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The Baltics states rely on Poland as their main defender against Russian aggression??

OP pawian  226 | 27547
22 Oct 2022   #31
The Estonian parliament passed a proclamation about RuSSia as a terrorist state a few days ago. Lithunians had done it a few months ago.
When will Poland follow their example at last??? What are PiS waiting for????
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
22 Oct 2022   #32
When will Poland follow their example at last?

Never, we are doing more than enough.


As expected you are an idiot telling nosense.
Alien  25 | 6424
23 Oct 2022   #33
@Cojestdocholery; #32
Sometimes you're right.
OP pawian  226 | 27547
23 Oct 2022   #34
Never, we are doing more than enough.

Are you against coz you are scared?? Come on, RuSSists already know what Poles think about them. According to a recent international survey, Poles are in the lead of countries which reject RuSSia.

It means we won`t damage our relations any further by proclaiming RuSSia a terrorist state. It is simply impossible.
That is why, show more courage, Iron, and support the proclamation.
OP pawian  226 | 27547
23 Nov 2022   #35
There is no consensus on the maximum price that can be paid for Russian oil. Brussels' proposal of $65 per barrel was rejected by Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia as too generous.

The position of Poland and the Baltic states reflects the opinion of the Russians themselves, whose experts and economists emphasize that the limit of USD 65-70 will not hurt, because now the Urals brand is traded at such a level.

Only oil below $60 a barrel can effectively hit the Kremlin's military finances.
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
23 Nov 2022   #36
There is no consensus on the maximum price that can be paid for Russian oil


Nobody should be buying Russian oil now.
jon357  72 | 23490
23 Nov 2022   #37
None at all. All pipelines need blowing, all r*SSian products need banning.
Novichok  4 | 8538
23 Nov 2022   #38
So why isn't the Polish army in Ukraine right now? With Article 5 as a shield, Polish bravery combined with that fantastic Polish equipment ... it should be an easy win.
cms neuf  2 | 1865
24 Nov 2022   #39
They can drink their oil. The price should be zero

I think it's only Hungary that has done nothing to diversify their supply - they can go to hell and sort themselves out
Novichok  4 | 8538
24 Nov 2022   #40
And that's why the Polish army didn't go to Ukraine for an easy win.
OP pawian  226 | 27547
24 Nov 2022   #41
Darling, we already talked extensively about it in another thread so don`t initiate off topic exchanges. Let me repeat - Ukrainian soldiers fight while the West, including Poland, provides weapons, ammo, equipment and finances. Simple and fair.

And Ukraine will win coz Mongols had gravely underrated or ignored too many factors.
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
24 Nov 2022   #42
Ukraine will win


Rich, Russia will lose this war.
Give it up!
johnny reb  49 | 7954
25 Nov 2022   #43
Russia will lose this war.

And before Russia has even one sanction lifted they should be a requirement to relinquish their entire nuclear arsenal to Poland and give Ukraine their oil fields.
Novichok  4 | 8538
25 Nov 2022   #44
Rich, Russia will lose this war.

Unless you define "lose", your comment is not worth much.

My bet is that what Russia controls now is Russia's for at least 25 years that and Putin's departure will not change things at all in Ukraine's favor.

Russia has spent too much to say oops, sorry, turn tail, and leave the Russians in the territories to their fate.

Also, the West will tell Z to settle or he is on his own. Z will settle or be replaced within a year. At some point soon, even the EU will have had it with a constant fear of Chernobyl 2.0 and the drain to support a sh*ithole like Ukraine that has zero strategic value to them.

they should be a requirement to relinquish their entire nuclear arsenal to Poland and give Ukraine their oil fields.

So you want to be a standup comedian...That was funny...

