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Duda invited to march in Poland's Independence Day parade

Wulkan  - | 3136
15 Feb 2016   #121
Egg's on your face, pal.

in your tiny little mind, ONR is not similar to German Nazi party.

It's a neo-Nazi march. Duda supports it. End of story.

In your tiny little mind again
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
15 Feb 2016   #122
in your tiny little mind, ONR is not similar to German Nazi party.

Not at all. I mean, they only have a long history of attacking Jewish people/places, they only have the same hand salute, they're only anti-democratic, they've only attacked the Pope, etc etc etc.

Why the hell would you even try to defend a bunch of fools that accused JPII of being Jewish?
Wulkan  - | 3136
15 Feb 2016   #123
I mean, they only have a long history of attacking Jewish people/places, they only have the same hand salute, they're only anti-democratic, they've only attacked the Pope, etc etc etc.

That's a nice way of convincing me that you have no clue about ONR, you did the great job.

Why the hell would you even try to defend a bunch of fools that accused JPII of being Jewish?

I never did.
Bieganski  17 | 888
15 Feb 2016   #124
I didn't say he was a neo-Nazi, I said he provided his honorary patronage to a neo-Nazi march.

I can see you are nervously trying to walk a very dangerous high wire act. You are so desperate to personally smear the good name and reputation of the elected and popular president of Poland but you don't want to suffer any consequences for doing so.

You should realize you can't have all sides to an argument (especially one based on your lies) and then get to run away before there is any fallout.

So which is it:

A) ONR is a neo-Nazi organization and the president lent his honorary patronage but obviously doesn't know anything about ONR.

B) ONR is a neo-Nazi organization and the president lent his honorary patronage knowing that ONR is a neo-Nazi organization because who else would lend support to a neo-Nazi organization other than a neo-Nazi?

C) ONR is not a neo-Nazi organization and that is why the president was comfortable lending his honorary patronage and this reality is further underscored by his own recent invitation to speak at a gathering of world leaders at the Munich Security Conference in Germany which of course has strict anti-neo-Nazi laws on their books.

Hint: "C" is the correct answer.

Jewish interests

What are Jewish interests exactly other than attending synagogue? You'll have to define them and then explain why anyone would be in opposition.

The modern definition is that a neo-Nazi is someone who has similar ideals.

What are these similar ideals? Nazism was unique and confined to Nazi Germany and has been consigned to the dustbin of history. Neo-Nazis want to resurrect Nazi Germany. So how does ONR fit into this when an aim of Nazi Germany was to destroy Poland and enslave and murder Poles?
TheOther  6 | 3596
15 Feb 2016   #125
Nazism was unique and confined to Nazi Germany...

Just to name a few:

Nationaal-Socialistische Beweging in Nederland (Dutch)
Nasjonal Samling (Norwegian)

...and has been consigned to the dustbin of history.

Or not ...

American Nazi Party
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
15 Feb 2016   #126
You are so desperate to personally smear the good name and reputation of the elected and popular president of Poland but you don't want to suffer any consequences for doing so.

What part of Duda has given his honorary patronage are you struggling to comprehend? It's really not a difficult thing to understand, although I appreciate that you don't have anything comparable over the pond, hence you don't really understand it. Here's a clue : honorary patronage means giving a form of moral support to the organisers.

Hint: "C" is the correct answer.

You're obviously not very clued up on Polish affairs, not least because you claim that Duda is popular. Latest polls show that he only has the support of 38% of Poles, for a start. Then again, it's normal when you're several thousand miles away.

Anyway, the answer is actually that Duda is the honorary patron of a neo-Nazi march. Nothing more, nothing less.

You'll have to define them and then explain why anyone would be in opposition.

Given that you're one of the most prominent bedroom brownshirts on PF, why don't you tell us what your problem is with Jewish people?

So how does ONR fit into this when an aim of Nazi Germany was to destroy Poland and enslave and murder Poles?

Already listed them above. The common hatred of Jewish people, the common arm salute and common views about the superiority of one's race over others qualifies ONR as neo-Nazi.

That's a nice way of convincing me that you have no clue about ONR, you did the great job.

Are you going to tell me that they're actually a nice bunch of people? ;)

For what it's worth, two minutes on Google can tell you that even most nationalists think that ONR are far too neo-Nazi for their liking.
Wulkan  - | 3136
15 Feb 2016   #127
For what it's worth, two minutes on Google

Indeed, Google is full of Gazeta Wyborcza and Newsweek articles.
Bieganski  17 | 888
15 Feb 2016   #128
honorary patronage means giving a form of moral supportto the organisers.

Gee, thanks for giving that really pedantic definition. But do feel free to split the hair even more and tell me how your definition is so completely different from what I originally posted:

What is a patron? Well, it is a person who gives financial or othersupportto aperson,organization, cause, or activity.

That's right, there is no difference.

Latest polls show that he only has the support of 38% of Poles, for a start.

Are these the same pollsters who tried to claim that Andrzej Duda stood no chance of winning the presidency only a few months before he did?

Anyway, the answer is actually that Duda is the honorary patron of a neo-Nazi march. Nothing more, nothing less.

Anyway, feel free to explain then why President Duda would give "honorary patronage" to a neo-Nazi march when his wife has a Jewish heritage? I can't wait to hear you try to dance around that question.

Given that you're one of the most prominent bedroom brownshirts on PF, why don't you tell us what your problem is with Jewish people?

My, my, my. You dodge a simple and very legitimate question and instead resort to hysteria and name calling.

