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Dirty deeds of foreign guys in Poland

pawian  226 | 27453
7 Sep 2012   #1
Somehow certain facts go unnoticed. Wrong!

At 2 am in the Krakow Main Square two British men lured a pidgeon to come closer and then kicked it to death. Aged 28 and 30, were detained and are awaiting trial.

Scandal : The British tortured bird on the Market !

Last night two British decided in a cruel way to kill one of the birds walking on the Main Market Square. I do not know what " tourists " came to mind, but for his cruelty to answer before the court in Poland.

Des Essientes  7 | 1288
7 Sep 2012   #2
At 2 am in the Krakow Main Square two British men lured a pidgeon to come closer and then kicked it to death.

What an utterly repulsive act! I am glad these inhumane scumbags were arrested. British degenerates should stop using Krakow as a place to engage in depravity.
7 Sep 2012   #3
Somehow certain facts go unnoticed. Wrong!

Hmm, doesn't the fact that at least three Polish news sources have covered it mean that it did not go un-noticed?

Personally I'd far prefer that drunken idiots help reduce Krakow's rather than going for a drive in the manner of countless Poles in the UK.
EarlGrey  1 | 7
7 Sep 2012   #4
Its pidgeon not a person .... they are flying rats .... who honestly cares ?
whyikit  6 | 102
7 Sep 2012   #5
Not good, but if this is the worst then, not to bad to be fair....
espana  17 | 951
7 Sep 2012   #6
OP pawian  226 | 27453
7 Sep 2012   #7
British degenerates should stop using Krakow as a place to engage in depravity.

But Krakow thrives on stag party tourists from Britain. A stoppage to their arrival means less money for Krakow! :):):):):)

Hmm, doesn't the fact that at least three Polish news sources have covered it mean that it did not go un-noticed?

I mean the PF.

Personally I'd far prefer that drunken idiots help reduce Krakow's rather than going for a drive in the manner of countless Poles in the UK

As usual, I find it extremely funny when Brit/Am members of PF immediately resort to Polish examples in such threads.... :):):):):):)
How does this proverb about wolves and learning howling from them go? ....... :):):):):):)

Another proverb which suits this situation: When in Rome, do as the Romans do? :):):):)

Harry, relax. :):):):):)

Its pidgeon not a person .... they are flying rats .... who honestly cares ?

Today bird, tomorrow human.... come on....
whyikit  6 | 102
7 Sep 2012   #8
Come one really.... I would have no problem shooting or eating a pigeon. By your reasoning that would mean I have no problem in shooting and eating humans..

Come on......
smurf  38 | 1940
7 Sep 2012   #9
Somehow certain facts go unnoticed. Wrong!

slow news day eh?

Give the tossers a job, fukin disgusting animals or get some hawks to move into that big church on the square and get rid of all those horrible flyin rats
OP pawian  226 | 27453
7 Sep 2012   #10
I would have no problem shooting or eating a pigeon.

Or killing it for fun......
whyikit  6 | 102
7 Sep 2012   #11
One persons fun is another persons pest control..... I am not saying what they have done is right, it is clearly wrong however some of things you have said are a little OTT
OP pawian  226 | 27453
7 Sep 2012   #12
I am not saying what they have done is right, it is clearly wrong however some of things you have said are a little OTT

You mean today bird, tomorrow human......

If you knew the history of Krakow better, you would look at it from another perspective.
SeanBM  34 | 5781
7 Sep 2012   #13
One persons fun is another persons pest control.....

It all depends on if they enjoyed it or not.
if they enjoyed it their scum but if they didn't then they are providing a service?

pawing, is there a hot line we can call about this? should I ring up the British embassy and scream?
what is the point of this thread?

kicking a small animal to death is a despicable act and to me is an indicator of deep rooted problems.

If my post doesn't mAke sense, more the usual, blame my inability to use this phone thingy
OP pawian  226 | 27453
7 Sep 2012   #14
what is the point of this thread?

Oh my God, Sean, you seem to have become so Polish within those few years you have been living here! Congratulations! I am really impressed. :):):):)

pawing, is there a hot line we can call about this? should I ring up the British embassy and scream?

Nope. It is enough when you see some Brits or Ams kicking pigeons in Krakow Main Square, don`t stay indifferent.

kicking a small animal to death is a despicable act and to me is an indicator of deep rooted problems.


If my post doesn't mAke sense, more the usual, blame my inability to use this phone thingy

Yes, we know about yuor problems. It is a significant excuse.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
8 Sep 2012   #15
British degenerates should stop using Krakow as a place to engage in depravity.

