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European News and Poland Thread - part 4

Novichok  4 | 8478
25 Aug 2024   #1
German authorities have arrested the suspected knifeman responsible for killing three people and injuring eight in the city of Solingen on Friday at a public festival in the city.

The alleged perpetrator is a 26-year-old Syrian man, who reportedly arrived in the EU country in December 2022 and was granted asylum.

Do Germans give out knives when foreign scum applies for asylum to defend themselves from the foreign scum that is already in?
jon357  72 | 23482
25 Aug 2024   #2
was granted asylum.

He wasn't.
mafketis  38 | 11137
26 Aug 2024   #3
He wasn't given asylum, the reality is far worse and exposes just how broken and dysfunctional the Dublin directive is...

Andrew Hammel (American living in Germany) breaks it down....

He entered the EU through Bulgaria (presumably land border with Turkey).

Makes his way to Germany which lets him in while they examine his case.

They decide that he does not meet asylum requirements.

Rather than deport his @ss back to Syria, Germany's only option, under the failed Dublin procedures, would be to send him back to.... Bulgaria for further paperwork.

They send him a letter informing him of this.

He goes underground.

They eventually find him but the order to send him to Bulgaria has expired so they just put him in a new asylum center.

Then he decided the best thing to do would be to go on a stabbing spree....

The "extreme" right that is against illegal aliens stabbing citizens gets some new voters.
johnny reb  49 | 7926
5 Sep 2024   #4
Britain is about to discover how poor it really is
Things aren't looking so Rosey for Britain these days.
The Brits are starting to wonder where to migrate to.
I told you back when that Poland was going to be the #1 country in Europe before long.
jon357  72 | 23482
5 Sep 2024   #5

What you actually mean is that the Conservative Party wasted all the tax revenue by giving crazy tax breaks to their supporters in the Home Countoes and spent nothing on infrastructure.

Economically, the country's in a far better place than France and Germany and the currency is strong.
mafketis  38 | 11137
5 Sep 2024   #6
spent nothing on infrastructure.

Whenever I hear about British infrastructure, I remember this....
OP Novichok  4 | 8478
5 Sep 2024   #7
I told you back when that Poland was going to be the #1 country in Europe before long.

Oh, the irony...

It was that British moron Boris who told Z and Ukrainians to stand their ground and fight Russian "invasion" till the one...

Migrant invasion at home? No problem...We have big hearts and deep pockets...Hello, migrants, come here and feel at home...

How many?

That was a hateful question, you racist Nazi, Novi.

For this hurtful stunt, It will be 2 years in HM prison. Next...
jon357  72 | 23482
5 Sep 2024   #8
I remember this....

Yes, he's right. Tory misrule and now it's left to the adults in the room to pick up the pieces.
johnny reb  49 | 7926
8 Sep 2024   #9
Britain, beware of Poland........the wave of Polish takeovers are just getting started
The UK spends a lot of time worrying about the competition from Germany and France, but in reality they may well be looking in the wrong place.
The next wave of corporate takeovers is more likely to come from Poland, because increasingly that's where the money is.
I told you back when that Poland was going to be the #1 country in Europe before long.

Mistic Jimmy has been right all along. 😏
Ironside  50 | 12941
8 Sep 2024   #10
The wave of Polish takeovers are just getting started

I doubt it, There is a long way to go. I would be happy if such a takeover happened in Germany and/or France.
Britain is already well saturated with global companies and foreign money. Being it Russian oligarchs or Saudi Sand Ducks?
They have this British corporation responsible for housing construction and development which is so embedded into a political system that they are responsible for the housing crisis in Britain and poor quality housing. Amongst other factors.
jon357  72 | 23482
8 Sep 2024   #11
They have this British corporation responsible for housing construction and development

Perhaps you could expand on that. Which corporation do you mean? The current southern housing crisis (it's a southern rather than a northern thing; where I'm from there is a surplus of housing) is almost entirely due to buy-to-let 'investors' and the lack of new public sector housing caused by now defunct legislation that ringfenced certain parts of local,authority budgets.

The UK spends a lot of time worrying about the competition from Germany and France

No they don't.
Ironside  50 | 12941
8 Sep 2024   #12
Which corporation do you mean?

Taylor Wimpey plc. I'm not saying they are the reason but amongst other factors their contributed to the status quo,

public sector housing

Without going into details it become a system for making money to some. Big money. So, I don't think legislation and all that is there by a mistake.
jon357  72 | 23482
8 Sep 2024   #13
Taylor Wimpey plc.

Yes. An annoying company and yes, in my opinion too, they, together with Barratt and also Tay played a role but only a relatively minor one. 'Buy-to-let' played a bigger role as did the previous Tory government's housing policy or lack thereof which was the chief culprit. Regarding infrastructure as critical as housing, private companies will do what they're told by society/its elected representatives when society shows some balls and makes them.

It was always good for builders (mostly smaller companies) to get a contract to build council estates however that's mostly gone now. Fortunately it is slowly returning and may there be many more council houses built over the next decade.
OP Novichok  4 | 8478
9 Sep 2024   #14
Germany is extending temporary border controls that it already has in place at some of its borders to all of its land borders, the interior minister has said.

