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European News and Poland Thread - part 4

Bobko  27 | 2240
20 Dec 2024   #181
Adam Mizckiewish

Modern Poles don't read Mickiewicz.

Only Serbs and Russians do.
pawian  226 | 27817
20 Dec 2024   #182
Whenever Germanics moved in Drang Nach Osten and entered Poland, Russia parried with seizing parts of Poland.

Exactly!!!! Like in 1939 when Soviet Russians attacked Poland in the east while the Polish army was desperately fighting against superior Nazi Germans in the west and centre. It is informally called the 4th partition of Poland coz Nazis and Soviets had signed a pact earlier on.

  • a
Crow  155 | 9736
20 Dec 2024   #183
Modern Poles don't read Mickiewicz.

Only Serbs and Russians do.

That is why I praise this new architecture of Europe. You are that what you say you are? Fine. Fight for it. Then, hope for support.

That is why I know Russia would come in aid to Serbia. Because we never fought because we expected support. We fought for us. Then, Slavic sea came in our aid. If we didn`t resist to Turks so violently, neither Poland, neither Russia would come in our aid. Our blood mark every step of our land. For that blood of our common ancestors our brothers responded to our call for aid.

But, I know, again, Serbia will pay price of freedom. I only hope, Russia came in time, before we are not extinct and that would end our role for the future.

I know Russia will come in time. And make sure to secure peace for the long long period. Make vermin made its last mistake.
Bobko  27 | 2240
20 Dec 2024   #184
because we never fought because we expected support

This is the Slavic way.

We enjoy war. War is our mother and our father.
pawian  226 | 27817
20 Dec 2024   #185
I know Russia will come in time

I don`t support 5% military spending any longer.

I support 10% now!!!! Ha!!!!! hahahaha

Fekk Russia and all its supporters. Simple.

We enjoy war. War is our mother and our father.

It is amasing that whenever I read your input, I feel like throwing up.
While Iron and Kania consider you the best Russian poster here.

Who is wrong - me or them????????????????????????
Crow  155 | 9736
20 Dec 2024   #186
We enjoy war. War is our mother and our father.

You know brate what I think. I think that Rome and Constantinople needs to be in Serbian state. Romans ruled and wanted to destroy Sarmatians. It is only proper that we control these two cities. Purified of evil, of course. With new names. Srpski Rim i Srpski Konstantinopolj.

Tears falling from my di*k when I contemplate on this.

Fekk Russia and all its supporters. Simple.

Nope. Russia won`t come for Poland. Told you. Russians would come there where they are welcomed by the local populace. You Poles would have to prove you are Slavic. God help you. Because Germans hate you with passion. And they would seek to prove they are Germancs. Meaning- Drang Nach Osten.
Bobko  27 | 2240
20 Dec 2024   #187
Who is wrong - me or them?

You find it hard to digest my Slavic truths?

Kania told me you Poles are so f*cked in the head, that you even have a cute word for it - Wojenka.

What does this mean, Paw? Why do you have such a word, wojenka?

Is it not because you Poles love war as much as we Russians do?

You ever look in the mirror?
Crow  155 | 9736
20 Dec 2024   #188
Problem with Slavs ie Sarmatians is that we often need long suffering before we move to war. Our foes molesting us and think its our natural state. Misery and peace at all costs. Then, they learn. They get war.
pawian  226 | 27817
20 Dec 2024   #189

Wojenka which means little war.
Don`t be silly and stop making an affair of the dimunitive word which originated to encourage recruits to join the army in times of national peril like 1920 when Soviet Russians invaded and occupied half of Poland.

Is it not because you Poles love war as much as we Russians do?

BS. We never attacked Russians first. It was you who invaded us.
Bobko  27 | 2240
20 Dec 2024   #190
We never attacked Russians first


Bald lies!
Crow  155 | 9736
20 Dec 2024   #191
For Rome and Constantinople under the Serbian Dragon so all Slavic tribal wars are ended!

Purify the evil!
OP Novichok  4 | 8784
20 Dec 2024   #192
Is it not because you Poles love war as much as we Russians do?

They love wars because wars create "heroes".

Heroes are needed to write books

Books are needed to spread propaganda that dying za ojczyzne is good.

Men who are ready to die za ojczyzne are needed for wars.

Ths circle is now closed.