That will happen right after the US turns Gitmo and Area 51 into amusement parks.
Tacitus  2 | 1255
25 Nov 2022   #45
My bet is that what Russia controls now is Russia's for at least 25 years

We should come back to this post in 6 months.
Novichok  4 | 8538
25 Nov 2022   #46
Six months since the summer of 1941, Germans were buying dachas near Moscow at steep discounts. Then came Stalingrad...
OP pawian  226 | 27547
25 Nov 2022   #48
My bet is that what Russia controls now is Russia's for at least 25 years

Now. The problem is you have no idea what RuSSia will control in a month or two but you are speaking about 25 years. Amassing! :):)
Korvinus  3 | 610
27 Nov 2022   #49
The Poles are coming!

amiga500  5 | 1501
28 Nov 2022   #50
Congrats on finding Perun, his videos are excellent. Very intersting the picture that he presented, that Poland is working with Korea to set up a joint venture for technology transfer and manufacture and sell weapons in Europe as a competitor to France and Germany. Hopefully PO won't rip up the contracts and kowtow to the krauts again.

The Korean equilivant to HIMARS, the K239 looks pretty sweet, and high probability it will be manufactured in poland.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
28 Nov 2022   #51
sell weapons in Europe as a competitor to France and Germany

Funnily enough, PiS was willing to closely cooperate with Germany/France in European arms manufacturing projects, but when the EU decided to force the government change in Poland by financially "starving" us, as the EU-Vizepräsidentin Barley so charmingly said, PiS turned to the US and Korea.

It's a pity that EU's ideological bias and cultural neo-marxism stood in the way of closer European defence cooperation. Angry leftards should really be removed from positions of power - they are destroying the Union. :(
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11922
28 Nov 2022   #52
It's a pity that EU's ideological bias and cultural neo-marxism

It's not THE's some influential countries setting the tone!

If more conservative countries would gain more influence the EU would lose that very quickly....but it's like everywhere in the world, he who pays calls the shots.

There is only one way around it, those who are more conservative have to gain more influence...must change from net-recipients to net payers! *shrugs*
OP pawian  226 | 27547
28 Nov 2022   #53
PiS was willing to closely cooperate with Germany/France

No, it never was. Stop telling us bedtime stories, we are not going to sleep yet. :):):) E.g, tell us which party annulled the purchase of French Caracall helicopters???

the EU decided to force the government change in Poland

Where do you take all this amassing bs from?? :):):)
AntV  3 | 670
28 Nov 2022   #54
If more conservative countries would gain more influence the EU would lose that very quickly..

Who are those countries, BB?
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
28 Nov 2022   #55
Great question mate!
amiga500  5 | 1501
29 Nov 2022   #56
Angry leftards should really be removed from positions of power - t

I think the definition we are looking for is fedralists vs the nation statists, and with the invevtible collapse of the euro, the ones that want to get rid of nation states and centralise power in brussels will be discredited and we will return to the concept of the EU as it should be.
OP pawian  226 | 27547
29 Nov 2022   #57
The Polish company which produces excellent Piorun/Thunder MANPADS has just signed a contract with Estonia:

A closely located Scandinavian country has just made the same deal - Norway has ordered a few hundred systems.

  • FivJlZCXEAEabK7.jfif
amiga500  5 | 1501
30 Nov 2022   #58
Yes it seems the piorun has been proven to be best in class, better than stingers and the brit stuff.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
3 Dec 2022   #59
It's a pity that EU's ideological bias and cultural neo-marxism stood in the wa

Not only that. Those are only tools what more important is German Empire building using the eU as their handy tool.
Most of those directive is to undercut Poland econmy and to put us firm;ly into being German colony.
Germany only pretend that is on the side of NATO, USA and so on, they are on Russia side for their own reasons.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
3 Dec 2022   #60
Most of those directive is to undercut Poland econmy

Well, there certainly is a grain of truth in it. Poland is still sanctioned by the EU, and our funds are blocked under idiotic phony excuses, whilst we provide disproportionately high humanitarian, material and military aid to Ukraine. Russia attacks and weakens Ukraine, whilst the EU attacks and weakens Poland - a tandem work.

they are on Russia side for their own reasons

Germany always needed Russia's resources to dominate Europe and their approach never really changed (merely the methods). Scholz's recent willingness to get back to business as usual with Putin (if the KGBist liar promises to be nice) only proves that.

Home / News / The Baltics states rely on Poland as their main defender against Russian aggression??

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