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Coronavirus in Poland - part 2

cms neuf  2 | 1973
24 Oct 2024   #361
There have been millions of cases of covid in Poland despite vaccination. I also had twice since my third vaccine.
jon357  72 | 23706
24 Oct 2024   #362
it help keep the symptoms in check? Who knows?

Apparently that's what it does.

Plus of course the strains of it have become progressively weaker; something we have to partly thank the vaccine rollout for.
mafketis  38 | 11284
24 Oct 2024   #363
I also had twice since my third vaccine

I was done after the second.... (AZ one of the reasons I did that was to avoid the mrna experiments)...

I'm not planning on any further vaccinations (I've never done flu vaccination).

And again, it was and remains a crime against humanity to force those under 50 (or maybe 40) to take it.

I've never been an "anti-vaxxer" and had the usual childhood vaccinations but the handling of the covid 'vaccines' was more full of red flags than a Mao Zedong birthday rally.
Lazarus  3 | 364
24 Oct 2024   #364
I've had five jabs (remember that the first vaccination was two shots) and zero cases of COVID.

it was and remains a crime against humanity to force those under 50 (or maybe 40) to take it.

Nobody was forced to take it. Nobody was held down and injected against their will. People were simply told that if they wanted to do certain things (e.g. eat in restaurants) they needed to be vaccinated, because the greater good was more important than their desire to have an eat-in burger.
mafketis  38 | 11284
24 Oct 2024   #365
. People were simply told that if they wanted to do certain things (e.g. eat in restaurants)

Or work.... and be able to afford rent and food.....

It was coercion, quite shamelessly so and the inability of people to recognize that is concerning.
Lazarus  3 | 364
24 Oct 2024   #366
Or work....

Nobody at my firm was required to be vaccinated. For some jobs people were required to be vaccinated, but that isn't new and is very sensible. In Poland everybody who works with food has to have certain tests done first and have certain vaccinations. Do you really want sushi made by somebody who has TB and was coughing on your food while making it?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
24 Oct 2024   #367
Or work...

Or fly on an airplane, or leave the country, or enter a hospital or attend college or go to work in many cases,
My firm eventually was put to the test after several employees told them to pound it.
Many good nurses and doctors that knew how dangerous they were refused them and were terminated.
Oh, and don't forget the six month old babies that were being given them besides the fact that no one under the age of 16 died from Covid.
At the time those experimental mRNA Covid pokes did NOT fall under the definition of a vaccination.
So they only called them a vaccine to make people feel safe because we were conditioned to believe vaccinations were a good thing, which they are.
The experimental Covid jab was not a good thing and killed a lot of older people by causing blood clots, strokes and heart attacks.
So they had to change the definition of a vaccine so the Covid jab would fall into that category.
Now just recently while analyzing the contents of those Covid pokes, they found 55 undeclared chemical elements.
The sheeples doctors administering them had no idea what was in them.
They may have improved them today but after being lied to over and over about how safe they were and how they prevented you from getting Covid and watching my friends have serious complications from them with people dying from them I have decided no thank you, I had Covid so my natural immunity is built up against this nose running stuff that is going around now.
jon357  72 | 23706
24 Oct 2024   #368
Or work.... and be able to afford rent and food.....

Not in PL, or in the U.K. Most people have no issue though with anti-infection measures.


Health matters are for all of us. There is no individualism or selfishness where transmissible diseases are concerned.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
24 Oct 2024   #369
Not in PL, or in the U.K.

Millions n the U.K. had to choose between buying food or paying rent during the Covid lockdown according to a poll taken by the Guardian.
Remember when the renters union called on government to suspend rents.
Most people have no issue though with anti-infection measures.

Ceptin' for the fact that the Covid injections were found to be useless in stopping the spread of Covid.
Novichok  4 | 8784
24 Oct 2024   #370
t was and remains a crime against humanity to force those under 50 (or maybe 40) to take it.

...and lock down stores, schools...and print trillions...

This is what happens when stupid voters give too much power to fascistic dictators like Democrat US governors.

Predictably, it was the Democrat and leftist states that suffered the most.

jon357  72 | 23706
24 Oct 2024   #371
Millions n the U.K. had to choose between buying food or paying rent

People do anyway, and that is a sad indictment of capitalism. Good that you're quoting a solid left wing source like the Guardian though.

Remember when the renters union called on government to suspend rents.

Very good too.


Which vaccine? There are several.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
25 Oct 2024   #372
Which vaccine? There are several.

You do have a reading comprehension Mr. Twister.
I wasn't debating any vaccine because the experimental Covid poke by definition at the time was not a vaccine.
Feniks  2 | 863
25 Oct 2024   #373
the experimental Covid poke by definition at the time was not a vaccine.

