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Duda invited to march in Poland's Independence Day parade

Polonius3  980 | 12275
12 Oct 2015   #1
President Duda has been invited to march in the Independence Day parade on 11th November. In previous years, then president Komorowski staged his own counter-event for government clerks and assorted PO flunkies rather than marching with the nation in the normal parade. This year fortunately no-one will have to view that insightly rainbow eyesore which had provoked violence in the past.,marsz-niepodleglosci-2015-ogloszono-trase-przemarszu-prezydent-duda-przyjmie-zaproszenie,id,t.html
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
12 Oct 2015   #2
If Duda turns up, he legitimises the fringe nationalists that march on that day. It would be a suicidal move on his part - PiS (apart from a brief flirtation by Kaczyński a while ago) generally aren't supportive of them, and Duda supporting them would almost guarantee a fall in his approval rating.

Still, great move by the organisers. They'll force Duda into making a decision before the election - and if he accepts, then PO will have a field day associating PiS with far right nationalists. If he declines, then it shows that they have no legitimacy. Works for me :D
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
12 Oct 2015   #3
fringe nationalists

The parade is not a nationalist march -- it was first organised by PiS and other patriotic circles. Anyone who loves Poland and hates commies, eurofanatics and PO scammers is free to join.
jon357  72 | 23483
13 Oct 2015   #4
If Duda turns up, he legitimises the fringe nationalists that march on that day. It would be a suicidal move on his par

I don't think he'd be that daft and they'd certainly want to keep Kaczynski away.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
13 Oct 2015   #5
The parade is not a nationalist march -- it was first organised by PiS and other patriotic circles. Anyone who loves Poland and hates commies, eurofanatics and PO scammers is free to join.

PiS might have had some involvement in the first march, but they rapidly distanced themselves from it when it became obvious that it was being used as an excuse by football hooligans to destroy Warsaw. It's very much a Ruch Narodowy and other far-right nationalist meeting now, and the invitation to Duda is nothing but a political ploy on their part.

I don't think he'd be that daft and they'd certainly want to keep Kaczynski away.

I could see Macierewicz turning up, but he does what he wants anyway.

Duda's not going anywhere near this march - he will make some excuses and avoid it.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
13 Oct 2015   #6
Duda's not going

So you've got an inside line to Duda? I doubt if he'd want anything to do with the likes of you.
Roger5  1 | 1432
13 Oct 2015   #7
Polonius, by saying that the rainbow "provoked" violence, you sound like someone justifying Kristalnacht thugs as being provoked by Jews.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
13 Oct 2015   #8
"provoked" violence

The public display of any controversial symbol -- a swastika, hammer & sickle, the portrayal of a man beating his dog, or a rainbow perceived as the logo of a perversion-promoting lobby -- is bound to upset some people and has a potential for triggering a violent reaction by unrestrained young hotheads. Authorities wishing to prevent public unrest can either send security police in full riot gear into the streets or remove the bone of contention.
13 Oct 2015   #9
marching with the nation in the normal parade.

For which nation is it considered normal for people to be violent bigots bent upon destroying the capital of Poland? Certainly isn't the nation I'm proud to call home.

Anyone who loves Poland and hates commies, eurofanatics and PO scammers is free to join.

As is everybody who wants to throw petrol bombs at women and children who have fled fighting in their own country, as the actions of the march clearly demonstrated two marches ago.

The public display of any controversial symbol .... Authorities wishing to prevent public unrest can either send security police in full riot gear into the streets or remove the bone of contention.

The public display of violent bigots who intend to bring shame on Poland is very controversial. I'm not sure which option I prefer: them being forbidden from polluting the streets of Warsaw with their poisonous presence or riot police beating seven shades of shiit out of them. Perhaps the riot police could manage to obtain some of those invisible attack dogs you write about.

a rainbow perceived as the logo of a perversion-promoting lobby

It's sad that some people perceive the rainbow that way. I'd suggest that such people read the bible (or at least have it read to them while they learn to read) so that they can find out about the Christian belief that the rainbow is the sign of the covenant of God with man and all of the earth.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
13 Oct 2015   #10
read the bible

Yes, especially those passages that refer to homosexulity as an abomination offensive to God. The biblical rainbow was hijacked by a perversion-promoting lobby light years away from the values of Judaeo-Christian morality.

BTW PM Kopacz's daughter has gone on record as saying she would leave the coutnry if PiS win the election. A pledge worthy of emulation, eh Harry?
13 Oct 2015   #11
Yes, especially those passages that refer to homosexulity as an abomination offensive to God.

The same passages that are found alongside passages condemning prawns and underpants with elastic as being abominations offensive to God. Funny how you always overlook those bits, isn't it.

Although now I think about it, that part of the bible is the same part which says that unruly children should be taken to the city gates and stoned to death. If Poland still practised that, there certainly wouldn't be so many violent bigoted morons who want to destroy large chunks of Warsaw every 11 November. Pity.

BTW PM Kopacz's daughter has gone on record as saying she would leave the coutnry if PiS win the election. A pledge worthy of emulation, eh Harry?

