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The case of Srebrenica, stance of Poland and international consequences

Crow  154 | 9303
24 May 2024   #1
There was the voting yesterday at UN at the proposal of Germany and Rwanda. In deal with NATO and EU powers they proposed UN resolution on, as they formulated it `Genocide in Srebrenica`. Target was Serbia and Serb Republic within Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as a complete Serbian people. Poland supported resolution and so, voted against Serbians. It was similar like with separation of Kosovo and NATO attack on Serbia back in 1999. Public in Poland would support Serbians but, official policy of Poland acted against Serbians. It kind of becoming tradition in state of Poland. At least in case with Kosovo case and NATO attack, official Poland resisted to dominant EU and NATO establishment. PM even openly admitted that Poland recognized Kosovo under the pressure from partners in EU. Parliament of Poland was even more clear. Adopted its own resolution, after its own investigation, about innocence of Serbs. Lech Kaczyinsky even was sources of scandal during UN GA session when supported Serbs and openly criticized EU and NATO powers because of pressure, injustice and attack on Serbs. Then, Lech Kaczyinsky and with him died last trace of sovereignty of Poland. Whatever NATO and EU powers suggest against Serbians, its becoming welcome by official Poland. No questions. Complete one sided darkness secured in mass media.

And Serbians. We learned yesterday that no matter all pressure, Serbia represent most influential country in UN. How so? See, thanks to fact that NATO and EU powers even changed rules in voting, it is apparent that more countries in the world din`t support resolution on Srebrenica. The voting on the resolution in Srebrenica has ended, 84 votes were `in favor`, 19 `against` and 68 `abstentions`. So resolution was adopted but, `abstentions` in this case means same as `against`, just countries chooses to vote as `abstain` not to anger NATO and EU powers too obviously. Material victory goes to the NATO and EU powers but Serbia manages to win diplomatic and moral victory no matter all what false media rapports.

Majority of humanity don`t think Srebrenica was a genocide but, as many ambassadors of countries explained, was a major war crime. Why is this difference important? For the genocide crime, a country or people needs to be motivated by desire to destroy some other ethnic group. That wasn`t case in Srebrenica. Out from around 30.000 people in Srebrenica (at the moment when local Bosnian Serb forces liberated town), around 25.000 people (including all elderly, young man, woman and children) was allowed and under the Serbian protection abandon the region to a non-war zone. Massacre happened on captured Muslim fighters, around 800 was clearly shoot unarmed, while less then 4000 was killed in escape attempt. Number of 8000 killed Muslims is great exaggeration considering that this number including Muslim fighters that even didn`t die on Srebrenica front but somewhere else but, they were (or even were not but just were added to increase number of dead) buried at Srebrenica memorial. Anyway, for this killing of captives trials were held and responsible sued and jailed. Both, Serbs Republic within Bosnia and Herzegovina and, Serbia, recognize the even as the sad mistake of Bosnian Serb forces regarding international laws in case with war prisoners. So, for the Serbs it was a war crime, not a genocide.

What is scandal in itself and this adopted resolution about Srebrenica fails to mention this (while mass media of the NATO and EU countries continue to ignore), real Srebrenica genocide happened on Serbs, considering that killing of more then 3000 Serbian man, woman and children by the Bosnian Muslims and worse Arab mujaheedines was the reason for the action of local Bosnian Serb forces to move and liberate area.

At the end, to underline once more. Official Poland again acted against Serbia and Serbians. Even sided now with Germany in attempt of Germans to rewrite history and portrait Serbians as the genocidal people, while, in fact, there is no people in Europe who was more victim of genocide then Serbs.

So goes the question to the official Poland. Why? Why, really?
jon357  72 | 23111
24 May 2024   #2
They made a special thread for you to post your irrelevant drivel about the Balkans.
OP Crow  154 | 9303
24 May 2024   #3
Oh this is so much about Poland and Poles. Among other things, we here eventually may deal with the genesis of problem regarding sovereignty of Poland as a state.
jon357  72 | 23111
24 May 2024   #4
problem regarding sovereignty of Poland as a state.

What 'problem'?

And as mentioned, they made a thread for your drivel about Balkan microstates.
Crnogorac3  3 | 658
24 May 2024   #5

#BREAKING #Serbia JUST IN: "Today, the sponsors of the Resolution on Srebrenica were joined by Estonia, Poland, Luxembourg, as well as our neighbors Bulgaria and Croatia. I guess they waited until the last moment. They agreed on the text, I have it here in front of me. Three British amendments were inserted, which strengthened the resolution by one small note." - President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić

Poland stabbed Serbia in the back Crow.

Not only did they vote in favor of this shameful resolution but they decided to act as cosponsors of it.