So, let's start again. You (yes, you) stated the following when I challenged your claim that this march was a neo-Nazi event:

People that go around dressed in uniforms that look like SA uniforms, people that throw Hitler salutes and who openly have targeted Jewish interests are clearly as neo-Nazi as it gets.

I gave an obvious example of those who would attend a synagogue. In comparison, Roman Catholics attend church, partake in their sacraments, and are generally concerned with and active in matters regarding family life and other social issues like taking care of the sick and the poor both locally and abroad. Likewise those who practice Buddhism also attend their temples and pursue a life seeking inner and social peace.

So, I'll ask you again, what are these Jewish interests you mentioned apart from attending synagogue and why would anyone be in opposition to these interests?

The common hatred of Jewish people, the common arm salute and common views about the superiority of one's race over others qualifies ONR as neo-Nazi.

Nice try but no. You and your carpetbagging cohorts have a very long history on PF in wrongly demonizing Poles every chance you get when it comes to Jews. You so casually throw around the term neo-Nazi and stop at no opportunity to try to link Poles to participation in actual Nazi atrocities during WWII that I'm surprised none of you have called Poles "pre-Nazis" for those who lived prior to 1920.

Just be honest with yourself and admit that you hate the fact that Poles have allowed Jews to live side by side with them in Poland for centuries and many Poles thanklessly put their own lives at risk when all seemed lost in order to protect Jews during German Nazi occupation.

Just be honest for once and admit that you simply cannot stand any Pole who expresses any love for Poland, its glorious history and rich culture and traditions and wanting to see it all continue so future generations of Poles can enjoy it and carry it forward as well.
Crow  154 | 9541
2 Sep 2016   #129
i am so curious what would Duda on this years Independence Day parade. To go or not to go. Its hot anyway.
Crow  154 | 9541
12 Nov 2017   #130
Warsaw on Polish Independence Day 2017

March of Independence Day Poland 2017 | Marsz Niepodległości Polska 2017 | Warszawa 11.11.2017

My venerable Polish sisters and brothers, this is still just a petting. Your path is now correct but deviates due to foreign influences. You must decide to defend Sarmatia firstly with Sarmatism. You have that in yourself. Then, with it, everything becoming possible. It would be what can not be. It would be freedom.
jon357  72 | 23483
10 Nov 2021   #131
All the signs are that this year's 'march' (banned by the city but encouraged by PiS) could turn quite nasty.
pawian  226 | 27509
10 Nov 2021   #132
but encouraged by PiS)

Critics say PiS affiliate themselves with neonazis.
jon357  72 | 23483
10 Nov 2021   #133

The person who wanted to hold the (now) illegal 'march' is after all Bąkiewicz of the ONR...

This was last year's. It was not by any means the most violent.

Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
10 Nov 2021   #134
It was not by any means the most violent.

No, the most violent are antifa and their fans.
pawian  226 | 27509
10 Nov 2021   #135
We are talking Poland here, so you are wrong again.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
10 Nov 2021   #136
Yes antfia in Poland is so weak that they have to ask for help antifa from abroad, but still there some bums in warsaw.
jon357  72 | 23483
10 Nov 2021   #137
so you are wrong again.


These are the fascists in 2012 which was not even the worst of their bijatyki.

Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
10 Nov 2021   #138
you should make them gone with your supernatural powers.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
11 Nov 2021   #139
It didn't work. Your powers are sham.
The march was peaceful. About 150 000 people. Few LGBT provocators were stopped by the police.( oh LGBT fascists against democracy and patriotism)
People celebrated Independence Day without stupid people that try to sour it.
They never learn.
jon357  72 | 23483
11 Nov 2021   #140
It didn't work

Exactly. It worked. They were told to behave and there was relatively little damage compared to last year when they burnt out somebody's apartment and destroyed an irreplaceable collection of Polish paintings.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
11 Nov 2021   #141
Exactly. It worked.

Oh right you are magnanimous. My bad.
jon357  72 | 23483
11 Nov 2021   #142
My bad

Yes to both points.

There were still some difficult moments today, however the fascists must be disappointed.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
11 Nov 2021   #143
however the fascists must be disappointed.

They are TVN is very sad.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
11 Nov 2021   #144
Oh I have special powers too. Here German antfia thug in Warsaw Johannes Domhöver. I hope the Polish police will show him a warm welcome.
jon357  72 | 23483
11 Nov 2021   #145

Do you prefer fascists?

Good to see the far right running scared
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
11 Nov 2021   #146
Do you prefer fascists?

I prefer the law abiding people.
I see you support thugs, rapists and mistfists looking to hurt people even abroad.
jon357  72 | 23483
12 Nov 2021   #147
the law abiding people.

So not the ones who burn apartments...

thugs, rapists and mistfists

The ONR Neo-nazis?
jon357  72 | 23483
12 Nov 2021   #148
And at the fascist march in Kalisz, the pondlife who took part burned a copy of the Statute of Kalisz (the historic document which gave civic rights to Jews in the town) and chanted "śmierć Żydom" (death to Jews).

This is what some people here call 'patriotyzm'.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
12 Nov 2021   #149
This is what some people here call 'patriotyzm'.

People like you?
You prefer a thug and a rapist that is keen to hurt people, yes talking about Johannes Domhöver and his budies.
At the same time you cry over some burned paper. No harm to anyone.
By the way there are aways one person that say something.
jon357  72 | 23483
12 Nov 2021   #150
People like you

No, the pondlife who attend fascist rallies. Did you go this year?

No harm to anyone.

Perhaps you think book burning is "no harm"...

Home / News / Duda invited to march in Poland's Independence Day parade

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