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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 20

pawian  226 | 27471
15 hrs ago   #241
I should be pope.

Enough that you are dope. :):):)
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
15 hrs ago   #242
We already knew that the howling and crying would start from the Europeans once the Golden Cow cut their gravy train off and sure enough, just listen to them rant with their meltdowns about that nasty old U.S.A.

That is total bollox! Trump has just woken Europeans up to reality.And he has done a good job, which was well overdue! But there is no ranting or meltdowns in Europe over it.And no insults to the USA either.So stop your BS.

We have no problems with Russia.

Really? Are you morons?

Did you know that Donbass is as Russian as Hawaii is American?

I think you just shot yourself in the foot there Rich..... how is Hawaii American and how is Donbass Russian?

Hey, what's going on...I asked three or four times how come I don't see Ukraine is winning anymore and nothing? Not a peep from the happy warriors...

Hey dumbass!If Ukraine is not winning is Russia then winning?I don't see it........

Polish western borders are in danger, not eastern.

pawian  226 | 27471
15 hrs ago   #243
you should definitely work

It took me 1 minute. Give me 2 and I will provide you with Mickiewicz excellence. Ha!!!!!

PS. While I am taking a nap, you can use AI to compose the song. L(L(L(:)):)
Novichok  4 | 8485
15 hrs ago   #244
The last posts confirm that the US would be better off with Polish Sea instead of Poland.
pawian  226 | 27471
15 hrs ago   #245
the US would be better

Really??? Who insists that the US sneers at Europeans???? If you did, you wouldn`t bother about Poland like you do.
Novichok  4 | 8485
15 hrs ago   #246
Trump has just woken Europeans up to reality.

That's what I have been saying all along...

You, fvcking parasites, are asleep while the US stands guard.
Torq  8 | 1018
15 hrs ago   #247
I should be pope.

Enough that you are dope.

... and should get a rope
to elope down a slope,
so we all have hope
that while trying to cope
and smelling like dope
Novi uses some soap
but he's still out of scope.*

* - as usual

use AI to compose the song

I did something better - I based it on the Irish all time favourite "Go on home British soldiers", and then I improvised. AI cannot match human literary excellence :)
Przelotnyptak1  - | 532
15 hrs ago   #248
Trump afraid of you?

Trump is afraid of European shadows; that is the reason Europeans, especially PF members, sh*t their pantalones.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
15 hrs ago   #249
You, fvcking parasites, are asleep while the US stands guard.
@ Novichok

Not any more.This is a New World Order and if the USA does not want to join.WGAF.
Novichok  4 | 8485
15 hrs ago   #250
This is a New World Order

It was the US that created this NWO by telling Ukraine and the rest of Europe to go to hell and take care of your ow shlt.

You Brits were just informed about the change.

Did I mention that the US doesn't need NATO to be secure?
PolAmKrakow  2 | 871
8 hrs ago   #251
Whats funny is that all the lefties who support Ukraine continuing to fight are upset that the US wants no part of it. Yet at the same time they want to make up names and call people names in the US if they dont continue supporting the dying. And the same people who want the US to continue to fund the death machine want the US out of Europe now, when its been the US who has protected Europe for nearly 80 years while Europe was asleep at the wheel and not spending its agreed money on NATO.

Meanwhile at meetings this week, the US will dictate the peace terms or Russia could sweep through Ukraine and end up on the Polish border. Its better for Poland and Europe to get a peace deal done, yet the lefties dont want it. Brilliant.
Alien  25 | 6397
8 hrs ago   #252
supporting the dying.

No one supports this, but Ukraine has the right to self-defense. They can surrender at any time. However, the behavior of the US at the moment is the behavior of a traitor, and the world will remember it.
OP cms neuf  2 | 1838
8 hrs ago   #253
Yes, I am upset, because the US has broken it's promises. No idea why but clear that there are people in Golden Cow's team that actively support North Nigeria.

The short term consequences for Ukraine are very bad but manageable

The long terms consequences for the US are very bad, but had been coming for some time. it's soft power has ended, maybe permanently, and it's hard power will suffer without European, Canadian and Aussie/Japanese/Korean support.
pawian  226 | 27471
7 hrs ago   #254
yet the lefties dont want it

Not only. Even Ukrainians don`t, either. Because rightards expect Ukraine to surrender.
Whats funny

Yes, indeed. Those maniacal rightists are ridiculous.
Vesko Vukovic  - | 192
7 hrs ago   #255

EU Countries discuss Preemptive strike on Russia. Why Poland wants NUKES, double Army size to +500k?
pawian  226 | 27471
6 hrs ago   #256
Why Poland wants

We do cos we don`t want Russians, who belong to Asia mentally, in our glorious Europe. :):):)
PolAmKrakow  2 | 871
6 hrs ago   #258
Of course Ukraine has the right to self defense. I agree and support that right. The key word is "self". Note it does not say Ukraine has the right to US defense, weapons and an endless supply of cash.