In any case since the UN has 193 members the German resolution turned into a fiasco and a slap in the face for Germany as 2/3 of the world will not accept it.
Alien  23 | 5610
24 May 2024   #6
Poland stabbed Serbia in the back

Why exactly did Serbia not vote for this resolution?
Crnogorac3  3 | 658
24 May 2024   #7
The aim of this resolution was to label all Serbian people (not individuals) as a genocidal nation. So not the Germans (there were Nuremberg trials but there was never a UN resolution condemning Germany as a whole, not the Brits or the Spanish or Israel.
Crnogorac3  3 | 658
24 May 2024   #8
Lavrov: The goal of the West is to crush the Serbs, as confirmed by the resolution on Srebrenica
OP Crow  154 | 9303
24 May 2024   #9
Poland stabbed Serbia in the back Crow.

No, no. Official Poland, yes. Leadership is completely corrupt and blackmailed. I assure you. I follow certain Polish youtubers, established cooperation and have very well inside info. There is the growing rift between Poland and Poles. With every new day Poles and other Slavs in Poland are more disgusted by their own government, by the NATO and EU. I am absolutely sure that before this is over, Poland would face internal turmoil, abandon NATO and EU and join in neutral block with Hungary and Serbia.
jon357  72 | 23111
24 May 2024   #10
the sponsors of the Resolution on Srebrenica were joined by Estonia, Poland, Luxembourg, as well as our neighbors Bulgaria and Croatia.

Excellent news.

And great that the resolution passed with a comfortable majority.

2/3 of the world will not

Eswatini, Nauru, Sao Tome & Principe and Antigua Barbuda did after all vote against it...
OP Crow  154 | 9303
24 May 2024   #11
When Serbian Vucic thought he goes alone, Hungarian Orban approached and said ``No, you won`t be alone. Serbia is not the only sovereign country in Europe. Hungary also is. We are against that shameful resolution.`` Then, as they made a handshake, envoy from Slovakian Fico arrived and delivered message ``I have minor problems so Slovakia is at least `abstain`.``
Miloslaw  21 | 5085
24 May 2024   #12
When Serbian Vucic

Crow, when will you grow up and understand that Serbia does not matter to anyone?
OP Crow  154 | 9303
24 May 2024   #13
It will, again. In a new architecture of Europe and world.
Miloslaw  21 | 5085
24 May 2024   #14
Sorry Crow, but Serbia will never matter to anyone at all.
OP Crow  154 | 9303
25 May 2024   #15
Actually, it already happening. Economic, diplomatic, moral influence of Serbia already only grows.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2125
25 May 2024   #16
Maybe next time make it 20k murdered PoW's, dress up with Polish uniforms and try to persuade Poles to vote for you? Are you high?
OP Crow  154 | 9303
25 May 2024   #17
Real genocide in Srebrenica happened on local Serbs. More then 3000 man, woman and children killed in various bestial ways. Then came Ratko Racow and liberated town of Muslim mujaheedine yoke. Ratko then saved all Muslim woman, elderly and children, around 25.000 of them, then things went wrong with Muslim captives that tried to run (well, I don`t blame them considering most of them was involved on genocide on local Serbs).

What isn`t clear here? Why representative of Poland didn`t demand that genocide on Serbs is mentioned in the resolution? Instead, ignoring suffering of Serbs, he voted for resolution that declared Muslim killed (without trial) captives as the victim of genocide. In situation when there was no genocide ideology among Serbs on Muslims in Bosnia, neither Serbs killed Muslim woman and children.

Are you high?

I would like to see what trial would Poles organize in Poland for eventual mujaheedine captives of Polish army, if without doubt is known that few weeks earlier those Muslim fighters mutilated 3000 Polish man, woman and children?

Tell me, dobri brate. How nice trial would that be? Especially if those mujaheedines don`t wait for trial but tries to run.

That is what happened in Srebrenica. See? You didn`t learn in mass media about mutilation on 3000 Serbian man, woman and children? By international genocide experts it was genocide. Muslims had even anti-Serbian and anti-Christian ideology to do that. By those same experts that what happened to captured Muslim fighters was murder out of revenge or during hunt when they tried to escape. It was crime. A war crime. But it was not genocide.

@Mr Grunwald@

Its not nice to BS when you aren`t familiar with facts but judge to others. Especially if you are Polish and spit on Racowie, only because official Poland say its nice.
Joker  2 | 2226
25 May 2024   #18
There was the voting yesterday

Mr Grunwald  33 | 2125
26 May 2024   #19
I would like to see what trial

Last time I checked, Polish intelligence services captured the guy responsible and brought him to trial for decapitating a Polish engineer.
Tacitus  2 | 1249
26 May 2024   #20
I suppose you can frame everything in a positive way, even when a resolution is approved by an overwhelming majority and your president embarasses himself and his country with his behaviour... .
OP Crow  154 | 9303
27 May 2024   #21
Did you noticed people? We don`t have a dialogue here. I mean, I give you information and I get mockery. For example. I state that resolution ignored that in Srebrenica prior to execution of number of Muslim fighter captives, happened killing of more then 3000 Serbian man, woman and children. Then, I also add that international experts on genocide says that crime that happened on Serbians represent act of genocide, while crime that happened on Muslims represent act of war crime.