Most certainly not. In PIS do form a government, Poland will need all the help she can get, so I'll be staying to help. Plus there is certain to be a large amount of comedy gold, just as there was during the last PIS regime, I really don't want to miss that. It isn't me who refuses to take Polish citizenship because I don't want to surrender my right to flee back to my home country in times of trouble; who is it that refuses to give up his American citizenship? And why is a certain person so interested in independence day marches in a country he refuses to belong to?
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
13 Oct 2015   #12
BTW PM Kopacz's daughter has gone on record as saying she would leave the coutnry if PiS win the election. A pledge worthy of emulation, eh Harry?

This is simply pathetic. Someone is a dumb idiot if they say so. What does she want to achieve by saying that? Everyone may go wherever they want to. So many young people emmigrated to the UK under the PO party in power, so she may leave when Poland is governed by PiS. Good luck!
13 Oct 2015   #13
Droga wolna i dla niej i dla Harry'ego.

Can a mod advise whether the above is sufficiently on-topic to be replied to or whether it is off-topic ad hom trolling which breaks rule number one at PF. Thank you in advance.
G (undercover)
13 Oct 2015   #14
Oy ! Terrible attack on the expat ! Call the press. The expat is under attack !!!!!!!1111
johnny reb  49 | 7927
13 Oct 2015   #15
BTW PM Kopacz's daughter has gone on record as saying she would leave the coutnry if PiS win the election.

This is her right. She has every reason to have such freedom.
I feel the same way if Hillary gets elected.
Hell I may even move to Poland to be with all the 'happy' people.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
13 Oct 2015   #16
So you've got an inside line to Duda? I doubt if he'd want anything to do with the likes of you.

Can you honestly imagine Duda associating with a fringe nationalist movement? I can't. Kaczyński learnt very quickly why it was a bad idea, and he's not going to tolerate Duda associating with them, not least because he wants undisputed power among the social right wing.

true Spirit of Poland which is Catholic, traditional and patriotic to the core:

See, Polonius, this attitude is exactly what winds up the majority of Poles. Most of us have never seen "true patriots" doing a single thing to help society - indeed, many of them don't work, don't volunteer and do nothing except drink beer and swear.
dany_moussalli  13 | 259
13 Oct 2015   #17
Most of us have never seen "true patriots" doing a single thing to help society - indeed, many of them don't work, don't volunteer and do nothing except drink beer and swear.

And pick up a fight with random people , or they fight each other if they're bored , maybe they should join the army since they're that patriotic. At least they'll have a purpose
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
13 Oct 2015   #18
fringe nationalist movement?

It's the media hyenas that focus on fringe activiteis, punch-ups, clashes with police and the like. In actuality, the 11th November march is a manifestation of ordinary patriotic Poles -- entire families, boy scouts and girl guides, young married couples pushing prams, miners, steelworkers, nurses,ex-servicemen, normal, decent citizens celebrating their country's inpendence -- something the Millers and Czarzastys of this world and others doing the Kremlin's bidding had prohibited for 45 years. But to the media hyenas any peaceful march is boring. Sensation sells so they focus on marginal riffraff, hooligan trouble-makers hurling payivng stones and aiming and shooting off fireworks like ballistic missiles.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
13 Oct 2015   #19
In actuality, the 11th November march is a manifestation of ordinary patriotic Poles -- entire families, boy scouts and girl guides, young married couples pushing prams, miners, steelworkers, nurses,ex-servicemen, normal, decent citizens celebrating their country's inpendence

Yes, just look at these ordinary Poles.

Pull the other one, Polonius.The march is a far-right march - so far right that even PiS have absolutely nothing to do with it.

Do you really think we're blind?
Polsyr  6 | 758
13 Oct 2015   #20
Pull the other one, Polonius

He is trying to fool people that have never been to Poland and know nothing about Poland. Fail.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
13 Oct 2015   #21
a far-right march

The 2013 11th Nov. march was the last one I attended and the overall impression was that the majority of marchers were ordinary, decent Poles. But the electronic media in particular focused almost exclusively not on pram-pushing married couples, boy scouts and war veterans but on trouble-making hooligans. If, as you claim, it has now lasrgely become an ultira-rightist or even neo-Nazi event, the hyped media coverage would be largely to blame having scared many of the ordinary, peaceful marchers away.
Polsyr  6 | 758
14 Oct 2015   #22
majority of marchers were ordinary, decent Poles.

That's BS and you know it. Nobody but hooligans and thugs shows up for these marches. Ordinary Poles avoid them like the plague. Many bystanders are injured and properties are damaged. That's not the behaviour of decent, ordinary Poles.
InPolska  9 | 1796
14 Oct 2015   #23
Absolutely, Polsyr! :) I used to live in Centrum on Hoża and from some of my windows I could watch the socalled march and I guarantee that 100% were hooligans and other garbage (only youngish men and of course no women, no kids..). Maybe at the origin "normal" citizens did attend but they have stopped over the years. It is too dangerous. When I lived in the neighborhood, I stayed at home on Nov. 11 because if I had gone somewhere, it would have been impossible to return home due to the "events"....
14 Oct 2015   #24
The 2013 11th Nov. march was the last one I attended and the overall impression was that the majority of marchers were ordinary, decent Poles.

