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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 19

Torq  8 | 1059
1 day ago   #1051
the fact that trump is a r*SSian asset

Yes, it turns out that the rumors he is a Russian agent were true.

However, he's not a very good agent because he's supporting Putin too openly and now there are voices of dissent rising even within his own party...

senator Murkowski

I am sick to my stomach as the administration appears to be walking away from our allies and embracing Putin, a threat to democracy and U.S. values around the world.

... so at the moment his Russian handlers are surely telling him to keep it less obvious or the entire cover will be blown.
Paulina  17 | 4537
1 day ago   #1053
It's caused a huge groundswell of support.

There's been an absolute FLOOD of posts supporting Ukraine on social portal Threads from people from different countries - I even saw people from Vietnam and China...

Not to mention that Trump pissed off Ukrainians and increased their support for Zelensky - now even majority of political opposition in Ukraine backs him. I'm guessing that it probably wasn't Trump's intention lol

  • allofus.jpg
amiga500  5 | 1520
1 day ago   #1054
President Zelenskyy,

To paraphrase Shakespeare; 'The Jew has served his purpose. The Jew can go.'

He'll either be murdered, exiled or retire due to health reasons within the next couple of months.

on social portal Threads from people from different countries - I even saw people

Someone who still believes social media is real in 2025, and not a swarm of AI bots, well that's umm.. novel..
johnny reb  49 | 8058
1 day ago   #1055
Zelenskyy needs to change his 'attitude'

I think Teflon Trump told him that when Trump dressed Z down to where he belongs.
I think Z got the message loud and clear as it wasn't even 24 hours before Z started making concessions.
Z learned real quick that he wasn't dealing with the pansy asses obongo or biden administrations anymore.
Sit up straight and pay attention Europe.
cms neuf  1 | 1899
1 day ago   #1056
And people wonder why nobody wants to contribute to the upkeep of PF

There are 3 posters now openly abusing Zelensky for being Jewish
jon357  72 | 23510
1 day ago   #1058
There's been an absolute FLOOD of posts supporting Ukraine

And cheering crowds lining his route last night in London.

now even majority of political opposition in Ukraine backs him. I'm guessing that it probably wasn't Trump's intention lol

trump is a fool.

It's an odd situation where 500 million Europeans are asking 300 million Americans for support in defeating 140 million (and falling) r*SSians. We're the wealthiest, the most educated, the most developed and the most high achieving part of the world. We don't need them.

Time to stop buying weapons and other products from there, time to stop their toxic social media sites, time to boot their TV streaming sites, time to stop them having so much access to our financial markets. Anything they can do, we can do better.


Racism like that is tawdry and offensive, is jerkish behaviour and yes, it puts people off coming here. Sooner or later, PF will be labelled as a hate site by one organisation or another.
Paulina  17 | 4537
1 day ago   #1059
Someone who still believes social media is real in 2025, and not a swarm of AI bots, well that's umm..

Well, umm, amiga500, there are bots on social media of course, but there also loads of real people :)))

And there's also the real world outside of the social media:

  • TimesSquare.jpg
Ironside  50 | 13030
1 day ago   #1061
as totally won me over.

Look, Vance could mop the floor with this little coocky street fighter, Vance is a marine.
However, it is not about them; it is about politics, and Z doesn't represent Ukraine's interests well by wearing this T-shirt everywhere.
It could be justified and be a good propaganda move to wear those casual treads,but after three years of war, there is not justification for it now, by now it is a cheap circus and everybody is fed up with it.
To the point.
He was there to represent his country not to show off what a cocky little bastrad he is. I think he was encouraged by the EU elites, but it needs to be said the EU liberal elites, with Germans in charge, are against the Trump administration. So they must have promised something to Z to keep him in power and to keep Ukraine at war.
So, let me tell you now.
Poland's interest is to support the deal Trump proposed.
Because it is clear now that Ukraine won't win this war, but if the war is prolonged, it can lose it.
What is in for Poland? To minimize losses and buy Poland time. Save a lot of money and effort, peace in Ukraine would be a good thing.
The EU elites and Berlin don't care that much because if anything, we will be their buffer and we will pay for their blunders, we can't afford to be played like that.