To that statement of mine, non ever in this thread or in any other thread, asked something. Offered compassion. Understanding. Acknowledged. Non here or anywhere commentated anything. Nobody care. Sure, hand on heart, some are refrain from discussion but those who say something offering only mockery and transfer here well known info from agenda of western Europe, NATO and EU powers, that is, Serbians are to be blamed, Serbians are responsible, they deserve punishment.

Now, I don`t complain. Really, I don`t. I just comment how I noticed this pattern in communication. Nobody care. Nobody probably even read complete info. I understand that.

So, I hope we understand each others when I also don`t care for opinion of others. It even becoming global fact. All have something to say, non other care and we don`t have dialogue and, so in turn, we have war and yet to have real war. That is how wars probably starts. People stop to listen to each others.

That is why we will have new world order. Thru war probably. And world will be multi-polar and we will increase dialogue. Dialogue will be must. It won`t be possible to loot around the globe because that way one would disturb many and have serious problem for himself. Yesterday it was possible. One could loot the world and prosper. Claiming he is smart and others are stupid. No, it would be over. One would need to offer some real value to gain other value in turn. That is same with politics. Truth would prevail because without truth we have global friction. The one who can`t cope with the consequences of the truth, he would perish.

As I like to say, we will all get our justice in the new architecture of the world.
Tacitus  2 | 1249
27 May 2024   #22

We don`t have a dialogue here.

You can' have a dialogue if one person makes up things and denies basic facts. The truth about the genocide in Srebenica is well-documented and has been established in numerous trials. If given the choice, no sane person would disregard this evidence in favour of the ranting of some crazy person on the internet.
OP Crow  154 | 9303
27 May 2024   #23
See what I talking about. You again ignoring Muslim mujaheedine killing of more then 3000 Serbian man, woman and children. By the definition, act of genocide needs to include extermination of woman and children. Not just man.

So, UN resolution on Srebrenica, suggested by the Germany, perfidiously name crime on Muslims as the genocide committed by the Serbs, when that obviously isn`t act of genocide (it`s a war crime and Serbs don`t deny that and individual perpetrators were long ago persecuted and punished), and then also absolutely ignore Muslim crime on Serbian man, woman and children that is by all means act of genocide.

You know what Germany doing? Germany pointing out that genocide on Serbians is allowed and that perpetrators can escape with it.
Tacitus  2 | 1249
27 May 2024   #24

You again ignoring Muslim mujaheedine killing of more then 3000

I am ignoring things that you make up. It has been established that thousands of people were murdered by the Bosnian Serb army. The International Tribunal has soundly rejected any defense of the genocide with previously real or fictional crimes commited by muslims. Ratko Mladic has been convicted for this atrocity and now serves a life-sentence.

To quote the ruling of the tribunal.

"By seeking to eliminate a part of the Bosnian Muslims, the Bosnian Serb forces committed genocide. They targeted for extinction the 40,000 Bosnian Muslims living in Srebrenica, a group which was emblematic of the Bosnian Muslims in general. They stripped all the male Muslim prisoners, military and civilian, elderly and young, of their personal belongings and identification, and deliberately and methodically killed them solely on the basis of their identity.["
Crnogorac3  3 | 658
27 May 2024   #25

Srebrenica A Town Betrayed (60 min. made by Norway) not seen at CNN
Crnogorac3  3 | 658
27 May 2024   #26

Hakija Meholjić - Srebrenica town betrayed (excerpt)
Crnogorac3  3 | 658
27 May 2024   #27

Bill Clinton in Srebrenica paying his respects in front of a monument honouring dead Al-Qaeda fighters from Arab countries who died fighting against VRS - the Army of Republika Srpska.
Alien  23 | 5610
21 Aug 2024   #28
Haven't written anything in a while.... have you been kicked out of the troll factory?
Miloslaw  21 | 5085
21 Aug 2024   #29
. have you been kicked out of the troll factory?

He probably was, because he was bloody useless......
Przelotnyptak1  - | 383
21 Aug 2024   #30
See what I talking about. You again ignoring Muslim mujaheedine killing of more then 3000 Serbian man,

Don't be surprised, Crow; you are talking to the same people that never mentioned 1200 thousand Israelis murdered, raped, mutilated, and enslaved in Gaza, but at the same time, cry a river for Palestinian terrorist.No balance whatsoever. To be evenhanded, Srebrenica should have never happened.

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