I was at that one too. Strange that you consider mask-wearing thugs to be ordinary decent Poles; most Poles I know think them to be scum, but I suppose that Poles and Americans often view things differently. I'm very surprised that you think that throwing petrol bombs at buildings full of women and children is what ordinary decent Poles do, I can't believe that even you think that throwing petrol bombs at women and children is what ordinary decent anybody does.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
14 Oct 2015   #25
think that throwing petrol bomb

Another harryesque lie by insinuaiton. Please provide evidence that I ever said I approved of throwing petrol bombs at women and children. I wouldn't advocate throwing them even at a freak parade.
Crow  154 | 9540
14 Oct 2015   #26
Those who think that Duda won`t come to Independence Day parade mistaking. He will come. He must. Poles are increasingly aware of their tragic situation within EU and NATO. They don`t wish to serve to anybody and so neither to western Europe, neither to the USA, ie- false Polish friends in NATO and EU, who lure Poland in sh**, while hate and humiliate Poles in reality and work against Poland`s interests and on the long run seek to assimilate Poles and grab Poland. So, Duda must go to Independence Day parade to preserve control over the processes that accelerate and moving in direction of ​​blessed Miedzymorze.

Plus, you have powerful magnates in Poland whose interests at this moment overlap with the interests of Polish people and that is necessity for preservation of Poland and Slavic world, especially Slavic world on the Baltic-Balkan line that is loyal to Poland. So those Polish magnates don`t like when see how Greater Albania project develop and expand onto the Serbian lands that gravitate to the warm seas/waters of Mediterranean, what is supported by Britain, France, USA and Germany. Serbia still hold, at least virtually keeping Kosovo and Metohija under its sovereignty but status of Kosovo may soon be resolved. Dalmatia that is within Croatia (ie Germany`s realm) is already taken form the incoming Miedzymorze. Now partition of Serbia threatening to absolutely cut Poland (ie Miedzymorze) from warm waters of Mediterranean. British pressure on Serbia these days is truly upsetting and we entered in era where Britain openly works against Serbia, against Poland.

You see my friends. That i telling for years already on this forum. it is THAT deception that western Europe and USA created in case with Serbian question. They created image that harming Serbs means harming Russia. Strategically, yes it harming Russia. But strategically, harm Poland and that also harms Russia. Not to mention that in disputes of Poland and Russia, Serbians always sided with Poles.

No my friend, don`t mistake, harming Serbians was destroy interests of Poland. All the time. Harm Serbians and cut legs of Poland, cut Her possibility to influence access to warm European waters. Harm Serbians and destroy vitality of Poles. Nothing isn`t that important for power of Poland as the status of Serbians. All Polish patriots understand that and that is the reason why they support Serbians.

So, having all this in mind, Duda would come to Independence Day parade. Today its not obvious but tomorrow it will be, Poland would need services from those layers of society that organize Independence Day parade. Poland would need Her children, Her patriots.

Many would be surprised but, not those who understand how modern politics work. Let me tell you, Poland now rising Her head and collect all Her power for most probably last historical attempt of Poland to brake free. It means that would Poland annul its Kosovo recognition and if necessary even militarily intervene on the behalf of Serbia,... go out of EU, go out of NATO, pledge to form Miedzymorze and, Poland would become lethal when come to Her interests.

Moment of truth has come.
milky  13 | 1656
14 Oct 2015   #27
Moment of truth has come.

You should be a WWF speech writer.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
14 Oct 2015   #28
the nation I'm proud to call home.

You're so proud of it that you can't even be bothered to master its language. You prefer to jabber away with fellow-expats in the jargon of Mother England!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
15 Oct 2015   #29
Just something that I remembered - correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't PiS organise some march elsewhere in Poland last year?
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
15 Oct 2015   #30
The march is a far-right march - so far right that even PiS have absolutely nothing to do with it.

Amazing. A polarised nation. If an ordinary person behaved in such a way he would be shot at with plastic bullets and put in a Polish psychiatric hospital, and the key would be thrown away.

This is a country that murdered 11 innocent people on a city road, going to work on a cold 1970 January morning to a shipyard, and yet they encourage these scum? *********************. (unbe@@@@@@@believable)

This November 11th hooligan outing needs to be banned. End of.

I'm glad I pay most of my taxes in the UK because the police are not doing their job (as per usual)

It is a completely different country, and a different economic system, but the very same people still walk the streets.

They are the same people. The psychologists, who say that people change, are having a giggle. If I could prove that a neighbour shot one of those lads at Gdynia Stocznia bridge on that January morning, I would set the dog on them, and then throw them off that bridge.

These nationalists are the same scum, and it is beyond my comprehension as to why the state tolerates their behaviour.

Home / News / Duda invited to march in Poland's Independence Day parade

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