Memo to future heroes: You are morons and useful idiots. The only thing worth dying for is your wife and your kids. Period.

Wanna die za ojczyzne? Fine. Do it alone and fvck off.
Crow  155 | 9736
20 Dec 2024   #193
Exactly!!!! Like in 1939 when Soviet Russians attacked Poland

You again confusing strategic respond to Germanics with attack. Plus, WW2 was rest of Europe against Russia. So, strategic respond.

Do you know that only Serbians didn`t fight against Russians in WW2? From Nazi occupied Europe, only Serbian legions were not sent in Russia. Never formed. Non in Serbia volunteered.
OP Novichok  4 | 8784
20 Dec 2024   #194
WW2 was rest of Europe against Russia.

Spot on, Crow.

Western warmongers worked day and night after WW1 to create Monster A that could be siced against Monster B.
Crow  155 | 9736
20 Dec 2024   #195
ahaahah hahaha hahahah

This is how we will f*k our foes. Dic*s packed in rockets.

The POWER of Serbian multiple launch rocket systems

Sjebati govna za sva vremena.
Vesko Vukovic  1 | 293
20 Dec 2024   #196
Magdeburg 🇩🇪

At least 11 dead and 80 injured in a terrorist truck attack on the Christmas market.

Horrific scenes in the video, if someone has the nerve and the stomach, they can take a look. It lasts 8 seconds and is not pleasant at all.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
20 Dec 2024   #197
I hate them so much!

11 dead...up to 80 badly injured...till now...
Vesko Vukovic  1 | 293
20 Dec 2024   #198
JUST IN - The Magdeburg terror attack perpetrator is a man from Saudi Arabia born in 1974, WELT learned from security sources.

Now there is also shooting in the shopping mall in Magdeburg
ConstanrineKus  - | 8
20 Dec 2024   #199
I hate them so much!

Can do nothing but shrugging...
OP Novichok  4 | 8784
20 Dec 2024   #201
There is one thing I will never understand...

How is it possible for two diametrically opposite views to coexist without any chance of determining which one is correct.

Who is winning as of today? Russia or Ukraine?

Also...What as a win for either one?
pawian  226 | 27817
20 Dec 2024   #202
I will never understand...

Impossible!!! A genius like you????
ConstanrineKus  - | 8
20 Dec 2024   #203
I remember how some members of this forum practicised their wit after terror attack in Moscow in Crocus.
pawian  226 | 27817
20 Dec 2024   #204
their wit after terror attack in Moscow in Crocus.

You mean terrorist attacks orchestrated by Putin on his peoples???
ConstanrineKus  - | 8
20 Dec 2024   #205
Silence is golden. I am not going to emulate your behavior.
pawian  226 | 27817
20 Dec 2024   #206
BS. You perfectly realise it was Putin who ordered the terrorist attacks on apartment blocks in Moscow in 1999 to put the blame on Chechens who were fighting for their independence at the time. HA!!!!!!
Alien  26 | 6565
20 Dec 2024   #207
At least 11 dead

German news reports 2 dead.
Miloslaw  22 | 5263
20 Dec 2024   #208
You perfectly realise it was Putin who ordered the terrorist attacks on apartment blocks in Moscow in 1999 to put the blame on Chechens

That may or may not be true, but what proof do you have to make such a bold statement?
pawian  226 | 27817
20 Dec 2024   #209
The proof is that Putin never proved it was Chechens.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
20 Dec 2024   #210
I couldn't sleep today (dirty conscience, obviously) and made a schoolboy mistake of checking PF that I vowed to leave forever... *sighs*

to encourage recruits to join the army in times of national peril like 1920

Close enough, the song was written in 1917, and I grant you those were difficult times. For some reason, however, this song has been sung during school assemblies for the last hundred years. And not highschools either...

... surely a song about young boys marching to their deaths for their fatherland is not something children in primary schools should sing, right? Right. How about kindergartens?

... ha ha... f*cked up in the heads indeed we are. That's why we love our Russian and Serbian brothers. They are almost as unhinged and maniacal as we are. Almost.


I have just learnt about the attack. I am so sorry. This leftist nonsense doesn't seem to work at all, does it? All this makes me want to dust off my old skinhead boots. I won't though. The kids, the missus, the job... ehh, życie... Has the world gone to the dogs, old friend, or is it just us?

Home / News / European News and Poland Thread - part 4

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