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Coronavirus in Poland - part 2

18 Feb 2024   #151
I'm willing to bet that almost all of the older PF members had a smallpox vaccination yet myocarditis was also a rare but potentially serious side effect of that vaccine. Thanks to a global vaccination programme the disease was eradicated in 1980. No vaccine is 100% without some risk as is the case with most prescription drugs.

Myocarditis is also a known complication of Corona.

This is true but antivaxxers will ignore facts.

What is it about the official science-based consensus that makes you prefer conspiracy theories?

I'm constantly amazed by people with no scientific knowledge thinking that they know better than those in the medical profession.
OP Alien  26 | 6565
18 Feb 2024   #152
I'm constantly amazed by people with no scientific knowledge thinking that they know better than those in the medical profession.

This is how conspiracy theories are created.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
18 Feb 2024   #153
people with no scientific knowledge thinking that they know better than those in the medical profession.

Actually it was people with scientific knowledge and in the medical profession that challenged Fauci.
For example it was the medical doctors at the renowned Clevland Clinic that were the first ones that stated the masks did not stop the Covid molecules.

Many of our scientists started challenging the B.S. the public was being fed by your scientists.
ie: get vaccinated and it will prevent you from getting covid
vaccines are safe even though they killed more people than Covid did
and those infamous ventilators your scientists claim to save lives that ended up killing people instead
a mask will protect you from covid
the vaccines are safe for babies and children under twelve
Come on finkus, I thought you were smarter than that. :-(
jon357  72 | 23706
19 Feb 2024   #154
people with no scientific knowledge thinking that they know better t

Have you come across that Shemirani person? The one that said it's ok to hang doctors in the street?

Covid brought out some weird stuff.

I'm willing to bet that almost all of the older PF members had a smallpox vaccination

And they all had the covid shots too. They just pretend they didn't.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
19 Feb 2024   #155
They just pretend they didn't.

Just like you pretend to never have had Covid.
jon357  72 | 23706
19 Feb 2024   #156
No pretending.

Healthy during and since the pandemic.

Being well vaccinated (and not overweight) helps.
OP Alien  26 | 6565
19 Feb 2024   #157
vaccines are safe even though they killed more people than Covid did

That's not true.
20 Feb 2024   #158
get vaccinated and it will prevent you from getting covid

Not true. The vaccine was to help prevent serious illness and death.

vaccines are safe even though they killed more people than Covid did

Rubbish. But then again what can you expect when someone links to a David Icke website:

For those who don't know, David Icke claimed that the virus was spread by 5G mobile phone networks. He's currently banned from 26 EU countries.

I suppose he's not a conspiracy theorist either?

Have you come across that Shemirani person?

Yes! I remember her. She was that bonkers nurse that got struck off for spreading Covid disinformation. She compared NHS medics to Nazis.
mafketis  38 | 11284
20 Feb 2024   #159
he vaccine was to help prevent serious illness and death.

Then why did so many public figures say it would stop infection and spread?

I don't buy all the crazier theories but as vaccines go the mrna crap was/is pretty crappy and probably no one under 50 (to be on the safe side) should take it.
amiga500  5 | 1547
26 Feb 2024   #160
Alex Berenson still kicking goals

A new study shows VACCINATED people with blood cancers were four times more likely to die after Covid infections than the unjabbed


Yes, unvaccinated people had a death rate within 28 days of Covid infection of 0.8 percent - less than one-fifth as high as people who received the initial two-dose mRNA series, and barely one-quarter as high as the boosted.
OP Alien  26 | 6565
26 Feb 2024   #161
A new study shows VACCINATED people with blood cancers were four times more likely to die after Covid infections than the unjabbed

Read carefully, in fact, those with hybrid immunity (vaccine, disease) die less than those with only the vaccine. This result is not negative for the vaccine.
jon357  72 | 23706
26 Feb 2024   #162
Alex Berenson still kicking goals

Still spreading anti vax stuff.

Does he care if people die of something because he promotes vaccine scepticism?

This result is not negative for the vaccine.

Not in the slightest
amiga500  5 | 1547
26 Feb 2024   #163
Still spreading anti vax stuff.

This time you are correct as he retracted his article, because they were no unvaxed in the study.
OP Alien  26 | 6565
11 Mar 2024   #164
Has anyone heard anything about the recent pregabalin scandal?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
20 Apr 2024   #165
Hey guys, here is another conspiracy that just came true about Dr. Fauki
FBI found it 'alarming' that Fauci-funded virus research at Wuhan lab would leave no trace of 'human manipulation'
"These new documents further demonstrate the need for a comprehensive criminal investigation into Fauci's gain-of-function scandal,"
Told you so.......
johnny reb  49 | 8003
25 Apr 2024   #166
And you mocked me for calling the Covid vaccines the "Poke of Poison".
The mRNA used in the COVID-19 vaccines has been modified from its naturally occurring form to prevent degradation by the immune system when injected. In a review published on April 5, researchers argue that modification-specifically, N1-methyl-pseudouridine modification-to mRNA causes immune suppression that may contribute to cancer development.