It's a vaccine not a therapeutic as Alex Berenson tried to claim:
jon357  72 | 23706
25 Oct 2024   #374
It's a vaccine

Exactly. Even several different 9nes.
OP Alien  26 | 6565
25 Oct 2024   #375
I love conspiracy theories, especially when they are well done, but the one about Corona is primitive and inconsistent and extremely harmful because it sets people against all vaccines, i.e., it takes humanity back to the Middle Ages.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
25 Oct 2024   #376
It's a vaccine not a therapeutic

Not by definition at the time.
One more time for you stubborn Brits that refuse to admit you are wrong.
They had to change the definition of a vaccine to categorize it as a vaccine.
I love conspiracy theories

Me too, especially when they come true.
We need to find some new ones since most of the ones in this thread have come true.
Remember the one about the useless masks that we argued about until the cows came home. lol
jon357  72 | 23706
25 Oct 2024   #377
i.e., it takes humanity back to the Middle Ages.

That's the whole point of them. Grifters seeking to make relatively small amounts of money by pushing destructive nonsense.
Lenka  5 | 3549
25 Oct 2024   #378
I'm still waiting for my death (I was being told in the few years after I will start having problems and die).
3 years and as healthy as ever.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
25 Oct 2024   #379
Complications mostly happened to people over 60.
You aren't quite there yet.
3 years and as healthy as ever.

Post a picture of yourself in a swimsuit and let us decide. lol
jon357  72 | 23706
25 Oct 2024   #380
Complications mostly happened to people over 60.

He doesn't realise that it can be quite nasty anyway, complications or not, and that a large part of why the various vaccines were given to younger and healthier people is to make it less likely that they pass it on to someone older of in poor health.

His wibble is offensive; I lost a family member to Covid during the initial stages of the pandemic. None of the vaccines had been developed at that stage. If they had, perhaps she'd still be alive.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
25 Oct 2024   #381
I'm sorry to hear that jon as I lost older friends and family from underlying causes of Covid too.
jon357  72 | 23706
25 Oct 2024   #382
It was an awful thing. There was a particular cluster of infection in her town and both she and her husband were ventilated. He came round, she didn't.

She wasn't young, but wasn't that old either.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
25 Oct 2024   #383
Many underlying causes were tagged Covid related deaths because the hospitals were getting $10,000 a day for every bed filled with a Covid patient so they kept them filled.
The book will come out after I am dead and gone so I will tell you now, "I told you so."

There are several vaccines that were given.
We all had them, and mine certainly worked since I've not had Covid.

Maybe that is linked to HIV medication that boosts your immunity.
Or maybe you had a very mild case of it and didn't even notice.
jon357  72 | 23706
25 Oct 2024   #384
hospitals were getting $10,000 a day

Not in Europe. Hospitals aren't businesses. There is no profit motive for treating patients in developed countries.

linked to HIV medication

No idea, since I've never taken that.
AntV  3 | 670
25 Oct 2024   #385
Not in Europe. Hospitals aren't businesses.

There are for-profit hospitals in Europe and the numbers are growing. Some EU countries even have a greater percentage of for-profit hospitals than the US--I believe one quarter of hospital beds in France are in for-profit hospitals--in the US, I think it's around 20%. The UK has for-profit hospitals, as well.

I pass a private for-profit hospital in Poznan everytime I travel from the airport to the in-laws house.

It would be interesting to see a study that measured the efficiency of different types of hospitals.
jon357  72 | 23706
25 Oct 2024   #386
There are for-profit hospitals in Europe

Fortunately not many and in both the U.K. and Poland, none are general hospitals. There's no reason for such things to exist.

They're just clinics that don't have an A&E.
AntV  3 | 670
25 Oct 2024   #387

You should you look closer at the data. It doesn't appear to agree with your opinion, other than possibly the UK general hospital thing. The trend is private and for-profit health care is growing in Europe, and it seems the cause is the public sector is over-burdened. Hence, why it would be interesting see a study of efficiencies between the different types of systems.
jon357  72 | 23706
25 Oct 2024   #388
your opinion

You mean the facts.

"For profit" barely exists in some countries and there's no reason for it. And as you were told, in the U.K. and in Poland, private clinics are not General Hospitals.


You mean how well patients are treated on the basis of need rather than money, presumably.

And since you're trying to take the thread off topic with capitalistic crap, it's worth remembering that the 'profit' motive that Jim mentioned in relation to Covid does not exist in Europe.
AntV  3 | 670
25 Oct 2024   #389
You mean the facts

My original reply was to your "fact"

Not in Europe. Hospitals aren't businesses. There is no profit motive for treating patients in developed countries

By efficiency I mean how well resources are allocated to provide the most effective care for a person in need of healthcare.

And since you're trying to take the thread off topic with capitalistic crap,

Please refer to the first quote of yours listed above.
jon357  72 | 23706
25 Oct 2024   #390
By efficiency I mean how well resources are allocated

An interesting study here from your own government:

For-Profit Hospitals Have Thrived Because of Generous Public Reimbursement Schemes, Not Greater Efficiency: A Multi-Country Case Study

Please refer to the first quote of yours listed above.

Please refer to the official document above, the one from your government.

As you were told, there's n9 reason for a profit motive. And no profit motive existed anyway in Europe for treating Covid patients.

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