@cms neuf
Canada will always side with the US, this little trade spat will be worked out shortly because Canada cant win. Japan is not going anywhere either, Honda just stopped plans for a car plant in Mexico to announce one in Indiana. Korea? They cant afford to lose the US car market or military, not going anywhere. Europe? They should have been on their own 30 years ago. And what about the decades of EU countries not making the required payments to NATO?

The American people did not agree to support Ukraine. Biden with obvious dementia agreed to it. Trump ran on and won the popular vote in part because he wants to end the war. Thats what the American people want, and they dont care what Europe thinks. You and others like you calling Trump names, calling Russia names and saying the US will be weaker are just more of the blue haired democrats who were sreaming into the abys in the last election. The woke globalist agenda is dead, unfortunately it has left some zombies still screaming until they find a new agenda to jump on with their verbal activism.
mafketis  38 | 11142
6 hrs ago   #259
lefties who support Ukraine continuing to figh

russia is really good at propaganda.... even people who like to imagine that they're immune still end up repeating and spreading russian propaganda....

For some time now, russia has been spreading, through shills, the idea that Ukraine is the aggressor and Ukraine aggression is the reason that the war continues (the presupposition being that russia simply wants peace).

peace, like the tango, requires two.... and how has russia been signalling its desire for peace?

By demanding that Ukraine withdraw from Ukrainian held territory as a pre-condition for talks.....

If you don't like being called a russian shill, then what evidence do you have that russia wants peace and the war continues only because of Ukrainian... intransigence? aggression? what?
Torq  8 | 1018
6 hrs ago   #260
the US will dictate the peace terms or Russia

The US will dictate nothing. They might (and probably will) try to force Ukraine into a humiliating peace deal, the outcome of which will shatter the foundations of international rule based legal order, but they are in no position at all to dictate anything to Russia. People keep saying that this war has shown the weakness of Russia. Possibly. But it has also show the weakness of the USA and, which is even worse, total instability of American long-term foreign politics. One presidential elections and foreign politics shifts 180 degrees: allies are insulted and threatened with trade wars, rules of diplomacy are blatantly disregarded and all forms of cheap demagogy become prevalent within the US government.

Such lack of continuity and foreign policy swings, as well as purges in administration are characteristic of Zambia, Sudan, Niger or Zimbabwe, or - if we jump to other continents - Venezuela (strong ties with Russia, Iran, China and Cuba, but if opposition wins Venezuela will pivot to Western democracies), Pakistan, Myanmar or Honduras. However, if something similar happens in a country that is supposed to be a superpower - well, that's a global game changer.

The greatest Russian victory in this war is not taking 20% of the territory of the former Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic. It is turning the USA into a Zambia with nuclear missiles in political terms. Russians have had some lesser achievements as well, like undermining the unity of the EU by supporting Kremlin's puppet regimes in Hungary and Slovakia, as well as strengthening various crypto-nazi political parties all around Europe but their greatest success was creating the current show for the world - the sad circus of the USA turning into a political equivalent of an African banana republic.

The long terms consequences for the US are very bad

Indeed. Too bad the pro-trumpist simpletons can't see that.
OP cms neuf  2 | 1838
6 hrs ago   #261
PolAm - neither the US nor Canada will win a trade war, but they will certainly not roll over. They have already forced Golden Cow to back down twice on tariff once somebody with half a brain managed to get past his handlers and tell him of the effects

But in any case, I was talking about support for the US in its hot wars. Previously Canada, the UK, Australia, even Poland were always good for a few divisions, use of their air bases and intelligence, refueling etc. No longer - they will want paying or decide to sit it out.

And it's not only blue haired democrats who are worried - both the US military and US business are extremely concerned
Torq  8 | 1018
6 hrs ago   #262
the US will dictate the peace terms

Oh, and one more thing - it is winners who dictate peace terms. Russia hasn't lost this war and the US hasn't won anything, so if there are any peace talks, they will be conducted on equal footing. In such conditions, we will have Putin who is a chess player and Trump who is a tic-tac-toe player (on his good day). Good luck with 'dictating'.
Crow  154 | 9535
6 hrs ago   #263
When line is drawn after this spreading conflict, this is how Europe would look like... Britain and mainly Protestant countries would belong to the Anglo civilization, France, Spain, Italy, etc would form European Catholic civilization (or if its around France it may be some kind of Franko civilization), while Russia, Belarus, Serbia, Slovakia, etc countries would form Slavic civilization.

