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Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 15

Miloslaw  21 | 5050
2 days ago   #871
Mr Attention Sicker,

It's seeker, not sicker, are you really an English teacher?
If your post was meant as humorous, it didn't just look like a prat out of his depth!
pawian  219 | 24885
2 days ago   #872
Hey, I see your fellow rats in the London sewer have allowed you to use their computer for a while. Hurry up coz your time will be up soon!!!
pawian  219 | 24885
2 days ago   #873
Hurry up coz your time will be up soon

It seems Milo`s time was upper than I thought. AmaSSing!
PolAmKrakow  2 | 955
2 days ago   #874
Now with video out, North Korean troops have entered the war. The fat boy is going to earn some points from Vlad with this, and probably some new nuclear tech to go with those points. Just what the world needs.

Meanwhile sleepy Joe made a trip to Europe that turned out to be another big nothing burger. A lot of talk about support, while very little action. Ukraines victory plan is not much of a plan and the Ukraine press questions the lack of manpower. While more video keeps poping up online of Ukraine military officers pulling men out of cars and shopping centers physically for conscription in front of their wives and children. Clearly these tactics are not generating more support for Z among Ukrainians. Just two weeks remain until we know if this war will end in January.
cms neuf  1 | 1782
2 days ago   #875
America decides when wars finish ? Doesn't work in Lebanon and won't work in Ukraine

You think the fascist North Nigerians will win just because there is a 50-50 chance of Trump getting a slim election victory-?

It's like your other predictions that they would be at Dnepr by Christmas when in fact they are still 8km from Pokrovsk
Novichok  4 | 7859
2 days ago   #876
Just two weeks remain until we know if this war will end in January.

By mow even Z wants Trump to win and claim that he was forced to give up. Trump will be his exit ramp.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 955
1 day ago   #877
@cms neuf
I dont recall making a prediction about Dnepr, but maybe I did. And if you think the US hasnt already been the deciding factor in this war you have been sleepwalking for almost three years. If the US had not sent aid, the war would have been over. If the US has not been in Ukraine giving them defense plans since 2014, the war would be over. If not for HMARS and all the other new tech the war would be over. Thanks to Boris and Sleepy Joe hundreds of thousands have been killed needlessly. And if Trump wins, who TF is going to provide everything Ukraine needs? Poland? Germany? Europe? They cant even equip themselves.
cms neuf  1 | 1782
1 day ago   #878
Europe has provided almost as much aid as the US since 2022.

Don't want to continue? Fine - carry on building your walls, banning muslims or whatever. The world has already prepared for either result - we are not going to be held to ransom by a few thousand moustache auto workers in Michigan.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 955
1 day ago   #879
@cms neuf
I honestly hope it happens. Even though I live in Poland, all of Europe needs to take care of itself. Europes donations to Ukraine are overwhelmingly full of US developed technology. All the tough European talk isnt backed up by any military arms production industry that would allow for Europe to defend itself. Europe has twice the population of the US and now provides "almost as much aid". Thats hilarious really.
jon357  72 | 23022
1 day ago   #880
overwhelmingly full of US developed technology

Perhaps we should stop buying from there. It isn't as if they need jobs or dividends.

any military arms production industry

Europe together produces better arms than any single country except China. The world's best manufacturers are in Europe.

Thats hilarious really.

I'm sure you'll get over it.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 955
1 day ago   #881
You can certainly be funny sometimes. Better arms than China? Who knows. Chinese arms are not even close to being as good as US produced weapons. The jobs produced in the US over arms production is not a large number. Dividends yes, but those stocks are mainly for those who are already wealthy. Europe, specifically Germany makes great cars. What else do they make thats so great? As for almost as much aid, and getting over it, yes, already over the comedy of it.

So great when so many here say the US has to do this or that for NATO or Ukraine to maintain its position as the only world power. Yet in the next breath they would downplay and degrade all that the US has done for Europe and Ukraine.
cms neuf  1 | 1782
1 day ago   #882
Germany has some excellent defence companies like Diehl and Rheinmetall

In fact if JR is a looking for a good performing stock then he should look at Rheinmetall, 300% up in the last 3 years. It will go through the roof if Trump wins the election. They are big enough that Putler tried to assassinate the boss last year.

I will leave BB to talk up his country's technology, hut just to say Europe can manage without US products if needed.

As I said many times, if the old white men of Ohio want an isolationist US, that is fine, but don't expect the rest of the world to stand still. The US will come back in 2028 singing Don't You Want Me Baby ?
jon357  72 | 23022
1 day ago   #883
You can certainly be funny sometimes.

That's the thought of thing you say. It diminshes you. Next you'll be pretending that the US supplies weapons out of the goodness of its collective heart and not out of self-interest.

Chinese arms are not even close to being as good as US produced weapons

And thge US ojes are generally of lower quality than the European ones; there has however been a period of protectionism and cajoling European powers to buy weapons etc made out side Europe. Those days will soon recede.

What else do they make thats so great?

