on this subject than the OP has so who is stupid calling stupid.
Atch  22 | 4299
31 Jan 2020   #23
UK now has two confirmed cases, nice start to post-Brexit Britain.....

Funnily enough, a few months ago I was reading an article about the possibility of a global epidemic of some kind being fairly imminent. It's a hundred years since the Spanish influenza which killed about 50 million people worldwide and apparently another major one was inevitable at some point. But at the same time, the chances of dying from Coronavirus if you contract it are about 2.5% so we shouldn't get hysterical. It's people with compromised immune systems who are most at risk of death.

Oh and also, most flu viruses originate in birds and occur in China where the large bird population lives densely packed with humans. The Spanish flu is, similarly, thought to have originated in the trenches at the end of World War One where the men kept chickens.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
31 Jan 2020   #24
That was an early theory but now they think that it too came from China.
OP mafketis  38 | 11260
31 Jan 2020   #25
They are saying

pretty little lies... they're not even sure yet how it's transmitted, it could be airborne in which case... all bets are off.

he Spanish flu is, similarly, thought to have originated in the trenches at the end of World War .

It's very possible it actually originated in China...

One concern is that while the death rate now is very low (if we can trust the Chinese communist authorities, which.... hmmmmmm) concerns remain about recovery. Despite throwing the word 'cured' around too casually apparently a lot of diagnosed cases might have very long lasting or permanent problems... full recovery doesn't seem to be happening.
Atch  22 | 4299
31 Jan 2020   #26
It's very possible it actually originated in China...

That makes sense indeed.

diagnosed cases might have very long lasting or permanent problems.

Yes, that's a fair point.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
31 Jan 2020   #27
pretty little lies... they're not even sure yet how it's transmitted, it could be airborne in which case... all bets are off.

Yeah, those damn lies and that is one of them.
In case you have not heard yet way over there in Poland, the first case of airborne transmitted has been recorded in Chicago.
A 60 year old woman back from China gave it to her husband....... stupid says.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
31 Jan 2020   #28
Correction: A 60 year old Chinese woman back from China gave it to her husband....
Would it not be nice if China went down to 100 million like other civilized countries....starting with the PLA.
cms neuf  2 | 1943
31 Jan 2020   #29
No mention of Poland from you as per usual.

Bit worried about your calls for genocide so I found this place in Illinois - a senior citizens centre where you can have a calming cup of herbal tea and do some senior citizens yoga. Might calm you down a bit
Korvinus  3 | 629
27 Nov 2023   #30

Pfizer is suing Poland over vaccines. This is how we got here​

The court case is the latest fallout from Ursula von der Leyen's massive COVID-19 vaccine contract.

It took a while, but the bill finally came.

U.S. pharmaceutical giant Pfizer is taking the Polish government to court over missing payments for 60 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine it developed with BioNTech.

The lawsuit, which comes as Poland prepares for a change in government following its October election, marks the culmination of a 19-month struggle between Warsaw and Pfizer over a glut of vaccine doses.

But the roots of the clash can be traced back further: to the enormous 1.1 billion-dose contract the European Commission signed with Pfizer in 2021, which has become controversial for the reported exchange of text messages between Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla in the run-up to negotiations.

We're paying for a vaccine that Ursula vonderleyen ordered on our behalf and the best thing is: it never worked in the first place!

This should be an easy "no go fu*ck yourselves jews" from Polant, but on the other hand: Donalt Tusk.

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