"We are strengthening our internal security through concrete action and we are continuing our tough stance against irregular migration," Faeser said in a news conference on Monday.

Now, children, Grandpa Novi will explain the difference between a moron and a genius so pay attention...

A moron takes action AFTER an irreversible damage is done.

A genius like me takes action BEFORE an irreversible damage is done.

The problem: People who take action BEFORE an irreversible action is done are called names. Such as: NAZIs and xenophobes.

Also...Morons never admit that they are morons. See Biden and his DEI prop, Kamala.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
9 Sep 2024   #15
Astounding.....for long 9 years we heard: "It isn't possible"..."It's against the EU-laws"...."Pro Asyl doesn't like it"...."It's against the human rights"..."It's against our Basic Law"...."WE CANT" aka "WE DON'T WANT TO" the AfD gains and oh wonder, they can!

It seems they lied all the time....
pawian  226 | 27453
9 Sep 2024   #16
It seems they lied all the time.

Like Hitler who promised Germans the 1000 year long Reich....... hahahaha

It is amasing Germans always fall for their leaders` con acts. :):):)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
9 Sep 2024   #17
Thanks Pawi, now I feel much better....
pawian  226 | 27453
9 Sep 2024   #18
much better..

Much better would be if Germans were more independent thinkers, like Poles/Polesses. You depend too much on your leaders, do anything what they decree. It is enough they promise you MGGA - Make Germany Great Again and you all go crazy. It ended with two great wars whose results were catastrophic for Europe but primarily for Germans.

Of course, the above is said to promote a joking atmosphere so don`t take it seriously. :):):)
pawian  226 | 27453
9 Sep 2024   #20
Yes, take off your Pickelhaube coz it is high time you tried to sleep without it. Put it on your bedside table.
Alien  25 | 6392
9 Sep 2024   #21
take off your Pickelhaube

Time to put on the Schlafmütze.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
9 Sep 2024   #22
Yes, take off your Pickelhaube


Time to put on the Schlafmütze.

OP Novichok  4 | 8478
9 Sep 2024   #23
It seems they lied all the time....

Anyone who trusts his government is a super imbecile.

That is why women should never be allowed to vote as only women believe in horoscopes, ghosts, palm reading, and shlt like this.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
10 Sep 2024   #24
"Schlafmütze", "Pickelhaube" ass!

Bow to THE HELMET! :)

pawian  226 | 27453
10 Sep 2024   #25

Exactly the one Germans sent to Ukraine. hahahaha buhahaha
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
10 Sep 2024   #26
...oh they wish! They would have long since won!!!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
13 Sep 2024   #27
Poland's Deputy Foreign Minister Bartoszewski: "This is not how you treat partners"

From Monday, Germany wants to introduce border controls. Also with Poland. A heavy strain on relations, says Deputy Foreign Minister Władysław Teofil Bartoszewski. ....

I wonder....was an immigrant-welcoming Germany not always also a bone of contention with our neighbours? They should be relieved now....

....How will the planned border controls affect Poland ?
Negatively. And we were a little surprised because we had not been informed in any way beforehand. We found out about it when the German Interior Minister made the decision public. That is a somewhat unusual way of dealing with your neighbors.

How will it practically affect the everyday life of people travelling between Poland and Germany ? Negatively too. Our transport industry is one of the largest in Europe, and a lot of trucks cross the border every day. This means a big disruption. Germany has de facto decided to suspend the Schengen rules. We cannot be happy about that.

Some are already talking about an end to Schengen .
No, but that is the end of the spirit of Schengen and of European cooperation. We expect urgent consultations at EU level. You cannot surprise your neighbours with decisions like this. I know that there will also be a sharp reaction from Austria. That is not how you treat partners.

Don't sweat it, the whole situation is abit chaotic here and nobody knows anything....we have an unusual rare dim-witted interior minister who does everything wrong she only can!
Blame her! She is an idiot, she deserves it!
Ironside  50 | 12941
13 Sep 2024   #28
From Monday, Germany wants to introduce border controls.

A supirse gift, lol!
what one can expect they preach about ecology and nature but once a natural and ecological bison from Poland a rare species walks into Germany, they shoot him on the spot and BQ poor animal.
Now, they have few storks compared to Poland but even those views are somehow upsetting for German residents. Just wait they will shoot those birds too.
To prove otherwise the German government invited millions of Muslims from most backwood countries and people from Africa. lol!
The moral of the story is always to look at what they do not what they say.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
13 Sep 2024   #29
The moral of the story is always to look at what they do not what they say.

Not always's recent years (since Merkel) Germany has been extraordinarily badly led....we (and our neighbours) are paying the price, I know....

What can we say...MEA CULPA...MEA MAXIMA CULPA! So sorry...:(
Ironside  50 | 12941
13 Sep 2024   #30

Hey, I'm not blaming you personally.
Nevertheless, I'm surprised that Germans seem to trust their politicians a lot.

Home / News / European News and Poland Thread - part 4

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