Modified and natural RNA stimulate different responses in the body. Modified RNA tends to produce more aberrant proteins, potentially contributing to cell genome instability.
Most importantly, modified RNA induces a more muted response in the body than natural RNA, which may have broad implications for the body's ability to fight other infections and cancers.
OP Alien  26 | 6565
25 Apr 2024   #167
may contribute to cancer development.

But is this really happening? Cancer has been responsible for approximately 25% of deaths for years. I am not aware of any noticeable change.
jon357  72 | 23706
25 Apr 2024   #168
But is this really happening?


Every time a fat 65 year old dies of a heart qattck or whatever, half of Twitter insists that it's a 'vaccine-related' death.

As if nobody got ill before.
Barney  19 | 1763
25 Apr 2024   #169
@johnny reb
Stop using Google and go outside.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
25 Apr 2024   #170
modified RNA induces a more muted response in the body than natural RNA, which may have broad implications for the body's ability to fight other infections and cancers.

But is this really happening?

Let me show you what credible studies have found, Alien, and remember, "may" is the key word in my above post..
A critical piece of evidence comes from a mice study in Thailand.
In the study, researchers injected natural mRNA and 100 percent modified RNA into two different groups of mice with melanoma.
The Thai researchers found that when injected with natural RNA, the body had a more robust immune response than when injected with modified RNA.
Furthermore, the prognosis of the melanoma mice also differed.
The survival rate in the mice group without modified RNA was 100 percent. Conversely, in the group with the modified uridine, only half of the mice survived.

As if nobody got ill before.

Keep wearing your mast jon357 and getting your poke of poison that we were told prevented Covid.
We remember how hell bent you were on those vaccines and after round two of them people caught on and refused to take them.
Seems someone with a compromised immune system like you would be paying attention to these studies.
jon357  72 | 23706
25 Apr 2024   #171
people caught on and refused to take them.

Most people have been responsible and followed their health service's advice regarding the recent pandemic.

a compromised immune system like you

A weird thing to write.

Almost as weird as spooling out negative and irresponsible crap about lifesaving medicine like the sicko that you are.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
25 Apr 2024   #172
Most people have been responsible and followed their health service's advice regarding the recent pandemic.

And some of the responsible people have died from heart failure, blood clots, stroke, caused by the covid vaccine.
The smart healthy people that refused the vaccine got Covid, had the sniffles for a couple of days and moved on without risking blood clots, heart attacks and altering their dna.

I bet now that you feel really stupid for being hoodwinked by your Health Services lies.
How many people died from Covid that had not been vaccinated, when the vaccine was available jon357 ?
How many people died from Covid that were vaccinated in the same period, jon357 ?
And don't count all the deaths that those infamous respirator lie took.
Or the lie about cramming all those people int old peoples homes lie that took so many lives.
And the "responsible adults" like you are still being used as Guinee pigs. Oh yi boy !
johnny reb  49 | 8003
26 Apr 2024   #173
Don't get me wrong jon357, I still use my mask.
(to clean my guns)
OP Alien  26 | 6565
26 Apr 2024   #174
still use my mask.
(to clean my guns)

And when you walk into a bank with a clean gun?
pawian  226 | 27817
26 Apr 2024   #175
with a clean gun?

Then Dirty Harry won`t take interest in you.
OP Alien  26 | 6565
26 Apr 2024   #176
Dirty Harry

Not Dirty Harry, but maybe Dirty Dozen.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
27 Apr 2024   #177
The FBI received a tip from an anonymous source in 2020, suggesting a potential link between virus research in China overseen by Fauci and the virus's.

Fauci Funded Research At Wuhan Leaving No Trace Of 'Human Manipulation' creation.
These smoking gun documents showed the FBI quickly understood that Fauci's agency funded the gain-of-function research that could disguise the resulting coronavirus as 'natural.

These new documents further demonstrate the need for a comprehensive criminal investigation into Fauci's gain-of-function scandal.
Fauci killed a whole lot of people and should be behind bars instead of living the high life.
jon357  72 | 23706
28 Apr 2024   #178
caused by the covid vaccine.


And you had all vaccinations yourself. Pull yourself together and try not to be such a jerk.

Funded Research At Wuhan Leaving No Trace Of 'Human Manipulation' creation.

More rubbish.

Stop being a cvnt.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
28 Apr 2024   #179
We see that you still can't handle the truth, jon357 🤥
Boo Hoo Hoo

And you had all vaccinations yourself.

Sources please or is that just another of your diminishing projections. 😮

More rubbish.

Really jon357, you are all personal opinion with nothing to back up your soup cooler.
Here is one of my sources, where are yours jon boy ?

Now please stay out of this thread unless you have sources to back up your lies to disrupt the flow.
jon357  72 | 23706
28 Apr 2024   #180
Stop being such a twerp, Jim.

We're all used to your inane jerkery here however a stranger might see your rubbish and not realise that you're trolling.

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