Also Ukraine and personally Z are not friends of Poland nor do they respect our interests, quite the opposite.
We don't own them, nothing.
The US offered a good deal to Ukraine, I think the reason it failed was that they didn't offer assurances they will keep Z in power, nor a quid pro quo for their oligarchy. so they refused because they put their gain over the interests of their country.
It is good to remember that for every ten dollars of help sent to Ukraine, about 4-6 dollars are being stolen. That the reallity too, why should Polish taxpayers support crooks?
Paulina  17 | 4537
1 day ago   #1062
And here's Novichok's and Joker's "neighbourhood" - Chicago :):

  • Chicago.jpg
Ironside  50 | 13030
1 day ago   #1063
If you feel heroic, I can find a war for you. Just give me a chance to prep one that we can win.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 952
1 day ago   #1066
Well said. Z is on the way out and the war will either end quickly with a peace deal or when Russia over takes the front lines.

Another example of how little you know about the United States, and Americans. That photo is from a very small neighborhood within Chicago called "Ukrainian villiage". It is in no way represenative of the whole of Chicago, and if you go to Polish neighborhoods you wont find anything close to that.
Torq  8 | 1059
1 day ago   #1067
Poland's interest is to support the deal Trump proposed.

Is it? Appeasing dictators with land concessions didn't exactly work very well in the past. Not for Poland, not for the world.

To minimize losses and buy Poland time.

Russia doesn't seem capable at the moment to defeat Ukraine decisively and the longer this war rages in Ukraine the more time we have to prepare our defenses in Poland. You know as well as I do that Russian economy is switched to the war mode and their military potential is being constantly buffed up for a reason (Bobko himself told us as much - read carefully what he writes here, he's a smart guy). What's the point of giving them a couple of years of передышка to regain their strength?

Ukraine and personally Z are not friends of Poland

Of course they're not. Especially not the current crypto-banderist administration. But still, it is in our interest to support them if they keep fighting Russia. It is in our interest if Zelensky gathers wider European support and the war is prolonged (i.e. kept away from Poland).

See, Iron - I am playing your game: no clowning, no emotions, no forum teasing and comedy, only pure and cold logic. And it looks like I'm still right.
amiga500  5 | 1520
1 day ago   #1069
Zelensky gathers wider European support and the war is prolonged (i.e. kept away from Poland).

At least you are honest about it. You want Ukraine to fight to the last Ukrainian to further Poland's and Europe's geopolitical interests. I respect that a lot more that people hide their real intentions with empty slogans and emotional platitudes.

"be brave, be fearless vlodmyr!" as the EU head witch tweeted.
Paulina  17 | 4537
1 day ago   #1070
@Vesko Vukovic, are you being paid for spamming with those retarded memes? lol 🤦

That photo is from a very small neighborhood within Chicago called "Ukrainian villiage".

It doesn't matter, I've seen huge numbers of Americans on social media supporting Ukraine and being utterly ashamed of Trump and Vance.

and if you go to Polish neighborhoods you wont find anything close to that.

On (Polish news portal) there's a poll asking readers (I took part too) who's to blame for the argument in the Oval Office and a big majority (72%) of over 80 000 voters chose Trump and Vance as guilty ones:

  • poll.jpg
Torq  8 | 1059
1 day ago   #1071
You want Ukraine to fight to the last Ukrainian

Perhaps "to the last Ukrainian" won't be necessary, but in general yes, I do indeed care more about Poland than about Ukraine. That's just the kind of сука I am.
Ironside  50 | 13030
1 day ago   #1073
@Vesko Vukovic
Dude stop spamming this forum with your BS pictures. Enough is enough. F primitive with his picktography.
Ironside  50 | 13030
1 day ago   #1074
Is it? Appeasing dictators with land concessions

What concessions? It is the result of the war. (dude you don't even know what reality is).
What's the point of giving t