Its question for many countries where would they belong and that is to be seen.

EU Countries discuss Preemptive strike on Russia.

It becoming clear that sole purpose of state of Poland represent servitude to the non-Slavic Catholic magnate families and states.

We shall see how would things develop and what will Slavs of Poland say before this all is over.
Ironside  50 | 12946
6 hrs ago   #264
because the US has broken it's promises.

What promise? I wrote many times on PF that promises should not be taken seriously.
You don't understand how the world and politics work.
The US agreed to help Ukraine, and they did help.
However, we need to bear in mind that it is up to the US to determine what kind of help it provides, its scope, and the timetable.
You don't like it, you might not like it, but there is nothing you can do about it.
Talking nonsense is not helpful or constructive, wishful thinking even less.
try to force Ukraine into a humiliating peace deal

Nope, to force Ukraine into a peace deal that allows them to remain as a sovereign country.
If they do not agree to that deal, and the US calls quits, how long will it take for Russia to take over Kiev?
I guess it won't be that long.
show the weakness of the USA

To Tango, you need two, Ukrainian people vote with their feet, about eight millions of military age males choose to run away and not fight for their country.
Their leadership is built on corruption, they are millionaires, and they are collecting golden bars during that war.
they stole almost half of the aid they received, it means they are corrupt from the top to the bottom.
They are akin to a sh'ty African third world country.
American weapons they sell to some odd countries?
Yet Zelensky makes a tour asking other countries to make sacrifices for Ukraine.
You couldn't make it up.
I won't even talk about Poland and they attitude to Poland because it pisses me off a big time.
so my question is why are you such a sucker?
pawian  226 | 27471
6 hrs ago   #265
The American people did not agree to support Ukraine

Of course they did cos they chose Biden. The American support for Ukraine was very high initially.
Stop manipulating facts like a typical rightist.
Torq  8 | 1018
5 hrs ago   #266
to force Ukraine into a peace deal that allows them to remain as a sovereign country.

What makes you think that Putin will honour any cease-fire or peace deal? It will only give him much needed передышка before rolling further West. He started on a path that will either restore Russia the lost Soviet sphere of influence or lead to his downfall. The cost of this war for Russians has been immense, their whole economy and industry is switched into war mode, stopping now and gaining only 20% of former Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic makes no sense at all. They will keep fighting.

Everything you write about Ukraine being a thoroughly corrupt state (probably about half of Western aid has been stolen) that people leave in droves is absolutely correct. That they are no friends of Poland is also absolutely correct. But they have been buying us valuable time and the more time they buy us the better.

why are you such a sucker?

Am I? Well, поживём - увидим (as ancient Romans used to say), but something tells me it is not me who will turn out to be a sucker.
Vesko Vukovic  - | 192
5 hrs ago   #267
NPC boomers antifa homosexuals and women

Crashing Ukraine Protest In GIANT MAGA Hat
Crow  154 | 9535
5 hrs ago   #268
What makes you think that Putin will honour any cease-fire or peace deal? It will only give him much needed передышка

Russia doesn`t need any respite. EU needs. Then also, formation of borders among civilizations and final deals needs time.

If Russia decide to give it a time, it would be by the plan. Only the end game matter. By the plan, it would be more or less violent. If need be. Use imagination.

The cost of this war for Russians has been immense,

Nothing what few Siberian diamond or titanium or whatever mines can`t deal with the ease.

With the reason, Russia is considered to be richest country in the world with natural resources. Backed with nuclear arsenal. All that in world that lack resources.
Torq  8 | 1018
5 hrs ago   #269
Use imagination (...) Only the end game matter.

No imagination is needed here, dobri pane brate. Only cold, cruel logic and the endgame in sight: it makes no sense for Russia to end the war and achieve the gain of 20% of former Ukrainian SSR. Their war aims are much greater, as both you and I know. When it comes to Russia we both love her deeply, and that's why we know more about her than most people here. Only they wouldn't listen to us - they think you are crazy and they think I'm a sucker. Fools the lot of them.
Crow  154 | 9535
5 hrs ago   #270
Their war aims are much greater, as both you and I know.

Of course. As I said, borders among civilizations are in the making.

No imagination is needed here

Still, let us use it. Take just this example... Imagine what happens when there are few magnates of one country, Poland in this example, and one magnate say `I am Slavic first` and the other magnate say `I am Catholic first`. With all internal and outside factors/interests that can back them. How would those differences develop locally and globally.. and that is just one among many examples.

See? Then think of Germany where one magnate can be Protestant and the other Catholic.

See why time is needed? Among else.

And non will speak of it on TV.

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 20

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