Extremely good military tech; as does he UK and France.

all that the US has done for Europe and Ukraine.

Have they done anthing against their strategic interest or that doesn't increase jobs and dividends?
Tacitus  2 | 1249
1 day ago   #884
I mean the issue with European vs American aid is the kind of aid they provide. European aid has been mostly financial and humanitarian while the bulk of American aid has been military nature (which as a side note, means that most of the American money spent remained in the US).

As of right now, Europe simply does not have the capabilities to produce weapons at the necessary scale, nor large enough stockpiles. European defense companies in general are too small for that. BAE is the only European defense company that is amongst the 10 largest world wide. We are working on that, companies are merging and increasing production capabilities, but it will need years until we are there where we need to be. Replacing US military aid by November 2024 is unrealistic imho.
jon357  72 | 23022
1 day ago   #885
BAE is the only European defence company that is amongst the 10 largest world wide

And growing too. The instability in the world has been a blessing to them,
johnny reb  46 | 7667
1 day ago   #886
All the tough European talk isnt backed up by any military arms production industry that would allow for Europe to defend itself.

Exactly PolAm.
The latest is that U.S. B-52 Bombers Encircle Kaliningrad in Strategic Show of Force.
Without the U.S. for an allie, Europe would be already speaking Russia.
Novichok  4 | 7859
1 day ago   #887
Can somebody tell me what the US got for the 200 billion bucks it spent in Ukraine?

If that's to early to call, how about 100,000 Americans who died in Korea and Vietnam? Was it worth it?

If so, would you mind being one of them?
mafketis  38 | 10947
1 day ago   #888
russian "culture"

pre-schoolers are made members of the 'youth army' and given a model of the destroyed Ukrainian city Bakhmut...

Everytime I think russia can't sink any lower... it manages to....
Crow  154 | 9270
1 day ago   #889
In televideo talk with Serbian President Vucic, when commented Polish-Serbian relations, Putin said: ``What is good for Serbs it is also good for Russians.`` Twice a time Putin repeated that sentence.

Now think. No better welcome for Tusk when come these days to Serbia.


Velike je Poljska and would be only bigger.
Crow  154 | 9270
1 day ago   #890
Putin said that he understand pressure that western Europe issuing on all Slavs. He have understanding for the position of Slavic countries.

Crow  154 | 9270
1 day ago   #891
Its not a shame to admit. Sarmatia needs support of our Scythian kin. No, not at all. God knows our people suffered greatly from the overwhelming foe in a too long period of time. Suffering was and is behind the edge of pain. From the most numerous Slavs, we are tragically reduced in agonizing wars and constant resistance.
Tacitus  2 | 1249
1 day ago   #892

Was it worth it?

Vietnam? No.

Korea? Certainly.
Crow  154 | 9270
1 day ago   #893
Sarmatian Dragon helmet - Depiction of original looking helmet of the Serbian voivode of knights Milos Obilic that slaughtered Turkish Sultan Murad in famous battle of Kosovo 1389, Serbs vs Turks

Obilic with 10 more Serbian heavy knights penetrated Turkish central line and slaughtered Turkish Sultran Murad. He literary opened him from the throat to the waist and afterwards himself was killed by the numerous Sultan`s axe-bearing bodyguards. Murad is only Turkish Sultan ever killed on the battlefield. Of the knights that followed Obilic only 1 surrvined Kosovo battle. It was Orlin. He was master swordsman and teacher to Obilic and other knights.
mafketis  38 | 10947
1 day ago   #894
russia is offering Africans jobs in russia and then sending to the front in Ukraine.... and some have already been captured by Ukrainian forces...

desperation, cynicism, reaction to the weakness of western leaders?
Miloslaw  21 | 5050
1 day ago   #895
God knows our people suffered greatly from the overwhelming foe in a too long period of time.

Yeah, those damned Russians again! But you Serbs still lick their boots......
pawian  219 | 24885
1 day ago   #896
By boots you mean asses??? A boot in a car is like an ass in a human.
Miloslaw  21 | 5050
1 day ago   #897
By boots you mean asses???

That too!!! ;-)
Crow  154 | 9270
1 day ago   #898
Yeah, those damned Russians again! But you Serbs still lick their boots......

Its rather partnership. We have mutual and our unique interests.

But Tusk also coming to Belgrade these days with Polish specific interests. Or even specific Kashubian interests ;)

Same way as Duda visited party on that birthday, having specific interests in his mind.

By boots you mean asses??? A boot in a car is like an ass in a human.

Always ass on your mind? Profesore, profesore
Velund  1 | 513
1 day ago   #899
Always ass on your mind? Profesore, profesore

It was rumored that anal stimulation greatly increases a student's receptivity to the English language and speeds up learning. ;)
Novichok  4 | 7859
1 day ago   #900
desperation, cynicism, reaction to the weakness of western leaders?

No, genius...It's brains. Yes, Russians have this fetish about saving other Russians...

Sure beats sending 100,000 great American men to die in K and V...

Home / News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 15

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