Look in the land of the wishful thinking and where all things should be as they should, you might have a point. In reality, there is not enough support from the EU to keep Ukraine fighting for long.
Russia doesn't seem capable at the moment to defeat Ukraine decisively

Russia at the moment. Do you want to wait for them to win decisively? What then?
Do you think Russia will negotiate then?
You need to remember that Trump's deal gives guarantees to Ukraine because the US would be defending its interests, the US business. It is more certain when money and interest of the US are involved than the NATO pact.
In this light, Z action seems even more reckless and foolhardy, and I guess he is fighting for his life. Ukrainian interest and Ukrainian people are his folder.
Vesko Vukovic  - | 248
1 day ago   #1075
Katie Pavlich


Wear a suit to meet with the President of the United States

Be overwhelmingly grateful for the generosity of the American people

Don't campaign in Pennsylvania

Don't pose for Vogue in the middle of a war

Sign a mineral agreement that gives your country security

8:15 PM · Feb 28, 2025

Emma-Jo Morris

Zelensky came in with demands like he's entitled to our money and then started threatening America.

7:31 PM · Feb 28, 2025

Saagar Enjeti

Keep in mind: Zelensky has probably been talking this way to Biden for years

7:06 PM · Feb 28, 2025


PolAmKrakow  2 | 952
1 day ago   #1076
Once again, not a poll from any Polish/American neighborhood. Talk about twisting things.

Russia just passed a new budget to commit more than a third of its gdp to military spending this year. If Russia wanted to flatten Ukraine I believe it could. But it wont because they want Kiev, and they want to control or have influence on who controls Kiev. They could send a wave of missiles if they wanted and destroy Kiev, or one tactical nuke and its game over. Vlad needs Trump to make a deal as much as Trump needs to make a deal. Z is fvcked now, and every minute that passes without his formal apology to Trump is a minute closer to Ukraine collapsing.

Strangely even Tusk said on his way to the UK this morning that there will not be one Polish soldier in Ukraine ever. All that never ending and never bending support from politicians is going away like winter snow.
cms neuf  1 | 1899
1 day ago   #1077
Vesko's pics show us something about the world though - Trump and Vance's actions resonate with the pathetic losers of North Nigeria and Serbia. they enjoy seeing the underdog get stomped on and exiled, they are comfortable with the cruel actions of corrupt old men, and just as long as it's not happening to them, they will mock it.

These are the people who will swap their own kids for a bag of pelmeni and a new roof.
Paulina  17 | 4537
1 day ago   #1078
Once again, not a poll from any Polish/American neighborhood. Talk about twisting things.

No, I'm not twisting anything. I'm not showing you poll results from some dying Polish neighbourhood in Chicago - I'm showing you the results of a poll from Poland - one of the staunchest allies of the US in Europe.

without his formal apology to Trump is a minute closer to Ukraine collapsing.

Zelensky has nothing to apologise for. It's Trump and Vance who should apologise to Zelensky for their vile and disrespectful behaviour.

Strangely even Tusk said on his way to the UK this morning that there will not be one Polish soldier in Ukraine ever.

There's nothing strange about that or are you really that clueless?
PolAmKrakow  2 | 952
1 day ago   #1079
Its you who are clueless. Trump and Vance did nothing wrong. Zelensky was disrespectful and demanding once again. He like other people need to know their place. Z has been rubbing people the wrong way for three years, and he finally heard it. Ukraine has no legs to stand on. The US owes them nothing. Showing a poll from Poland says nothing about how Americans feel about things. And if you think Polish neighborhoods in Chicago are dying you are more clueless than Z. Polish neighborhoods in Chicago, Connecticuit, New York, and other places are growing, and very influential on local politics. All this talking out of your a$$ emotional bvllshit is exactly what Z did the other day, and now he, and the rest of Europe are trying to figure out wtf to do without the US.
Crow  154 | 9555
1 day ago   #1080
Keep in mind: Zelensky has probably been talking this way to Biden for years

Biden is practically victim of deep mental penetration.

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 19
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