I assure you that your fellow countrymen (the American part, not the Ukrainian part) engage in far more depraved things than that in Poland.

Then again, you wouldn't know, as you've never been here and your name isn't Polish anyway.
OP pawian  226 | 27453
8 Sep 2012   #16
I assure you that your fellow countrymen (the American part, not the Ukrainian part) engage in far more depraved things than that in Poland.

Sorry, Delph, but the popular myth in conservative Krakow is that British stag party tourists are the biggest problem of all. :):):):)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
8 Sep 2012   #17
That's only because they like to share ;)

Still, while we're at it - Americans using Poland to hide from the law!
SeanBM  34 | 5781
8 Sep 2012   #18
I am really impressed. :):):):)

Now I can die knowing I have lived a whole and complete life :):):)

Yes, we know about yuor problems. It is a significant excuse.

Thank goodness, I thought I was talking to a bunch of strangers who didn't know me for a minute but thankfully minutes pass.

don`t stay indifferent.

That's a good reason, I except that as a true answer.
OP pawian  226 | 27453
8 Sep 2012   #19
Americans using Poland to hide from the law!

But other countries are still better to hide:
Polish border guard spokesman Cezary Zaborski said Thursday that Hamilton was apprehended Wednesday afternoon on a bus as he was heading from Poland to Denmark.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288
8 Sep 2012   #20
I assure you that your fellow countrymen (the American part, not the Ukrainian part) engage in far more depraved things than that in Poland.

I am not surprised that you are familiar with depravity, delphiandomine. Your posts show it.

your name isn't Polish anyway.

My real name is quite Polish. You should stop trying to be an ethnologist. It requires an education that you obviously lack.

Delphiandomine's gossipy ********* posts upon this forum are yet more examples of a foreign guy behaving in a low down dirty manner while in Poland.
tygrys  2 | 290
8 Sep 2012   #21

What's a pidgeon?

The way you think is the way many illegals think when they come to America. Animals here have rights too but many foreighners don't understand that and abuse animals.
hudsonhicks  21 | 346
8 Sep 2012   #22
Surely the 2 Million Polish parasites in the United Kingdom, claiming benefits, claiming social housing, committing more crime per capita than natives has afforded the right for a handful of British idiots to behave like...... drunken idiots?

These idiots are not representative of the average Briton.
Just like that twat that totaled an entire family in his car in the UK isn't representative of a Pole in the UK.

However i'd say Poles are more animistic and savage than British people.

You guys cannot even queue up for a bus. Drive like reckless arseholes with no regard for human life.
sa11y  5 | 331
8 Sep 2012   #23
2 milion parasites... Loking at this number you would think that some 10 milion Poles liv in UK
Wulkan  - | 3136
8 Sep 2012   #24
You guys cannot even queue up for a bus.

but we know that we have to use flip flops in the gym's shower not to get the foot fungus
OP pawian  226 | 27453
8 Sep 2012   #25
So far, so good.

The response of British true patriots is as it has been expected. Thanks, guys, for not disappointing me. :):):):)

An excellent Polish proverb comes to mind: Uderz w stół, a nożyce się odezwą. Strike the table and the scissors will resound.

Sorry, Delph, but the popular myth in conservative Krakow is that British stag party tourists are the biggest problem of all. :):):):)

Not only in Krakow.

In all worst-tourist rankings the British occupy the first places. Nations who host the British consider them loud, arrogant, sloven, always drunk and mean. Additionally, they don`t know any foreign languages, so they can`t communicate and commit multiple cultural blunders.,16112,,krakow,do_krakowa,w_krakowie,turysci,goscie,z_wielkiej_brytanii,anglia,anglicy.html
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
8 Sep 2012   #26
At 2 am in the Krakow Main Square two British men lured a pidgeon to come closer and then kicked it to death. Aged 28 and 30, were detained and are awaiting trial.

Filthy plebs.
OP pawian  226 | 27453
8 Sep 2012   #27
Come on, show some mercy. They were probably hungry and at 2 am all fast food facilities in Krakow were closed down.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
8 Sep 2012   #28
I wonder what tastes better,pigeon or swan?
WielkiPolak  54 | 988
8 Sep 2012   #29
ts pidgeon not a person .... they are flying rats .... who honestly cares ?

Oh I dunno how about those that think that kicking an animal to death is a horrific thing to do. Does not matter what animal it is or where the people who do it are from. They should sit in prison for a while.
OP pawian  226 | 27453
8 Sep 2012   #30
I wonder what tastes better,pigeon or swan?

Here is my answer:


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