because the US has broken it's promises.
What promise? I wrote many times on PF that promises should not be taken seriously.
You don't understand how the world and politics work.
The US agreed to help Ukraine, and they did help.
However, we need to bear in mind that it is up to the US to determine what kind of help it provides, its scope, and the timetable.
You don't like it, you might not like it, but there is nothing you can do about it.
Talking nonsense is not helpful or constructive, wishful thinking even less.
try to force Ukraine into a humiliating peace deal
Nope, to force Ukraine into a peace deal that allows them to remain as a sovereign country.
If they do not agree to that deal, and the US calls quits, how long will it take for Russia to take over Kiev?
I guess it won't be that long.
show the weakness of the USA
To Tango, you need two, Ukrainian people vote with their feet, about eight millions of military age males choose to run away and not fight for their country.
Their leadership is built on corruption, they are millionaires, and they are collecting golden bars during that war.
they stole almost half of the aid they received, it means they are corrupt from the top to the bottom.
They are akin to a sh'ty African third world country.
American weapons they sell to some odd countries?
Yet Zelensky makes a tour asking other countries to make sacrifices for Ukraine.
You couldn't make it up.
I won't even talk about Poland and they attitude to Poland because it pisses me off a big time.
so my question is why are you such a sucker?